Defending Islam conference or defending so-called revolutionaries rebels of Syria
Difae Islam Conference (Defending Islam Conference) This conference is being held in Pakistan to show solidarity to the Syrian rebels, its agenda being to highlight the sufferings and misery of the Muslims in Syria, Burma and Kashmir. But what about Palestine, Yemen and Bahrain?
Aren’t Palestine, Yemen and Bahrain a part of the Islamic fraternity as well?? If the goal of this Conference is to focus on the sufferings of the Muslims around the world, then why is it conveniently ignoring the severe crisis in war-torn Yemen and Bahrain?? You are holding this Conference because the American- Israeli backed ISIS terrorists, the so-called revolutionaries have been totally defeated in Syria.
You have been an ardent ISIS sympathiser ever since the Civil War in Syria broke out in 2011. And you have totally overlooked the Saudi terrorism and violence in Yemen and Bahrain because you’re a part of the American-Israeli propaganda after the crushing defeat of the ISIS terrorists in Syria.
Are you planning to use this defeat as a tool to garner worldwide sympathy for the ISIS terrorists and to evoke public outrage around the world and Pakistan through your Defending IslamConference?