Editorial: Nawaz Sharif, the Saudi poodle with a nuclear button

Where is the Pakistan Flag?

Where is the Pakistan Flag?

The Saudi support for Nawaz Sharif has been no secret in Pakistan or abroad. Politically speaking, it was General Zia who created Nawaz Sharif during the so-called Afghan Jihad in the 1980s. The Jihad was a Saudi-CIA war against the ‘infidel’ Soviet Union. It was the Pakistan Army headed by General Zia which was contracted by the Saudi-CIA combine to fight the Jihad. General Zia was himself a Deobandi who helped the Saudis launch the anti-Shia and anti-Brelvi Takfiri campaign in Pakistan, which has crushed the entire socio-cultural structure of the Pakistan society.

General Zia ruled the country for 11 years making sure that the Takfiri system he had installed would continue. For this purpose, the Deobandi madrassas (seminaries) were established to prepare hate-mongers and suicide bombers to carry out the Shia genocide. But the Deobandi mullahs and madrassas despite their venom and destructiveness were politically-electorally insignificant. They still are. Thus, the Saudi-Army nexus created a new political elite whose agenda was to win the votes of a society radicalized by Takfiri propaganda against the Shias, Brelvi Sufis, Hindus, Ahmadis, and Christians. Another part of the propaganda was demonizing and apostatizing of the likes of Benazir Bhutto and secular-progressive elements who had roots amongst the masses and could pose a danger to the Saudi Takfiri ideology.

This Saudi-Army complicity, its mechanism, and functioning is a long story, and cannot be covered in these spaces. The main issue here is the very person of Nawaz Sharif who has been acting more like a hatchet man of the Saudi Takfiri ideology than a Pakistani politician. The first Takfiri shot Nawaz Sharif fired after General Zia’s death was meant to destroy Benazir’s political career. He cried non-stop in every public and private forum: “She is a security risk!”

What was the meaning of calling her a security risk? It was not a political slogan at all, as some commentators have observed. It was the very first instance of apostatising of Benazir Bhutto done not by a mullah, but a politician. It meant this: Benazir must not be allowed to become prime minister of the Islamic Republic because she would give all nuclear secrets and other classified information to the infidel India. Within months of her assumption of the office of prime minister, Nawaz Sharif’s Takfiri slogan against Benazir found ‘evidence’ when she met Rajiv Gandhi in order to normalize relations with India. The rightwing Urdu press went hysterical with allegations that, inter alia, she had handed classified information to Gandhi. The ‘evidence’ discussed was that she had given the names of the Sikh militants who has been campaigning for an independent Khalistan.

Soon Benazir was sacked and Nawaz Sharif took over. Now it was his opportunity to show how loyal to the Saudis he was. In 1992, he introduced the notorious Blasphemy Bill in the parliament. The Bill stipulated death sentence for anyone who insulted the Prophet (PBUH). To this day, the people of Pakistan have been tasting the bitter fruit of the Bill. No meaningful discussion of the Bill was allowed, and within minutes it became a part of Pakistan’s constitution.

After he was sacked by General Musharraf in 1999, it was the Saudis who rescued Nawaz Sharif and housed him in a palace in Riyadh.

According to the agreement which Nawaz Sharif signed with the Musharraf government (and guaranteed by the Saudis), he would not enter Pakistan for 10 years nor run for a political office for the same period. But when in 2007 Benazir returned to Pakistan, the Saudis came into action and forced General Musharraf to let Nawaz Sharif return to Pakistan. This was in violation of the agreement, but the Saudis did not want her to win the elections. They sent their man to counter her. But Benazir was a genius. She convinced Nawaz Sharif to work for democracy while abjuring his inglorious past. For the first time in his political life, Nawaz Sharif made a sensible decision and joined Benazir against dictatorship. But Benazir was soon assassinated, and Nawaz Sharif was reclaimed by his handlers and paymasters.

And now, it is the same old Nawaz Sharif who has made alliances with Takfiri Deobandis who proudly kill Shias, Brelvi Sufis, Hindus, Ahmadis, and Christians. It is the same Takfiri Nawaz Sharif who has sided with the Deobandi killers against the Shias on the Rawalpindi tragedy in which Shias were shot and killed, and their imambargahs burnt down.

But the matters do not rest here. Nawaz Sharif seems to be going international in his service to the Saudis. Some of the highly reputed publications have claimed that Pakistan is ready to provide nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia against Iran.





In an interview with Prince Talal of Saudi Arabia, the Wall Street Journal has observed, “If Iran does go nuclear, Saudi Arabia may not be far behind. It has options. Riyadh underwrote Pakistan’s atomic-bomb program and keeps the country’s economy afloat with its largess.”

To a question about how Saudi Arabia can go nuclear, Prince Talal said, “the arrangement with Pakistan is too strong. . . . Nawaz Sharif, specifically, is very much Saudi Arabia’s man in Pakistan”. (Read: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304337404579211742820387758)

These are not words of the LUBP editors. These are the words of Prince Talal, which show how dangerous Nawaz Sharif to world peace is. Of course, he is not the only one. It is the Pakistan Army which is a mercenary organization and has sold nuclear secrets in the past for money. But it is through Nawaz Sharif, the “very much Saudi Arabia’s man in Pakistan” that the world might see a nuclear holocaust. Neither Nawaz Sharif nor any of his myriads of spokesmen has condemned Prince Talal’s reductive, in fact insulting, description of him. Because this is the true description of the man who is more loyal to the Saudis than to his own country. The world must take note of the dangers he and his Saudi masters pose.




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