Hooligans of Islami Jamiat put Punjab University professor in hospital
‘IJT hooligans’ put PU professor in hospital
* Injured principal of College of Earth & Environmental Sciences also chairman of disciplinary committee
* PU VC calls on Punjab CM to take notice
* IJT distances itself
Staff Report
LAHORE: Islami Jamiat Taliba (IJT) students allegedly assaulted the office of Punjab University (PU) College of Earth and Environmental Sciences principal on Thursday, severely injuring Professor Iftikhar Baloch – in addition to allegedly damaging the PU vice chancellor’s residence and office.
Iftikhar is also the chairman of the PU disciplinary committee, and the university administration has alleged that students recently expelled and rusticated are responsible for the assaults.
On March 31, the PU disciplinary committee either expelled or rusticated six students for “rowdy behaviour”. Those against whom action was taken have been identified as BS Honours student Hafiz Qasim, MSc Geography student Malik Tariq, BS Applied Geology student Saqibur Rehman and B Com Honours students Hafiz Wajid Ali, Mamoonur Rehman and Rehan Khan. Addressing reporters, PU Vice Chancellor Dr Mujahid Kamran condemned the assaults, and called on the chief minister to take action against the IJT for its “illegal activities on the campus”. He said IJT members were always a hurdle in the way of disciplining the institution.
“The assaults mark the darkest day in the history of the university,” said Kamran. He said several cases had been registered against IJT students, but police “have their limitations”. Asked to elaborate, he said the government and police already had their plate full with terrorism, and “such matters fail to get their proper attention”.
He said the university administration expelled such “troublemakers … but they take refuge in university hostels”. Kamran said a group of “15 armed students” had put up at various hostels, and “coincidentally, all of them belong to the IJT”. Asked why PU security guards did not take action, the vice chancellor said guards were scattered all over the campus. “Moreover, action against armed students is the responsibility of police.”
Academic Staff Association President Mehar Saeed Akhtar, also a member of the JI, condemned the assaults, and announced a strike for an indefinite period. He said the faculty would not resume duties unless proper action was taken against “those responsible for the assaults”. He said the general body of the staff association would meet today (Friday) to make further plans. He alleged that “M Ashraf, Aurangzeb, Irfan Anjum, Haris, Salmaan Butt and Rehan Tariq” were responsible for the attack. He said an FIR would be registered against the suspects as soon as a medico-legal certificate was issued.
IJT Information Secretary Hannan Nafees claimed the IJT was not involved in the assaults, and said the “IJT rather condemns the assaults”. He said the expelled and rusticated students initially blocked Canal Road. “Taking notice of the situation, SP Sohail Sukhera cleared the road with the help of the IJT university nazim. Later, the students went to meet the vice chancellor, but stormed his office when they saw he was not there. They went on to see Professor Iftikhar … a heated argument preceded the assault on the college principal.” He said while the expulsions and rustications were “controversial”, the IJT would support the professor.
A large number of students from various departments also demonstrated against the assault on the professor. They were chanting slogans against the IJT. “We will boycott classes today (Friday) to condemn the brutal attack … an education system where teachers are not given respect cannot work,” one of the protesting students told Daily Times.
Source: Daily Times
Haroon-ur-Rashid’s article on Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) and Imran Khan (Jang, 6 April 2010):
اپنی آنکھ کا شہتیر…ناتمام…ہارون الرشید
سید ابو الاعلیٰ مودودی نے کہا تھا، جیسا دودھ ویسا مکھن۔ اور اللہ کے آخری رسول کا فرمان یہ ہے: تمہارے اعمال ہی تمہارے عمّال ہیں۔ کیا ہم ہمیشہ حکومتو ں کے در پے ہی رہیں گے اور معاشرے کی اصلاح کے لئے کبھی فکرمند نہ ہوں گے۔ ہمیشہ دوسروں کی آنکھ کاتنکا تاکاکریں گے، اپنی آنکھ کا شہتیر کبھی نہیں؟
عمران خان اب اچانک کیوں برسر احتجاج ہیں کہ اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ نے پنجاب یونیورسٹی کو یرغمال بنا لیا۔ وزیراعلیٰ شہباز شریف اور وزیراعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی سے ان کا مطالبہ ہے کہ وہ یونیورسٹی میں امن قائم کریں۔ لاہور میں وہ قاتلانہ حملے کے شکار پروفیسر افتخار بلوچ کی تیمارداری کرنے گئے اور انہوں نے یہ کہا: صوبائی اور مرکزی حکومتیں محترم استاد پرحملے کی ذمہ دار ہیں۔جی نہیں، نہ صرف حکومت ہی ذمہ دار نہیں اور تنہا وہی مداوا نہیں کرسکتی۔ دوسروں کے علاوہ خود عمران خان بھی قصور وارہیں اور ان کی ذاتی ذمہ داری ہے کہ وہ یہ سنگین زخم مندمل کرنے میں مدد دیں ، بتدریج جو ناسور کی طرح رسنے لگا ہے۔ چھ ماہ قبل عمران خان نے اسی یونیورسٹی کے فیصل ہال میں، تالیوں کی گونج میں اعلان کیا تھا کہ انہوں نے ڈیڑھ برس پہلے خود پر حملہ کرنے والوں کو معاف کردیا ہے۔ پہلی بات تو یہ ہے کہ عمران خان سے معافی مانگی ہی کس نے تھی کہ وہ عالی ظرفی کا مظاہرہ کرنے کے لئے بے تاب ہوگئے۔ ثانیاً یہ کہ اپنے ساتھ کی جانی والی زیادتی وہ بھلا سکتے تھے لیکن دوسروں پر روا رکھے جانے والے مظالم؟ عام معافی کا اعلان کرنے کاحق انہیں کس نے دیا تھا؟ہم مفروضے قائم کرتے ہیں، مصلحتیں اختیارکرلیتے ہیں، خود کو دھوکہ دینے کی روش اور اس ذہنی فضا میں فیصلے کرنے کے بعد کامیابی کی تمنا پاتے ہیں۔ بہت سی صورتوں میں خود فریبی محض ایک وقتی فیصلہ نہیں ہوتا بلکہ ایک انداز ِفکر، جس کا ہم شکار ہو جاتے ہیں، خود کو، اپنی پوری زندگی کو ایک ناقص طرز ِ احساس کے سپرد کر ڈالتے ہیں اور جب ناکامی یا حادثے سے دوچار ہوتے ہیں تو قربانی کا کوئی نہ کوئی بکرا تلاش کرلیتے ہیں… اکثر حکمران کہ بیشتر ناقص رہے ہیں اور انہیں موردِ الزام ٹھہرانا آسان ہوتاہے۔ پروفیسر افتخار بلوچ پرحملے کی ذمہ داری میں کپتان برابر کے شریک ہیں اوراپنے حصے کا بوجھ انہیں خود اُٹھانا چاہئے۔
”آبِ گم“ اس نادر تصنیف میں، عصر رواں کے عظیم نثرنگار مشتاق احمد یوسفی نے، کسی کا ایک جملہ نقل کیاہے: آپ موت اور سورج کو بہت دیر نہیں دیکھ سکتے۔ کچھ اور چیزیں بھی ہیں، دیکھنا تو کیا، جن کے بارے میں بہت دیر تک سوچنا بھی اذیت ناک ہوتا ہے۔ ان میں سے ایک شاگرد کے ہاتھوں استاد کی توہین ہے؛ چہ جائیکہ وہ ایک گروہ بنالیں، اپنے معنوی باپ کو منصوبہ بندی سے ذہنی اور جسمانی اذیت دیں، مبینہ طور پر مار ڈالنے کی کوشش کریں اور اس سے بھی زیادہ کہ شرمندہ ہونے سے بھی انکار کردیں۔ تاویل فرمائیں، دلائل ارشاد کریں اورفریاد کرنے والوں کو جھوٹا ثابت کرنے کی کوشش۔
کسی اور کو نہیں، عمران خان نے خود اس ناچیز کو بتایا تھا کہ پنجاب یونیورسٹی میں اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ کے کارکن تحریک ِ انصاف کے حامی طلبہ کو قتل کی دھمکیاں دیتے ہیں۔ ان کی ماؤں اورباپوں کو فون کرتے ہیں کہ اپنے فرزند کو روکو، ورنہ بھگتے گا۔ اس کے بعد کپتان کو کیا وہ اعلان زیبا تھا، جو انہوں نے کیا؟ جن ماؤں کے دل رنج و غم سے بھرے رہے، جو بے خواب راتوں اور اندیشوں سے بھرے دنوں کے ساتھ خوف کی زندگی گزارتی رہیں،کیا کپتان نے ان سے پوچھ لیا تھا کہ اپنے طرز ِ عمل پر مصر بلکہ فخر کرنے والوں کو معاف کردیا جائے۔ کس طرح یہ مفروضہ انہوں نے قائم کیا کہ ایسا کر گزرنے سے، وہ اپنی اصلاح کرلیں گے؟ 1970 میں جب حافظ محمد ادریس اوران کے ساتھیوں نے وائس چانسلر علامہ علاؤ الدین صدیقی کے گھر پر یلغار کی تو سید ابو الاعلیٰ مودودی نے ایک اخباری بیان جاری کیا: ”ان لوگوں نے میری عمر بھر کی کمائی برباد کردی“ لیکن کپتان نے برعکس طرز ِ عمل اختیار کیا اور کسی ادنیٰ جواز کے بغیر
ہماری مصلحتیں ہیں، وہم ہیں اور بعض چیزوں کوہم نے مقدس سمجھ لیا ہے، خاص طور پر مذہب کا نام لینے والوں کے بارے میں اللہ کی وحدانیت، قرآن کریم اور رسول اللہ کی عظمت کے نعرے لگانے والوں کے باب میں۔ سادہ سی بات یہ ہے کہ خطاکار کو سزا ملنی چاہئے خواہ زندگی کے دوسرے پہلوؤں میں اجلا ہو۔ اس نے اپنے ہاتھوں میں کیسا ہی مقدس پرچم تھام رکھا ہو۔ اگر وہ واقعی خطاکار ہے اور فیصلہ کرنے والے اگر فیصلہ کردیں۔ جب خود قاضی حسین احمد اور امیر العظیم نے ان لوگوں کو مجرم ٹھہرایا تھا تو ان کے خلاف کارروائی ہونی چاہئے تھی، اتنی ہی جتنا کہ ان کا قصور تھا اور ایک قابل اعتبار ادارے کے ذریعے لیکن کوڑا کرکٹ قالین کے نیچے دھکیل دیا گیا… اب ”ہور چوپو
عمران خان نے بات کو بھلا دینے کی کوشش کی اور یہ غالباً اسلئے بھی کہ خود ان کے خاندان میں ایسے لوگ تھے جو جماعت اسلامی اور اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ سے حسن ظن رکھتے تھے۔ رکھتے، ضرور رکھتے لیکن جب کوئی تنازع اٹھتا ہے تو ہم اسی کے سیاق و سباق میں اسے دیکھتے ہیں۔ کسی کے نظریات اور عقیدے سے کیا تعلق ؟ اگر مدینہ منورہ کاکوئی پاک باز مسلمان، کسی بیگناہ یہودی کو قتل کر ڈالتا تو کیا وہ سزا سے بچ جاتا؟ ہم سب جانتے ہیں کہ ہرگز نہیں لیکن عملاً ہمارا رویہ مختلف ہے۔اسلئے کے اصول سے زیادہ ہمیں اپنی پسند اور ناپسند عزیز ہے۔ جزا و سزاپر اعلیٰ ترین اخلاقی اصولوں پر استوار قوانین نہیں بلکہ اپنے تعصبات ہمارے فیصلوں کی بنیاد بنتے ہیں۔ حکومتوں پر ہمیشہ ہم برہم رہتے ہیں اور انہیں لتاڑنے میں ہمیں لطف محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ ہم انہیں اپنی زندگیوں کی ردا میں لگے زخموں کے ذمہ دار سمجھتے ہیں۔ حکومتیں ظالم ہیں، بداطوار ہیں اور بعض اوقات تو سفاک بھی۔ ان سے لڑنا چاہئے اور جب ضروری اور ممکن ہو تو انہیں ہٹادینا چاہئے لیکن کیادوسروں کی کوئی ذمہ داری نہیں؟ ہم اپنے جرائم ان کے کھاتے میں کیسے ڈال سکتے ہیں۔
پنجاب یونیورسٹی میں جو کچھ برسوں اور عشروں سے برپا ہے، ظاہر ہے کہ اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ تنہا اس کی ذمہ دار نہیں، دوسرے بھی ہیں، حکومتیں بھی، حد سے زیادہ مصلحت پسند اساتذہ بھی، جن میں سے بعض جمعیت کے ذریعے مقرر ہوئے اوربعض مفادات کے لئے ان سے رابطہ رکھتے ہیں۔ جمعیت کے انتہاپسند نظریاتی مخالف بھی جو ان چیزوں کے لئے بھی طلبہ تنظیم کو ذمہ دارٹھہراتے ہیں، جن کی یہ مرتکب نہیں اور جو اس کے بارے میں عدل کے نہیں بلکہ انتقام کے آرزو مند ہیں۔ عمران خان اوردوسرے لیڈروں کو کس نے روکا ہے کہ وہ اسباب کا تعین کریں اور مسئلے کا جامع حل تجویز کرنے کی کوشش بھی۔ یہ مگر آشکار ہے کہ جمعیت نے جامعہ پر قبضہ جما رکھاہے اوراسے جماعت اسلامی کی تائید حاصل ہے۔ خبط عظمت اور زعم تقویٰ کے مارے یہ لوگ، جنہیں اسلام اور آئین نے ہرگز کوئی اختیار نہیں بخشا، نہ صرف اپنی ترجیحات کے مطابق مقدس تعلیمی ادارے کو چلانے کے خواہشمند ہیں بلکہ ذاتی زندگیوں میں مداخلت کے مرتکب بھی۔ دلیل نہیں، وہ طاقت پر انحصار کرتے ہیں۔ ان کا مغالطہ یہ ہے اور اکثر مذہبی لوگ اس مغالطے کاشکار ہوتے ہیں کہ چونکہ وہ برحق ہیں ؛ لہٰذا دوسروں کو ان کا مطیع ہونا چاہئے۔ وہ قرآن ، حدیث اور سیرت کا طالب علم ہونے کادعویٰ کرتے ہیں مگر نہیں ہوتے، ورنہ وہ میثاق مدینہ پرغور کرتے، ورنہ انہیں ادراک ہوتا کہ غیرمسلم شہری کے حقوق مسلمان کے برابر نہیں بلکہ اس سے زیادہ ہوتے ہیں۔ انہیں معلوم ہوتا کہ بدگمانی بجائے خود گناہ ہے اور تعصب پر اقدام کرنے والا جہالت کا ارتکاب کرتاہے۔ وہ درس قرآن سنتے ہیں مگر قرآن کریم کے اس فرمان پر ہرگز غور نہیں کرتے: ”کسی گروہ کی دشمنی تمہیں زیادتی پرآمادہ نہ کرے“ انہیں معلوم ہوتا کہ مظلوم کی آہ اور عرش الٰہی کے درمیان کوئی رکاوٹ نہیں اور یہ کہ اگرچہ مہلت دی جاتی ہے مگر ظلم کی سزا مل کر رہتی ہے۔ وہ اس حدیث پر تدبر فرماتے کہ خدا کی مخلوق خدا کا کنبہ ہے اور یہ کہ اس میں مسلم اور غیرمسلم کاامتیاز بھی نہیں، چہ جائیکہ محض ایک مکتب ِ فکر سے اختلاف۔
جامعہ پنجاب کی غیرقانونی اور غیرشرعی حکمرانی سے اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ نے خود کو تباہ کرلیا، سیاست میں ساکھ ہی سب کچھ ہوتی ہے اور وہ برباد ہوچکی۔ جماعت اسلامی کو اس نے ناقابل تلافی نقصان پہنچایا ہے اور اگر میری خطا معاف کی جاسکے تو عرض کروں کہ خود دین اسلام کو… ایرانی مولویوں اور افغانستان کے طالبان سے بڑھ کر۔ وہ مقتدر تھے ، ہیں، لاہور کے لوگ سوچتے ہیں کہ اقتدار کے بغیر اگر ان کا حال یہ ہے تو حکومت ملنے پر کیا ہوگا؟
ہم سب ذمہ دار ہیں۔ عدل نہیں، ہم انتقام کے لئے جیتے ہیں۔ اگر آج ہم پر آصف علی زرداری، نواز شریف اور چودھری پرویز الٰہی، الطاف حسین، اسفند یار ولی خان اور مولانا فضل الرحمن مسلط ہیں تو ہم اس کے مستحق ہیں۔ سبھی نا انصاف ہوسکتے ہیں لیکن ہمارا مالک تو کبھی نہیں۔ سید ابو الاعلیٰ مودودی نے کہ دانا و بینا تھے اور ذاتی زندگی میں اُجلے اور شائستہ بھی بہت، یہ کہا تھا: جیسا دودھ، ویسا ہی مکھن اور اللہ کے آخری رسول نے ارشاد کیا تھا: تمہارے اعمال ہی تمہارے عمّال (حاکم) ہوتے ہیں۔ کیا ہم ہمیشہ حکومتوں کی اصلا ح کے درپے رہیں گے اور معاشرے کی اصلاح کبھی ہماری ترجیح نہ ہوگی؟ ہمیشہ دوسروں کی آنکھ کا تنکا دیکھیں گے، اپنی آنکھ کا شہتیر کبھی نہیں؟
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Friday, April 02, 2010
By our correspondent
LAHORE: Dozens of activists of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) critically injured a senior professor of the Punjab University, ransacked his office, damaged vehicles outside his office and also attacked the Vice Chancellor (VC) Office and the VC House at varsity’s New Campus on Thursday.
The varsity officials said the violent reaction was the result of expulsion of some students belonging to the IJT. They said around five IJT activists, whose cases were processed by the varsity’s Disciplinary Committee, were issued expulsion notifications on Thursday, which aggravated the situation.
The officials further alleged that dozens of Jamiat activists attacked the office of the PU College of Earth & Environmental Sciences (CEES) Prof Dr Iftikhar Hussain Baloch, who was also Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, with sticks and rods at around 3:30 pm. They added some activists then moved to the VC Office and his residence and caused damage to the properties.
They further said since the Jamiat activists were more in number, the university guards failed to resist and stop them. PU Resident Officer (RO) Prof Shahid Mahmood Gul and Chairman Hall Council Prof Dr Muhammad Akhtar said Dr Baloch had received severe head injuries and fell unconscious for quite some time, adding he was taken to Jinnah Hospital but was referred to the Services Hospital.
They said Dr Iftikhar Baloch was the main target of the IJT activists as he was heading the Disciplinary Committee which had recently expelled some of their colleagues after through investigations including opportunity of personal hearing.
The IJT, the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), had earlier blocked the main Canal Road as a protest against the expulsion of their colleagues. However, after police intervention, they left the scene and entered the university premises.
Meanwhile, addressing an emergent press conference at the PU Executive Club, VC Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran, who was flanked by other officials said Jamiat activists were involved in the incident, adding it was the darkest day in the history of the Punjab University. They strongly condemned the incident
PU Chapter IJT Nazim Hasaan Bin Salman, who is the son of noted JI leader Hafiz Salman Butt, said those involved in the incident were not members of the Jamiat, adding it was unfortunate that the varsity administration was implicating the IJT. “In fact, I myself went to disperse the students who were earlier protesting by blocking the main Canal Road,” he claimed adding “The Jamiat strongly condemns the incident.”
Meanwhile, an IJT press statement also denied involvement of its activists in the incident. PU Chapter Jamiat’s secretary information Hanan Nafees alleged in the statement that the PU administration was levelling baseless allegations against the student organisation. “Each year before the book fair, the PU admin accuses the Jamiat to damage the academic activity organized by Jamiat,” it concluded.
Meanwhile, Insaf Students Federation (ISF), the student wing of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), has condemned the IJT attack alleging the so-called student organization, Jamiat, was a terrorist organisation. ISF Lahore general secretary Farrukh Habib and PU chapter president Kamil Hameed said many FIRs had been registered against the Jamiat activists but no action had been taken.
Has the munafiq-e-aala of Jamaat-e-Islami (Munawar Hasan) shed crocodile’s tears yet on this incident or not?
Where is Justice Khwaja Sharif? Where is Shahbaz Sharif? Where have all the Sharifs vanished?
PU teachers on strike
Updated at: 1325 PST, Friday, April 02, 2010
LAHORE: The teachers of Punjab University observing strike today after chairman disciplinary committee had been tortured by a student organization.
On Thursday, activists of a student organization severely tortured Professor Iftikhar Baloch against expulsion of their two colleagues.
The Academic Council of PU had strongly denounced the incident and announced boycott of classes today. The protest will continue till the action against students involved in the incident, council added.
according to vc of pu Dr Mujahid Kamran
the students involve in this case was not from islami jamiat talba
and the teacher invoves in RAPE case (according to press).
Professor injured: IJT displays brute force on campus
By Mansoor Malik Friday, 02 Apr, 2010
LAHORE, April 1: Activists of the Islami Jamiat Tulaba allegedly injured Punjab University Discipline Committee chairman Prof Dr Iftikhar Husain Baloch, ransacked his office and broke windscreens of three vehicles here on Thursday. They left the official bleeding with head injury.
Some 30 IJT activists earlier ransacked the vice-chancellor’s residence and broke the glass door of the VC’s office as well as other offices in the administration block.
Prof Baloch was taken to the Shaikh Zayed Hospital where he was provided an initial treatment and sent to the Services Hospital for registration of a medico-legal case (MLC).
The IJT activists went berserk after the university administration notified on Thursday expulsion of four of them and rustication of two others on the recommendation of the Discipline Committee. They were: Hafiz Qasim, Malik Tariq, Saqibur Rehman, Hafiz Wajid Ali, Mamoonur Rehman and Rehan Khan.
Meanwhile, PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran said the attack on the discipline committee chairman was a “murder attempt” and that “this day will be remembered as a black day in the history of the university”.
Speaking at a news conference at the PU Executive Club afterwards, the VC quoted Prof Baloch as saying in the hospital that “the Jamiat activists while leaving him in blood said that Baloch had died”. Condemning the incident, the VC urged the chief minister to take action as the law and order situation on the varsity campus had gone out of control.
Punjab University Academic Staff Association President Prof Dr Mahr Saeed Akhtar also condemned the incident, saying such a horrendous act was unacceptable. He urged the government to take action against the hooligans to ensure peaceful academic environment on the campus.
He called PUASA general body meeting on Friday (today) at 10am to discuss the situation and plan further strategy.
PUASA Secretary-General Javed Samee said there would be no classes on the campus until the IJT activists were wiped out. Later, he told reporters that the teachers would not attend the meeting and observe strike.
The five-member PU Discipline Committee, headed by Prof Baloch (who is also principal of the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences), had taken up the discipline violation cases with regard to cutting of barriers of underpass No 1 near Project Director office by Hafiz Qasim and Malik Tariq; kidnapping from Room No 4 (Boys Hostel No 4) by Saqibur Rehman; clash between two political groups – IJT and Insaaf Students Federation at Hailey College of Commerce – with nominated accused Hafiz Wajid, Mamoonur Rehman and Rehan Khan.
The committee held its meetings on Feb 4, 22 and March 12 and gave its unanimous decision on March 30. Consequently, the vice chancellor ordered the registrar to notify expulsions and rustications.
The IJT activists began their protest by blocking Canal Road about which their spokesman informed the education reporters through SMS. However, they opened the road within a few minutes on the intervention of some IJT nazims (in the university).
Later, they reached the VC office and broke glass door and flowerpots outside and threw stones at windowpanes of various offices. The IJT activists, equipped with batons, later moved towards the VC House and broke the nameplate and flowerpots, and damaged the main gate. Some activists also entered the house without any fear.
As they came out, the activists snatched a cell phone from a journalist witnessing their action. On the intervention of some IJT activists known to the journalist, the cell phone was returned but with all the data in the memory erased.
The assailants refused to listen to some IJT nazims’ calls for peace and went to the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences and damaged property, including three official vehicles. Prof Baloch locked the office from inside but they broke open the door and dragged him, followed by thrashing and clubbing of the academic leading to head injury.
Resident Officer Shahid Gul and other officials took Prof Baloch to the Shaikh Zayed Hospital. Dr Kamran and a number of university teachers reached the hospital and condemned the incident in strongest terms.
VC: Prof Kamran says Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif should take notice of the law and order situation and wipe out political student organisations from the university campuses. He said that he would meet the chief minister soon.
He said the varsity administration had expelled and rusticated several students for violating university rules and got cases registered against them but police never took proper action against the accused.
The VC said that there were only a handful of IJT activists illegally residing in university hostels trying to paralyse the varsity administration. He said the activists were even subjecting teachers to torture and humiliation. He said that on Wednesday three IJT activists humiliated a senior teacher at Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre (SZIC), tore down his clothes and made video footage of the episode. Later, they demanded Rs1 million from the teacher “for not airing the footage on a TV channel”. The VC said an FIR was lodged with the Muslim Town police late on Wednesday.
Similarly, he said, the IJT activists also thrashed a sweeper, who was removing book fair posters put up by the IJT activists. He said the administration had closed down all IJT offices in the university and had established its writ to some extent.
Prof Kamran said an FIR into Prof Baloch’s incident was being lodged with the police, while an FIR about SZIC’s teacher was lodged and accused Kashif was arrested by the police. He said the university had around 300 security guards but there was no force that could tackle hooligans.
PUASA general secretary Javed Samee said the SZIC teacher was humiliated by three IJT activists – Kashif, Rashid Mansoor Khan and outsider Rehan.
Also, Insaaf Students Federation activists staged a protest demonstration outside PU Executive Club against IJT activists’ highhandedness.
IJT: PU IJT Nazim Hassaan Bin Salman said the IJT condemned all those, who tortured the university teacher. He said the IJT had always tried to promote peaceful educational environment on the varsity campus.
He said the expelled students had protested against their expulsion and blocked Canal Road, which he himself asked the protesters to open the road.
He said 5 to 30 expelled students tortured Prof Baloch and damaged university property. He said it was wrong to blame IJT for these incidents. He said the PU administration was propagating against IJT ahead of a book fair being organised by the IJT.
Attack on PU college principal: Police register case against ‘IJT hooligans’
* PU RO says attackers still present in varsity, police not cooperating
* VC chairs special Deans Committee meeting, calls attack on Dr Iftikhar ‘attempted murder’
* Demands immediate action against attackers by Punjab government
* PUASA to indefinitely boycott classes until
‘IJT hooligans’ thrown out of varsity
* Accused IJT activists stage ‘demonstration’ in favour of injured professor
LAHORE: A first information report (FIR) has been registered against the Islami Jamiat Taliba (IJT) activists who allegedly rampaged through the office of Punjab University (PU) College of Earth and Environmental Sciences Principal Prof Iktikhar Baloch – who is also the chairman of the PU disciplinary committee, PU Resident Officer (RO) Shahid Gull said on Friday.
However, the RO said that the accused activists were still present in the varsity and were residing in hostels, adding that he was helpless since police was not cooperating in the matter.
According to the FIR registered at the Muslim Town Police Station by Dr Iftikhar – who was severely injured in the attack by IJT activists – Usman Ashraf, Aurunzaib, Wajid, Abdumanan and a dozen others, armed with weapons and iron rods, had taken part in the attacks.
Special meet: Separately, PU VC Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran chaired a special meeting of the Deans Committee in his office, which condemned the ransacking of the VC’s office and residence as well as the attack on Prof Iftikhar. The meeting demanded the Punjab government immediately launch a police operation to capture the IJT activists responsible for the incident. Describing the attack on Iftikhar as “attempted murder”, the meeting said Thursday’s incident was the most unfortunate and unprecedented in PU’s history. The meeting maintained that IJT activists, along with expelled students, had repeatedly been found involved in violent acts, gross misconduct and breach of university rules. “They are trying to unleash a reign of terror and harassment among students to establish their stronghold in the varsity,” the meeting said.
Indefinite boycott: Also, the PU Academic Staff Association (PUASA) has decided to observe an indefinite boycott of classes until all the activists, illegally residing in varsity hostels, were expelled from the varsity’s premises and until a peaceful academic atmosphere was restored on the campus. The meeting further observed that the entire teaching fraternity was fully united and would not compromise in the matter of its honour or the maintenance of a peaceful academic atmosphere at any cost. Condemning the IJT’s hooliganism, the association pledged that they would continue their peaceful protest in a democratic fashion and would bring out their protest procession regularly.
Separately, Nauman, a PU student, said the varsity students opposed the IJT activists for their “hooliganism” and that the student community was disappointed since no action was taken by the government in this regard.
Ironic display: However, in a classic display of irony, the nominated IJT activists on Friday demonstrated a show of their power in presence of dozens of security guards by staging a “demonstration” in favour of the injured teacher. Soon after the Friday prayers, the activists observed a protest, as those who had injured the principal and a number of others gathered in front of the varsity’s Jamia Mosque and shouted their slogans. The IJT activists shouted slogans in favour of varsity teachers and distributed pamphlets displaying their policy in connection with respecting teachers.
Speaking on the occasion, PU IJT Nazim Hassaan Bin Salman said the IJT respected the varsity teachers and denied the group’s involvement in the attack on Dr Iftikhar, adding that the IJT wanted a judicial inquiry into the incident. staff report
I was student of P.U. Law Department, I lived in different P.U hostels (Islamic center Hostel & Hostel No.1) I was not a very bright student so I had alot of time to observe what was happening around me in the campus, incident occur very fast there in campus everybody who studied in P.U would agree that Jamiat controls the campus for all practical purposes, under normal circumstances police could not dare enter the campus and even when they did it was with permission of Jamiat Nazim.
In campus Jamiat’s presence is identical to religious police in Saudi system only more powerful with authority of ‘On Spot Justice’. The structure of Organization is well drawn. Source of their power is academic staff that was inducted around zia’s regime and unfortunately heavy majority of staff are either members of Jamat-e-Islami or at least have same ideological scheme. Jamiat has freedom of access to all funds allocated for utilization on students. Being any kind of Nazim means liberty of deciding for students. How they recruit as University students are presumed to be more mature here firstly we as a society are emotional secondly certain faculties accept students of pre-graduation studies. Strong fort of Jamiat in this regard is Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center where students from Madrassahs are accepted in great number and Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center’s Faculty comprises 90% Jamat-e-Islami members so students affiliating themselves with Jamiat have no worry of their academic results. Their results take them to faculties of their choice.
A self style department of propaganda machinery is part of Jamiat’s structure. Punishment cells are famous in campus (although I regret that I never saw them because never joined Jamiat).
Amongst benefits of Jamiat in university are that they provide a control system which although does not support academic improvement but it keeps peace in the campus as in absence of police control there could have been fights between students, as a large number of students reside at hostels so the utility shops cafes etc under control of Jamiat can not increase their prices on their own although Jamiat Nazims never paid their charges to these shops. Biggest of all Jamiat claims that they have provided more secure atmosphere for female student although I disagree for reason that seldom things happen in other universities where jamiat has no presence and also because women are supposed to face world on their own its better for them to mould them timely.
Overall Jamiat is worst factor in P.U and they block the educational and personality grooming of students. A student cannot appear on stage without membership license of Jamiat that’s for example. Jamiat stuffs the minds of students with torture factor and tame their minds instead of giving their minds liberty of getting acquainted with comparative study of ideas from world around.
Lastly what is answer to this Jamiat intefada I admit no immediate solution is available but three things can improve. 1- Future Staff recruitments shall be made of only professionals who are not associated with Jamat-e-Islami. 2- Student Union Election shall be held regularly. 3- Until Jamat-e-Islami members form major part of Teaching Staff, Vice Chancellor shall never be one who also belongs to Jamat-e-Islami.
Front Line – 2 April 2010
Rana Sanaullah (PML-N), Dr. Mujahid Kamran (VC-PU) and Syed Abdul Rashid (Nazim IJT) in Today’s episode of Front Line with Kamran Shahid.
Source: pkpolitic
Some interesting comments:
Masood Ahmad said:
This is MUST watch.
I totally agree with vice chanceler, JAMIAT is nothing else but a group of idiots, who have no aims in life other than being in jamat. They terrorise the fellow students as well as the staff.
Slowly but steadily, such insects need to me removed from our educational institutes.
time said:
I agree it’s a must watch. All those who criticise MQM and keep their mouths shut on IJT should watch this program specially Imran Khan and all Jammati supporters. When Imran Khan was asked in one of the talk shows if he criticise militancy why doesn’t he speak against JI, he innocently I will if they do any thing wrong. I want to hear what he has to say now.
IJT’s only treatment is what APMSO did with them …. drilling in their bones …. latoon ke bhooth batoon se nahi mantey … They are doing this terrorism in PU and nation wide for past half century or so.
phoenix said:
Dr.Kamran Mujahid( VC PU) was right when he said that IJT has vocabulary of their own !
Now if Punjab Govt. will act against them to eliminate these thugs then JI will start saying that , actually it is all to please American interest in our education institutions .
time said:
VC PU rightly said IJT guys have typical vocabulary. IJT started drilling in humban bones, APMSO counter punched using their tools their language. Now in Karachi APMSO is step ahead of IJT. Evil is replaced by bigger evil. Your prayers “Allah hamein mehfooz rakhe etc ” are not going to stop IJT, APMSO and other militant organisation. If they were we didn’t need clean up operations in Swat and Waziristan.
It’s a shame as MSF student leader Kh. Saad Rafiq was tortured by IJT and two decades later they are doing same when Shahbaz Sharif and KSR are controlling administration in Lahore. VC wants IJTof university. If gov with all its might can’t fight this monster what are our expectations from fellow students? It ‘d be herculion task to throw IJT out of PU. The first step should be to ban IJT like they banned all lashkars and then groom MSF as counter force. Police/Army alone can’t clean hostels.
I went to Engg. University Peshawar. We have Engg. Unveristy, Khyber Medical College, Agri Culture University, Peshawar University, Islamia College, and few more colleges in one campus in around 8 sq km area. One of the 8 gates of campus opens in Tribal area. I heard during Zia days when Jihads were at peak law and order situation in Campus was very bad. Student organizations specifically IJT were calling shots like they do in PU. But then Administration did very effective clean up operation. First of all they built boundary wall all around campus and setup police check posts.
When we went there few years later there were no strikes, no IJT/Phktoon/Peoples hostels. Administration had the final say in all matters. These students organizations are useless. In the name of protecting students rights they waste their time and quality of education. I am sure things are not any different in Peshawar campus now. Administration achieved all this despite its proximity 15 minutes to tribal area. Lahore administration should learn lessons from Peshawar. Bilours and other politicians have no say in campus affairs. Shahbaz Sharif who projects himself as model administrator needs lessons or two from his KP counter part.
Masood Ahmad said:
JAMIAT in punjab univerisity is a group of narrow minded, inferiarity complexed, stupid, un-educated, aim-less people. No aims in life, no gain in life for them i guess.
Well, how come i say this ?, well for a short period of time i have lived and studied in punjab university. To get a space in a hostel, the people had to get support of Nazim, not the Warden. They would beat you in public, if something hurts their non-sense ego. They will go behind you just like ISI, gathering info about your activities …. i’m sick of all that and can’t fully measure.
I have even seen some JAMTIA’s here in UK, and much of them still are busy in attending seminars of JAMIAT. What they actually do in their life’s ?, nothing, most of them living in state benefits.
time said:
time said:
How can IJT supporters deny facts, videos presented in this program. My foot revolution. IJT guys are screwing up the system and calling it revolution. I ‘d like Shahbaz Sharif kick thier a$$e$ once and for ever.
Authorities to crack down on IJT troublemakers
* Search operation to be launched against illegal IJT hostel residents
* Activists from Tribal Areas allegedly stockpiling weapons
* PU sources say IJT activists have fled from hostels
* VC to review strategy on Monday
By Adnan Lodhi
LAHORE: The Punjab University administration – with help from the Punjab police – has been directed to launch a crackdown against the Islami Jamiat Taliba (IJT) while a search operation will also be conducted in the varsity hostels soon where IJT activists, some of them from the Tribal Areas, are allegedly stockpiling weapons.
According to sources, PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran called on Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Saturday and discussed matters relating to the IJT and varsity affairs.
Also on Saturday, sources said large contingents of police were seen outside the PU premises, while police officials ensured security inside, however, no security officials were seen anywhere near the campus in the evening. Moreover, they added that all IJT activists had fled the varsity hostels by the evening.
PU Director Public Relations Khawaja Tahir said the VC met the CM and told him of the entire situation, who instructed them to take action against those responsible, while the Punjab police inspector general assured the varsity administration of complete support. The sources said police personnel had been informed of the operation, while the varsity administration is avoiding disclosing the time of the crackdown.
Strategy: PU Registrar Dr Naeem Ahmad Khan said the VC would meet the varsity officials on Monday and review the strategy. PU and police sources told Daily Times the varsity administration is all set to launch a search operation against the IJT activists illegally residing in PU hostels and allegedly stockpiling weapons.
The PU VC and faculty had considered taking serious action after IJT activists attacked PU Disciplinary Committee Chairman and College of Earth and Sciences Principal Prof Iftikhar Baloch and rampaged through his office. In a press conference earlier this week, the PU VC had confirmed that IJT activists were illegally residing in PU hostels and had stockpiled weapons. He had also announced a plan to meet the Punjab CM and discuss the issue. The entire PU faculty has boycotted classes and no academic activities are taking place in the varsity since the attack on Dr Iftikhar. Dr Naeem told Daily Times the varsity administration would also discuss the matter with their security personnel, student advisers and the hostel administration and hopefully the operation would be successful.
A PU official told Daily Times that the faculty had pressurised the administration to take action against the IJT after various incidents of torture with faculty members.
Meanwhile, PU students started vacating the hostels on Saturday and have left for their hometowns.
Welcome: PU IJT Information Secretary Hanaan Nafees said they would welcome any search operation.
PU IJT Nazim Hassan Bin Salman said the IJT is not a terrorist organisation and their activists were students who were legally residing in the hostels. He said they would cooperate with the administration during the operation. He said they would do their best to hold their annual book fair and are trying to seek an appointment with Punjab Governor and PU Chancellor Salmaan Taseer to inaugurate the fair.
IJT involved in acts of violence: Imran
Monday, April 05, 2010
By our correspondent
LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has criticised the federal and provincial governments for failing to take action against the IJT despite proof of its involvement in acts of violence at the Punjab University. Imran was talking to reporters after visiting the residence of Prof Iftikhar Baloch, a PU teacher who was attacked by the IJT activists.
Imran said a handful of IJT activists had hijacked the entire academic institution and culprits behind the murder attempt on a teacher were still at large. He said the IJT’s involvement in acts of violence had been proven in the past. Nothing was done against the IJT activists despite registration of FIR against them, he added.
Imran said the federal and provincial governments were responsible for the attack on the PU teacher. He said it was the duty of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to ensure security of citizens. He urged the Insaaf Students Federation (ISF) to continue playing its role in ensuring a peaceful atmosphere at the PU.
He said stern action would be sought against any IJT activist found involved in any illegal activity. He said a society that disrespected teachers never progressed.
He said the PTI would continue to register its protest as long as the government did not take any concrete steps to curb the activities of subversive elements at the PU. He urged the federal and provincial governments to take immediate measures to bring those responsible for the attack on the PU teacher to book.
‘IJT terrorists’ have made hostage entire campus: Imran
The Nation
LAHORE – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan while demanding immediate action against the culprits who attacked Professor Iftikhar Baloch, held the Prime Minister and Punjab Chief Minister responsible for this incident.
Imran Khan expressed these views while talking to the media after inquiring about the health of Professor Iftikhar Baloch at Punjab University here on Sunday.
Strongly condemning the attack on Prof Baloch, he said those societies could not progress, which did not respect its teachers.
Terming the IJT activists as terrorists, the PTI Chief said these few miscreant elements had made hostage the entire campus of the university. He said the IJT activists were found involved in similar acts of terrorism and FIRs were registered against them in Muslim Town Police Station but no action was taken against them. He said PTI and its student wing ISF was firmly standing with the teachers of Punjab University against the aggression of the IJT activists and would continue to register its protest till the action against the miscreants involved in the incident. Imran Khan while fixing the responsibility of the incident on Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif said the IJT activists were carrying out their activities under the very nose of the government. He also announced to support the Punjab University teachers’ demand for a crackdown against the miscreant elements in the university campus.
جامعہ پنجاب کی اصل تاریخ وہ واقعات ہیں جو یہاں قلم بند نہیں کئے جا سکتے۔ اس مملکت کی شریانوں میں زہر بھرنے والے کئی لوگ اساتذہ کے روپ میں جس چور دروازے سے یونیورسٹی میں داخل ہوئے وہ چند مطلق العنان وائس چانسلروں کے اس کمزور پہلو میں کھلتا تھا جو جمہور سے گریزاں ایک آمر کی شخصیت کا جزو لاینفک ہوتا ہے۔ ایک آمر منتظم اپنے عہدے کی بقا کے لئے ان لوگوں کی ہر بات ماننے ہر مجبور ہوتا ہے جن کے ہاتھ بہت لمبے ہوتے ہیں۔ بہرحال اس قبیل کے شیوخ الجامعہ سے کہیں جدا، جامعہ پنجاب کے ایک سابق وائس چانسلر پروفیسر امتیاز علی شیخ کی زبانی کچھ یادِ ماضی شاید موجودہ حالات و واقعات کی کڑیاں ملانے میں مددگار ثابت ہو:
بھٹو دورِ حکومت میں جب میں پنجاب یونیورسٹی کا وائس چانسلر تھا میں دیکھتا تھا کہ فساد چند لیفٹسٹ اسٹوڈنٹس مچاتے تھے۔
میری مصدقہ اطلاع کے مطابق وہ باقاعدہ سرکاری ملازم بھی تھے۔ یہ اس طرح تصدیق ہو گئی کہ ایک دفعہ پنجاب ہوم سیکریٹری کی طرف سے مجھے طلبہ کے ایک لڑائی جھگڑے کے بارے میں خط آیا۔ ان کے کلرک نے غلطی سے سی آئی ڈی کی اصل رپورٹ بھی اس خط کے ساتھ چسپاں رہنے دی، اتاری نہیں۔ اس خفیہ رپورٹ میں لکھا تھا کہ صاحب یہ لڑکےفلاں اپوزیشن پارٹی کے ہیں اور یہ دوسرے سرکاری بدمعاش ہیں اور ان کو راجہ انور او ایس ڈی پرائم منسٹر آف پاکستان ڈائریکٹ کرتا ہے اور یہ فلاں سرکاری نام نہاد طالب علم اسسٹنٹ ٹریفک ہیں اور یہ تنخواہ لیتے ہیں، یہ کام سرکاری ڈیوٹی کے طور پر کرتے ہیں۔ یہ سب کچھ اس رپورٹ میں درج تھا جو کہ ہوم ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے کلرک کی غلطی سے آ گئی۔ اس سے زیادہ مصدقہ کوئی اور چیز نہیں ہو سکتی تھی۔میں چونکہ سب سے مشکل یونیورسٹی کا وائس چانسلر تھا اسلئےجب ایک موقع پر وائس چانسلروں سے پرائم منسٹربھٹو صاحب نے ملاقات کی تو وہاں پر میں نے سادگی میں بغیر سوچے سمجھےوزیرِ اعظم صاحب سے درخواست کی کہ :
’’جنابِ والا! وائس چانسلر جو ہیں وہ تو حکومت کی نمائندگی کرتے ہیں اور ان کا ذمہ ہوتا ہےکہ وہ تعلیم کو جاری و ساری رکھیں تاکہ یونیورسٹی میں کوئی جھگڑا نہ ہو ، فساد اور گڑبڑ نہ ہو، تو ہماری اس ذمہ داری میں جو سب سے زیادہ پریشان کرتے ہیں وہ تو سرکاری ملازمین ہیں جو طالب علم کے روپ میں آپ کی پارٹی کے بدمعاش ہیں، آپ ہمیں ان سے بچائیں۔‘‘
اولڈ کیمپس بلڈنگ، جامعہ پنجاب
میرا خیال تھا کہ شاید ان کے چھوٹے بچے جمہورے یہ حرکتیں کر رہے ہوں، وزیرِ اعظم صاحب کو اس کی اطلاع نہ ہو اس لئے میں نوٹس میں لےآؤں اور یہ مسئلہ چونکہ سب کا تھا اس لئے میں بول پڑا۔ میرا خیال تھاکہ وہ کہیں گے کہ: ‘‘ ہم ان کو لگام دیں گے یا راجہ انور کو کہیں گے کہ وہ یہ کام نہ کرے’’۔ میں نے دیکھا کہ پرائم منسٹر نے تو بڑے کھل کے اسطرح جس طرح میں نے سوال کیا، جواب میں فرمایا:
’’میں کیسے ان کو واپس نکال لوں؟ مسٹر وائس چانسلر! کیا آپ مولانا مودودی سے کہیں گے کہ وہ اپنے طلبہ کو واپس لیں گے؟ کیا آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ میں وہاں سے اپنے طلبہ کو نکال کے میدان ان کے لئے کھلا چھوڑ دوں؟ میں بھی سیاست کا جواب سیاست سے دوں گا۔‘‘
اس کے بعد ہم لاجواب تھے، یہ بات کوئی سیکرٹ نہیں کہ وہاں سارے وائس چانسلر بیٹھے ہوئے تھے اور میں کوئی اکیلا بات نہیں کر رہا تھا، اسلئےریکارڈ پر لا رہا ہوں … تو وزیرِ اعظم کاجواب یہ نکلا، اب ہم ماسٹر لوگ کیا کر سکتے تھے۔آپ کو یاد ہو گا کہ سب سے پہلے 1972ء میں جاوید ہاشمی کےالیکشن میں لاء کالج کے برامدے میں گولی ماری گئی اور ایک گولی ڈاکٹر عمر صاحب کے سر میں لگی تھی جب ووٹوں کی گنتی ہو رہی تھی (واضح رہے کہ جاوید ہاشمی اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ کے پینل سے جامعہ پنجاب اسٹوڈنٹس یونین کی صدارت کے لئے امیدوار تھےجبکہ راجہ انور لفٹسٹ اسٹوڈنٹس کی جانب سے نائب صدر کے لئے امیدوار تھے۔بائیں بازو والوں کو اپنےجس امیدوار کی کامیابی کا بہت زیادہ یقین تھا وہ راجہ انور ہی تھے لیکن گنتی دیکھ کر جب ان کی ناکامی کے واضح آثار نظر آنے لگے تو انہوں نے یہی بہتر سمجھا کہ کسی طرح گنتی رک جائے اور پھر یونیورسٹی سینٹ ہال کے باہر پیپلز پارٹی کے وزیر مختار اعوان تھے اور ان کے پالتو غنڈے، جن کی فائرنگ کے نتیجے میں سینٹ ہال میں ووٹوں کی گنتی کرتے ہوئے پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عمر صاحب کی کنپٹی میں ایک گولی لگی۔تمام تر فسطائی ہتھکنڈوں کے باوجودبہرحال اساتذہ نے گنتی مکمل کرکے اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ کے پینل کی کامیابی کا اعلان کیا اور جاوید ہاشمی جامعہ پنجاب اسٹوڈنٹس یونین کے صدر بنے) اس دن سے تعلیمی اداروں میں گولی کی سیاست آ گئی۔اس سے پہلے لڑائیاں ہوتی تھیں، کسی نے دھول دھپا مارا، بڑی ہمت کی تو ہاکی بازی کر لی، اس کے بعد تو پھر چاند ماری شروع ہو گئی۔
— طلبہ تحریکیں،جلد دوم ۔ مطبوعہ ۱۹۸۹ء البدر پبلیکیشنز، اردوبازار، لاہور
یہ موجودہ وائس چانسلر مجاہد کامران صاحب کے جامعہ پنجاب میں زمانۂ طالبعلمی کی ہی روداد ہے اور ان کےحافظے میں ‘سرخوں’ کا برپا کردہ وہ ہنگامہ بھی ضرور ہو گا جب جھگڑے کے دوران بحیثیت جمعیت کے کارکن کے انہوں نے سلیم چوھدری کے ہمراہ جان کی بازی لگاکر مسلح سرخوں کا تعاقب کیا تھا۔آج بدقسمتی ہے کہ عہدہ اور حالات کا چکرانہیں اسی لابی کے ہاتھ مضبوط کرنے پرمجبور کر رہا ہے جس کے خلاف وہ کبھی بر سر پیکار رہے ہیں۔بہرحال بھٹو دورِ حکومت میں پیپلز پارٹی کا بحیثیت ایک سیاسی جماعت، طلبہ سیاست میں براہ راست دخیل ہونے کی روایت ڈالنا ایک امرِ ناخوشگوار تھااور ہماری بدقسمتی کہ مذکورہ روش متعدد سیاسی جماعتوں کے ساتھ ساتھ اساتذہ دھڑے بھی اپناتے چلے گئے اور یہ سلسلہ جاری و ساری ہے ۔اپنے اپنے مقاصد کے حصول کیلئے جب حکامِ وقت، سیاسی رہنما اور اساتذہ ہی تعلیمی اداروں میں طلبہ سیاست کے محرک بن جائیں تو آپ کس کو ملامت کریں گے اور کس کو نہ کریں گے؟ پھر ’’فرنٹ لائن‘‘ کےکامران شاہد جیسے باجے بجیں گے تو ضرور مگر تنگی ٔداماں کے باعث حالات کا معروضی جائزہ لئے بغیرکہ جب بعض اساتذہ اپنے مرتبہ و وقار کو خود ہی ٹھوکر مارتے ہوئے طلبہ سیاست میں حامی و حریف کا کردار ادا کرنے لگیں تو اس طرح کے تکلیف دہ واقعات کا سامنا بھی کرنا پڑے گا۔طلبہ تنظیموں کے وجود کے مسئلہ پر افراد کے چاہنے یا نہ چاہنے کا سوال سر دست خارج از بحث ہونا چاہیئے کہ یہ طلبہ کا آئینی حق ہے اورباوجود اس کے کہ مارشل لاء حکومتوں نے پوری قوت سے ان کو ختم کرنا چاہا مگر اپنے عزائم میں کامیابی حاصل نہ کر سکیں۔ضرورت جس امر کی ہے وہ صرف یہ کہ طلبہ سیاست کوتمام تر بیرونی اثرات سے پاک کرتے ہوئے تعلیمی اداروں میں ان کے یونین سازی کے حق کو بحال کیا جائے، طلبہ یقیناً اتنے باشعور ہیں کہ اس جمہوری عمل کے نتیجے میں بتدریج اپنے مسائل اور حالات سدھار سکیں۔آج اس امر پر بھی غور کرنے کی ضرورت ہے کہ طلبہ کے یونین سازی کے حق کی راہ میں رکاوٹ، حکومتِ وقت سے زیادہ کامران مجاہدصاحب اور ان کے ہمنوا اساتذہ و تعلیمی اداروں کے ذمہ داران ہی کیوں بنے ہوئے ہیں؟
Assaulting on a professor can never be appreciated but one must look into the inside story which led to the incident. Some reliable sources say the said professor had sexual relations with a girl student of the university and was compelling another girl too to bow before his “satanic” demand. The matter was brought into the notice of IJT by some girls and the IJT activists while realizing sensitivity of the case first approached the professor in a decent way but due to the humiliating behavior and foul language of the professor, he got beaten. I request all please first investigate and then comment.
I also heard about this story but even then it is not clear that the attacker students were IJT workers. A friend of mine told me that majority of the attackers were general students who just got out of control to know about the scandal and thrashed the professor
An incident sparked due to misunderstanding and fueled by radical Islamists. This is the type of incidents which even labels peaceful loving Muslims as radicals and then they suffer humiliation internationally.
This university is under the unjustified occupation of these radical Muslims student federation for a number of decades. It should be on the top priority of the government to root out these people from the institution, in order to let the students succeed with their ambitions.
@Umar Farooq <
@Umar Farooq
mr umar faroq u have told that u have not seen torture ceelll then why are u talking about no one have seen jamiat thrashes iftikhar bloch ur saying their are no oportunities for other students have u visited shining star programe and jamiats calll is not for any group of people(maslak) every one can join it and i ma chalanging u to join it only to observe then i will see who is wrong who is right … No one in trhis world is deaf or abnormal who is going to thrash his teacher but teacher must be teacher not a crusher his chracter is who is going to play a roll in students mind when he willl be play boy in university he have no ability to control himself he can,t diffrentiate between her daughters and her students then thrashing is much better slution and we feell proud tro be called muslim terrorist or what ever word which relates us to islam ALLAH KNOWS BETTER…[email protected]
no doubt these are terrorist …..adnan who was the student in uet peshawar was murdered by terrorist of ijt nd after few days his mother also lost her life because of these terrorist…………………….after that they tried to kill a professor in punjab university lahore …………..they want instability in pakistan…. actually islami jamiat talba is gher islami………………sham on jamati……………….waqar khalid from international islamic university islamabad
salam to all islami jamat talaba is a good students orginiszation.pu ma jamiat ki miusbat sargrmian hain jamia zinda abad
jamiat pooray pakistan ma tlaba i kirda sazi ma masroof amal ha jo jamiat par hamla karta hai vo pakistan k dushman hain
PUASA protest police failure in arresting IJT activists
Staff Report
LAHORE: The Punjab University Academic Staff Association (PUASA) on Friday protested against the police failure to arrest all Islamai Jamiat Talaba‘s (IJT) activists involved in the beating up of PU Disciplinary Committee head Dr Iftikhar Baloch.
A number of PU teachers holding placards and banners, demanded the arrest of all IJT activists involved in the incident. The teachers first congregated at Institute of Chemical Engineering, and then marched towards the Institute of Education and Research. They criticised police for not arresting IJT ringleader Usman Ashraf and other activists despite the fact that faculty members were still receiving threats from the group.
Abdul Nishapuri too dunya ka sb se munafiq aur khabees insan he.
Abdul Nishapuri too dunya ka sb se bara munafiq aur khabees insan he.
I can not understand the psychy of those people who mourn on the assault of Imran Khan and Professor Baloch but say nothing on the murders of the workers of Islami Jamiat Talaba Pakistan in all the province of our beloved country. In Karachi Syed Wasif Azeez and other workers were killed but no one protested. Some workers were killed by Punjabi Student organization in Karachi but no body regarded it a sad event.
In Punjab University four workers of IJT were killed in 1994 and the protesters of Imran and Baloch can not realize this event. The nation should protest against such people who have no ability to differentiate between truth and lie. In UAf one teacher whom I personally know put a black band to show solidarity with Baloch if he had known the originalit of Baloch then he would have never done this.
Hafiz Farhat who attacked Imran Khan is now the president of Insaf student federation. Is it right for Imran Khan to include Farhat in Tahreek e Insaf?
Islami Jamiat Talaba kal bhe zinda the aj bhe zinda he aur zinda rahay ge Insha Allah.
Haroon ur Rasheed Sahib ap hamaray danishwar bnay phirtay hain.Ap mujhay ye btaen k 12 May 2007 ko Karachi main 50 logon k qatal pe koe column likha? Kia ap ko bhutta khoroon se dar lagta he? Band bori ki lashain kon bhaij rahay hain zara research ker k is pe bhe column likhain. Us waqt se drain jub roze qiamat her kisi ko apnay aamal ka hisaab daina paray ga aur hr kisi k aamaal kholay jaen gay.
@Azhar Mehmood
Thank you for your very kind words.
You are a true supporter of Jamaat-e-Islami. Keep it up.
apnay kind words pe ghor krain Ap ne munafiq ala kaha syed munawwar hassan sahib ko.
One female student in The Punjab University has recently registered FIR against Professor Dr. Iftikhar Baloch for harrasing her sexually . Is it a conspiracy against Professor Dr. Iftikhar Baloch? If it is so, then Dr. Baloch should point out those conspirants.
One female student in The Punjab University has recently registered FIR against Professor Dr. Iftikhar Baloch for harrasing her sexually . Is it a conspiracy against Professor Dr. Iftikhar Baloch? If it is so, then Dr. Baloch should point out those conspirants.
Now court should give fair verdict.
Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.Zinda he jamiat zinda he.
Haiz Farhat Abbas jis ne Imran khan jaisay hero pe hamla kia woh aj kal Imran khan ki goud main kuon baitha hua he?
Haiz Farhat Abbas jis ne Imran khan jaisay hero pe hamla kia woh aj kal Imran khan ki goud main kuon baitha hua he?
IJT zindabad.