Hamas’s backflip on Syria: Once a traitor, then never to be trusted – by Ghassan Kadi
Khaled Mishaal did a very dirty back flip on Syria 3 years ago, and he should never be trusted again. The same goes for Ismail Haniyye.
It is sad that the fate of the people of Gaza is in the hands of Hamas. Hamas as a whole cannot be trusted anymore, not after it turned its back on its friends (Syria, Hezbollah and Iran) and shook hands with the Qataris.
Now, that Hamas feels cornered again, it is trying to flirt with Iran and Hezbollah. This should not be accepted.
There are certainly some good elements in Hamas, but unless the leadership dumps many faces, especially Mishaal and Haniyye, then their current stand can only be seen as opportunistic.
Hamas is using Gazans as humans shields and offering them on the sacrifice alter. They do not seem to care about how many get killed. What they want is not simply the liberation of Palestine. They want their own version of it, under their own rule and conditions.
Finally, I would like to ask this simple question. How is it that Hamas was able to dig tunnels that connect it with Egypt and even Israel and they are unable to build bomb shelters for Gazans?
Lanat to the Zionist minded writer The satanic follower writer is accusing the HAMAS leadership.HAMAS should never trust Hizbushaitan and Asadi forces
You are a yazeedi, masquerading as a lover of Ahle Bait. When HAMAS had no place to go to having been refused by all the Arab states, it’s leadership was provided state protection by Asad,s father and given an official reception in Damascus however when the foreign sponsored insurgency started which has specifically targeted Shias, killing women , children by the hundreds in cold blooded massacres, it stabbed the Syrian Government in the back and then went over to Qatar, one of the biggest sponsors of foreign militancy in Syria. It has also been given trainings by Hizbollah in making tunnels and urban fighting however Hamas leadership once again stabbed the Hizbollah in Lebanon by giving the same trainings to the salafi terrorists in Lebanon who would later use this against Hezbollah.So please shut your trap or else get your facts before you write something that tells others about who you are, A Yazedi Shaitan.
You are just another a**h*l*…!
Hamas and Hizbullah are just like two hands of one ummah, and they must learn from their mistakes and they must work together to end this Zionist, Yankist and Saudis axis of evil.
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