Javed Chaudhry shows how to rationalize acid attacks on women – by Zalaan
پہلی اپریل کو کسی نے مجھے جاوید چودھری کا روزنامہ ایکسپریس میں شایع ہونے والا کالم فارورڈ کیا جسے پڑھ کر میں حیران رہ گیا کے جاوید چودھری کی سوچ اتنی مجرمانہ اور گری ہوئی ہو سکتی ہے اور ہمارے اخبارات ایسی مجرمانہ ذہنیت کو پروموٹ کر رہے ہیں یہ سوچے بغیر کہ اس کا معاشرے میں کتنا برا اور گہرا اثر ہو سکتا ہے ، حکومتی ذمہ داری کا رونا رونے والے یہ صحافی اور اخبارات انسانی اور سماجی ذمہ داری سے اپنے آپ کو کیوں بری ازمہ سمجھتے ہیں ؟
جاوید چودری نے یوں تو کئی کالموں میں مجرموں اور جرائم کو جسٹیفائی کیا ہے ، سابقہ جماعتی اور اس کا اثر رکھنے والے جاوید چودھری نے ہمیشہ طالبان کے وحشیانہ مظالم کی پردہ پوشی کی اور ان کی حمایت کی ، قادیانیوں پر حملے ، سلمان تاثیر کو اپنے کالم کے ذریے توھین رسالت کا مجرم بنانا اور فتوے لگا کر لوگوں کو قتل پر اکسانا ، اور پھر جب قتل ہو گیا تو قاتل کو ایک ہیرو کے تو پر پیش کرنے میں جاوید چودری کے مجرمانہ کارناموں میں سے چند ایک ہیں .
پہلی اپریل کے کالم میں جاوید چودھری نے اپنی مجرمانہ ذہنیت کا ایک بار پھر مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے عورتوں پر تیزاب پھینکنے کو جسٹیفائی کیا اس کالم کا پیغام یہ تھا کہ تیزاب پھینکنے والا عورت کو قتل کرکہ مطمئن نہیں ہو سکتا ہے کیونکہ عورت کے کچھ ایسے گناہ ہوتے ہیں کے تیزاب پھینکنے والا اس کو سسکا سسکا کر مارنا چاہتا ہے اور کریمنل ذہن رکھنے والے جاوید چودھری کے مطابق ضرور عورت کا کوئی ایسا قصور ہوتا ہے جس پر مرد ایسا کرنے پر مجبور ہو جاتا ہے ، یعنی اتنا گھناونا جرم کرنے والے کو جاوید چودھری جسٹیفائی کر رہے ہیں ، یہ سوچے بغیر کہ دنیا میں اکثر مجرم اپنے آپ کو اسی طرح جسٹیفائی کرتے ہیں اور ہر جرم کے پیچھے انتقام یا اور کوئی شیطانی جذبہ ہوتا ہے مگر ایک اچھے معاشرے میں جرم ہمیشہ جرم ہوتا ہے ناکے اس کو جسٹیفائی کیا جائے
جاوید چودھری پہلی اپریل کے کالم میں اپنی ایک فرضی کہانی گھڑتے ہیں جس میں ان کا ہیرو ایک تیزاب پھینکنے والا ہوتا ہے
اپنے اس کالم میں اپنی کریمنل ذہنیت کی عکاسی کرتے ہوئے تیزاب میں جھلسی عورت کا نقش اس طرح بیان کرتے ہیں
“اس کے آدھے چہرے کی ہڈیاں ننگی ہو گئیں ،ایک آنکھ ابل کر باہر آگئی اور گردن اور سینے تک گوشت لٹک گیا “
آگے اپنے اپنے فرضی کردار کو ایک ہیرو کے طور پر پیش کرتے ہیں اور لکھتے ہیں
“اگر ہم حلیے ،گفتگو نشست و برخاست کو دیکھیں تو وہ ایک آئیڈیل انسان تھا ،وہ چھ فٹ کا وجیہ شخص تھا ،اس نے خوبصورت ،صاف ستھرے اور غیر ملکی کپڑے پہنے ہوئے تھے ،اسکے جوتے بھی شاندار تھے ،وہ برطانیہ کی اچھی یونیورسٹی سے پڑھ کر بھی آیا تھا اور شائستگی کے ساتھ دھیمے لہجے میں گفتگو بھی کر رہا تھا “
آگے کالم میں اپنی گھڑی ہوئی کہانی میں یہ بتاتے ہیں کہ اس شخص کی بیوی نے دھوکہ کیا اور کاروبار اور گھر پر قبضہ کر لیا اور اس کے انتقام لینے کے لیہ جاوید چودھری کے ہیرو نے اس عورت پر تیزاب پھینک دیا ، جاوید چودری اپنے فرضی کردار کے ذریے یہ بھی بتاتے ہیں کہ اگر وہ شخص اپنی بیوی کو قتل کر دیتا تو اس کے انتقامی جذبات کو تسکین نہیں مل سکتی تھی لہذا اس نے عورت پر تیزاب پھینکا تاکہ وہ سسک سسک کر زندگی گزارے .
کالم کے آخر میں جاوید چودری اپنی اصل ذہنیت دکھاتے ہوئے عورت کو اصل قصوروار ٹہراتے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ عورت اپنی حرکتوں سے مرد کو اتنا مجبور نہ کرے کے وہ اس پر تیزاب پھینکنے پر مجبور ہو جائے
ایک بھائی ،ایک شوہر ،ایک ماں کا بیٹا اور اور بیٹی کا باپ ہوں اور میں سوچ بھی نہیں سکتا کہ اس طرح کی گری ہوئی مجرمہ ذہنیت رکھنے والے صحافی، اخبارات کے ذریے ہمارے معاشرے میں وہ عورت جو پہلے ہی مرد کے ظلم کا نشانہ بنتی ہے اپنے کالموں کے ذریے اپنے گھناونے جرائم کا جواز بنا کر پیش کریں گے
جاوید چودری جائیں اور کسی ماہر نفسیات جو خاص کر مجرمانہ نفسیات کا علاج کرتے ہیں ان سے پوچھیں ، ہر مجرم ،ہر نفسیاتی مریض اپنے جرم کو ہر طرح سے جسٹیفائی کرتا ہے ،مجرموں کی اکثریت اپنے جرائم کا جواز بناکر جرم کرتی ہے .
جاوید چودھری کے اس کالم کو پڑھ کر الله نہ کرے کہ کسی اور مرد کو اپنی بیوی یا کسی عورت پر تیزاب پھینکنے کا جواز مل گیا ہو اور وہ تیزاب ڈھونڈ رہا ہو .
انسانی جان سب سے قیمتی ہے اس کا تحفظ کرنے کے لیہ ہی قوانین بناے گئے ہیں اور یہاں جاوید چودھری عورتوں کو سمجھا رہے ہیں کہ مرد کو مجبور نہ کریں کہ وہ تیزاب پھینکنے پر مجبور ہو
میں سوچتا ہوں کہ کیا جاوید چودری کے گھر ماں ،بہن بیٹیاں نہیں ؟ الله نہ کرے کہ جاوید چودری کے خاندان کی عورت کسی مرد کے ظلم نہ نشانہ بنے اور اگر ایسے ہوا تو کیا جاوید چودھری ان سے کہے گا کہ ” ضرور تم نے کوئی قصور کیا ہوگا جبھی اس نے یہ ظلم کیا “
میرا اکسپریس نیوز سے مطالبہ ہے کہ ایسے مجرمانہ ذہنیت رکھنے والے صحافی کو نکال کر ایک اچھی مثال قائم کریں کیونکہ یہ محض ایک کالم نہیں بلکہ جاوید چودری جیسے لوگ جنکا اپنی لفاظی کی وجہ سے ہمارے معاشرے میں انفلونس ہے اپنی اس ذہنیت کی وجہ سے معاشرے کے لیہ انتہائی خطرناک ہیں
twitter : zalaan1
Back in September 2010, another gem by Javed Chaduhry published in Express Tribune.
The life of a working woman
25 September, 2010
She had been calling for the last two days. She said that she had come from Karachi just to see me and that the meeting was very necessary. I finally agreed.
She was beautiful — like a perfect white marble Greek sculpture. And she was the most intelligent lady I have ever met. She had manners and she had read thousands of books. I was impressed. But as she disclosed her profession, I felt ashamed. However, she seemed not to care. She only wanted me to write my column on her life. A column to help other young girls of this country and their parents.
She belonged to a lower-middle class family of Karachi. Her family had descended from the Pathans, Kashmiris and Awans and she was an attractive and pretty girl. She was educated in good institutions and obtained an MBA from a reputed business college of Karachi, after which she began an internship in a bank.
A young man met her while she was working there. She said he was handsome, had a foreign degree and was rich. He lived alone in a large house in Defence, travelled in a car worth millions and his monthly credit card bill was between Rs200-300,000. She was impressed by his personality, wealth and lifestyle and soon they became close friends.
The man started spending a lot of money on her. This continued for two months. And then one day he gave her a CD that contained ‘horrible’ scenes of the two. She was shocked. The man told her that someone had shot their film and was now blackmailing him.
In a week’s time a third character appeared on the scene. He told her that she had been trapped by a gang — that the young man she had met and liked was part of the gang and that there was now no escape. She was offered ‘work’ in the profession she is currently involved in. She says she tried whatever she could to get out of it but in vain. Her parents have been told that she works in a large firm, from where she gets a salary every month.
She said that the gang was like a mafia with its headquarters in Karachi and young male and female ‘agents’ in many cities. They get beautiful girl agents admitted to colleges who make friends with pretty girls, take them to parties and introduce them to handsome boys who then trap the girls and make movies. Their agents are also active in banks, travel agencies and shopping plazas.
After I heard her story, I told her I would write my column on her. I came out to say bye to her and a seven-series BMW was waiting for her. I recognised the driver — he is the chauffeur of a VVIP.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 25th, 2010.
By the way, Express groups is earning a lot of money by keeping both sides (misogynists and rights activists) happy. It’s therefore I believe in addition to Maya Khan, Javed Chaudhry etc, pressure should also be mounted to make corporate media owners more responsible
Javed Chaudhry’s misogynistic excuse for violence against women
April 2, 2012
Even in his attempted condemnation, the language he uses to describe her injuries is detailed, graphic, and inappropriate. PHOTO: AFP
In a column published on April 1 in the Urdu newspaper Daily Express, Javed Chaudhry expresses his disapproval for a man who had paid another Rs100,000 to attack his estranged wife by throwing acid on her face. Even in his attempted condemnation, the language he uses to describe her injuries is detailed, graphic and inappropriate.
“Hadiyan nangi ho gain. Aankh ubal kar bahir aa gai”
(Bones were bare. The eye was singed and protruding)
But then, these descriptions become downright pornographic as his ultimate thesis becomes apparent; perhaps, women incite violence because of their own insubordination, give or take a few innocent victims. The narrative focuses on the perpetrator and makes a case for him; the victim is invisible, except for the vivid description of her wounds.
The perpetrator explains how he was provoked to have acid thrown at his wife because she betrayed him. She left him for his nephew, a younger, more attractive, and successful man; she gained possession of their home, had him evicted, began living with her new lover, planned to marry him, subjected him to family and community contempt. Enraged and emasculated, he lost his self control, and had her disfigured for life.
The narrative is brimming with misogyny.
Blame the victim.
Absolve the perpetrator.
In the end, the man is given space to chastise all women and lecture them that they must remain chaste and obedient, or else risk heinous revenge.
The author asks him why he did not kill her.
“Intiqaam lena tha to seedha sadha qatal kar detay”
(If you wanted revenge, you could have just killed her)
He replies, that he could not give her the satisfaction of a peaceful death.
Sadistically, he rejoices in the fact that she lost her lover, her home, and is now dependent on charity for medical care. I don’t know what is more chilling – the perpetrator’s lack of any remorse whatsoever, or the author posing this question in which he seems to condone honour killing and regard it as the more compassionate thing to do.
Although Chaudhry leaves the readers with the question – do victims of violence deserve being burnt because of their own provocative conduct, his unethical and bigoted focus on the perpetrator’s story without a single refutation from the victim, amounts to complicity in violence against women.
If this were a court of law, his lawyer would fail in making a “grave and sudden provocation” defence as his was cool, contemplated revenge. He hired an accomplice, paid him, and even planned his exodus from the country. His story would not serve even as a mitigating factor for a lighter sentence given the grievous nature of the injury suffered by the woman.
But here, in this bizarre piece of writing, Chaudhry seems to be unabashedly generating support for him and his crime, building consensus for violence against women and the male right to exert physical power over women who “stray”.
We live in a patriarchal society where incidents of domestic violence are commonplace. However, to indirectly suggest that victims somehow deserve to have their faces destroyed, in a most painful and brutalizing way, is outright irresponsible, criminal, and derogatory to the decades of struggle by the women in Pakistan.
Some conclusions are plausible, if we were to supplement her side of the story. She filed for khula (judicial divorce) which is her legal right under Muslim law. Khula law is not always favourable to women, who must return all property gifted to them by their husbands, if asked to.
Thus, if she retained the house, maybe it was never his to begin with.
He states that she made multiple accusations against him in a court of law. In a justice system that places more weight on a man’s testimony and regards female infidelity as a serious moral breach, the judge must have found her to be credible and granted khula – despite his possibly damning testimony.
If he could disfigure her irremediably, perhaps he had a history of abusing her. Perhaps, his nephew had been a source of support for her to finally pick up and leave him.
And even if she did simply fall in love with the nephew, do men not leave their wives for other women all the time?
Should there be a systematic campaign of directed violence, including acid throwing, at the faces of such men? Or is abuse a male privilege?
Are columnists supposed to promote vigilante justice against women – and provide a platform to violent criminals, rather than seeking their punishment or mental health treatment? His statement is likely to induce men to seek revenge against women. Technically, under the law he could be punished and, at the very least, face public opprobrium.
Read more by Abira here or follow her on Twitter @oil_is_opium.
Sickmindedness of javed ch has got no limits.
I’m fan of Javed Chaudhry Sahab, but this columns isn’t really good, I don’t see any kind of Justification, Husband ko itna hi problem tha tou Islam ney divorce ka haq diya hai, ye kon sy Qanoon, Islam, Humanity ky tehtaat aap ek ghalat soch ko firogh dy rahy han!!!!
Kaash, Ap ek important chiz ko fazool kahani mein convert krny ky bijaye, Pakistan main Shia Killing, Busses sy utaar kr maar deny per hi likh dety!!!
truth of the matter is that this acid throwing practise is illegal under new law and I dont understand why the government is not taking action against those who propogate or try to justify it. I am very surprised that I, Zalan is the only foker on this forum to come up with this artical.Does this mean all the faggots on this forum are javed choudry. I am sure that once we all kiss bukhtawar and zardari gand then we can finish this practice from the country. Do not forget that Zalan is not alone in getting his pini$ erected at these stories. Please come join me in kicking the bad a$$ of foker zardari and his government. on the side note, I am always get discriminated against on this forum but I have the wisdom for all of you. It is up to you to take it in your a$$ or fock your mother with it.
SEMIRZA (Ex Admin pkpolitics)
لگتا ہے جاوید چوہدری کھسک گیا گیا ہے، میں اتفاق کرتا ہوں کہ یہ آرٹیکل انتہائی حد تک مجرمانہ ہے۔
What you can expect from X-Jamati…he is paid member of Jamat Islami so he is true Gutter minded….
javed ch has proved himself mentally sick.