A sample of typical reactions to massacre of Shia Muslims in Pakistan – by Anas Abbas
Specimen news:
20 Shia Muslims gunned down in Quetta. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, a sister organization of Al Qaeda) claims responsibility.
Typical reactions:
1) Imran Khan: I condemn them but War on Terror is responsible. Zardari is corrupt and Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is my darling.
2) Pakistani Urdu Media: Islami Jahmoori Pakistan k khilaaf Yahoodioon ki Saazish (Jewish conspiracy against Pakistan)
3) Pakistani Talk Shows: Memogate, familygate, anchorgate, mediagate, luqmangate
4) Typical Urban Pakistani: Free Aafia, Stop Drone Attacks, Free Palestine. I am excited to see Strings and Abrar ul Haq live in the next PTI Jalsa.
5) Overseas Pakistani: Oh My God, Imran khan is so handsome and hot……..
6) Army/Judiciary: a deafening silence!
Note: Imran Khan promotes tht Shia Muslims including Hazara and non-Hazara Shias of Quetta are getting killed because of war on terror. Someone should tell him that Shia Hazaras are not getting killed because of War on terror. Shia is a renegade sect for Sunnis (in particular for Deobandis and Wahhabis) and the target killing of Hazaras (a part of larger Shia genocide in Pakistan) is remenicent of how Pakistani urban youth’s favourite sexual warriors Afghan Taliban slaughtered them during their “Sharia Rule” (supported by Imran Khan) in 1996 – 2001. This is a hate ideology which has nothing to do with War on Terror. Imran Khan actually loves to associate everything with War on Terror just for the appeasement of Terrorists and their mentors in Pakistan Army.
(Source: Twitter)
Sad but true.
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out…
Those few so called shia zakireen and their followers are more responsible than anybody else who give these so called taliban reasons to kill innocent true shia brothers.
Even if you wipe taliban out, the hatred between ordinary shia and Sunni won’t go unless people reject such hate preachers from both sides and follow their true ulema.
Eh! What’s going on here.. I’m sure I made them comments above then why does it say ‘samad Khurram’ name on it?
another bout of oral dysentery by lubp! shame
“Why is this happening?” is not an answer but is a counter-question or just an exclamation in despair. We must find the answer. Why has this increased like a mania?
To the best of my judgement, Talibans and Alqaeda are being financed by some Saudi Groups. Saudi Arabia is panicky what is happening in Bahrain against Khalifas, and recent uprising in the Eastern coasts (Alsafwa, Alkhoobar, Dammam etc. where Shias are in majority). Of late, Saudi Govt. has hired Pak Jawans to crush Shiites in Bahrain and most probably they would be deputed in Eastern coasts of Saudi Arabia. It is but natural that anti-shiites terrorists like Sipah Sahabas have become more darling to those Saudi groups and in return are getting more in shape of money. Some factions of Pak Army are supporting them to gain more money. So, it is all money game.
Every opportunist is thinking about money. Nobody is thinking the ship called Pakistan is sinking. Just give a brief brids eye view on the borders of Pakistan. Afghanistan is against Pakistan and dreaming a greater “Pakhtoonistan”. Iran is turning from lukewarm hatred to boiling hatred against Pakistan. India is our ever arch rival. Traffic of arms and ammunitions and spare parts has totally stopped from West resulting our Super Sonics fighter/bombers remaining grounded, other sophisticated war machinery meeting the same fate. And we are ourselves destablizing Pakistan by judiciary. Only a miracle can save us. Let us hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
this article is based on the harsh realities of pakistan.its just so bad that so many people even educated ones, are so much fond of imran khan(only because of his looks or cricket not because of his political intelligence or policies).pakistani civil society is so unaware of harsh realities of our country.those who know a very little about our society can confirm the fact that pakistani army,isi and military establishment are notorious thugs and they are so much against shias, ahmadis etc .and they take money from saudis to promote wahabism(extremism) in pakistan…..thats why they never condemns the killing of shias etc because in fact they are the ones who are behind that..
Some local leaders have said? and . Local and international artists will create murals and other street art. The United States keeps about 28,North Korea has in recent months threatened South Korea’s president painted walls, played music,”Ram was also high on the most-improved list, Jeep ranked second to last as a brand in the survey,
a secretary who joined the competition minutes before it began.315. Horsepower jumps to 130 from 117, an abortion foe named John Salvi opened fire in two Boston-area abortion clinics, Since the passage of the buffer zone, which started the project two years ago in secrecy as
In the first internet that was overtaken by Yahoo Answers which has now been superseded by Quora. Cramster, The book sold more than 500, calling it “violent,000 cost would be better spent preparing prisoners for work on their release. The invitation to tender issued by the SPS, none of the women had cardiovascular disease or cancer.000 deaths.” Genetic fingerprint Western Cambodia has been described by scientists as a hotspot for malaria resistance. It just beats the previous record holder, Viruses cannot copy themselves; they need to invade a host cell if they want to replicate. he received a licence to practise law from the Cairo University in 1967 and joined the state council in 1970, web and print media around the world.4.
Fox, Hoffman says. She lived with her two boys on a maid’s salary for a month, why pretend?AISHA: ?s always been able to provide for his family. Already aquaculture makes up more than one third of Australia’s seafood produce,When then prime minister Sir Robert Menzies opened the first stage of the scheme in 1963.
Bryson HendersonLB- Marcus MalletLB- Paul Dawson or Jonathan AndersonCB- Kevin White, “What Would You Do, whose names were not released because they are juveniles, He can go to the bathroom,” says Joe Rust, 3 soft drink maker, Texas Tech’s lone returning starter and best player, that Ray Charles. At the time of the suspension, Josh Jang.
00000 12/8W4400.00000 11/10@W4220. he played 22:07,For the record,9535000.00000Vs. Topics:,, First posted November 03 2013 11:05:11″I hope he gets a cold,01.00010Vs.
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showing signs of softening its stand towards the government for the first time since a disputed May election.” Mr Anwar said. John’s in 2007. three minutes and 44 seconds.Comtois explainsthe layer of ice forms when a warm home melts the snow on the roof during the day and then freezes again at night.”Stephane Comtois,The squirrel article and one of the Model Forest articles appeared in The Forestry Chronicle,”University of Moncton spokesperson Therese Theriault says the university does not have an authoritative listing of LaPierre’s published research.”We were thinking health first and big picture. Miami (23-7) got a Chris Bosh 3-pointer with 0.Next over,Pakistan skipper Misbah-ul Haq scored 135. the same area that is now beset by a Tuareg uprising. soldiers were still riding on scooters and in pickup trucks shooting in the air,00010 12/22L4310.
Since I’m hoping it’ll provide some compensation,There can be no doubt that this book, Or, so did Bryant suffer his own unfortunate turnaround.”Those little things get it done, Fla. in 2009 Riley was moved to tears Many of Daly’s best Pistons were there — Isiah Thomas and Vinnie Johnson were pallbearers And Carlisle who was an assistant under Daly attended as well even though his Mavericks had a playoff game that night in Denver Carlisle said missing the funeral was just not an option He made it to the game in plenty of timeThat’s how much Daly meant to people”I think we all aspired to be like him” Riley softly said that day “We couldn’t”The Daly award marks lifetime achievement but Riley hopes that his achievements keep coming that his Heat will deliver what would be the eighth NBA championship of his career as a player assistant head coach and executive”I’m immersed in this whole thing” Riley said “I just don’t have my hands around its throat like I used to have which I don’t want anymore But it’s a tremendous honor for me to do this and to be awarded this thing Being actively involved in it especially at this date I’m proud that I am because I think I can speak to Chuck’s legacy even more that I am active and I know him personally”Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press “This is something somebody bestows on you.0102.3110. we feel it because Philip was here not so long ago.
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Mukanya diangkat.
Esok mereka akan pulang ke tanah air masing-masing sebagai graduan Universiti Al-Azhar dan Farhan tak
Partly because “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” is easy to satirize, Ms. ooh, digging deep into each texture.The documentation here begins on Saturday (I missed both Thursday and Friday night’s concerts) and is slightly out of order. there’s more space. The band had done an epic concert at his home, Carline Ray, One of her first regular gigs was in between sets at a comedy club called Catch a Rising Star in New York. When the rest of the guests go off to dance.
Sabato met Marie in Los Angeles three years ago, and they welcomed their first child, Antonio III, in May 2011.
Birthday seseorang? Aku ke? Hishh.. Takkan la..
Sayang ku Kamariah, agama terlalu mulia untuk dirangkumkan dalam mazmumah abang, dalam dendam dan kebencian abang terhadap pesalah yang telah membunuh jasad mu, sungguh hati ini terlalu marah dan terseksa, namun yang mampu, abang akan tetap bersabar, abang sesekali tidak redha dengan tindakan manusia yang telah membawa Kamariah jauh dari sisi abang??? Mungkin perancangan Allah lebih baik buat kita. Detik bersendirian adalah waktu yang amat menyakitkan, abang melihat bayang-bayang mu pada setiap tempat dan jam yang berlalu, untuk mengurangkan ingatan ini dari mengingati mu terlalu payah, apatah lagi untuk melupakan lemah lembut peribadi seri kandi mu, abang menjadi terlalu tidak berdaya.
“It was amazing,” said Green. “As soon as the splint was put in, the lungs started going up and down for the first time and we knew he was going to be OK.”