A Taliban apologist perspective on the Ahmedi massacre in Lahore
There are a number of Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba / Al Qaeda supporters active on the internet in Pakistan and abroad. These people (usually hired by the Hizb ut-Tahrir or Jamaat-e-Islami) have different names and aliases. As sham writers, they adopt aliases such as Earthman / International Professor, Syed Adeeb, Abidullah Jan, Dr Shahid Qureshi etc.
Here are two gems from Punjabi Taliban apologists, from two Pakistani blogs, commenting on Lahore’s Ahmedi massacre:
geog47 said:
28 May 2010 at 5:17 pm
Correction, these were not Masajid, as Masjid is a place where Muslims worship not Kafirs. These Qadiyanis are Kafirs, hence their structures are defined as places of worship, not Masjid. Plus it should be understood by now that we should be marking these non-Muslims on their ID Cards and Passports. Also, the Pakistanis should know very well that these Qadiyanis do not fit in the catagory of Kafirs, rather a far worse catagory which in Islam is’Wajib-ul-Qatl’ (Permitted to Kill). Kafirs are disbelievers, they know it and they do not accept Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam as the Prophet of Allah Sunhanaho Wata’aalah.
However, these Qadiyanis invoke the anger of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah because they impersonate Muslim/Islamic beliefs and call themselves Muslims. Globally, a Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah and accepts Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam as the final Prophet of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah. This is where they (Qadiyanis) are worse than Kafir and it is permissible in Islam to kill them. It is a duty unto all Pakistani-Muslims to kill and/or kick out Qadiyanis from our lands (Pakistan). Perhaps india, which is where they originate from anyway.
Source: pkpolitics
May 28, 2010 at 3:17 pm
The attack on Ahmadiya temples is condemnable but at the same time cursing others is tantamount to spreading more sectarian hatred.
Praising the Mirzais for what they have or haven’t done for Pakistan doesn’t mean that they are infallible.
The Constitution declares them as non-Muslims and minority yet they root cause which led to the present attack on their temples seems to be ‘impersonation of Islamic signs and symbols”. How can a non-Muslim call its place of worship as a Mosque??
No place is a mosque where any Muslim is not allowed to enter and worship. Sadly enough, sectarian divisions among Muslims have barred one Muslim to worship in another Muslims place of worship marked as Imam bargahs , Jama’at Khana, Mosque, etc etc . The present attack seems to occur due to adamancy of Mirzai’s to call their place of worship as Mosque and the objection by all other Muslim sects to that effect. After having invented a prophet of their own they have breached from the Islamic fundamentals and as such ought to refrain from playing with the sentiments of other Muslims by faking Islamic ‘names and symbols’.
Only this way can they be said to be minding their own business and others minding their own!!
…The Sikhs also believe in One God….does that mean they are Muslims and mimic Muslim Kalima or signs and symbols?? No. They have a distinct identity as a religious people of Sikhism. Likewise if the abusive Mirzai’s declared their true identity as non-Muslims and refrained from the profanity of faking Islamic customs they would create less uproar and unrest in the Islamic world!
Source: Pak Tea House
Khatam-e-Nabuwat conference held in Sukkur
Sukkur, Mar 16, 2010 (Asia Pulse Data Source via COMTEX) –The speakers at a Khatam-e-Nabuwat conference demanded of the government to ensure implementation on Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat laws besides taking notice of provoking activities of Qadianis and ensure that provisions of the constitution of Pakistan regarding Qadianis are implemented in letter and spirit.
The Khatam-e-Nabuwat conference was organized by Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz-e-Khatam-e-Nabuwat here on Sunday night.
A large number of prominent scholars besides Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Syed Munawar Hasan, Nazim-e-Aala Wifaq-ul-Madaris Qari Muhammad Hanif Jalandhri, Central Scholar of Khatam-e-Nabuwat Maulana Allah Wasaya, Jamiat-Ulma-e-Islam (S) Provincial leader Asadullah Thanvi, Senator Islamuddin Sheikh and others spoke on the occasion.
They [speakers] demanded to end diplomatic ties with the counties involved in defaming Prophet Muhammad (SAW). They [also] asked the parliamentarian to get passed a bill to nab activities of those defaming Islam in Pakistan. They warned that the adverse consequences would be seen if any amendment was made in Khatam-e-Nabuwat law.
Munawar Hasan said rulers should not create doubt by giving statement that the anti-Muslim status of Qadianis would be changed.
Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Responds to Terrorists Attacks in Lahore-Pakistan
NEW YORK, May 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Earlier today two mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Lahore were attacked by terrorists. The mosques were the Baitul Nur Mosque in Model Town and the Darul Zikr Mosque in Gharishaw.
Although it is not yet clear what the exact numbers are, it is being reported that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed, many more injured. Ahmadi witnesses are saying that the mosque is covered in blood.
The attacks are the culmination of years of un-policed persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, which is a minority sect in Pakistan. In 1974 legislation was passed that declared Ahmadis to be ‘non-Muslim’ and in 1984 further legislation was passed in which the practice of the faith was outlawed. At regular intervals since then Ahmadis have been attacked but today’s attack is the most cruel and barbaric. All Ahmadis, who are based in 195 countries, are peace loving and tolerant people and yet they are continually targeted by extremist factions.
During his Friday Sermon at 1 p.m. today in London the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat condemned the terrorist attacks.
His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Today two of our mosques in Lahore were attacked by extremists. At the moment we do not have full details of what has happened. It is clear though that a number of our Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured.
“These people had merely come to the mosque to offer their Friday prayers and yet became victims of a heinous terrorist attack. May God grant patience to the bereaved and elevate the status of those who have been martyred.”
Further details will be issued by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat at regular intervals.
CONTACT: Abid Khan, London, 07795490682, 0208 5447613, [email protected]; or Local Contact: Zinda M Bajwa, National Secretary Public Relations, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, +1-646-498-8960, [email protected]
SOURCE Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA
geog47 said: – 28 May 2010 at 5:17 pm Plus it should be understood by now that we should be marking these non-Muslims on their ID Cards and Passports. Also, the Pakistanis should know very well that these Qadiyanis do not fit in the catagory of Kafirs, rather a far worse catagory which in Islam is’Wajib-ul-Qatl’ (Permitted to Kill).
Wrong. Where is the reference from Quran and Hadith. No such killing or murder is allowed in Islam.
This is where they (Qadiyanis) are worse than Kafir and it is permissible in Islam to kill them. It is a duty unto all Pakistani-Muslims to kill and/or kick out Qadiyanis from our lands (Pakistan). Perhaps india, which is where they originate from anyway. [ geog47 said: 28 May 2010 at 5:17 pm]
Wrong again. If we take the literal interpretation and that too when Assembly has already declared them minority then they are “Zimmis” and Zimmis cannot be killed.
These Islamic Buffoons don’t even know what they are following.
Only three Murder/Killing in Islam [as per Quran and Sunnah]: Murderer, Adulterer and Apostate [Reference: Bukhari] – Ahmedi Community is living as Minority and Muslims have the duty to protect them.
NOTE: Even in the above cases of Punishments, only the State has the authority to administer punishment not the common mob. Assume that tomorrow some Ahle-Hadith rise and declare that Deobandis are Deviant Apostate then would it be justified to do the same as someone did in Lahore. Assume that some Deobandis issue a Fatwa of Apostasy against Barelvis then would it be justified to do what someone did in Lahore. Shia Community is the verge of such danger due to the Calamity of Fatwa Mongering. Pakistanis should wake up and stop interpreting Islamic Laws as per whims and desire particularly the new breed of Urban Maulvis which is the product of Aamir Liaquat Hussain and Co.
These Political Islamists often forget that even during war following is not allowed:
“Do not kill the monks in monasteries” or “Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship” (Musnad of Ibn Hanbal).
“Punishment by fire does not behove anyone except the Master of the Fire” (Abu Dawud).
The prophet (PBUH) is recorded as saying, “Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman” (Abu Dawud).
1) The Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa-sallam said: “March forth in the name of Allah…
Do not kill an old man, nor a child, nor a woman” [Ref: Sunnan Abu Dawud and Sunnan al-Bayhaqi]
2) According to the real Mufti – Ibn ‘Abbas – the Prophet would say upon despatching his armies: “March forth in the name of Allah! Fight those who disbelieve in Allah! But do not betray your trusts and covenants, nor should you kill children, nor monks in monasteries.” [Reference: Musnad Ahmad with Hasan chain according to Ahmad Shakir]
3) According to Handhalah ibn al-Rabi’, the Prophet send a message to Khalid saying: “Do not ever kill children nor labourer” [Reference: Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, al-Hakim calssified it Sahih and al-Dhahabi agreed.
4) ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab said: “Fear Allah with regards to the farmers! Do not kill them unless that wage war against you” [Reference: Sunnan al-Bayhaqi and Ibn Abi Shaiba in his Musannaf]
5) Jabir – may Allah be pleased with him – said about the early Mujahideen, that “they would not kill the Mushrikeen traders”.
Islamic Code of Conduct in War.
The media presents many images of innocent women and children who are victims of jihadist suicide bombers. If jihadists use Islam to justify this violence, then Islamic teachings can also be used to discredit these abhorrent acts. In one Quranic verse, Prophet Muhammad comes across a slain woman while riding in battle, and
he frowns with anger. His attitude prompted a distinct code of conduct among Islamic warriors which includes:
• No killing of women, children, and innocents―these might include hermits, monks, or other religious leaders who were deemed noncombatants;
• No wanton killing of livestock and animals;
• No burning or destruction of trees and orchards; and,
• No destruction of wells.
Abu Bakr, the fi rst caliph after Muhammad’s death, formulated a detailed set of rules for Islamic conduct during war. He gave the following instructions to a Muslim army setting out for Syria, which was then governed by the Byzantine Empire: Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefi eld. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fi re, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy’s fl ock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.
Pakistan: Religious minorities fearful following attacks on Ahmadi mosques
Friday, May 28, 2010 by Aftab Alexander Mughal
On May 28, Taliban extremist killed at least 80 members of the Ahmadi religious sect and injured around 100 others in twin attacks on their mosques during Friday prayer services in Lahore, Pakistan’s second biggest city. According to local police, more than 10 terrorists attacked the Ahmadis. After an intense police operation two teenaged attackers were arrested while others killed themselves by detonating explosives.
Although members of Ahmadi community and their worship places have been attacked by fanatic and militants Muslims on an almost regular basis in Pakistan, this is the bloodies incident in recent memory.
Ahmadis called themselves Muslims but they have been declared non-Muslim due to the pressure from Islamic parties through a constitutional amendment that passed in 1974. Moreover, the late President General Zia-ul-Haq introduced many anti -Ahmadi laws in 1980’s which make two million Ahmadis’ lives more miserable.
Ironically, it is a common practice of the popular media (especially Urdu newspapers and TV channels) to agitate against Ahmadis. Last year, famous TV anchor Liaqat Amir of a popular private Pakistani TV channel, Geo, reportedly said during his TV program that Ahmadis are infidels and should be killed. Therefore, within a week many Ahmadis were killed by fanatics in different parts of the country.
Despite protests by civic organizations, his program is still broadcast and he still instigates attacks on religious minorities. Furthermore, just days ago another TV anchor Hamid Mir, from the same TV channel is reportedly used violent language against Ahmadis while talking to Taliban.
According to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, at least five members of the Ahmadi community were murdered in targeted killings in 2009, raising to 100 the number of murders since the introduction of anti-Ahmadi laws by the Zia-ul-Haq government in 1984.
About 220 people were killed last year in nine different terrorist attacks in Lahore, the capital of Punjab. The Punjab province is running by the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’ Pakistan Muslim Leagues, a right-wing political party.
Recently, the chief minister of Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif (Nawaz Sharif’s younger brother) publically requested Taliban not to attack in Punjab because they both have the same ideology. In the month of March, Punjab’s Law Minister Rana Sana Ullah participated in a public rally with the leaders of another banned terrorist organisation in Jang City, many terrorists came from that city to attack Christians in Gujra in 2009.
In some cases, the police have arrested terrorists but the courts are quick to release them. Many feel disappointed by courts’ decisions. “The Supreme Court on May 25 upheld the Lahore High Court’s decision to free Hafiz Saeed from house arrest by dismissing the appeals by the federal and Punjab governments. Saeed is the notorious chief of a banned terrorist organisation, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT), which is now working under the garb of a ‘charity organisation’ called the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD),” Daily Times, a Pakistani English-language newspaper, reported.
After this recent attack on Ahmadi community, other religious minorities, especially Christians of Punjab are worried for their safety and security. Situation on the ground is very aloof to non-Muslims because a section of the media is free to propagate against non-Muslims, provincial government of Punjab is still maintaining its close relationship with militants groups and the judiciary is releasing militants.
Aftab Alexander Mughal edits the Minorities Report of Pakistan.
Armed militants swarmed around two mosques of a minority Islamic sect in the Pakistani city of Lahore today, raking worshippers with gunfire, taking hostages and killing at least 90 people.
A spokesman for a group describing itself as the Punjabi Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks, during which gunmen lobbed grenades into crowds and opened fire from a minaret.
It was the bloodiest ever militant assault on the Ahmedi sect, highlighting how the fusion of Taliban and sectarian militant groups in Pakistan poses a deadly threat to besieged minorities.
Considered heretics by many Pakistanis for their worship of a nineteenth century religious figure, Ahmedis have suffered decades of state-sponsored discrimination.
Today’s assault started during weekly prayers when two teams of militants carrying ammunition-laden rucksacks stormed the mosques in Model Town and Garhi Shah, densely populated areas in Pakistan’s cultural capital, Lahore.
In Model Town, worshippers barricaded themselves into a section of the mosque as militants opened fire and tossed grenades through the windows. The devices seemed to have slow fuses and some were thrown back out.
The attack ended after a short gunfight with police. At least 25 people were killed, including one attacker. Another, a 16-year-old boy, was captured, while a third managed to escape, firing at television reporters as he fled.
“He was young, clean-shaven. He sprayed bullets at our van while fleeing the scene,” said Rabia Mehmood of Express Television.
There was greater bloodshed at Garhi Shuha, where one gunman mounted his assault from the balcony of a minaret. Others took hostages in the courtyard below, starting a four-hour siege that ended with three militants blowing up their explosives vests, killing dozens of people and wounding many more.
By late afternoon the Lahore deputy commissioner counted 70 dead and 80 injured, but the toll continued to rise during the evening. Among the victims was the local head of the Ahmedi community and a retired army general.
Punjab province’s chief minister, Shahbaz Sharif, appealed for calm. “Our security forces will fight this menace till the end,” he said. “Attacks on places of worship is barbarianism.”
Last week the country’s top television presenter Hamid Mir sparked outrage when he appeared to make derogatory comments about Ahmedis in a tape leaked to the media. Mir says the tape was fabricated; his critics have challenged him to take the case to court.
Prejudice against Ahmedis dates back to the 1950s, when Lahore was rocked by riots targeting the sect. They are Muslims, but believe that a 19th century Punjab cleric, Ghulam Ahmedi, was a messenger from God. Orthodox Muslims insist that Muhammad was the final prophet.
In the 1970s the government declared Ahmedis a non-Muslim minority and banned their public demonstrations of faith, such as the call to prayer. Ahmedis may not describe themselves as Muslims, while calling their place of worship a “mosque” carries a six-month prison sentence, although many television reporters seemed to forget this today.
As police and army installations are increasingly well guarded, the Taliban is turning to soft sectarian targets to assert its authority. Last month Shias queuing to receive food in Hangu district were targeted by a suicide bomber; last year saw a bloody assault on a Shia mosque in Chakwal.
Many fugitive extremists from Punjab are thought to be hiding in the Taliban stronghold of Waziristan in the tribal belt, where American drone attacks continue to pound suspected extremist hideouts.
Today a suspected CIA missile killed 11 people in South Waziristan, security officials said. The identities of the dead were not clear.
Faithful Killers, Fatal Worship
Posted: May 28, 2010 Fri 09:33 pm
By Malik Rashid
Friday prayer congregation at two Ahmadiyya mosques were attacked by grenades and gun-fire in Lahore today. More than 80 individuals lost their lives and over 100 suffered wounds. Taliban of Punjab claimed responsibility.
Journalists reporting the hour long brutality could have been surprised to know that Ahmadiyya worship places cannot be referred as ‘mosques’, according to a constitutional amendment introduced by General Zia-ul-Haq. The two Ahmadiyya mosques that were attacked, represent two different Ahmadi sects.
Ahmadiyya is a sect that came into being in early 20th century among Punjabi Muslims. A few years later this new sect split over leadership and difference on faith. Besides making fantastic claims like all other religions, Ahmadis relinquished Jihad(Holy war) by sword, and resolved to rely on the power of argument.
Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan is as old as the country itself. The army had to take control of Lahore in 1953 to quell anti-Ahmadi riot. Muslim League, the ruling party in Punjab at the time under Mumtaz Daulatana had the help of Ahmadi-hater Ahrar group in the election of 1951.
Hamid Mir, a prominent TV journalist was recently caught on tape talking to Punjabi Taliban against Ahmadis and America. Attempt to show strength against Facebook by religious sections did not gain much support among Muslims in Pakistan and abroad. This brutality against unarmed, innocent worshipers today could have been another show-off by Islamic extremists who fear extinction.
As families in Lahore grieve the demise of their loved ones, Pakistanis all over the world feel perplexed over the resolve of those who should be fighting the scourge of Taliban. The ruling Muslim League in Punjab enjoys alliance with Jihadi outfits for political gains like the Muslim League of 1953.
First of all, these fanatics have no right to decide for someone what name should be given to the worship places of others as it is upon the worshippers…
If the exclusivist logic of these maniacs is applied then even the kingpin of Qutbian ideology Maudoodi and its followers are declared as “100 yehudi, 1 Maudoodi” by the traditional mullahs from all sects deobandis, barelvis and Ehl E Hadiths.
Thanks to state owned Afghan and Kashmir Jihad and militant culture…they have become ones and the same…
Pehle jaan, pir jane jaan, pir jane janaan hogay…
Here is an eye witness account:
Saviours of the day recount tales of horror
By Abdul Manan
May 29, 2010
LAHORE: In a feat of unprecedented bravery, two young Ahmedi men overwhelmed and helped capture two armed terrorists from Baitul Noor in Model Town.
Nabeel, just 25-years-old, told The Express Tribune that he entered the building at 1:30 pm before the Friday sermon had started. He recalled that the number of worshipers started to swell around 1:45 pm just before the first few gunshots were heard.
“Immediately after I heard gunfire, I saw the back of the head of one of the terrorists who was attempting to shoot Anwer, the security guard. I understood that he would try to enter the facility next and rushed to close the gate at the entrance. To buy us some time, I asked everyone inside the building to rush towards the basement. Most of the people who were killed were older men because they were not too quick on their feet,” said Nabeel.
“One terrorist who appeared to be in his mid-twenties entered the main hall and started firing indiscriminately at doors, windows and worshippers.
Then he hurled hand grenades and the resulting explosion injured almost everyone who had not made it to the basement.
We had a clear view of the injured people in the hall from where we were hiding. Immediately after the grenade explosion, the terrorist started shooting the injured people who were crying and screaming for help,” he added.
“I could see that the terrorist was injured and bleeding from the head.
He shot at least a dozen people before he fell to the ground. I used the opportunity to seize the man, still wearing his suicide vest. Two other men helped me remove his jacket and disarm him. I held him in that position for nearly 35 minutes waiting for police officials so I could hand him over to them,” said Nabeel.
“I had placed a foot just over the man’s neck to make sure he could not move. He kept telling me that he was in a lot of pain and wanted me to remove my foot.
I removed some pressure and asked him why he had killed so many innocent people. He replied that it was his mission to eradicate all infidels from Pakistan. I could not converse with him further after hearing him say that,” stated Nabeel.
Bilal, who is 21-years-old helped capture another terrorist. He was standing on the second floor of the building and had a clear view of the front entrance when he saw armed men walk into the facility.
“The terrorist looked like he was only seventeen. He threw the hand grenade that killed our patron Lt General (retd) Chaudhary Naasir Ahmad. Then he barged through the front door and made his way up the stairs to the second floor. I was hiding behind a couch. The young man was constantly firing. I had a clear view of everything that was happening. Luckily the terrorist did not see me,” said Bilal.
“I knew I had a brief window of opportunity to act. When the terrorist had his back to the place where I was hiding behind, I pounced and grabbed him and yelled to other people to help me overpower him.
The young man was talking in Seraiki, constantly pleading with us to give him a glass of water. I removed the suicide jacket from his torso with the help of a few people,” added Bilal.
“I understand a little Seraiki. I could tell that the boy was constantly abusing and cursing us for capturing him. I had to wait for half an hour before police officials arrived and arrested the young terrorist,” he said.
Express Tribune, May 29th, 2010.
@Aamir Mughal
Very true….I am not a Qadyani or their supporter but this massacre is not justified or Islamic or even near to any teachings of Islam ( as ordained in Quran and Sunnah)
from pkpolitics:
aaina said:
وہی ہوا وہی ہوا
مولوی چپ ہے کیونکہ وہ یہ دیکھ کر مذمت کرتا ہے کہ مرنے والے کا مذہب کیا ہے؟
سا ری پارٹیوں کے چرب زبان چپ ہیں کہ بزدل ہیں
با بر اعوان چپ ہے کہ جماعت اسلامی کی نرسری کا پودا ہے
احسن اقبال چپ ہے کہ ضیاء کی منظور نظر آپا نثا ر فاطمہ کا بیٹا ہے
ٹی وی والے چپ ہیں کہ کہیں اشتہار کم نہ ہو جائیں
افتخار چوہدری چپ ہے کہ یہ پاپولر ایشو نہیں ہے
انٹرنیٹ پر جہادی بول رہے ہیں لیکن اس پر کہ قادیانی مسلمان تھے یا نہیں
مرنے والے انسان تھے پاکستانی تھے
Worrying, waiting for word about loved ones
By Rana Tanveer
May 29, 2010
A man lost in the chaos of the Lahore attacks. PHOTO: AFP
LAHORE: “Someone please find my two sons. They are being held hostage by the terrorists. Is my father alive? My brother is missing and the police are not cooperating with me.”
These were some of the concerns raised by people whose loved ones were stranded in the Garhi Shahu siege on Friday.
Several people were wandering helplessly on the road trying to locate their relatives who were trapped inside the worship place during the shootout. Some of them tried to call at their relatives’ cell phones but to no avail. The police for security reasons cordoned off the entire area and did not let the people approach the site. Many lost their tempers and exchanged harsh words with the police in attempts to reach the site. Kishwar Majeed, a 40-year-old woman, was crying for her two sons who were trapped inside the building.
Accompanied by another woman, Majeed kept running from one police official to another trying to know if her sons were alive. With tears in her eye, she approached The Express Tribune. She said that her sons, Fatehuddin and Rizwan Ahmed, regularly offered prayers on Friday at Darul Zikr, the attacked worship place. Her fears intensified with every other gunshot.
Furqan Ahmed, 25, reached the scene in search of his father, 65-year-old Khawaja Ahmed Hasan. He said his father was trapped inside and there was no way he could obtain any information about him. “I’m not even sure he is alive, they (pointing towards the law enforcement agencies’ officials) should at least update us on what is going on inside,” he said. He said none of the officials were bothered about addressing the queries.
Mudassir Ahmed, 25, was waiting for his friend Kashif who had just arrived in Lahore in the morning and had accompanied him to the worship house to attend the Friday congregation. He said that Kashif had just entered the hall when firing started and he could not enter. He said that it had been four hours since he was trying to contact his friend on his cell phone but there was no response and he had no idea whether he was alive or dead.
Published in the Express Tribune, May 29th, 2010.
Jang Group lies again and this time they blame it on Afghanistan/India and Quadiyani themselves [What a shame] Please upload the page/news filed by by Jawed Rasheed in Urdu: http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/may2010-daily/29-05-2010/main.htm
If we go by the Jang/Geo Conspiracy Theory then following are the Conclusions:
1 – Jinnah’s ambulance developed fault due to India.
2 – Said Akbar’s revolver had Indian Bullets.
3 – Quadiyani Riots in Punjab [during 50s] were the brain child of India.
4 – Deoband Students from India carry out attacks on Minority Communities in Pakistan [Deoband Seminary in India function peacefully in India].
5 – Tara Maseeh, Justice Maulvi Mushtaq Hussain and Nasim Shah were basically Indians and through a Deep Rooted Conspiracy they invented a Cloak which enabled them to show themselves as Pakistanis to kill the Father of Nuclear Bomb i.e. Bhutto. Bhutto was removed by Indians. Zia was basically helping Bhutto.
6 – Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by Indians.
May Allah Help Jang Group of Newspapers in their Campaign “Aman Ki Asha – Destination Peace which they have been running with the help of Times of India and by the way one must check what Times of India often publish on ISI.
Why didn’t they chopped the Head off/or stoned him to death for a crime [Rape’s punishment is Death] : Child molester forced to walk naked in Malakand bazaar
Saturday, May 29, 2010 By our correspondent http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=241967
DARGAI: A teacher of a Jamaat-e-Islami-run Madrassa was forced to walk naked in the bazaar on the charge of molesting a minor in Sakhakot area in Malakand Agency on Friday as the party leaders refuted the allegation and termed it part of a conspiracy.
Sources said the teacher in Madrassa Taleemul Quran, Qari Sajid Mehmood, allegedly molested a six-year-old child whose name is being withheld and is resident of Sakhakot. After the incident, many protestors some of whom were armed and relatives of the child took out a procession and blocked the busy Malakand Road. Later the security forces managed to open the road for traffic. The protesters clashed with the madrassa administration and students in which two persons were injured while the Malakand Levies personnel arrested two persons.
The sources said that the residents also picked up the teacher and made him walk naked in the bazaar. Security forces shifted the injured teacher to the Agency Headquarters Hospital and closed the seminary for an indefinite period.
Meanwhile, addressing a hurriedly called press conference at Jamia Masjid in Sakhakot Bazaar, Jamaat-i-Islami Dargai tehsil head Maulana Jamaluddin, district general secretary Muhammad Tahir, administrator of the madrassa Maulana Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Zaman, Fazal Qayum, Maulana Fazal Haq, Sabirur Rehman and others said that it was a conspiracy against the seminary and its teachers.Meanwhile, a case will be registered concerning this incident after receiving the medical report about the child.
@Aamir Mughal
you are wrong here. First of all for being “dhimmi” you must have a separate identity. That’s what these sunnis are demanding. Let them have a separae identity. There are plenty of non-muslims and in fact there were plenty of such non-muslims even during the time of Prophet (SAWS). They lived and survived. Many of them embraced Islam but many did not. They still lived, but if you just follow what ever you want and then start saying that this is Islam then it is treachery and killing may happen in this case…
Yes I agree with you that punishing by killing the job of Estate but in that case there must be an Islamic estate as per the shariya. Where is that. Any one who fights for that even by peaceful means, he is called Terrorists..so the whole chaos is created by the enemies of Islam and they know very well who is on the right path, that’s why they never shout against AghaKhanis, Mirzais, Bohras, Ishmailis..they know who is there who is striving in the name of Allah SWT and who is in the name of Shaitan-e-Azeem..
So if all the door are closed, such incidents are inevitable…Let muslims have their own law as per Shariah and inshaAllah peace and justice will be ruling again like what happened during the time Prophet SASWS…
Reference please for your first paragraph. And which Sunni Part demanded that???? Islamic state? Which interpretation in Pakistan and if Islamic State then Justify: Which Islamic Laws in Quran and Hadith allow Processions [Rabiul Awwal, Moharram, Youm-e-Farooq, Youm-e-Siddiq Akbar, Youm-e-Uthman, and Jashn-e-Mawlud-e-Kaba]?????
Definition of Pakistani Islam! Late. Dr Israr Ahmed [Former Deputy of Mawududi] while on Pakistani TV Channel talked about Making Indians – Hindus “Zimmis” and used to visit India regularly where the “Indian Secular Government” used to welcome Dr Israr Ahmed and allow him to address Huge Crowd [organized by IRF DR Zakir Naik] in “Kaafir Mulk”. Wah Sahab.
that address of General Zia in White House [do you understand the meaning of Toast – It was not of Aab-e-Zamzam but Toast of Aab-e-Shaitan, so support Zia: Toasts of President Reagan and President Mobammad Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan at the State Dinner December 7, 1982 http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=42083
Zia instigated Sectarianism and net Result:
آخری وقت اشاعت: Sunday, 5 April, 2009, 16:21 GMT 21:21 PST
چکوال کے غلام رضا کی کہانی
آصف فاروقی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، چکوال
گھر سے قریب ہونے کے باعث امام بارگاہ کے بیشترانتظامی امور اسی محلے کے نوجوان انجام دیتے تھے۔ صفائی ستھرائی، پانی کی سبیلیں، حفاظتی انتظامات وغیرہ۔ اور اتوار کی دوپہر ہونے والے خودکش حملے کے بعد سب سے زیادہ لاشیں بھی اس محلے میں لائی گئیں۔
ساتھ ہی ایک دیوار پر لگے نوٹس بورڈ پر یہ تحریر ہاتھ سے لکھ کر چسپاں کی گئی ہے۔’لواحقین اپنی لاشیں وصول کرنے کے بعد چیک کر لیں اگر ان کے اعضاء پورے نہ ہوں تو ہسپتال انتظامیہ سے رابطہ کیا جائے‘۔
یہ تحریر بتا رہی تھی کہ اس ہسپتال میں لاشیں کس حالت میں لائی گئی ہوں گی۔ اسی ضمن میں مزید معلوم کرنے پر بتایا گیا کہ جو لاشیں درست حالت میں تھیں انہیں چارپائیاں مہیا کی گئی ہیں جبکہ ٹکڑوں کی شکل میں ہسپتال آنے والی لاشوں کے لیے لکڑی کے تابوت کا بندوبست کیا جا رہا ہے۔
Net Result: ’طالبان اور فرقہ واریت کا گٹھ جوڑ‘
عبدالحئی کاکڑ
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، پشاو
وقتِ اشاعت: Sunday, 20 January, 2008, 05:48 GMT 10:48 PST
Then why Mawdudi and Deobandi/Barelvi Mullahs signed on 1973 Constitution and contest election again and again.
Jamat-e-Islami and Shia together in MMA but Mawdudi had said:
Abul-A’la Maududi: wrote an introduction to the book, “Ar-Riddah bain al-Ams wa al-Yaum” In it was written, regarding the Imami Ja’fari Shia, “despite their moderate views (relative to other shi’ia sects), they are swimming in disbelief like white bloodcells in blood or like fish in water.”
During Zia’s Rule most sectarian violence in Pakistan takes place in the province of Punjab and the country’s commercial capital, Karachi, in Sindh province and Northern Area. There have also been outbreaks in Quetta, capital of Balochistan province. It is estimated that around 4,000 people have been killed in Shia-Sunni violence since the 1980s across Pakistan. These Clashes started after Zia forced Zakat Laws on Shias contrary to their Interpretation.
Another quick somersault of Mawdudi on Shia Community.
In a book titled, ‘Two brothers – Maududi and Khomeini’ page 129, the following statement of Dr Ahmad Farouk Maududi (son of Abul-A’ala Maududi) was published in Roz Naame, Lahore – 29 September 1979, “Allama Khomeini had a very old and close relationship with Abba Jaan (father). Aayaatullah Khomeini translated his (fathers) books in Farsi and included it as a subject in Qum. Allama Khomeini met my father in 1963 during Hajj and my father’s wish was to create a revolutionary in Pakistan similar to Iran. He was concerned about the success of the Iranian revolution till his last breath.’
Islami Laws???
Why did MMA present Hasba Bill and why didn’t the MMA Contested the Case against the decision of SC against Hasba Bill? If it was against Islam then why MMA presented Hasba Bill? If it was as per Islam then why did MMA accepted SC decision. Talking of Islam?????
yeah, no killings allowed in islam
Taliban claim responsibility for Lahore attacks
Staff Report
PESHAWAR: The Taliban on Saturday claimed responsibility for attacks on Ahmedis’ prayer facilities in Lahore that left over 90 people dead on Friday.
“Congratulations to the whole nation on what the brave mujahideen did yesterday in Garhi Shahu and Model Town, Lahore,” Taliban spokesman Muhammad Omar said in a statement.
He said, “On the whole, we do like to encourage the nation for increasing such activities, like targeted killings of qadianis, shias, the political parties that support them, as well as law enforcement agencies, the Pakistan Army and other racist parties.”
He also warned the Muttahida Qaumi Movement of attacks, calling it a “terrorist wing of qadianis and Jews”.
“They are responsible for destruction of the country and the nation. We are encouraging assassination attacks on everyone who is with the MQM,” the Taliban statement said.
Read this gem
NishaPuri: I did have a bit respect of yours despite of difference in opinion in both religious and political ground but you have stopped to your level. Since you re not getting any traffic, you are using different aliases on various sites and promoting your by using my name? Should not you be thankful of me that I did give you enough traffic today? Ignoring your laughable part that I belong to some Hizb whatever group, I ask you to prove it with proof that people you named here are all same person. Funny, even if all are same then what’s the real name of the person?
I think you need to join some computer school to learn a bit bout IP Addresses. I can bet you will bash your head on wall but can’t proof that some MuzzButt ,Nota etc and ME are same. No wonder you “religiously” believed in potty-mouth Yasser who seldom makes any sense.
Last but not least, I know you were “following” me on Twitter and I simply blocked you.
Thanks for showing up your dark side and no, your site yet not able to attract users despite of baseless mudslinging.
@Adnan Siddiqi Sorry, Adnan. Your comment was stuck in spam; just had a look and retrieved it.
Also, I am sorry for losing the middle ground in the above post. I have now removed personal attributions except those whose comments have been reported.
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