A Taliban apologist perspective on the Ahmedi massacre in Lahore

There are a number of Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba / Al Qaeda supporters active on the internet in Pakistan and abroad. These people (usually hired by the Hizb ut-Tahrir or Jamaat-e-Islami) have different names and aliases. As sham writers, they adopt aliases such as Earthman / International Professor, Syed Adeeb, Abidullah Jan, Dr Shahid Qureshi etc.

Here are two gems from Punjabi Taliban apologists, from two Pakistani blogs, commenting on Lahore’s Ahmedi massacre:

geog47 said:
28 May 2010 at 5:17 pm

Correction, these were not Masajid, as Masjid is a place where Muslims worship not Kafirs. These Qadiyanis are Kafirs, hence their structures are defined as places of worship, not Masjid. Plus it should be understood by now that we should be marking these non-Muslims on their ID Cards and Passports. Also, the Pakistanis should know very well that these Qadiyanis do not fit in the catagory of Kafirs, rather a far worse catagory which in Islam is’Wajib-ul-Qatl’ (Permitted to Kill). Kafirs are disbelievers, they know it and they do not accept Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam as the Prophet of Allah Sunhanaho Wata’aalah.

However, these Qadiyanis invoke the anger of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah because they impersonate Muslim/Islamic beliefs and call themselves Muslims. Globally, a Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah and accepts Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam as the final Prophet of Allah Subhanaho Wata’aalah. This is where they (Qadiyanis) are worse than Kafir and it is permissible in Islam to kill them. It is a duty unto all Pakistani-Muslims to kill and/or kick out Qadiyanis from our lands (Pakistan). Perhaps india, which is where they originate from anyway.

Source: pkpolitics

May 28, 2010 at 3:17 pm

The attack on Ahmadiya temples is condemnable but at the same time cursing others is tantamount to spreading more sectarian hatred.

Praising the Mirzais for what they have or haven’t done for Pakistan doesn’t mean that they are infallible.

The Constitution declares them as non-Muslims and minority yet they root cause which led to the present attack on their temples seems to be ‘impersonation of Islamic signs and symbols”. How can a non-Muslim call its place of worship as a Mosque??

No place is a mosque where any Muslim is not allowed to enter and worship. Sadly enough, sectarian divisions among Muslims have barred one Muslim to worship in another Muslims place of worship marked as Imam bargahs , Jama’at Khana, Mosque, etc etc . The present attack seems to occur due to adamancy of Mirzai’s to call their place of worship as Mosque and the objection by all other Muslim sects to that effect. After having invented a prophet of their own they have breached from the Islamic fundamentals and as such ought to refrain from playing with the sentiments of other Muslims by faking Islamic ‘names and symbols’.

Only this way can they be said to be minding their own business and others minding their own!!

…The Sikhs also believe in One God….does that mean they are Muslims and mimic Muslim Kalima or signs and symbols?? No. They have a distinct identity as a religious people of Sikhism. Likewise if the abusive Mirzai’s declared their true identity as non-Muslims and refrained from the profanity of faking Islamic customs they would create less uproar and unrest in the Islamic world!

Source: Pak Tea House



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