Talat Hussain slaps Shaheen Sehbai and Shahid Masood

Frequently in their TV appearances (on Geo TV) and newspaper columns (in Jang and The News), agents of anti-democracy establishment, e.g. Shaheen Sehbai, Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi and their cronies, have openly or implicitly invited General Kayani to intervene into political affairs of the country in an ultra-constitutional manner.
In the following op-ed, Talat Hussain condemns all such elements who are trying to derail democracy in Pakistan by encouraging or supporting military intervention into political affairs of the country. Talat Hussain requests General Kayani to pay no heed to such illegitimate voices.
We at Let us build Pakistan agree with Talat Hussain’s analysis, and request Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to direct police to arrest all such so-called journalists (black sheep in the journalist community) and also their ruthless owners, and award maximum exemplary punishment to them under the Article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution.


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It is indeed very naive of the team of letusbuildpakistan to consider this very provocative and indeed an article that has all the characteristics of inciting the army (as a matter of fact written on behalf of the army) to act against a democratically elected government.
As a mature political worker , LUBP should understand that the modus operandi of army have never changed , Talat Hussains of this world are as good/bad as the Sehbai's of this world. They are acting in the grand movie written and directed by no other than the COAS and his cronies.
Remember always in the battle of democracy army is always the enemy force. So regardless of whether an analyst asking the army to move in or another analyst asking the army to stay away , they are saying exactly the same thing.
There is no anti-democratic force in Pakistan other than the military of Pakistan period.
When AZ says that he might have to go out of president house handcuffed it is not because CJ will do anything , neither it is because Shahid Masood and Sehbahi's have any force to do so, it will be only by one force in Pakistan which has the naked power to bulldoze the will of Pakistan.
Talat Hussain's of this world are nothing but fine actors in this drama only problem is that they charge very high fees (and that is at the expense of people of Pakistan).
@peja, I kind of understand where you are coming from. The analysis we tried to offer in this article was based on what Talat Hussain apparently wrote in his column (without any further speculations).
Perhaps, Sehbais and Masoods (and also perhaps Talat Hussains) of this world are claiming more than who they actually are and represent? Perhaps, they are trying to oversell themselves in the name of ‘the establishment’. Remember, what happened with the lady Taliban, Shireen Mazari, when she tried to sell her agenda in the name of the ISI?
Perhaps that’s exactly what AZ stated in his speech a few days ago that it’s not the establishment but a few talk-show clowns who are wishing ill for the democratic government. Just a thought.
When I started reading this article in the original paper, I couldnt read more than first 2-3 paragraphs. I was like why he is bum-licking the general so much. This kind of bum-licking they do of every army chief, like he is some prophet of God and they are dying to do bayaat on his hands. tabyat main aitadal hai, what kind of *uck is that. I know thousands of people jin ki tabiyat main aitadal hai. But I know LUBP publishes these articles to show their in-fighting and inconsistencies also.
Talat Hussain is only one problem. Ego-centric. This disease has taken him further from truth. He has become a patient of conspiracy theories and a very precious tool in the hands of the ISI, most probably without knowing. However, the man is much different from Dr SM and SS.
@Abdul Nishapuri What happened to Shirin Mazari , I have out of country and out of touch for a very long time , so I am not aware of many developments.
Shaheen Sehbai was slapped by Mir Shakil ur Rahman 7 years ago!!!
To: Shaheen Sehbai, Editor, The News
From: MSR, Editor-in-Chief
Date: 2/28/02
Re: Violation of policy
I am constrained to bring to your notice several, and repeated, violation of editorial policies clearly understood between us. Infact, these policies have also been agreed in writing. On 26th March, 2001, you had published a one sided, incorrect and libelous article against Mr. Aittiazaz Bob Din, a well known businessman residing in the United States. Although Mr. Bob Din had cited person differences between the two of you, dating back to your stay in the United States, as the motive behind the unfounded allegations against him, I had disregarded this suggestion at that time and had judged the matter purely on merit. As you will recall, you were unable to substantiate the serious charges you had leveled against him. It was only through my personal apologies and the intervention of mutual acquaintances that we were able to dissuade Mr. Din from suing the News for defamation and libel.
On two different occasions, you published unfavourable articles about PIA, which were of uncertain veracity and did not contain their point of view, as a result of which they denounced these articles in a press conference, threatened to take legal action, suspended our advertisements and also stopped putting our papers on PIA flights. Needless to say, these measures hurt us financially, damaged our reputation and took a great deal of pacification to undo.
I would also refer to the written terms of our agreement at the time of your appointment under which you are required to discuss the top stories of the day and other important editorial matters with me and seek the Editor-in-chiefs point of view and verdict on contentious issues? To my recollection, you have never deemed it fit to consult me on any matter. In this connection, I would further like to refer to our meeting on the eve of Eid in which group Editor Daily Jang was also present and we discussed the fallout of the story printed a few days earlier in the News ( again without consulting me, I might add ) which was perceived to be damaging to our national interest and elicited severe reaction by the Government. It had been agreed that we would contact relevant Government functionaries and arrange to meet with them to discuss the issue and also convey our point of view. Regrettably, you chose not to go to Islamabad and attend the meeting even though this had been clearly agreed. You even rebuffed senior Government officials who contacted you on the phone by hanging up on them. Sham Sahib and I left several messages with your assistant but again, you chose not to take or return our calls.
I would also like to take this opportunity to point out again, that it is a frequent complaint that you do not interact with people. Not only have senior Government officials protested that you are inaccessible to them, but even your own staff complains that you are hardly available for meetings, guidance and discussions.
I must convey my disappointment to you at all these issues, as I must convey my disappointment with the lack of general progress in the improvement of the News. The number of mistakes and blunders being committed, failure to follow agreed journalistic ethics – as pointed out to you from time to time by EMD have all resulted in financial set backs as well as loss of credibility for the News. I have only recounted some of the problems besetting the Jang group. It is quite evident that matters are not proceeding as we had agreed. However, before I make up my mind, I would like to hear your point of view.
I look forward to hearing from you about the serious issues that I have raised above and any solutions that you may propose.
Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman
REFERENCE: Why Are We Killing Ourselves? Anas Malik March 2, 2002 http://www.chowk.com/interacts/5252/1/0/a
Seven years ago Mr Shaheen Sehbai was also quoted in The New York Times as well his Editor in Chief i.e. Mir Shakil ur Rehman, and do note what Mir Shakil ur Rehman had to say about the Patriotism and Loyalty of Shaheen Sehbai with Pakistan. SHAHEEN SEHBAI’S DOUBTFUL LOYALTY WITH PAKISTAN AND READ WHAT HE HAD SAID TO “The Times of India” ABOUT PAKISTAN ARMY AND ISI.
Mr. Shaheen Sehbai, Group Editor, The News International – Jang Group of Newspapers is very fond of quoting Foreign Press particularly when Foreign Press [Pro Zionist] is negative on President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari and PPP.
‘Lady Taliban’ Dr Shireen Mazari rebuked for misusing ISI name
The Lady Taliban, liar-in-chief of Mr. Taliban (Imran) Khan’s disinformation cell, the spreader of hate speech in Pakistan, Dr Shireen Mazari, who was recently disgracefully dismissed by the administration of Jang/The News (and embraced by the pro-right wing The Nation/Nawaiwaqt) has been rebuked for misusing ISI name. Here is the news report:
Newspaper editor rebuked for misusing ISI name
* Female editor told to refrain from claiming her views mirror those of military, intelligence leadership
ISLAMABAD: Security agencies have rebuked the female editor of a Lahore-based English daily after taking notice of a campaign allegedly launched against the government and its relations with a foreign country by journalists who claim to have been briefed on the matter by the army or intelligence agencies.
Last week, the investigators of one of the country’s leading intelligence agencies visited the newly-appointed female editor and demanded she furnish concrete evidence of her newspaper’s claims of US security contractor Blackwater operating in Pakistan.
The security officials, during a meeting that lasted more than an hour-and-a-half, found that she kept changing the names of the people who had provided her with the information when asked to substantiate her claims on Blackwater’s alleged presence. A senior official who accompanied the investigators became very agitated by the claims, asking the editor to make sure she checks her facts before she publishes or comments on any reports.
No ties: The officials also told the editor to refrain from claiming close ties with the intelligence agencies and claiming – as she did recently during a television programme – that her point of view was mirrored by the military or intelligence leadership. The sentiment has been echoed by the military leadership, which has criticised the tendency of a certain section of the media to attribute its claims to sources within the military or intelligence services. This has included the intelligence services stating that media reports of Blackwater operating in Pakistan are baseless. staff report (Daily Times)