I protest the unfair US sanctions on Malik Ishaq Deobandi and LeJ – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji
On behalf of all pro-Taliban Deobandis and pro-establishment good liberals, I protest the unfair US sanctions on Malik Ishaq Deobandi and the LeJ.
But our Deobandi Mujahideen are already five steps ahead of the US Terrorist Banning Committee.
First, the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) created an articial wall between itself and the banned militant outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). Then, after being banned by the government of Pakistan, SSP renamed itself as Ahle Suannat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ).
For your information, Malik Ishaq Deobandi, the current CEO of LeJ is also the current Vice President of ASWJ. The ASWJ-LeJ-TTP is a multi-purpose enterprise manufactured by Aabpara Inudstries aka ISI. Actually LeJ is just a shell company. Its assets have been stripped and added to ASWJ. ASWJ is a favourite of the Pakistani media and has been respectfully entertained by both Good Ghairatmand Islamists (Mubasher Lucman, Javed Chaudhary) and Good Liberals (Najam Sethi, Shahzad Raza) as well as the Bridge, Hamid Mir, who straddles both worlds.
The handsome stud beside Malik Ishaq is well appreciated by the Good Liberals. Take a guess what his name his. I will give you a hint: When he comes on screen, they need 4 cameras to capture all of him -so vast is his expanse – of knowledge.
Guess who said this about Malik Ishaq’s cleric buddy:
“More importantly, it is time to engage with thinking clerics like Ashrafi and get them to join the struggle for a moderate and progressive Pakistan” https://lubpak.com/archives/260933
In the meanwhile Dawn newspaper shows immense courage in describing “Shia militants” in its report on militancy which of course doesn’t make a single reference to Deobandi militancy. (http://www.dawn.com/in-depth/militants-landscape) However, the very next day, the same newspaper describes Taliban’s Jihad against Shias as against “a particular sect”. (http://www.dawn.com/news/1085226)
This is a commendable show of great solidarity between Urdu-right-wing daily Ummat and English-liberal daily Dawn of Pakistan.
In conclusion, I request all Good Liberals to keep the heat on LeJ but stay mute on ASWJ. Also keep bashing Sunni militants, religious extremists, fanatics etc but never say the “D” word or point finger towards the common Deobandi identity of all Mujahideen of ASWJ-LeJ, TTP etc from the Neel Ka Saahil to the Khaak of Kashgar.
I request all good “Jinnah” Liberals to never, ever point out the common Takfiri Deobandi identifier ideology of ASWJ-SSP and TTP.
It is better to use sweeping generalizations such as “Sunni” even when Sunni Barelvi leaders are publically condemning TTP/ASWJ.
It is also better to other general and non-specific terms like “Islamist” so that both victims (Sunni Barelvis/Sufis, Shias, Ahmadis etc) are included in the same category as the perpetrators (Deobandis).
My one question to the US is about Harvard University. Will Harvard University rescind its award to Abu Arsalan aka PCO Iftikhar Chaudhary for freeing Malik Ishaq? Hafiz Saeed? Qari Saifullah Akhtar? Mullah Aziz, Lal Masjid walla etc etc?
Appendix: ASWJ Deobandi condemns US sanctions on Malik Ishaq and LeJ.
Ashrai is going to burst soon ! fuck malik Ishaq and all these fake liberals …real bastards on earth
Brother please watch your language. We need unity piece and harmony. Cursing on each other making deobandis more strong.
Dear i counted shia in all those colleges in which students from all Pakistan or from all province get admission and i never found more than 10 in a class of 100 and if we compare high literacy rate in shia then it means they not more than 7% in Pakistan. Just take example of any medical colleges like rawalpindi medical college or king Edward or khyber medical college which represent whole province and check students in any class and you will find less than 7 shia in one class of 100. Take sample of any medical colleges or engineering college where all Pakistani can get admission and picture of shia population will be clear. Remember in India Muslims are 15% but police,doctor ,army ratio etc is less than 1% and they give only one high post to Muslim for media. In no country minority has high ratio even in Europe and your father Iran and your enemy Saudi Arabia but only in Pakistan you people want to control majority and not happy in spite of more than 20% job control in spite of 6% population. Minority lives according to wishes of majority even in Tehran Sunni are suppressed . Here in Pakistan you are master and this terrorism increased because you do not ready to accept majority and want majority to live as per your wish. Can you explain and advise Iran to declare Iran Sunni state. No, but here you not ready that majority declare Pakistan as Sunni state. No end to terrorism. This war will continue till Pakistan destroy because of you and because of rulers not accepting majority rights and dancing for minority 6%. No country can survive if majority rights are rejected.
Sunni barelvi mushrikeen aur shia kafiron ka qabaristan, Pakistan.
Ulma-e-Deoband LeJ-ASWJ zindabad.
@muhammad shoaib deobandi
correct your fact and figures, DEOBANDIS are not even 2% of Pakistan. Shias are now more than 30% of Pakistan(that is why government is afraid of carrying out census ) and rest is BARELVI SUNNIS , so Deobandis are just a group of terrorists funded by YOUR “GREAT GRAND FATHER” SAUDI ARABIA who wants to eliminate Barelvis/suffi and Shias, which is now impossible , YOUR PROPANGANDA OF BEING MAJORITY doesn’t work YOU are now EXPOSED and start counting your backwards counting!
Laanat at shia . You just count Shia in any province level college or just stop a bus and count shia they less than 5%, do not say this or that just take any big city merit based college and picture will be clear you hypocrite laannatiii
buses? ok that is the reason you attack buses in Quetta?with 100% shia passengers . SHAME ON YOU ! YOU DEOBANDIS are simply illiterate, uneducated, ignorant piece of shit on this earth. with zero logic, so please we cant argue with such low class senseless BEASTS, worst then animals.
All Takfiri bastards are hell-bound. Why you shameless killers cover your faces? Are you too ugly or is it because your black actions for which Allah has put a permanent laanat on you? Look at ll these so-called Qari’s and Hafiz munafiqs and you will tell that they are the servants of USA because they lick American dog Aale Saud’s spit.
Muhammed Shoaib deobandi
Ttp/Lej/Aswj are all kafirs. They have killed innocent life for years only coz of their belief. Kill one human and it,s like killing all humanity. They are the yazids of today. Shame on you.
US go in and finish him off like bin laden – no need to knock on the door because they are too busy in the bandit country killing innocent men women and children , to notice anybody entering their country or leaving.try shadowing imu khan and he will lead you to malik!For fun try putting a microphone in front of imu and he will start singing and dancing to the taliban song!
I have read all the above mentioned threads. Guys, please don’t count anyone by the numbers. When Pakistan was formed, the literacy rate of entire Pakistan in 1955 was less then 2%. Does that mean we should have wiped them out. No matter how many shias in the college, no matter how many barelvis in the college; what is matter that who is peaceful and who is the killer. So far, I have not seen any barelvi or shia had attacked on a masjid or a madresa. All the attacks were carried out by the LEJ, SSP, TTP and N-League. It does not mean that all the deobandis are the killers. Most of them are very peaceful and very harmless to other sects. However, they should rise against the killers within their sect who have been paid by Saudi Arabia to kill the humanity.
With all the killing …. by Sunni groups around the world?
It seem future for Sunni sect bleak?
All Crime need to be accounted, as such current Crime against Humanity… Sunni sect could be blacklisted.
The whole world is watching what going on, sooner or later Sunni could be prosecuted for Crimes commited… like the Nazi.
Watch out Brothers ….. Time will tell.
What about IRANI TERRIST …………………..
IRAN Support Shia for killing Sunni Ulama……………………………….What you say ?????????????????????
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