On Sadruddin Hashwani: Dr Shahid Masood’s new financier

People support owner of Marriott hotel Sadaruddin Hashwani as he visits the site of explosion Sept. 20, 2008. A massive truck bomb devastated the heavily guarded Marriott Hotel in Islamabad killing at least 53 people and wounding at least 250 more.
Related article:
Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV
Dr Shahid Masood flattering Hashwani
I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my capacity of ‘CEO and President’ for an upcoming Media Group. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani leads this consortium of giants from the Middle East and Europe.
This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream.
In the forefront of this initiative is the man leading this Global consortium, whom I must thank for his having agreed to venture in this media enterprise. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani a name you are all familiar with. Someone we have all come to respect as a man whose patriotism makes us proud, whose resolve makes us believe more in our own selves. A role model to have risen above the rest as a self made man who now wishes to set a precedence in media, reinventing, reinvigorating and reviving our industry bogged down by lethargy.
“I must admit that this introduction to Mr. Hashwani or the international consortium is no justice. And I fail in introducing them to the hilt that they deserve an introduction, but I do intend on introducing them in more details that I shall share with all of you soon….It is history in the making, it is a hard task. And I know. I am embarking upon a journey to redefine Media History in Pakistan as we know it. Never before, had a working professional in Media could dream of being a stake holder in equity in a big Media Group before, I am to set the precedence.”
Dr. Shahid Masood
President & CEO
Pearl Communications (PVT) Ltd
Shalimar 5 Agha Khan Road Islamabad
Who is Sadruddin Hashwani?
Sadruddin Hashwani is the Chairman of Hashoo Group (Established 1960), a diversified industrial groups in Pakistan with interests across tourism, travel, real-estate development, pharmaceuticals, IT, and oil and gas. Also, the Hashoo Group of Companies has in its fold, as owners and operators, the Pearl Continental Hotels and Marriott Hotels brands with presence in all major cities of Pakistan and Ocean Pakistan Limited, an Oil and Gas exploration and production company.
The Hashwani-CIA Connection
اس نئے میڈیا گروپ کو سمجھنسے کے لیے ہمیں سب سے پہلے اس گروپ پر سرمایہ کاری کرنے والوں کو سمجھنا ہوگا
اگر میری یادداشت زیادہ کمزور نہیں ہے تو یہ ہاشوانی گروپ وہی ہے جو اسلام آباد میریٹ ہوٹل کا مالک ہے اور جس نے اپنے ہوٹل میں امریکی فوجیوں کو اڈے قایم کرنے کی اجازت دے رکھی تھی اور اس ہوٹل کو طالبان نے بارود سے اڑا دیا گیا تھا جسمیں سینکڑوں پاکستان شہید اور کچھ امریکی فوجی مارے گئے تھے
کیا ان بے گناہ پاکستانیوں کا خون اس گروپ کے ہاتھوں پر نہیں ہے جس نے امریکی فوجیوں کو وہاں اڈے قایم کرنے کی اجازت دی
The Hashani-Hamid Mir (ISI-MI) propaganda cell
Hashwani also happens to be a good friend of Hamid Mir although he later retracted the agency-made ‘news’ which he leaked to Mir:
ISLAMABAD, September 16, 2009 (Balochistan Times): Top Hotelier and Chairman of Hashoo Group and Marriott Chain of hotels, Sadruddin Hashwani has termed as incorrect and baseless the impression that he was shifting abroad due to President Asif Ali Zardaris pressure. It is wrong that I am shifting abroad due to pressure of President Zardari. There is neither any pressure on me from the President nor there has been any talk between them in this connection. It may be pointed out that a couple of days back when President Zardari hosted Iftar dinner for journalists, prominent Anchorpersons Hamid Mir told the President that Sadruddin Hashwani was propagating that he left the country because of the President. The President described this impression and Propaganda as baseless. At this the President asked his staffers to connect him with Hashwani in Dubai but the staff could not succeed. Then President Zardari asked the security personnel to bring in the mobile set of Hamid Mir and asked him to get him connected with Sadruddin Hashwani. When Hashwani came on line, he informed the President that there was no truth in the report that he(Hashwani) left the country because of President Zardari. At this the President handed over the set to Hamid Mir who also spoke with Hashwani on the occasion. It may be recalled that Sadruddin Hashwani along with his family shifted to Dubai last month. During this period he had been giving impression to important political leaders and elites that he shifted abroad due to pressure from Aiwan-e-Sadr but now he is denying this impression.
Venturing into a profitable business: Hashwani’s shrewd (political) investment in Pakistani media
ڈاکٹر شاہد کی رونمائی ، نئی پتلیاں میدان میں
ہاشوانی گروپ کا میڈیا بجٹ
آؤ آؤ ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود لے لو
مکر کی چا لوں سے بازی لے گیا سرمایہ دار ، جیب میں مال ہے اور بھی جائیں گے دیکھو کون جیتتا ہے ایکسپریس والا سرمایہ دار یا جنگ والا یا ہاشوانی
آؤ آؤ حکومت کو گا لیا ں دو ، مال پھر ہی بکے گا ، ریاست کمزور ہو گی تو ملٹی نیشنل طاقت ور ہو گی
آو جمشید دستی کو گالیاں دو ، تندور کی روٹی کھاتا ہے ، برگر کیوں نہیں کھاتا
آؤ نواز شریف کو گالیاں دو سری پائے کیوں کھاتا ہے
برگر امریکہ کا ہاشوانی امریکہ کا ، شاہد مسعود امریکہ کا پاکستان امریکہ کا رہے نام امریکہ کا
مکر کی چالوں سے بازی لے گیا سرمایہ دار ، پہلے ریڈیو اور ٹی وی کے ذریعے مال بیچتا تھا ، ٹی والوں کو پیسے دو کچھ بھی کہلوا لو
ٹی وی والا گوالے کے دودھ کو زہر ثابت کرتا رہا پھر پتہ چلا کہ سرمایہ دار پیکٹ کے دودھ میں فارمولین ڈالتا ہے
اب سرمایہ دار نے سوچا ہے کہ ٹی وی چینل بنالو ، مال بکے گا بھی اور حکومت پکڑے بھی نہیں جو پکڑے گا آزاد میڈیا اور آزاد عدلیہ اس کو حکومت سے نکا ل باہر کرے گی
کوئی سوال نہیں کرتا کہ صدر الدین ہاشوانی صرف پیزا ہٹ ، مکڈونلڈ اور کے ا یف سی کی رائلٹی میں کتنا پیسہ باہر بھیجتا ہے اس لیے کہ شاہد مسعود جیسوں کی تنخواہ اس سے ملتی ہے
کمال کا دھوکہ مال امریکہ کا نام طالبان کا ، بغل میں امریکہ منہ میں طالبان ، واہ رے میرے شاہد مسعود
اور وہ کون تھا جس نے ٹی وی پر بتایا تھا کہ صدر الدین ہاشوانی کی آرمی چیف سے بھی ملاقات ہوئی تھی ، رہے نام امریکہ کا رہے نام آرمی کا، رہے نام ہاشوانی کا جس کا ہر منصوبہ کسی امریکی چین کا حصہ ہے
رہے نام طالبان کا کہ یہ بھی ایک امریکی چین ہی ہے
لے لو امریکہ کا مال
لے لو شاہد مسعود
لے لو طالبان
Petition to The Hashwani Group
To: The Hashwani Group
Because the workers who clean the rooms, make the meals and run the hotel only get Rs. 7800 per month for nine hour shifts each day. And, when they tried to organize a union to fight for their rights, some were fired and others thrown in secret prison on false charges. 150 of them are now occupying the basement of the Pearl Continental Hotel to demand that its owners, the Hashwani Group, abide by the law. This is following an attempt by the PC to fire four workers, all union activists. Food has become scarce while they have been on strike and management has refused to allow outside deliveries to be made.
The current Human Resources Director at the PC is a retired Major Zia Jan who came to the PC after busting a union at the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC). Major Zia recently told the striking workers that they ought to be ashamed of themselves for fighting the PC.
The workers are being filmed and monitored by security. They are afraid that they will soon be subject to Ranger or police brutality. The families of the workers who protested outside the hotel in solidarity have already been baton-charged by the police.
We, the undersigned, demand that the PC Hotel abide by the law and accept the workers’ demands, which are as follows:
Firing of union activists while negotiations are ongoing is illegal.
The courts already do. It’s time for the PC to abide by the law.
The PC refuses to negotiate the charter of demands. The 2002 and 2006 demands are still pending.
For more details and updates as they become available, please see: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&progpak.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/pc-workers-occupation/
The Undersigned
The Hashwani-CIA connection
ہوٹل میں امریکی فوجیوں کا پراسرار آپریشن! کیا حملہ ان فوجیوں پر تھا؟
Source: Jang
اسلام آباد(انصار عباسی) ہفتے کی شام جب میریٹ ہوٹل پر حملہ کیاگیا تو کیا اس وقت وہاں امریکی میرین فوجیوں کا کوئی خفیہ آپریشن جاری تھا۔ اگرچہ کوئی بھی شخص اس کی تصدیق نہیں کرتا لیکن ایسے بہت سے واقعاتی شواہد ہیں جن کی بناء پر یہ کہاجا سکتا ہے۔پیپلزپارٹی کے بہت سے ارکان قومی اسمبلی اور انکے دوستوں کی شہادت کے مطابق امریکی سفارتخانے کے ایک بہت بڑے سفید ٹرک سے فولادی بکس اتارے گئے اور انہیں میریٹ ہوٹل کے اندر منتقل کر دیا گیا ، یہ واقعہ اسی رات پیش آیا تھا جب امریکی ایڈمرل مائیک میولن وزیر اعظم یوسف رضاگیلانی اور دیگر سے ملے تھے۔ ہوٹل کے دونوں مرکزی دروازے بند کردیئے گئے تھے اور امریکی میرینز کے علاوہ کسی کو ٹرک کے قریب جانے کی اجازت نہیں تھی ۔یہ فولادی بکس ان اسکینرز سے بھی نہیں گزارے گئے تھے جو کہ ہوٹل کی لابی کے داخلی راستے پر نصب تھے ، مبنیہ طور پر ان بکسوں کو ہوٹل کی چوتھی اور پانچویں منزل پر منتقل کر دیا گیا۔ پیپلزپارٹی کے دیگر بہت سے ارکان پارلیمنٹ کے علاوہ رکن قومی اسمبلی ممتاز عالم گیلانی بھی اپنے دو دستوں سجاد چوہدری ،پیپلزپارٹی کے ایک رہنما اور بشیر ندیم نے پراسرار سرگرمی کو دیکھا اور اس پر انہوں نے اعتراض اور احتجاج بھی کیا۔ایک ذریعے نے دی نیوز کو بتایا ہے کہ نادیہ ریسٹورنٹ میں ضیافت کے بعد آدھی رات کو اپنے دوستوں کے ہمراہ ہوٹل سے روانہ ہورہے تھے تو انہوں نے امریکی سفارتخانے کا ٹرک ہوٹل کے مرکزی گیٹ کے سامنے کھڑا ہوا دیکھا، ہوٹل کے اپنی سیکورٹی سمیت کسی شخص کو ٹرک کے قریب جانے کی اجازت نہیں دی گئی، ہ ہی ان سے اتارے جانے والے اسٹیل باکسز کو ہوٹل کے اندر لے جانے کیلئے اسکینرز سے گزارنے کی اجازت دی گئی۔پیپلزپارٹی سے تعلق رکھنے والے ان تین دوستوں نے جو پریشانی کی حالت میں مرکزی دروازے کے سامنے کھڑے تھے نے معاملے کی بابت دریافت کیا تو انہیں بتایا گیا کہ مشکوک قسم کے بکس ہوٹل میں لے جائے جارہے ہیں اور انہیں ہوٹل کی چوتھی اور پانچویں منزل میں منقتل کیاجارہا ہے۔ ممتاز عالم کو امریکی میرینز اور ہوٹل کی سیکورٹی دونوں پر غصہ آرہاتھا نہ صرف اسلئے کہ انہیں باہر نکلنے میں تاخیر ہورہی تھی بلکہ سیکورٹی کی ان خامیوں کی وجہ سے بھی جو کہ انہیں نظر آرہی تھیں۔ ان کے احتجاج پر امریکی میرینز نے کوئی توجہ نہیں دی اور ہوٹل کی سیکورٹی کے وہ لوگ جن سے انہوں نے رابطہ کیاوہ بے بس نظر آرہے تھے۔ ممتاز عالم نے ہوٹل کے سیکورٹی عہدیداروں سے کہا کہ وہ ہوٹل اور اسکی سیکورٹی کو خطرے میں ڈال رہے ہیں۔ انہیں یہ کہتے بھی سنا گیا کہ وہ آئندہ کبھی اس ہوٹل میں نہیں آئیں گے۔ انہوں نے اس معاملے کو پارلیمنٹ میں اٹھانے کی دھمکی بھی دی۔کسی کو یہ تو معلوم نہیں کہ آیا پیپلزپارٹی کے اس رکن قومی اسمبلی نے اس پراسرار رات کے بعد پھر ہوٹل کا دورہ کیا یا نہیں لیکن ان کے بھائی امتیاز عالم جو کہ ایک سینئر صحافی ہیں وہ دھماکے کے وقت اسی ہوٹل میں تھے۔امتیاز عالم خوش قسمت تھے کہ اس دھماکے سے بچنے میں کامیاب ہوگئے اور مشکل سے ہی سہی لیکن بھرپورتاریکی میں ہوٹل سے باہر نکل آئے۔ ایک لفٹ جسے وہ استعمال کر رہے تھے وہ اس وقت زمین پر آگری جب انہوں نے زور لگا کر چوتھی منزل پر دروازہ کھولنے کی کوشش کی او ر وہ اس سے نکل آئے۔
Report: U.S. Planned to Buy Bombed Peshawar Hotel
June 9, 2009, 6:41 PM
Source: NYT
Pakistan’s Geo TV aired security camera video showing how the attackers struck the Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan on Tuesday. After armed militants fired at security guards, a car and a truck loaded with explosives sped towards the hotel. In the bright flash after the explosion, the militants could be seen at the perimeter of the complex.
As a colleague here at The Times points out, the Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan, which was partly destroyed on Tuesday by a massive car bomb, is well known locally as a meeting point for not just wealthy Pakistanis, foreign aid workers and journalists but also intelligence agents. In other words, it is the sort of place a modern-day Graham Greene novel might be set, with security so tight that even the lifeguards at the hotel pool are armed with AK-47s.
Given that reputation, the hotel was an obvious target for militants — even before a report surfaced two weeks ago that the United States was planning to buy the hotel as part of a plan to greatly expand its diplomatic presence in the city. As the Press Trust of India reported on Tuesday, the Pearl Continental is currently owned by Sadruddin Hashwani, who also owns the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, which was bombed last September, resulting in more than 50 deaths.
According to a report by Saeed Shah and Warren P. Strobel of McClatchy Newspapers, the hotel was apparently at the center of an American plan to establish a long-term presence in Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province:
A senior State Department official confirmed that the U.S. plan for the consulate in Peshawar involves the purchase of the luxury Pearl Continental hotel. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. […]
Peshawar is an important station for gathering intelligence on the tribal area that surrounds the city on three sides and is a base for al Qaida and the Taliban. The area also will be a focus for expanded U.S. aid programs, and the American mission in Peshawar has already expanded from three U.S. diplomats to several dozen.
In October 2001, a report in Time magazine described how the Pearl Continental fit into the cloak-and-dagger atmosphere of Peshawar, the city “where the terrorists meet, form cells and deploy — and where access to the closed world of the Taliban begins. Bin Laden’s foot soldiers regularly slip through the walled enclaves and jostling bazaars to recruit jihadis or send out instructions. Taliban fighters float through to spy and resupply. Every Afghan faction has its representative in some dim house. Intelligence agents linger in the lobby of the Pearl Continental Hotel, where the phones are tapped and drivers let fall scraps of information.”
As with the attack on the headquarters of the Pakistani intelligence service in Lahore on May 27, the bombing on Tuesday seems to have taken place at a site that militants knew to be central to the operations of the intelligence agencies fighting to defeat them.
Peshawar PC Hotel Blast: Where is Hashwani
Source: fkpolitics
Remember after the Marriott blash, Hashwani, the owner of Marriott and the PC Hotel chain in Pakistan, was all over the TV channels and his picture splashed in all the newspapers. But after last night’s blast at PC Peshawar, there is no sign of him. Curious isn’t it?
Is it because he is NOT the owner any more? Reports are PC, Peshawar was “sold” to the Americans some time back and is the center for their intelligence agencies for the whole area. It was reported by at least one channel (SAMAA TV) that the 3rd and 4th floors WERE completely under American control (just like Marriott where it was the 6th and 7th floors). Further credence is given to the report by the fact that a “tender notice” has already been issued for another PC in Peshawar (Hayatabad). Now why does a smaller city like Peshawar need TWO PC hotels when much bigger cities like Karachi and Lahore have only one?
According to that earlier report, plans were for complete take over of the current PC by the Americans in the coming days, leaving Peshawar with out one. Hence the plans for constructing a new one….
So suggesting this was “a random act of violence” is completely preposterous. PC being the “US Intelligence Headquarters” was common knowledge in Peshawar so an attack there was all but expected sooner or later. The blame for civilian deaths and injuries falls squarely on the government for allowing Americans to set up a base there despite having the example of Marriott before them.
BTW: Americans knew something was up. The following is from last week:
P.S. The story being spun by the media is that the foreigners there were all UN or NGO workers who were there to help the IDPs. Hogwash, I say. I am sure this is true of a few but I say shame on them for wasting all that money on their stay in a five-star hotel when that money could be better spent on the IDPs.
Hashwani has finally shown up talking tough and claiming: “Despite the losses, I will make the (Pearl Continental) operational in two months just as I reopened the Marriott in three months.” Well, sure he “reopened” Marriott but I am told no one goes there (except his old clients perhaps.) The same will be the case will this one. Only foreigners will be there and it will continue to be a target. Wonder just how much bigger the “no-go area” would be around the hotel now. Kind of kills the will to go there anyways. So I guess the new owners will have it all to themselves sooner than planned. Or was this the plan in the first place??
(I still believe Hashwani has handed it over to the Americans and they “own” it, just like they own him….)
Update #2:
Well, here is where most of the money for rebuilding PC is going to be coming from:
US to spend $1 billion on embassy expansions in Pakistan, Afghanistan
But more significant is this bit from the story that confirms what i have been saying:
A senior State Department official confirmed that the US plan for the consulate in Peshawar involves the purchase of the luxury Pearl Continental hotel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.
The Pearl Contintental is the city’s only five-star hotel, set in its own expansive grounds, with a swimming pool. It’s owned by Pakistani tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani.
Peshawar is an important station for gathering intelligence on the tribal area that surrounds the city on three sides and is a base for Al Qaeda and the Taliban. The area also will be a focus for expanded US aid programs, and the American mission in Peshawar has already expanded from three US diplomats to several dozen.
In all, the administration requested $806 million for diplomatic construction and security in Pakistan.
“For the strong commitment the US is making in the country of Pakistan, we need the necessary platform to fulfill our diplomatic mission,” said Jonathan Blyth of the State Department’s Overseas Buildings Operations bureau. “The embassy is in need of upgrading and expansion to meet our future mission requirements.”
A senior Pakistani official said the expansion has been under discussion for three years. “Pakistanis understand the need for having diplomatic missions expanding and the Americans always have had an enclave in Islamabad,” said the official, who requested anonymity, because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the matter publicly. “Will some people exploit it? They will.”
Any doubts???
Note: DO pay special attention to the statements:
“$736 million to build a new US embassy in Islamabad…The scale of the projects rivals the giant US Embassy in Baghdad, which was completed last year after construction delays at a cost of $740 million.”
“The embassy is in need of upgrading and expansion to meet our future mission requirements.”
So you know what’s coming….
And this DOES CONFIRM the statement made by me earlier i.e. that:
So no tears here…Just applause
Musharraf attends wedding in Dubai
Former Pakistani President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was among a number of leading prominent personalities who attended the wedding reception of Pakistani tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani’s son in Dubai on Friday.
By Ashfaq Ahmed, Chief ReporterPublished: 23:29 July 11, 2009
Dubai: Former Pakistani President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was among a number of leading prominent personalities who attended the wedding reception of Pakistani tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani’s son in Dubai on Friday.
Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research also graced the occasion.
Guests not only enjoyed the lavish reception with the performance of a live band in the Jawhara Ballroom at Madinat Jumeirah, they were also in the presence of leading politicians, diplomats and businessmen from around the world.
Some interesting encounters were witnessed. A meeting between Musharraf and PPP stalwart Makhdoom Ameen Fahim raised some eyebrows as Fahim dashed to greet Musharraf just before he was leaving. They shook hands and exchanged a few words with broad smiles on their faces.
Just a minute earlier, as Musharraf was leaving the reception hall, senior PML(N) leader Ishaq Dar, a close aid of Nawaz Sharif, also shook hands with Musharraf.
Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malek arrived at the reception after Musharraf had left. His predecessor Faisal Saleh Hayat from the disgruntled PPP group was also present but they preferred to keep a distance.
At least two five-star hotels owned by Hashwani in Islamabad and Peshwar have been targets of suicide car bomb attacks in recent months. He is now settled in Dubai and expanding his hospitality business.
Sadru Hashwani has been no saint in the past in matters of business. His first property, the Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi, was wrested from the Intercontinental Hotel chain courtesy Zia-ul-Haq’s arm-twisting via sheer blackmail. Next was Hilton Karachi, which is now Marriott Karachi. The same story again.
When the original Hotel king of Pakistan, Byram Avari’s businesses were targeted by ZA Bhutto for political opposition, Sadru Hashwani emerged through patronizing and funding Zia after Bhutto’s overthrow.
Not too long ago, his son, Arif Hashwani, was involved in a shooting in an Islamabad disco alongwith a group of friends, in which one of the other group was killed. There was a minor piece of news, and that was that. No arrests made or charges brought.
Hashoo Foundation, From Karachi to Washington, D.C
Apr 16th, 2008
Washington, D.C, Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani, the Chairman Orient Petroleum Inc, and his daughter Sarah Hashwani, Chairman Hashoo Foundation, introduced Hashoo Foundation and other associate organs to the dozen of guests at the beautiful mansion of well known Pakistani-American couple names Ms. Shaista and Rafat Mahmood. Having observed many successful Pakistani-Americans arranging socio-political events at their big home in Washington, DC area — mostly based on some political considerations — it was very inspiring for me to attend this charity oriented event at Mahmood’s family.
Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani, whose family for several generations has been playing leading role in philanthropic causes in Pakistan, lamented on the insensitivity found in his home country where physically and mentally handicapped children are generally abandoned on the streets, unfortunately.
After Mr. Hashwani’s remarks, his daughter Sarah, an American educated woman, gave an impressive presentation about the foundation she runs.
Mr. Adil Najam, a Pakistani-American professor at The Fletcer School, Tufts University, informed the listeners that around half million Pakistani-Americans in the States contribute one billion dollars in the forms of services and cash to charity causes. He also educated his audiences about the rightful and justified distrust Pakistani-Americans manifest toward Pakistani organizations when they want to give for charity reasons.
Sadruddin Hashwani’s autobiography is titled: Straight Shooting: My Journey Through the Political and Business Turbulence of Pakistan. It will be published by Penguin-Viking (Asia) in late Spring 2011.
Sadruddin Hashwani
Chairman of Hashoo Group
Waisay, it is something that shahid masood is saying….Has sadruddin hashwani announced it? He may be just looking at this joker and then announce..mera to koi irada nahee tha 🙂
very good and enlightening reporting!
With regards to SM.. how the mighty have fallen. I still remember he wryly and sardonically mocked Farooq Leghari’s ancestors, when they sent letters to the Imperialist British, with two starting pages just full of praising adjectives to the adressed.
Now he, himself is doing the same!
Anyways, clear evidence that Hashwani is anything but a patriot. He has done everything in power to manipulate people. SM is in good company 🙂
Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)
from drshahidmasood.com
A Decade of Distinction
Dear fellows, colleagues, well-wishers,
This year is important to me as a personal milestone- a turning point in both my career, my life as well as the fact that I shall also be commemorating a decade of my association with television broadcast this coming 9/11.
I must admit how it has been a tedious but a momentous journey- testing, trying and rewarding as I learned the ropes and gained rich and eventful experience of more than 13000 hours of being in front of the camera, controversies and commotion. Needless to say, this is my distinction over a decade of self-discovery in my quest for seeking the truth.
My story began on a day that shook the world. September 11, 2000. The airplanes that crashed in to the Trade Towers had set about to redefine the world’s geopolitical and socio-religious texture and in so many ways, perhaps the true beginning of private News television industry in Pakistan as I started my show on then ARY – Pakistan’s first private TV channel.
The repercussions for the world, the consequences of that eventful day aside, I was also overwhelmed by the experience, the fact that I was to go on-air and comment, present facts that are unbiased and based of factual but fast changing reality. I still get goose bumps when I remember those long hours and a young beginning wrapped with all the excitement and the freedom with responsibility that came with it. It was a moment of actualization for me, giving me the much needed confidence to reach out to all of you through my shows.
Jets flew off docked aircraft carriers, bombs formed the clouds of death, chaos and decent set the order of despair, hope it seemed had admitted defeat. It was all happening so fast that often I was not talking but speaking to you- I found myself connecting on a human level, an unmistakable feeling of empathy and helplessness, fears of future that formed the dark clouds hovering over our part of the world. I was engaged much passionately, as a cause, a belief with my friends, adversaries, critics and importantly my viewers who allowed me to touch upon these subjects.
The journey to a never-ending future awaited my presence.
I began to bring to you news reports from war fronts and forums alike. I travelled to where the news took me, no matter at what odds. I retraced the footsteps of the human story, misgivings, injustice and oppression. From the war in Afghanistan to the Civil war in Lebanon, from the infamous Referendum to Elections of 2002 and the tragic unfolding in the aftermath of the 2002 Earthquake in Pakistan.
I must admit how Views on News was more than a show for me. It was a personification of my conviction, that it was time that Pakistan’s media liberated the ‘information-control’ and the ‘mind-control’ of ignorance. Time, I felt, had come when the viewers became in control of what they wanted to see and hear.
As I look back gently now, I can not thank ARY Television Network enough for all the opportunities and trust they had put in my abilities; or the lack of it- but there encouragement had certainly propelled, Dr. Shahid Masood in the making.
I was being observed. I was being noticed. I was being watched. Heard. In between criticized too. But unlike many who would seem to fume at a single mention of them in the negative, I maintain that Criticism is very important to me as I feel that it is always true for anything that attempts to redefines the norms and cause a stir in status quo of perceptions.
I may have not realized what I was to champion in times to come back then, but it sure was a slow but definite sinking reality that my viewers had come to expect me to redefine the reality for them, I was to shake the myths and mysteries that had so conveniently enshrouded our past and our present.
All hindrances, set backs and shocks aside, I was resolved in wake of challenges despite the fatigue and exhaustion in my Pursuit to seek knowledge for myself first and then for my viewers. It is nothing less than a sacred trust. Something that I have cherished to this day and shall always, for times to come.
With an urge to experience a new idea, a new setting and to allow more people come in the industry, rather than to have blocked them from a opportunity by being at ARY, I parted ways amicably with my media alma mater, my first home to find myself atPakistan’s number 1 network, ‘Geo’.
Change is never easy, change is both a challenge and a chance. I took both in the same stride as I embraced my leap of faith and as many of you would recall, I was to be on-air with a more ‘opinionated’ Dr. Shahid Masood. It was the world according to me, called, ‘Meray Mutabiq’, I can safely say that it was my catharsis televised- It was a true depiction of the world around us as people, as a country. I took great pains just as much as the management did as well in leaving no stone unturned to make it a huge success.
But success in fluidity can cause commotion. Meray Mutabiq was to soon set history in another dimension. Closed done by a ban for three long months, the show was unceremoniously pulled off-air! But I have no regrets, because I know that when one forebears the standard, the march is always uphill.
I had witnessed also the closure of Geo, the lawyers movement, the days of batons and long march all embroiled with political temperatures had consumed me to be involved to a level of dedication to the cause. The barricades mimicking sign board saying ‘Constitution Avenue’. Time is a great historian, and I shall let it record history, but for now, it brings me to put on record that I am thankful to GeoTelevision Network to have had stood beside my program in recognition of my contribution as a anchor. Thank you Geo for your trust, it has and will always mean a lot to me.
I remember reading some where, that ‘life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans’. My life too, was to experience a great honor in this prolific media industry- when for the first time in the history of State run,Pakistan Television, I was to be given the responsibility and charge to galvanize the organization’s spirit as both its M.D and Chairman.
On one hand, the accolade of holding the dual titles at PTV along with doing a TV show as well, were a humbling experience, since I were to be the first since 1960’s, and yet on the other hand were my audience, my viewers who were choking my inbox with their emails. They were resentful of this move. They wanted Dr. Shahid Masood to let go of the honor, the ‘firsts’ that he was making. They wanted him to be on the other side of the media divide. This experience made me let go of all the titles, honors and state recognition. And I do not regret any of it, as I was to choose to stand side by side with my real strength, my audience.
It is in this state of mind that I to be mindful of people’s expectation poising a question in my mind. Truth beckons courage, and hence, in the end, I find no reason is stronger than belief- unless belief itself is the reason.
Soon after relinquishing my responsibilities from PTV, I was to serve as the adviser to the Prime Minister. Something that I thought I will not be good at, and my doubts proved just about right.Pakistan ’s flag full-mast on my car was a great honor and yet, the voices of people called me back, to be ad mist them. In hope, in faith and in belief that there shall be a better tomorrow.
I stepped out of that car, and drove down the streets of Islamabad in a car not much different to yours.
The car I drove that day, got parked again at the Geo News Studios.
‘Meray Mutabiq’ was to begin again. Much to my delight, I was again amongst family. But times had not changed. If at all, it went more hostile towards our newly earned freedom of speech- or the expectation of 180 million people seeking both, the truth and the answers.
My show was to be shut on instructions of the powers to be.
Meray Mutabiq, its team and I, we were to experience the next 12 weeks like wandering gypsies. A show here, another there, motivated but tired. Courageous but in face of great opposition, threats looming large… friendly advises perverting the will… nevertheless the show continued for weeks like this.
With all resources marginalized, stepped up pressures and antics, never was there a moment of lull, despair or destitute. Each program seemed like a edifice of resolve.
Each episode a reason to believe- to be, to do more and not look back.
Your emails, your messages, your texts allowed me to brave the consequences against all odds. I may have made many adversaries, I admit. But in this profession, the choices one makes are founded on principles and not rumor mills. I have shied from public statements, I have by nature, withstood the propaganda, the laments and at a odd few times slurs hurled at me by my opponents.
Allow me to say, ‘opponents in perception’, as unfortunately, those who have, have done so without meeting me or knowing me. But, I smile at each of their assumptions, and feel there is never a need for a rebuttal! I find it not consummate to my vision or stature. I am sure, you’d all agree that restraint is the strength of a humble man.
In between these times, I felt obligated on a personal level and voluntarily opt out of Geo again in my sincere attempt to allow them the space to continue their broadcast without let or hinder.
Soon enough, I was the President of ARY Television Network and back on the screen with the new version of Views on News. I am certain, some of you have been privy to, or receiving a lot of emails and needless speculations, ranging from controversies on hiring, firings and resignations all the way to some using their time and energy to discuss me.
I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my capacity of ‘CEO and President’ for an upcoming Media Group.
This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream.
In the forefront of this initiative is the man leading this Global consortium, whom I must thank for his having agreed to venture in this media enterprise. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani a name you are all familiar with. Someone we have all come to respect as a man whose patriotism makes us proud, whose resolve makes us believe more in our own selves. A role model to have risen above the rest as a self made man who now wishes to set a precedence in media, reinventing, reinvigorating and reviving our industry bogged down by lethargy.
Mr. Hashwani leads this consortium of giants from the Middle East and Europe. A unique and impressive list of notable personalities and business conglomerates who have both put their resources and trust behind Mr. Hashwani and of course through him- in me, and through me- in and on all the working media professionals of Pakistan.
I must admit that this introduction to Mr. Hashwani or the international consortium is no justice. And I fail in introducing them to the hilt that they deserve an introduction, but I do intend on introducing them in more details that I shall share with all of you soon.
It is history in the making, it is a hard task. And I know. But let me admit, let me confess….here perhaps, I am in need for your support and well-wishes, more than any other event in my 10 years of being associated with the media industry.
I am embarking upon a journey to redefine Media History in Pakistan as we know it. Never before, had a working professional in Media could dream of being a stake holder in equity in a big Media Group before, I am to set the precedence.
This precedence is not to boast the achievement, but share that dreams can be dreamt and turned true. This is not my achievement, but a victory to all of you, my fellow colleagues, anchors, that intent and perseverance against animosity can find its own ways to collective benefit of the media industry.
I thank you once again, for all your support, your prayers and well wishes. I know I could not have been able to do any of this without the blessings of Allah, and all the people who have helped me in my eventful journey including Mir Shakilur Rahman, Mir Ibrahim Rahman and Salman Iqbal.
I look forward to your continued feedback and suggestions.
Dr. Shahid Masood
President & CEO
Pearl Communications (PVT) Ltd
Shalimar 5 Agha Khan Road Islamabad
its totally reason 4 heard working………
With regards to SM.. how the mighty have fallen. I still remember he wryly and sardonically mocked Farooq Leghari’s ancestors, when they sent letters to the Imperialist British, with two starting pages just full of praising adjectives to the adressed.
Now he, himself is doing the same!
Anyways, clear evidence that Hashwani is anything but a patriot. He has done everything in power to manipulate people. SM is in good company
Former Pakistani President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was among a number of leading prominent personalities who attended the wedding reception of Pakistani tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani’s son in Dubai on Friday.
By Ashfaq Ahmed, Chief ReporterPublished: 23:29 July 11, 2009
Dubai: Former Pakistani President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was among a number of leading prominent personalities who attended the wedding reception of Pakistani tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani’s son in Dubai on Friday.
Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research also graced the occasion.
Guests not only enjoyed the lavish reception with the performance of a live band in the Jawhara Ballroom at Madinat Jumeirah, they were also in the presence of leading politicians, diplomats and businessmen from around the world.
Some interesting encounters were witnessed. A meeting between Musharraf and PPP stalwart Makhdoom Ameen Fahim raised some eyebrows as Fahim dashed to greet Musharraf just before he was leaving. They shook hands and exchanged a few words with broad smiles on their faces.
Just a minute earlier, as Musharraf was leaving the reception hall, senior PML(N) leader Ishaq Dar, a close aid of Nawaz Sharif, also shook hands with Musharraf.
Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malek arrived at the reception after Musharraf had left. His predecessor Faisal Saleh Hayat from the disgruntled PPP group was also present but they preferred to keep a distance.
At least two five-star hotels owned by Hashwani in Islamabad and Peshwar have been targets of suicide car bomb attacks in recent months. He is now settled in Dubai and expanding his hospitality business.
A Decade of Distinction
Dear fellows, colleagues, well-wishers,
This year is important to me as a personal milestone- a turning point in both my career, my life as well as the fact that I shall also be commemorating a decade of my association with television broadcast this coming 9/11.
I must admit how it has been a tedious but a momentous journey- testing, trying and rewarding as I learned the ropes and gained rich and eventful experience of more than 13000 hours of being in front of the camera, controversies and commotion. Needless to say, this is my distinction over a decade of self-discovery in my quest for seeking the truth.
My story began on a day that shook the world. September 11, 2000. The airplanes that crashed in to the Trade Towers had set about to redefine the world’s geopolitical and socio-religious texture and in so many ways, perhaps the true beginning of private News television industry in Pakistan as I started my show on then ARY – Pakistan’s first private TV channel.
The repercussions for the world, the consequences of that eventful day aside, I was also overwhelmed by the experience, the fact that I was to go on-air and comment, present facts that are unbiased and based of factual but fast changing reality. I still get goose bumps when I remember those long hours and a young beginning wrapped with all the excitement and the freedom with responsibility that came with it. It was a moment of actualization for me, giving me the much needed confidence to reach out to all of you through my shows.
Jets flew off docked aircraft carriers, bombs formed the clouds of death, chaos and decent set the order of despair, hope it seemed had admitted defeat. It was all happening so fast that often I was not talking but speaking to you- I found myself connecting on a human level, an unmistakable feeling of empathy and helplessness, fears of future that formed the dark clouds hovering over our part of the world. I was engaged much passionately, as a cause, a belief with my friends, adversaries, critics and importantly my viewers who allowed me to touch upon these subjects.
The journey to a never-ending future awaited my presence.
I began to bring to you news reports from war fronts and forums alike. I travelled to where the news took me, no matter at what odds. I retraced the footsteps of the human story, misgivings, injustice and oppression. From the war in Afghanistan to the Civil war in Lebanon, from the infamous Referendum to Elections of 2002 and the tragic unfolding in the aftermath of the 2002 Earthquake in Pakistan.
I must admit how Views on News was more than a show for me. It was a personification of my conviction, that it was time that Pakistan’s media liberated the ‘information-control’ and the ‘mind-control’ of ignorance. Time, I felt, had come when the viewers became in control of what they wanted to see and hear.
As I look back gently now, I can not thank ARY Television Network enough for all the opportunities and trust they had put in my abilities; or the lack of it- but there encouragement had certainly propelled, Dr. Shahid Masood in the making.
I was being observed. I was being noticed. I was being watched. Heard. In between criticized too. But unlike many who would seem to fume at a single mention of them in the negative, I maintain that Criticism is very important to me as I feel that it is always true for anything that attempts to redefines the norms and cause a stir in status quo of perceptions.
I may have not realized what I was to champion in times to come back then, but it sure was a slow but definite sinking reality that my viewers had come to expect me to redefine the reality for them, I was to shake the myths and mysteries that had so conveniently enshrouded our past and our present.
All hindrances, set backs and shocks aside, I was resolved in wake of challenges despite the fatigue and exhaustion in my Pursuit to seek knowledge for myself first and then for my viewers. It is nothing less than a sacred trust. Something that I have cherished to this day and shall always, for times to come.
With an urge to experience a new idea, a new setting and to allow more people come in the industry, rather than to have blocked them from a opportunity by being at ARY, I parted ways amicably with my media alma mater, my first home to find myself atPakistan’s number 1 network, ‘Geo’.
Change is never easy, change is both a challenge and a chance. I took both in the same stride as I embraced my leap of faith and as many of you would recall, I was to be on-air with a more ‘opinionated’ Dr. Shahid Masood. It was the world according to me, called, ‘Meray Mutabiq’, I can safely say that it was my catharsis televised- It was a true depiction of the world around us as people, as a country. I took great pains just as much as the management did as well in leaving no stone unturned to make it a huge success.
But success in fluidity can cause commotion. Meray Mutabiq was to soon set history in another dimension. Closed done by a ban for three long months, the show was unceremoniously pulled off-air! But I have no regrets, because I know that when one forebears the standard, the march is always uphill.
I had witnessed also the closure of Geo, the lawyers movement, the days of batons and long march all embroiled with political temperatures had consumed me to be involved to a level of dedication to the cause. The barricades mimicking sign board saying ‘Constitution Avenue’. Time is a great historian, and I shall let it record history, but for now, it brings me to put on record that I am thankful to GeoTelevision Network to have had stood beside my program in recognition of my contribution as a anchor. Thank you Geo for your trust, it has and will always mean a lot to me.
I remember reading some where, that ‘life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans’. My life too, was to experience a great honor in this prolific media industry- when for the first time in the history of State run,Pakistan Television, I was to be given the responsibility and charge to galvanize the organization’s spirit as both its M.D and Chairman.
On one hand, the accolade of holding the dual titles at PTV along with doing a TV show as well, were a humbling experience, since I were to be the first since 1960’s, and yet on the other hand were my audience, my viewers who were choking my inbox with their emails. They were resentful of this move. They wanted Dr. Shahid Masood to let go of the honor, the ‘firsts’ that he was making. They wanted him to be on the other side of the media divide. This experience made me let go of all the titles, honors and state recognition. And I do not regret any of it, as I was to choose to stand side by side with my real strength, my audience.
It is in this state of mind that I to be mindful of people’s expectation poising a question in my mind. Truth beckons courage, and hence, in the end, I find no reason is stronger than belief- unless belief itself is the reason.
Soon after relinquishing my responsibilities from PTV, I was to serve as the adviser to the Prime Minister. Something that I thought I will not be good at, and my doubts proved just about right.Pakistan ’s flag full-mast on my car was a great honor and yet, the voices of people called me back, to be ad mist them. In hope, in faith and in belief that there shall be a better tomorrow.
I stepped out of that car, and drove down the streets of Islamabad in a car not much different to yours.
The car I drove that day, got parked again at the Geo News Studios.
‘Meray Mutabiq’ was to begin again. Much to my delight, I was again amongst family. But times had not changed. If at all, it went more hostile towards our newly earned freedom of speech- or the expectation of 180 million people seeking both, the truth and the answers.
My show was to be shut on instructions of the powers to be.
Meray Mutabiq, its team and I, we were to experience the next 12 weeks like wandering gypsies. A show here, another there, motivated but tired. Courageous but in face of great opposition, threats looming large… friendly advises perverting the will… nevertheless the show continued for weeks like this.
With all resources marginalized, stepped up pressures and antics, never was there a moment of lull, despair or destitute. Each program seemed like a edifice of resolve.
Each episode a reason to believe- to be, to do more and not look back.
Your emails, your messages, your texts allowed me to brave the consequences against all odds. I may have made many adversaries, I admit. But in this profession, the choices one makes are founded on principles and not rumor mills. I have shied from public statements, I have by nature, withstood the propaganda, the laments and at a odd few times slurs hurled at me by my opponents.
Allow me to say, ‘opponents in perception’, as unfortunately, those who have, have done so without meeting me or knowing me. But, I smile at each of their assumptions, and feel there is never a need for a rebuttal! I find it not consummate to my vision or stature. I am sure, you’d all agree that restraint is the strength of a humble man.
In between these times, I felt obligated on a personal level and voluntarily opt out of Geo again in my sincere attempt to allow them the space to continue their broadcast without let or hinder.
Soon enough, I was the President of ARY Television Network and back on the screen with the new version of Views on News. I am certain, some of you have been privy to, or receiving a lot of emails and needless speculations, ranging from controversies on hiring, firings and resignations all the way to some using their time and energy to discuss me.
I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my capacity of ‘CEO and President’ for an upcoming Media Group.
This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream.
In the forefront of this initiative is the man leading this Global consortium, whom I must thank for his having agreed to venture in this media enterprise. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani a name you are all familiar with. Someone we have all come to respect as a man whose patriotism makes us proud, whose resolve makes us believe more in our own selves. A role model to have risen above the rest as a self made man who now wishes to set a precedence in media, reinventing, reinvigorating and reviving our industry bogged down by lethargy.
Mr. Hashwani leads this consortium of giants from the Middle East and Europe. A unique and impressive list of notable personalities and business conglomerates who have both put their resources and trust behind Mr. Hashwani and of course through him- in me, and through me- in and on all the working media professionals of Pakistan.
I must admit that this introduction to Mr. Hashwani or the international consortium is no justice. And I fail in introducing them to the hilt that they deserve an introduction, but I do intend on introducing them in more details that I shall share with all of you soon.
It is history in the making, it is a hard task. And I know. But let me admit, let me confess….here perhaps, I am in need for your support and well-wishes, more than any other event in my 10 years of being associated with the media industry.
I am embarking upon a journey to redefine Media History in Pakistan as we know it. Never before, had a working professional in Media could dream of being a stake holder in equity in a big Media Group before, I am to set the precedence.
This precedence is not to boast the achievement, but share that dreams can be dreamt and turned true. This is not my achievement, but a victory to all of you, my fellow colleagues, anchors, that intent and perseverance against animosity can find its own ways to collective benefit of the media industry.
I thank you once again, for all your support, your prayers and well wishes. I know I could not have been able to do any of this without the blessings of Allah, and all the people who have helped me in my eventful journey including Mir Shakilur Rahman, Mir Ibrahim Rahman and Salman Iqbal.
I look forward to your continued feedback and suggestions.
Hassan Bilal
e-mail adress [email protected]
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e-mail address:[email protected]
I am Muhammad Yousuf Zafar hereby denied the above posted dated January 27, 2012 at 9:53 pm,.
Somebody used my name and company email address to exploit my personality infront my group or my respected / Honorable chairman of my group Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani. I really respect him with my heart and soul & he is my role model. I can never even think about it to use such slong / ambiguos and harsh language about my honorable chairmen & his family.
I also request to the owner of this website plz make some restriction / Alerts and oblegation before writing something about the great leadrs of pakistan, I strongly condemn the criteria of writing any thing abount anyone on this website , i also request the owner of this website to provide the complete detail of the person who is using my name & details to insulting such personalities and my self.
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