OBL Hiding in Pakistan: Cartoons
posted by Jehangir Hafsi | May 18, 2011 | In Humour & Satire, Original ArticlesPakistan has become a laughing stock by the world, a fact which is aptly highlighted by the following cartoons:
Tags: Al-Qaeda, ISI, Osama Bin Laden, President Barack Obama, United States of America (USA), War on Terror
About The Author
Jehangir Hafsi
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Yeh cartoooooooons hamari sovereignty par hamla hain. I protest!
@ shaista………. or ap ke ye soverignety jo lako insano ko qatal kar rahi to os ka kia. ap ke soverignity se mera morad hy osama bin laden
If pakistan would be hiding OBL the place would have been much guarded and they can easily put him in one of their underground nuclear safe house bunker instead of putting him embarcing close distance to their miltary accadmey and put him as a sitting duck with a arrow posted towards it catch me if you can.
Absurd … absurd ..
with all the humor in them they all are still accusations read noam chomsky and see list of atleast 50 covet operation in past 60 years by CIA to over throw not complaint democratic governments and installed there puppet rutless dictators including sadam hussain including general pinoche including the last democratic government of iran in 1953 before the 79 revolution to support shah of iran who allow british and american companies to dig oil in iran and buy their expensiver miltary equipment.
Shamless hypocrate americans
wow great cartoons hehe, exactly depicting Pakistan’s hypocrisy.
It is a propaganda of non Muslim world against Islam and Pakistan. Osama is nothing but an American agent. America produces him whenever it have to do its evil actions against Islam and humanity.America has done just to show the world that ha he has solid reason for fighting in Pakistan. BUT THE WHOLE WORLD IS NOT BLIND, MAY BE OUR POLITICIANS are??
Its not the 1st time that Non Muslims are making a joke of Muslims.They even burnt Holy Quran in their congress.They made cartoons on our beloved holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH, they arranged competitions on cartoons of Muhammad PBUH on Fbook and other sites,they even published a fake book with name Al Furqaan in replace of Quraan. Americans r just propaganda masters in every part of Muslims life.Killing thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine,Syria,Libya,Pakistan and many more…i give damn to filthy USA…u gona screw soon by the unity of PAK China soon Inshah Allah…
Muslims are suffering this because they are not practicing Islam, can anyone identify a single Muslim practicing Muhammad S.A.W Serrah?
Pakistan is suffering because of Hippocratic politicians.
This is why they don’t have gain respect in the world.
I request you all to make THE HOLY QURAN as your personal and then National constitution. Then see how Allah helps us.
Allah has made Islam to rule this world and it will not until we practice it following Muhammad S.A.W.
these obl zombie cartoons are insulting us, there is no proof whatsoever obl was there at that time, the westzion media hype agenda is to open a path to attack pakistan.
there media is all under secret police control, and is a weapon of war spreading propaganda.
pakistan should kick out the westzioners and withdraw from war-of terror, which is all about occupying and getting their filthy fingers in our pies. The pak military has only played along under threat of us. let them threaten us, they are the world biggest terrorists
This is bull shit. America is like a little 5 year old girl. Had they officially found an underwear having a Q written on it, they’d have spent a million dollars publicizing it on their media claiming it to be a new day for man kind and what not. And you find THE reason that you have been running silly charades all over the world, spent billions on it, and you’ll be ISLAMIC about the burial and do it like that?
duh! stop posting their cartoons, make some of your own!
such bohoot karwa hota hai……..i was so ashamed when i heard that osama bin laden was caught in Pakistan…moreover near a military compound….=(
MUNNAFIQ NAPAK ARMY ka asli chehra…..MULLIAT ki muhafiz NAPAK army…………terrorism ki muhafiz NAPAK ARMY….
Just an orchestrated campaign by west against Pakistan. Hundreds of cartoons could be made created on US for there failure to prevent 9 / 11 and consistent failure of intelligence thereafter. I would suggest we can use mass communication to spread positive messages so to build better world. Unfortunately the above cartoons just reflects extremely negative mind set prevailing in West which is after a specific agenda. War against terrorism is everyone’s war. We are paying price more than any one. What i guess from the developing situation the world is at the verge of a very larger confrontation, damage could be beyond expectation for all (East and West) The best thing we can do is just to bridge the gap between East and West by adopting positive and constructive attitude…….Thanks
Osama was hiding in Bukhtawar Zardari’s massive derrire, did anyone notice she looks a bit skinnier now that she sharted out Osama.
they are so true pictures!
a picture worth thousand words!!!!!!
Come on, guys. The cartoons are making a point. Did the Pakistani establishment know he was there? I don’t think so. But, is it ridiculous that he was living right next door to the military academy (after emphatic denials that he was in Pakistan)? Absolutely. This isn’t a slight against Islam – it’s poking fun at Pakistan’s “much-hailed” military and intelligence services.
This isn’t an American or Western conspiracy to embarrass Pakistan – he was there!
You can argue about the way in which the operation was carried out. Should the US have told Kayani, Pasha, Zardari, someone? Maybe. But it’s important to acknowledge the reality. I lived in Pakistan (as an American) and fell in love with the country and people, but you should be the first to know that there are some shady things going on inside Pakistan’s borders.
There’s no doubt that Pakistan has suffered more than anyone over the war on terror. Pakistanis deserve better than what its leaders are providing.
Truth is sore. These cartoons show the face of Pakistan which World see.
This is propaganda of anti Pakistan and anti Islam Lobby. They really want to put pressure on Pakistan by every means. Killing Osama in Pakistan is a mere drama that is wisely performed by US and now they are using their media to fully support their drama. What is the proof that Osama was killed in that compound?
Why Death photos have not been shared yet?
What if we say that Osama was already killed few years back and now Americans has just executed the script in Pakistan to get Pakistan and Pakistani agencies in pressure and get a bit of control on the war that they are losing in Afghanistan?
They are promoting in the media that they found Osama under the nose of Pakistani agencies and they are stating it a failure of Pakistan. Do not you think that 9/11 attacks were failure of CIA. Why that was not promoted in the media? Why they attacked on Afghanistan instead of taking care of CIA?
Ok, they say, they attacked on Afghanistan to kill Osama? What was reason behind killing millions of Iraqi Muslims? Did they find any weapons of mass destruction over there?
The fact is that millions of Muslims has been killed based on false stories presented by Americans to the world..If someone kills Americans he is a “terrorist” and if Americans kill the whole Muslim world based on false stories what name you will suggest for that?
Did anyone ask Israel that why they are killing Palestinians? Where is united nation and where is the world on that issue? Did any congress man in US spoke a single world in their congress against Israel? Do you think the people who you are killing will love you?
Who are these terrorists? They are same people those were trained by American agencies to quarrel against Russia in Afghanistan .They picked these people from all over the world and gathered them in Afghanistan for that war. When Russia got defeated in Afghanistan, there was no plan for Afghanistan and that caused the chaos in the country and later on Taliban was emerged. Taliban took over the control of Afghanistan and history knows that the peace that was created in their regime was never been in Afghanistan. Taliban created a pure Islamic state and everything was calm and smooth. Now west/Americans/Jews specially had the fear that if Taliban successfully make Afghanistan a pure Islamic state and Islamic model succeeds there, it will become a model state for the whole world and Jews will fail in the world. “Success of Islamic model means failure of Jews”. Later on 9/11 attacks were carried out, I am still not sure who did those attacks and even Americans do not know the real enemy. Even in America lot of research has been done on this topic and people are still confused that if these attacks were really done by Al-Qaida?
So Americans are harvesting the crop that they seeded to win the war against Russia. Why American congress did not ask the government that why this crop was cultivated in the past? If Osama is your baby then why every blame comes to Pakistan?
I agree that innocent people were killed in 9/11 attacks and I strongly condemns the indecent. Should not there be a united nation level inquiry for that incident to decide that who did these attacks? Should it not be transparent to everybody that who Is behind this incident? Why it was just assumed that it’s Al-Qaida who did this? Was any inquiry report shared with the united nation on that? Do you think the whole world is transparent about the facts of 9/11?
I believe that US is still cultivating terrorists. What will be your feeling if one morning you come to know that all of your children has been dead in a drown attack and you are the only one who was survived because you were away from your home? What will be your next plan of action? This is the way they are killing innocent Muslims that are living near the border of Afghanistan? Believe me thousands of houses has been destructed by drowns this way and thousands of innocent families has been effected. They might be able to hit few of the terrorist by drowns but the cost was murder of thousands of innocent muslims.Do you think they will love Americans?
Do you think war is the only solution of this problem? Do you think that Muslims blood is so cheap that they are being cut like a peace of cake? Americans say themselves democratic, why they cannot solve these issues without war, with democratic dialog with the people who are the bone of contention. Do you think killing innocent people is the mere solution?
They are now dragging this war in Pakistan and “drama of killing Osama in Pakistan” is the first step towards the main game. Let’s see what will be next plan of Jews on this war?
If Osama was not in abottabad, the onus of proving this is with Pakistan Army and Govt. Military does not tire from claiming that it is the defender of nation, why does it not tell just who was living in the compound, his NIC etc.
It should be simple enough to show that Mr. Allahditta was living peacefully with his family, no?
Unfortunately Iraq and Palestine has nothing to do with Pakistan. Have you ever heard any arab claiming pakistanis and arab are brothers?
In addition, we have no moral standing to criticize American intervention anywhere in the world when we create and facilitate jihadis who carry out suicide missions in other countries including USA, India, China, Russia and Afghanistan.
There is a way of confronting ones problem, our neighbors China and India have shown this quite clearly, but we want to wage a war against the world on behalf of Muslim Ummah who does not give a shit about us.
I would only agree with the 1st cartoon that correctly depicts Pakistan’s hypocrisy with its enemies.
While the rest of the cartoons are pieces of fabricated s**t, which the pro-american artists made to hide the reality.
The reality is that compound was a trap set by Pakistan in which america was easily trap and america got humiliated.