Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as worst enemy, Pakistan’s fight against militancy is bogus

Pakistani doctor Shakil Afridi talks with people outside a building at an unknown location in Pakistan in this still image taken from file footage released May 23, 2012. (Reuters)
PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Pakistan’s powerful spy agency regards America as its “worst enemy,” and the government’s claims that it is cooperating with the US are a sham to extract billions of dollars in American aid, according to the CIA informant jailed for his role in hunting down Usama bin Laden.
In an exclusive interview with Fox News, Shakil Afridi, the medical doctor who helped pinpoint bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound before last year’s raid by SEAL Team 6, described brutal torture at the hands of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, and said the agency is openly hostile to the U.S.
“They said ‘The Americans are our worst enemies, worse than the Indians,’” Afridi, who spoke from inside Peshawar Central Jail, said as he recalled the brutal interrogation and torture he suffered after he was initially detained.
“I tried to argue that America was Pakistan’s biggest supporter … but all they said was, ‘These are our worst enemies. You helped our enemies.’”
– Dr. Shakil Afridi, imprisoned in Pakistan
“I tried to argue that America was Pakistan’s biggest supporter – billions and billions of dollars in aid, social and military assistance — but all they said was, ‘These are our worst enemies. You helped our enemies.’”
The ISI, Afridi said, helps fund the Haqqani network, the North Waziristan-based militant group that was last week designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The agency also works against the U.S. by preventing the CIA from interrogating militants captured by Pakistan, who are routinely released to return to Afghanistan to continue attacks on NATO forces there.
“It is now indisputable that militancy in Pakistan is supported by the ISI […] Pakistan’s fight against militancy is bogus. It’s just to extract money from America,” Afridi said, referring to the $23 billion Pakistan has received largely in military aid since 9/11.
Afridi gave unprecedented insight into activity inside the infamous basement prison where he was initially held beneath the ISI’s headquarters at Apbara, in the capital Islamabad. He described how during his own interrogation, in which he was tortured with cigarette burns and electric shocks, ISI officers attacked him for assisting the U.S. Afridi helped pinpoint Bin Laden’s compound in the weeks before the May 2, 2011, raid in Abbottabad.
He described a regime of perpetual torture and interrogation for large numbers of detainees, some of whom include radicalized white Western male converts to Islam who had been apprehended while traveling to Afghanistan to fight NATO troops or to be trained in militant camps in the region’s tribal belt.
One of the officers who interrogated him had also escorted an American official visiting from Washington to an interview with a highly sought militant Abdul Karim Agha, in November 2011.
Agha had told him afterward that an ISI officer had whispered instructions in his ear as he walked into the interrogation room to feign sudden illness so he could not be interviewed.
“They said to him, ‘You tell this person ‘I am very sick, I cannot talk today,’” he related. “The American official protested, saying he’d only been given a week to stay in Pakistan with the expectation of interrogating him two or three times. But the ISI told him that the interrogation was postponed for three weeks, and so he had to leave.
“I was told by others that the ISI advises militants to make things up to tell CIA interrogators, pretend this and that,” Afridi told Fox News.
Afridi’s comments are likely to further complicate relations between the U.S. and Pakistan, which have become strained in the past two years over their joint fight against extremist militants.
Washington has repeatedly pressured Islamabad to eradicate extremist safe havens in the tribal areas of northwest Pakistan, most recently the Haqqani Network, the fundamentalist group closely allied to the Taliban and the remnants of Al Qaeda’s original leadership.
Afridi said that before he was moved to Peshawar in May, he met Abdul Kayyum, the nephew of a chief of the Wazir tribe, who had been apprehended by the ISI for reasons that are unclear.
Kayyum explained to the doctor that three years earlier, his uncle, Khan Marjakee, had been instructed by the ISI to raise funds from the tribal community for the Haqqanis, which Marjakee then did.
“Without doubt, the Haqqanis are 100 percent supported by the ISI,” said Afridi.
Afridi said there were many militants of different nationalities, often Afghans, held at Apbarra. Arab detainees were given “first-class treatment and first-class food,” while some radicalized Westerners were singled out for abuse.
“The militants were told by the ISI, ‘According to the Americans, we’re supposed to arrest you. We don’t want anything to do with you, but will support you by letting you go. Go back to Afghanistan and steer clear of the Americans.’ And then they would be released.”
Among other detainees at Apbarra were numerous white Westerners, identified as being from the U.S., U.K., Germany and the Netherlands. Afridi would talk to an American, referred to only as Brown, as the doctor was the only person who spoke fluent English there.
Brown was held for four months after he crossed illegally into Pakistan from Iran and was arrested in the southwest city of Quetta, notorious for its links with the Taliban. He had told the ISI he was on his way to Afghanistan.
“He was white skinned, had red hair and tattoos,” Afridi said. “He was a mason by profession and told me he came for jihad. He had converted to Islam five years before and had adopted the Muslim name Ismael.
“When he came back from interrogation, he told me he had been beaten very seriously. I last saw him on May 1. I have no idea what happened to him.”
After holding Afridi for 12 months, the ISI produced a report on his involvement with the CIA and the vaccination drive that was unsuccessfully used as a decoy to obtain DNA samples from those living inside Usama bin Laden’s compound at Abbottabad in northern Pakistan.
He strongly denied confessing anything to the various army majors in the ISI who questioned him during his months of interrogation.
“I was told stories about what to say as statements and forced to write statements,” he said. “When I refused, the major said, ‘When we give you pain, then you will write.’”
Afridi was reluctant to give details about how he become involved with the CIA or the vaccination drive. He said he was never aware the CIA was closing in on the Al Qaeda leader.
“I didn’t know about a specific target apart from the work I was given to do,” he said. “The house was famous for its name, Waziristan House. I was aware that some terrorists were residing in that compound, but I didn’t know whom. I was shocked. I didn’t believe I was associated in his killing.”
His CIA handlers had advised him to flee to Afghanistan, where he and his family would be taken care of. Because he had previously been kidnapped in the unruly Pahstun tribal region that straddles the border with Pakistan, Afridi says he was too scared to travel there and decided to stay.
And because he didn’t view himself as being involved in the bin Laden raid, he didn’t believe it was necessary to escape. However, he was abducted by the ISI at a road checkpoint in Hayatabad on May 23, 2011, and soon found himself in a hellish existence of humiliation at the ISI’s headquarters.
“My clothes were removed and I was forced by a major to wear old dirty torn rags of an army conductor. It was difficult to eat food. I had to bend down on my knees to eat with only my mouth, like a dog. I sat on the floor.”
He was blindfolded for eight months and handcuffed with his hands behind his back for 12 months, he says. His treatment has left a debilitating effect on his eyesight and limbs.
The doctor, who also used to act as a surgeon despite not being clinically qualified to perform procedures, said he forced to work as a general practitioner, treating both staff and detainees in the detention center.
“I was told to treat patients and prescribe medicine. Mostly ISI servicemen came to me for advice and prescriptions. I was told that the ISI doctor had said that anyone or everyone could go to Dr. Shakil for medical purposes.”
Before he was allowed to interact with other detainees, the doctor was held in solitary confinement but was aware of a large other number of prisoners being kept underground.
“I was sometimes brought in to general population inside the building [while still blindfolded]. I could hear that a very large crowd of people was around me. These were all prisoners of the ISI. Later, I realized that many would come in and many would vanish on a daily basis. I eventually learned there were some who were in the basement for four or five years.”
Afridi told Fox News he helped the CIA out of love for the U.S., and swore that he would help America again despite suffering crippling torture and psychological abuse during the 12 months he was held by Pakistan’s spy agency.
“I have a lot of respect and love for your people,” he said, adding that he was “proud to work with” the CIA.
His living conditions now are vastly improved over those given by the ISI. Guarded at Peshawar, about 120 miles northwest of Islamabad, around the clock by two commandos, he has a large cell with three ceiling fans, a bed and a bathroom. He has a small gas burner for cooking meals and his family is able to bring him food and supplies – though they say they have to bribe prison officials to do it.
Afridi was sentenced in May to 33 years in jail by a tribal court for funding and supporting the Lashkar-e-Islam militant group. But it is privately acknowledged by the Pakistani authorities that he is being punished for helping the CIA. Laskar-e-Islam denies involvement with him and, together with the Taliban, has sworn to kill him.
“The actual story is that ISI, unconstitutionally, inhumanly and unethically abducted me and kept me unlawfully in their custody for one year and concocted these fabricated allegations,” he said. “The ISI couldn’t find anything and had to concoct a story to hide their illegal actions.”
Fox News was passed copies of the court file against him. It is filled with dozens of dubious witness statements often made in the same handwriting. It also contains glaring factual inaccuracies and apparent falsification of circumstantial evidence.
Afridi denies knowing most of the witnesses who purportedly made statements against him and says some statements are made people who do not exist.
Last week, the case was adjourned until the end of the month, which his lawyers see as a stalling tactic by the ISI. The protracted legal battle complicates matters for Afridi’s family, which was financially dependent on the doctor. He appealed to his supporters on the U.S. for immediate help.
“My bank account was looted [by the ISI while being held], making me bankrupt. I need financial, legal and diplomatic help,” Afridi said. “My situation is very grim. I earned millions of rupees (tens of thousands of dollars) a year and supported my family and that of my brother. All of that is lost.”
Since Afridi’s arrest, the family collectively has suffered $160,000 in lost income, legal fees and living costs, an entire life’s fortune by Pakistani standards, he estimated.
Sib Kaifee also contributed to this report.
Source: Fox News
ایک نجی امریکی ٹی وی چینل فاکس نیوز نے القاعدہ کے سربراہ اسامہ بن لادن کے خلاف دو مئی دو ہزار گیارہ کو ہونے والے آپریشن میں امریکی حکام کی مدد کرنے والے پاکستانی شہری ڈاکٹر شکیل آفریدی کے ساتھ ایک خصوصی انٹرویو کیا ہے جس میں ان کا کہنا ہے کہ پاکستانی خفیہ ادارہ آئی ایس آئی کے حکام امریکہ کو اپنا ’بد ترین دشمن‘ مانتے ہیں۔
فاکس نیوز کی ویب سائٹ پر شائع ہونے والے اس انٹرویو میں ڈاکٹر آفریدی نے دارالحکومت اسلام آباد کے علاقے آبپارہ میں واقع آئی ایس آئی کے جیل میں ہونے والے تشدد کا بھی ذکر کیا جہاں انہیں ابتدائی تفتیش کے لیے رکھا گیا تھا۔
ان کے مطابق تفتیش کے دوران ان کے جسم پر سگریٹ بجھائے گئے، انہیں بجلی کے جھٹکے دیے گئے، انہیں پرانے بوسیدہ کپڑے پہنا کر زمین پر پڑی پلیٹ سے ’کتے‘ کی طرح کھانے پر مجبور کیا گیا۔
پشاور سنٹرل جیل سے بات کرتے ہوئے ان کا کہنا تھا کہ آئی ایس آئی بلا شبہہ حقانی نیٹ ورک کو مالی امداد کرتا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ ادارہ اکثر امریکہ کو حراست میں لیے گئے بہت سے اہم مسلح شدت پسندوں سے تفتیش نہیں کرنے دیتا اور اکثر ان شدت پسندوں کو افغانستان میں نیٹو افواج پر حملے کرنے کے لیے رہا کر دیتا ہے۔
ڈاکٹر آفریدی کا کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان کی شدت پسندی کے خلاف جنگ ایک ڈھونگ ہے اور امریکہ سے پیسے نکلوانے کا ایک طریقہ ہے۔
اس انٹرویو میں انہوں نے انکشاف کیا ہے کہ آئی ایس آئی بہت سے مسلح شدت پسندوں کو امریکی تفتیشی افسران سے جھوٹ بولنے اور غلط معلومات فراہم کرنے کی ہدایات دیتا ہے۔
امریکہ کافی عرصے سے پاکستان پر دباؤ ڈال رہا ہے کہ اس کے قبائلی علاقوں خاص کر شمالی وزیرستان میں حقانی نیٹ ورک کے خلاف آپریشن کیا جائے۔
ڈاکٹر آفریدی نے مزید بتایا کہ آبپارہ جیل میں کئی مغربی سیاہ فام باشندے بھی قید ہیں جو کہ اسلام قبول کرنے کے بعد افغانستان میں جہاد کے مقاصد سے آئے تھے تاہم ایسے افراد کو خاص طور پر تشدد کا نشانہ بنایا جاتا ہے جبکہ عرب قیدیوں کے ساتھ بہترین سلوک کیا جاتا ہے۔
شکیل آفریدی نے اس بات کی تفصیلات نہیں دیں کہ وہ امریکی خفیہ ادارے سی آئی اے کے ساتھ کیسے ملوث ہوئے۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ انہوں یہ نہیں معلوم تھا کہ اس آپریشن کا ہدف کون ہے۔ وہ کہتے ہیں کہ انہیں یہ ضرور معلوم تھا کہ ایبٹ آباد کے اس مکان میں چند دہشت گرد مقیم ہیں تاہم ان کی شناخت سے وہ خود کو نہ واقف بتاتے ہیں۔
فاکس نیوز کی اطلاعات کے مطابق ڈاکٹر آفریدی کو پشاور منتقل کیے جانے کے بعد بہتر حالات میں قید رکھا جا رہا ہے۔
یہ انٹرویو کیسے ممکن ہوا، اس کی تفصیلات نہیں دی گئی ہیں۔
Source: BBC
Sen. Paul vows to press vote on Pakistan aid cutoff after jailed doc speaks out
Published September 10, 2012
Sen. Rand Paul is threatening to hold up Senate business until lawmakers address the case of jailed Pakistani doctor Shakil Afridi, after Afridi detailed in an exclusive jail-cell interview how the same spy-service interrogators who tortured him also revealed they consider Americans to be their “worst enemies.”
Afridi, the doctor who helped the CIA track Usama bin Laden, described brutal torture at the hands of Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence. He said, in an interview with Fox News, that they told him “the Americans are our worst enemies, worse than the Indians.” Afridi said the country’s claims of cooperation with the U.S. are a sham to “extract” billions in U.S. aid.
Paul, after reading the account, on Monday renewed his months-long effort to compel a vote on a bill to freeze U.S. aid to Pakistan unless Afridi is released — even if it means stalling the Obama administration’s nominee to be the next ambassador to Islamabad.
“Because of the urgency of seeing that Dr. Afridi is freed, I am prepared to pursue any and all means to secure a vote on my bill immediately, including objecting to other Senate business and recessing the Senate for the election,” Paul wrote in a letter Monday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Paul wrote that, given repeated delays in Afridi’s appeals hearing, it is “now abundantly clear that Pakistan has no intention of pursuing a proper and just hearing” for the doctor.
In a separate statement Monday, Paul said the U.S. “should not give foreign aid to a country whose government is torturing the man who helped us kill Usama bin Laden.
“We should not be giving foreign aid to any country that is not clearly our ally. This must end, and this week I will renew my push for a vote on this issue, including holding up Senate business to accomplish this goal,” he said.
Paul reportedly objected earlier this year to a confirmation vote for Rick Olson, the president’s Pakistan ambassador nominee, over the Afridi issue. The Kentucky Republican lawmaker continues to press for a vote on his bill, which Senate leaders appear reluctant to give him.
In a Washington Times column last month, Paul wrote that he would “use every possible tool to see justice done or aid cut off.”
The State Department did not respond to a request for comment on the Afridi issue Monday.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in May she didn’t believe there was ‘any basis’ for holding Afridi. “His help, after all, was instrumental in taking down one of the world’s most notorious murderers. That was clearly in Pakistan’s interests as well as ours and the rest of the world,” she said.
The latest concerns about Afridi come after the U.S. worked through a major standoff with the Pakistanis. After a NATO strike killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last year, the Pakistanis shut down vital supply lines into Afghanistan — but earlier this year, the Pakistanis agreed to reopen them following an apology by Sec. Clinton.
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a senior fellow with the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, suggested it would be unwise to entirely cut off U.S. aid to Pakistan at this point.
“You would be a fool not to recognize that the Pakistanis have nuclear weapons,” he said. “The idea of ignoring them is not within the cards.”
However, Shaffer said the U.S. needs to start putting conditions on its aid to the country.
“You’ve absolutely got to question what the value is of all the billions of dollars we’re providing them at this point in time,” he said. Shaffer said he has “no reason to doubt” Afridi’s account, and that the Pakistani government is clearly divided between those who are battling militants and those who are protecting them.
As for Afridi, Shaffer said the CIA “blew it” by not shuttling him out of the country after the bin Laden raid. “We recognized the danger to him and we didn’t do enough,” he said, adding that the U.S. should work toward securing Afridi’s release or at least getting his sentence reduced.
Afridi, in his interview with Fox News, said that his CIA handlers advised him to flee to Afghanistan but he did not because he didn’t view himself as being involved in the bin Laden raid.
However, he was abducted by the ISI at a road checkpoint on May 23, 2011. Afridi said he was blindfolded for eight months and handcuffed with his hands behind his back for 12 months, leaving a debilitating effect on his eyesight and limbs.
Afridi told Fox News he helped the CIA out of love for the U.S. “I have a lot of respect and love for your people,” he said.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/10/sen-paul-vows-to-force-vote-on-pakistan-aid-cutoff-following-afridi-account/#ixzz269fmSFEh
We should not be giving foreign aid to any country… period!
Our nation is bankrupt. We cannot even pay our own bills, salaries to government employees and other obligations. To do so we have to print money or borrow it.
To continue to believe that any foreign aid should be paid out is typical socialist through which is held for two reasons: (A) to further bankrupt America and (B) to enrich our enemies.
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