Sunni Barelvis/Sufis demand operation against Deobandi terror outfits: Exclusive report
posted by Muhammad Bin Abi Bakar | March 12, 2014 | In Featured, Original ArticlesYesterday Chairman of Sunni alliance Council Sahibzada Hamid Raza presided a meeting of office holder of district Lahore Branch of SIC . At this occasion he said that Rulers of Pakistan should not offer lame excuses for securing deobandi takfiri terrorists like TTP or ASWJ.It is fact that Taliban and other deobadi takfiri terrorist are symbol of tyrany and oppression He warned government that to try to make a deal with takfiri terrorists would be brought dreadful results.He expressed that there was no legal or ethical justification of support of Taliban and Deobandi takfiri terrorists are criminals. He condemned federal interior minister Ch.Nisar and asked him to stop justifications and lame excuses for Taliban and to become spokesman of Pakistan not of deobandi takfiri terrorists.
While he talked to Let Us Build Pakistan web site and categorical rejected any deal with deobandi terrorists and he warned government of Pakistan to be ready face of harsh reaction of Sufi Sunnis which are called in Subcontinent as Sunni barelvis.
On other side head of Pakistan Sunni Tehreek which is another powerful and representative of Sunni Barelvis of Pskistan Allamav Sarwat Qadri said that Government was bound to pay دیتof sixty thousands mrtyers of Pakistan which were killed by deobandi takfiri terrorist organizations like TTP,ASWJ etc. Every worker of Sunni Tehreek is ready to sacrifice himself for protection of Pakistan. He said that Sunni of Pakistan will make new میلادی Pakistan. He condemned decision of intervention in Syria and running of Saudi proxy in that country and demanded for at once stop interventionist approach toward Syrian conflict. He condemned so called torch bearers of Sharia like mullah petrol and diesels who are distorting image of Islam for their vested interests. He called pro Talibans political and religious parties as fake and so called contractors of Islam. He demanded to ban on those political and religious organizations and Parties who support deobandi terrorists networks in Pakistan like all factions of JUI and Ji etc.
We saw also very strong reaction against deobandi takfiri terrorism in Pakistan among participants of Ya Rasoollah Conference at Dera Allah Yar city organized by Sunni Itehad Council and MWM. Prominent main leadership of SIC and MWM including Mufti Saeed ,Allamah Raja Nasir Abbas Jaffari addressed big gathering and rejected any deal with deobandi takfiri tereorist organizations by government and demanded full military operation Another big gatherings of Sunni Barelvi Community was at Shrine of famous Sunni Sufi Saint Shah Rukn-e-Alam where head of Jamat -Ahl-e-Sunnat and son of prominent,Great Sunni Sufi scholar Ahmad Saeed Kazami Sahibzada Mazhar Saeed Kazami said that Sunni would never accept imposition of so called Sharia on gun point and will never bear any effort for making deobandi Takfiri ideology as state ideology and marginalization of Sunni beralvi commmunity . These statements and speeches and resolutions clrealy prove that Sufi Sunni Barelvi are not in suport of talk to Taliban and other deobandi Takfiri terrorists and they are going toward show their street protests and powerfull resistance against deobandi takfiri terrorism and suport of PMLn to deobandi takfiri terrorists.
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