The fake liberals strike back – by Qudsia Siddiqui

Pakistan's pseudo-liberals are as shallow in their thoughts as is their understanding of and influence on the Pakistani society
First part of this article:
Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui
Firstly, thanks to the LUBP for accepting my post. I was heartened to see blogs like this one and Pakistan Media Watch, Café Pyala and Pak Tea House provide some form of liberal discourse.
However, I was disappointed that aside from LUBP, the other blogs also suffer from the de-politisization disaster that is the legacy of General Zia-ul-Haq. There are two types of Zia-ul-Haq’s children in today’s Pakistan, i.e., the right wing abettors, supporters and apologists of the Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba, and the left wing abettors, supporters and apologists of the establishment.
When I see the media and blogs of other countries, there is a clear political point of view that is being expressed. For instance, the Huffington Post is devoutly Pro Democrat.
However, in Pakistan, the trend amongst the chattering class is to conceal their reactionary and anti-democratic streak behind a false veneer of liberalism. Much effort is made to hide one’s true political agenda behind a fake stance of objectivity. However, poke a few wholes in this veneer and it is priceless to see the verbal diarrhea of elitist urban myths.
In that regard, I would like to address some of the comments to my earlier post.
@Tahir Khan:
The chattering elites have always supported military dictators and while supporters like me were weeping when ZAB and BB were executed and saddened when BB’s governments were dismissed, I witnessed many of my own class and family celebrating and cursing the PPP leaders and engaging in their usual elitest rant that “Pakistan does not deserve democracy” and “how dare these illiterate peasants think that their vote counts”!
I am glad that you bring up Benazir Bhutto’s political bargaining with General Musharraf. For the process of nascent democracy to restart in Pakistan and not hijacked by your lawyers’ movement and its compromised judges, we needed a fresh start where the people elect their representatives who are not victimized by a corrupt judiciary that goes after them on trumped up charges.
The NRO was simply to combat these trumped up charges and time has proven me correct when your judiciary provides gate passes to dangerous Jihadi terrorists like Hafiz Saeed and Mullah Abdul Aziz and decides to open only those 30 odd cases that concern the fake cases against PPP and not others!
This is my perspective and the perspective of all those brave Pakistanis who came out to vote in the shadow of severe suicide bombings on PPP rallies and gatherings; the ones that your morally bankrupt class considers it beneath their dignity to remember!
If you want to harbour the same civil society rubbish about this incident, you and your Imran Khan and your Jamaat Islami and your Jamaati chauvinist judges are welcome to do so!
@Anas Butt and “Karachikhatmal:
Yes, things change. Thanks for bringing the obvious to our attention. Yes, many of us would love to believe that the only true urban political stars are MQM and PML-N. It would be foolish to dismiss these two establishment parties as both do have a significant vote bank.
In Karachi, the MQM does have a vote bank amongst some sections of the 40% who are migrants and Urdu/Gujrati speakers. However, all of us from an Urdu speaking background do not vote MQM and a large number of us still vote for PPP. In the last elections, 3 federal seats in Karachi South were the results of rigging controversy when PPP lost them to MQM.
In spite of living in the same address for nearly 30 years, I was not allowed to vote for PPP in Karachi Central (Gulshan Town) but my vote was only acceptable if I voted for MQM!
The MQM has a stranglehold on Karachi’s bureaucracy thanks to the support of 2 military dictators. Their acts have divided Karachi like never before and don’t think the voters will ever forget that.
In a fair election, I would think that both PPP and ANP will make significant inroads into the artificially inflated MQM vote bank; a vote bank that is an insult to many Pakistanis and Karachiites who are Urdu speakers and whose parents and them migrated after partition. Those of us who are PPP supporters never went along with this false victim-hood of the “migrants” and saw through the sham of General Zia and the creation of MQM as a force that was carved out of ex-IJT thugs.
For us, the very paradigm of willingly accepting the migrant tag made no sense as we identified with the Sindhis and Balochis who shared their land with us.
The MQM is a de-politisization force that has eroded the culture of student politics and that by its own admission places a primacy on violence and not discourse. The Sindhis and Balochis of Karachi accepted my family with open arms in Karachi and their influentials built entire housing areas for us.
I am disgusted by MQM’s racist attitude towards the Sindhi flood victim affectees and towards the Pushtuns! The MQM is an insult to the memory of Jaun Elia and all the other prominent PPP supporters whose ancestry is from Urdu speaking areas of India but whose heart rooted in the political philosophy of federalism.
As for Aitzaz Ahsan, get your facts straight. Like lotas and backstabbers before him, he has no constituency and will never win without the establishment’s support. Lately, my friends in Lahore have told me that he has been put in cold storage by the establishment. By the way, where was your Aitzaz during the current SCBA elections?
These civil society types will never come out openly and express their fantasy for PTI, MQM and PML N. Many times, some of these civil society types whose sense of self importance is inversely proportional to their sense of history actually take pride in their surface level political neutrality.
They think that this enables them to do things as opposed to my generation and highlight the great things they are doing for the victims of the flood affectees. Aside from fulfilling their narcissism via boasting, their argument is as flawed as their understanding of politics! In their universe, they are the champion saviors while those “Krupt PPP feudals” did nothing.
For them, the work of PPP activists, supporters, leaders and elected officials with regards to the flood relief efforts simply did not happen as that would puncture their false sense of self importance and deluded pride.
For them, people like Talat Hussain who could lie without shame on BBC that he collected more money for the flood victims is a hero and a president bridging ties with one of the largest donors for the flood is the villain. Being socially conscious and coming to the aid of the victims of the flood is not mutually exclusive towards supporting a political party.
This posture of false neutrality is not fooling anyone anymore. Embrace the tiny Imran Khan in your brain and accept that you, like the rest of your class always loathed the PPP, and were invariably always rejected by the people of Pakistan. Your future not unlike your past and present is bleak notwithstanding your ever evolving shallow theories and false hopes.
Very bold attempt…loved the style and substance, Thank You Qudsia Aapa, proud of you…
This one is slightly more balanced than your last post.
As for those three “urban” parties (cough, cough, reactionism anyone?) the PTI was a joke, the PML-N leaves me cold and the MQM….well I’ve grown up in Karachi, but I’m commenting on the LUBP website aren’t I? Here’s to a less reactionary Qudsia Siddiqui.
Wait, if the MQM-A is made up of ex-Jamatias, then the MQM-H (a more extreme and puritanical faction) must be filled with Sipah-e-Sahaba guys. LOL indeed.
So with your reference to the Huffington Post has Critical PPP changed from having a critical opinion on the PPP – good and bad, to now being an activist blog of the PPP?
Guess it has.
That would suck if we can’t criticise the PPP.
Here’s a criticism of Babar Awan:
Even NFP called him a A creepy looking politician who is planted in the PPP by a sinister underground cult organization that awaits the resurrection of Ziaul Haq. LUBP may be ok, but Babar Awan still stinks.
Gotta keep the “critical” part of Critical PPP going 😉
@TLW, you do realize that NFP was being sarcastic regarding his depiction of Babar Awan and that the joke is on civil society. I guess Babar can’t be all bad if he helped Asma Jehangir get elected for SCBA president. Ofcourse, I was at a civil society dinner and there the judiciary wallas were bashing Asma as a Zionist agent who sold out Pakistan to India and is now selling out to the PPP. They kept repeating the same civil society mantra about Babar Awan and his suitcases of cash. My only observation is that Babar must be doing plenty of dumb bell curls to carry so much cash so as to outspend Nawaz, Hamid Gul and Jamaat who are “funding” Chaudhary Iftikhar and his cronies!
You quoted NFP out of context. Would you also quote what he wrote about Ahmadiyya?
I make it easy for you. This is what NFP wrote about pseudo-liberals’ criticism of politicians in the same article. Does this rhetoric sound familiar?
“Politicians: A breed of people who are nurtured and raised as punching bags for the Army, the media and bored urban middle-class folks to vent out their frustrations and practice their latest karate chops on. And, oh, of course, politicians are the only ones in this otherwise glorious and pious country who are corrupt and should be held accountable. The rest are obviously saints.”
Also, if you know LUBP (which it seems you don’t), we have done several posts critical of the PPP policies and also its leadership. Here is just one example:
Four elements of “Dr” Babar Awan
However, our criticism of the party is much different from the benevolent concern of the pseudo-liberals for the party and the “jahil awam”.
Any way, I think you are being a bit unfair by criticizing the LUBP’s criticism of the P-Ls whereas remaining completely oblivious to the reasons because of which we dislike P-Ls.
Let me clarify. There are other fora (e.g. PTI, pkpolitics) which are evidently anti-PPP. We don’t call them P-Ls. We respect anti-PPP political forces for their transparency and honesty. These two virtues (transparency and honesty) are invariably absent in the pseudo-liberal class.
We know who the P-Ls are and the funny thing is the P-Ls too know that they are currently under discussion even if we don’t specify their names and blogs.
ارے بھائی لوگ ایل یو بی پی والو، کن لوگوں سے باتوں میں وقت زایع کر رہے ہو . جن لوگوں کو ان کے اپنے گھر والے اور محلے والے دھکے دیتے ہیں، ان سے بحث میں اپنا وقت برباد نہ کرو بھائی لوگ –
یہ سوڈو لبرل مافیا اصل میں فوج اورمتحدہ قومی موومنٹ مافیا ہے – یہ عوام کو جاہل سمجھتے ہیں اور ان کی رہنمائی کرنا چاہتے ہیں – لیکن عوام ان کو جوتے مارتے ہیں. یہی ان کو درد ہے جس کا کوئی مداوا نہیں ہو سکتا –
تصویر آپ نے بہت خوب لگائی – یہ اسٹبلشمنٹ کے گندے انڈے ہیں – ان کو
اٹھا کر پھینک دو باہر گلی میں
“Guess it has.
That would suck if we can’t criticise the PPP.”
Just as a reference in order to put this claim to rest (since so many commenters have made this claim recently) here’s a partial list of the critical articles written about the PPP on this blog. In most cases the authors are either editors or frequent contributors of the blog, so the chances of this blog switching to a policy of not allowing its commenters to criticize the PPP is extremely unlikely.
Hussain Haqqani –
Babar Awan –
Rehman Malik –
Rehman Malik
Naseerullah Babar – (in the comments)
Zardari –
Zardari –
Raisani –
Raisani –
Taseer –
qudsia apa, maybe you should lay off the naswar. “establishment”? firstly, the ppp wouldnt be in power if they hadnt been a signatory to the NRO. secondly, the MQM is a partner in the fed and sindh government with the ppp. no mqm, no govt in the fed. politics my aged apa is the art of compromise. mud slingling, calling folks lotas et al doesnt help. aitizaz a lota? unreal. come on. half the folks in the ppp today have at some point of their political careers been associated with other parties. are they lotas too? hussain haqqani, our ambassador to the US, started with the jamiat and then went to the pmln. infact he was responsible for some atrocious character assasination of bb in the 90’s elections. now he’s a trusted member of the ppp. firdous awan? ditto. run down the list and you’ll see how many “senior” leaders were with other parties. the rants need to stop. the interior minister? ditto. his father used to work for zia and zia paid for his education and then induction into the FIA. hmmm. the list is long and not so glorious.
@ anas butt
You said politics is the art of compromise.
Politics is the art of anything but hiding one’s political affiliation. Such tactics are best suited to pseudo-liberals.
As I previously explained, we are ready to have a dialogue with any one but an apolitical and dishonest, benevolent pseudo-liberal.
@Anas Butt, TLW
come on! We are fed up off this argument, who came from where, in the next comment you will say Bhutto was in Ayub cabinet, and used to call him Daddy!
Listen to your favorite Kamran Khan commentary on BiBi arrival to Karachi airport, Video is available on youtube,
PPP is a political party, comprising of politicians, some may have come from diverse background, our opinion is on their role in today politics, As for as Babar Awan is concerned, you can read posts and comments here on him very critical of him.
As for as Aitzaz is concerned, he is from Tehreek Istiqlal, never mind, the role he has played in lawyers movement, someone can check for Benazir Bhutto comments about him, when he returned PPP ticket for 08 elections. She clearly stated, Aitzaz should decide, whether he want to be with the party or the lawyers.
Aitzaz is pseudo liberal why? It was him who used the argument of Umar(PBUH) coming to the quote reference in case proceedings against Gen. Musharraf.
When time came, to show support to Asma Jehangir, against rightest, bigots he chose to stay neutral, and flew to Spain for a lecture, pity to the poor listener who were listening him.
Another sign of pseudo liberal, when time comes they will not stand and will never have clear stance. It was Aitzaz who never came clear on Islamist judiciary when they uttered their disgust to Secularism.
Wait for a separate post on The bigot, another champion and torch bearer of pseudo liberals…
The political chaos in Pakistan began from the time of Ayub Khan who clamped down on political parties and the press. All newspapers were nationalised and became a part of single entity which the state controlled. Only a handful of newspapers escaped government control,as long as they assured that the would toe the government’s line. The Jang Group, which is the owner of Geo TV (one can well imagine how objective it is). After Ayub Khan political parties came back, the press remained nationalised. The newspapers which had vowed to toe the government line continued to do so. Behaving like just well groomed civil servants who bark on listening to their existing master’s voice. There was no objectivity for 30 years. After the black laws which had been imposed by Ayub Khan were done with the press became free. But that freedom was still not tolerated. The owner of any newspaper are still required to toe the party line in the name of national security.
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