US govt should blacklist Pakistan’s Geo TV: Attack on Christians in Lahore – by Mahpara Qalandar
In the afternoon of 9 March, a mob of 3,000 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (ASWJ/LEJ) and PML-N activists destroyed the entire neighborhood of Joseph Colony, Badami Bagh, in Lahore. The destruction was carried out when a rumor was deliberately spread by the religious-political activists affiliated to the Deobandi/ASWJ/LeJ mosque in Badami Bagh. The rumor said that a Christian by the name of Savan had committed blasphemy. What did he do? It was never told by the rumor-mongers. But the very expression “insult to Islam” is good enough to set Islamofascists in motion.
Savan was arrested immediately after the rumor was spread. But still the police in Shahbaz Sharif’s home town allowed the mob to destroy the Christian neighborhood.
Nothing will be done because the arsonists belong to PML-N and its electoral ally: ASWJ/LeJ. This is not surprising. But what is outrageous is how Geo presented the mob violence in Badami Bagh. Here is the evidence: On its 5 pm news bulletin which it repeated for hours the Geo anchor said this: “People entered a few houses and set various things therein on fire.”
Anyone can verify it and if this is not what the Geo anchor said, LUBP will be too happy to face Geo and offer a public apology.
Now look how Geo has turned the entire Islam o fascist-committed tragedy into a farce:
- There were people involved. “People” is a very neutral term and has nothing which is suggestive of violence.
- These “people” did not force their way. They just “entered” (“ghus kar” in Urdu). Again there was a suggestion of innocuous entry.
- The “people” only set things on fire. Not mention of 100 houses burnt down and everything therein too. But just “things”. No mention of people who ran for their lives as they saw a mob coming.
Every month, Geo gets millions from the American government by way of aid. This money given to Geo belongs to the people of the United States. And this is what Geo returns to the American people in return! As a naturalized American I demand of my government to stop giving US tax payer money to Geo.
I fully support the demand. These are the same people who committed 9/11 atrocities against my country, ruthlessly murdered Danial Pearl at the behest of ISI, kill US soldiers in Afghanistan and burn effigies of the United States President. US Government stop funding these double dealers, the Jang Group.
What is the evidence of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (ASWJ/LEJ) and PML-N involvement?
In a bulletin of x-press news the masked gunman, wearing Shalwar Kameez aiming gun towards shanty Christian town can be seen. The news reported stated “several” of them. Who were they? Police? Army? Jews? Hindus? or Shias? I am sure all of them were Jihadis and Takfiris, though, I am not sure about presence of PML(N) people there. But now in Pakistan and the world everyone knows who is Rana SanaUllah and what are his connections with ASJW-SSP-LeJ.
Malik, coming elections will prove to you who will win provincial and national assembly seats from Badami Bagh constituencies. Your question asking proof of PMLN and ASWJ/LEJ ‘s involvement in this incident is trying to say that you are totally unaware of Rana SanaUllah along with his uncle Chief Justice and Nawaz Shareef’s troika and their election alliance with ASWJ/LEJ.
No country is truly independent as long as it takes ‘aid’ from other countries.
In this information age, Geo TV is not the only one to be blamed.If the government and the people of Pakistan want this Geo TV style can be countered by PTV and other channels. So ultimately, one cannot blame outsiders to carry out their agendas in Pakistan, it is the Pakistani givernment which has to take care of the people.
I give comments but then they are turned down due to some fake reason, asking for more personal information.
I see that the fault is that of administration, the local magistrate and Rana sana sahib and Shahbaz who is fully incharge of the province. Reasons:
1. Why the admin (mentioned above) did not enforce clause 144 (prohibiting more than 5 persons gathering)for maintenance of public order and peace in the city?
2. Why police was in-active. Police did not call for more force from other police stations. Why police did not fire in the air, a single shot to disperse the crowd?
3. One man was at fault, ( one christian) was doubtfully at fault. He was not a criminal. Matter was to be investigated. He was being blamed. He was Mulzim only.
4. Why the others were attacked? There was no justification and no law / order in the province. Shahbaz Sharif shold be called to book now along with his Sanaullah. Let us see some suo moto (?) notice of this serious case of cruelty.
The present posts are about GEO. They are also culprits with their own men sitting as anchors. Account should be taken from the management of GEO and they should be served a serious notice for their weak reporting. dre beats neon green
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US govt should blacklist Pakistan’s Geo TV: Attack on Christians in Lahore – by Mahpara Qalandar
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