MWM leaders threaten to surround US Consulate to put an end to Shia genocide
Related posts: Who will free Pakistan’s Shias from the Iranian-agenda scholars?
Raja Nasir Abbas of MWM and nation’s mazloom daughter Aafia
Identity Assassination of Shia Community in Pakistan – by Ali Salman Alvi
MWM must not act as a Shia version of Difa-e-Pakistan Council
A critical analysis of the MWM resolution at the Karachi Shia rally
MWM leaders threaten to surround US Consulate to put an end to Shia genocide
It is now increasingly evident that Pakistan’s military establishment has successfully infiltrated the emerging Shia political party, Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM).
In the last few months, Pakistan army, ISI in particular, became nervous due to increasing awareness in Shia Muslims about the ISI and other agencies’ complicit role in Shia genocide.
The institutional support to Jihadi-sectarian militants (Jihadi-Deobandis of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Taliban etc) and the revival of the Sipah-e-Sahaba in the guise of the Difa-e-Pakistan Council made the ISI’s role in Shia genocide too obvious not only to Shia Muslims but also to other persecuted communities (e.g., Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis, Christians etc).
It was, therefore, deemed pertinent by the ISI that Shia Muslims of Pakistan be misled, once again, by first attracting them to the platform of defence of Shia (Difa-e-Tashayyo) and in that guise, in fact, deflect the attention from the real killers, i.e., Saudi-funded, ISI-sponsored ASWJ-SSP-Taliban terrorists.
It may be noted that, in the past, at least some (not all) Shia scholars currently active in the Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen MWM were also seen participating in the pro-army rallies of known ISI-stooge and pro-ASWJ-DPC-Taliban politician, Imran Khan.
For example, in May 2011, Allama Hasan Zafar Naqvi participated in PTI’s demonstration against the US. It is common knowledge that Imran Khan’s rallies are attended by a significant number of Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and other pro-Taliban activists.
In January 2012, PTI chairman Imran Khan and MWM Secretary General Raja Nasir Abbasi addressed a join press conference and agreed on joint struggle against drone attacks, NATO supplies, corrupt politicians. Not a single time in that presser, the dirty role of Pakistan army in Shia genocide was mentioned or questioned.
After protests by Shia activists, MWM leader Ameen Shaheedi issued a vague clarification.
In the current stage of the ISI-influenced obfuscation, some Shia mullahs have been tasked to reinforce and support ISI’s policies particularly to bring back the Taliban in power in Kabul (by supporting the ISI’s demand to block NATO supplies) and also be blaming the US and Israel for the current Shia genocide instead of blaming the real killers, i.e., ASWJ-SSP terrorists who are supported and protected by Pakistan army, judiciary and who have been left untouched by corrupt political governments in the centre and the provinces.
Renowned Pakistani columnist Nadeem F. Paracha thus comments on how anti-Americanism engulfs various religio-political parties in Pakistan including the MWM leadership:
The most interesting is the emergence of the Shia platform, the Majlis-i-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWeM). Constantly harassed and targeted by their Salafi counterparts, Shias finally managed to hold a large religious gathering in Karachi to protest against what many of the MWeM’s leaders assert are the unrelenting murders of Pakistan’s Shias at the hands of the ‘establishment-backed Salafi/Deobandi jihadist outfits.’ The odd thing about this rally was that even during this gathering aimed at Salafi groups and the establishment, many Shia leaders did not miss the opportunity to attack the United States and Nato! This further confirms the fact that anti-Americanism, at least as a political ploy, is now squarely a narrow ruse of Islamic parties and groups of varying sects and sub-sects in Pakistan.
According to NFP, Pakistan’s intelligence agencies and certain other sections of the armed forces use anti-Americanism in Pakistan as a bargaining chip with the Americans to gain certain financial and logistic concessions.
At least two recent articles have highlighted the pro-army discourse of Shia leaders of MWM. In particular, the discourse used by Allama Raja Nasir Abbas, Allama Ameen Shaheedi and Allama Hasan Zafar Naqvi is, at times, similar to the discourse used by the Difa-e-Pakistan Council.
MWM must not act as a Shia version of Difa-e-Pakistan Council
A critical analysis of the MWM resolution at the Karachi Shia rally
A few Shia websites too are currently infiltrated by ISI-friendly writers and propagandists. For example, Islam Times ( routinely published ISI-influenced and Iran-influenced articles, including the MWM’s propaganda, completely disregarding the political and physical interests of Pakistan’s Shia Muslims.
A sample of Islam Times “services” to ISI and IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) can be seen here:
Some examples of how Saudi-ISI stooges infiltrate Shia media
In the most recent example of the pro-ISI agenda of the MWM and Islam Times, refer to the following news item in which Shia mullahs of MWM threatened that the Chief Minister House and the US Consulate in Karachi will be surrounded in order to put an end to Shia genocide. This is an example of blatant dishonesty when Shia leaders are selling the blood of their own community by deflecting the attention from the real killers. Why don’t they plan to demonstrate outside the Corps Commanders House in Karachi? Why no plans to surround the GHQ in Rawalpindi?
31 March 2012
ٹارگٹ کلنگ نہیں رکی تو وزیراعلیٰ ہاؤس اور امریکی قونصلیٹ کا گھیراؤ کیا جائے گا، ایم ڈبلیو ایم
اسلام ٹائمز:جامع مسجد المصطفیٰ عباس ٹاؤن میں منعقدہ احتجاجی مظاہرے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے ایم ڈبلیو ایم کے رہنماؤں نے کہا کہ دہشت گردوں کا نیٹ ورک پورے ملک میں پھیل چکا ہے، جس کو ملکی سکیوریٹی اداروں کی سرپرستی حاصل ہے۔اسلام ٹائمز۔ مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکریٹری جنرل علامہ راجہ ناصر عباس جعفری کی اپیل پر کوئٹہ اور کراچی میں ہونے والی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کے خلاف ملک بھر کی طرح کراچی میں بھی یوم احتجاج کے حوالے سے مظاہرے کئے گئے، جس میں شہر کراچی کی جامع مساجد کے باہر احتجاجی مظاہرے کئے گئے جبکہ مرکزی احتجاجی مظاہرہ جامع مسجد المصطفیٰ عباس ٹاؤن ابولحسن اصفحانی روڈ پر منعقد کیا گیا۔ مظاہروں سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے رہنما مولانا سجاد کربلائی، محمد مہدی، مولانا منور نقوی، مبشر حسن، علی اوسط و دیگر کا کہنا تھا کہ حکومت ملت جعفریہ کو تحفظ دینے میں ناکام ہوگئی ہے اور بلوچستان سمیت پورے ملک میں جاری ملت جعفریہ کے عمائدین کی نسل کشی میں پی پی پی گورنمنٹ ملوث ہے۔
مولانا سجاد کربلائی کا کہنا تھا کہ پورے ملک میں منظم انداز سے ملت جعفریہ کے عمائدین کی ٹارگٹ کلنگ میں امریکی ایماء پر کالعدم جماعتیں اور اُن کے سرپرست حکومتی ارکان ملوث ہیں۔ مولانا منور نقوی کا کہنا تھا کہ یہ بات روز روشن کی طرح عیاں ہے کہ دہشت گردوں کا نیٹ ورک پورے ملک میں پھیل چکا ہے، جس کو ملکی سکیوریٹی اداروں کی سرپرستی حاصل ہے۔ مبشر حسن کا کہنا تھا کہ سیاسی فسادات کے دوران ملت جعفریہ کے عمائدین کو دہشت گردی کا نشانہ بنانا اور شہر کراچی میں کالعدم جماعتوں کے دفاتر کا کھلنا اور ان دہشت گردوں کا شہر قائد میں جلسہ اور اس میں اسلحہ کی نمائش کرنا اس بات کی دلیل ہے کے یہ سب کارروائیاں حکومتی ایماء پر ہوتی ہیں۔
مظاہرے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مجلس وحدت مسلمین کراچی ڈویثرن کے سیکریٹری جنرل محمد مہدی نے کہا کہ حکومت ہمارا امتحان نہ لے اگر ملت جعفریہ کے شیعہ عمائدین کی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا سلسلہ نہیں رکا تو یہ حکومتی ایوان ہماری دسترس سے دور نہیں، پہلے مرحلے میں وزیراعلیٰ ہاؤس کا گھیراؤ کیا جائے گا اور دوسرے مرحلہ میں امریکی قونصلیٹ کا گھیراؤ کیا جائے گا۔ مظاہرے میں مجلس وحدت مسلمین کراچی ڈویژن کے رہنما فاضل عباس نے کہا کہ دہشت گردوں نے اب شہر کراچی کے باہر ہی نہیں حکومتی سرپرستی میں شہر کے جیلوں میں بھی اپنا منظم نیٹ ورک قائم کرلیا ہے، جس کی تازہ مثال گزشتہ ماہ میں ملت جعفریہ کے 2 قیدیوں کا وحشیانہ انداز میں قتل کیا جانا اور قاتلوں کے خلاف کارروائی نہ کرنا جبکہ سینٹرل جیل کراچی اور سکھر کے سپرنٹنڈنٹ کے خلاف کوئی کارروائی نہ کرنا ہے
Of course we have no love lost for the US. In principle we have criticized the US administration on a number of issues, e.g., its hypocrisy on Bahrain, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran, however, that does not mean we will uncritically buy and recycle the Iran-influenced and ISI-infected Xenophobic propaganda of either incompetent or sold out Shia leaders.
Those deflecting the attention of Shia Muslims and other persecuted groups from the real killers (ISI-backed ASWJ-SSP terrorists) are neither serving Shias nor Pakistan.
Comments from Facebook and Twitter:
Mirza Ali:
“how would that end the shia genocide!? The right term for these mullahs is “tajiraan-i-khoon-i-Hussain”
“Like state was not enough for us k ub ye bala bhi hamare sur pur gayi. I dont know what these ppl r doing”
Horrendous agenda of Shia clerics, from ISI-affected MMA to ISI-affected MWM
There is a Hadith that Ulema (religious scholars) are legacy of Prophets.
Since the author of this poet has insulted highly respectable, noblest of noble Ulema, has has committed blasphemy.
The author must do Tauba (repentance) and refrain from criticizing learned scholars ever again.
Nadeem F. Paracha too touches upon this subject in this column in Dawn today:
Anti-Americanism is one of the most overtly used marketing ploys of various political outfits in Pakistan. Once the sole fixation of radical left-wing groups and student organisations (NSF, DSF, BSO), and of progressive mainstream parties such as the PPP, NAP/ANP and others (especially during the Cold War), anti-American rhetoric and posturing began to be adopted by conservative political parties and Islamist outfits after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Ever since the late 1990s, or more so, after the 2001 terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda on American soil (9/11), it was those conservative and religious groups in Pakistan which had sided with the US during its Cold War against the Soviets that became most vocal bearers of anti-Americanism in Pakistan. Now that American patronage (and dollars) had been diverted to forces opposed to Islamists and conservatives, such forces once allied to the US steadily became vehemently anti-American.
However, it wasn’t until the strengthening of anti-American sections within the country’s armed forces and intelligence agencies during this period that the bludgeoning new electronic media uncannily became the populist mouthpiece of these sections.
Consequently it helped turn the post-9/11 anti-Americanism in Pakistan into a widespread and largely knee-jerk social reaction.
But as the more militant and violent expressions of this new-found anti-Americanism in the shape of jihadist and sectarian outfits failed to gather much sympathy from most Pakistanis. In fact, a gradual sense of repulsion against these outfits began to emerge — mainstream conservative parties such as the PML-N, Jamat-i-Islami (JI) and eventually the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) jumped in to ride the anti-American wave sweeping across Pakistan.
This was the period when Army Chief General Kayani was in the process of successfully repairing the image of the military that was battered during the Musharraf dictatorship. However, clearly lacking in Kayani’s agenda was the reigning in of the country’s intelligence agencies and those sections of the armed forces that were now using anti-Americanism as a bargaining chip with the Americans who were attempting to shift at least some of their focus and funds in propping up a receptive democratic government and civilian projects.
The whole hue and cry about the Kerry-Lugar Bill in 2009 is a case in point in which not only conservative and Islamist parties were used to destabilise a so-called anti-military and ‘pro-American’ civilian setup, but sympathetic TV news anchors, newspaper reporters and columnists were also allegedly brought into play by the politicised pockets operating freely within the country’s intelligence agencies and the military. But as these agencies and the military began to stumble from one embarrassing episode of incompetence and interference after another (Raymond Davis, OBL killing, the reopening of Mehrangate scandal, etc.), the electronic media began to willingly spin out of the orbit of the military/ISI-backed rhetoric and sentiment. What was left at the agencies’ disposal were the staunchest buyers of the said spiel in the media (many of whom have now been facing declining ratings and reputation), and Islamist political outfits that have been loitering outside parliament.
Also coming into this loop was the rising ‘third force,’ Imran Khan’s PTI, that, at least before it actually began sensing itself as a mainstream political force (as opposed to the charismatic installment in the local lunatic fringe), was clearly given a helping hand by the agencies to help them keep their sullied game with the Americans going. But as PTI learns more and more about the nitty-gritty of Pakistan’s electoral politics in which anti-Americanism may get you cheers but not votes, there is a likelihood that the staunchly pro-establishment PTI too will eventually break away from its dappled benefactors’ orbit.
This is why anti-Americanism as a political positioning in Pakistan today is being competed for mostly by old-school Islamic parties such as the JI and the JUI-F on the one hand and by new right-wing entrants in Pakistan’s evolving electoral scene such as the sectarian Jamatud Dawa (JuD), the Salafist Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DePC), and the Barelvi-oriented Pakistan Sunni Tehreek (PST).
The DePC and the JI are close to the country’s military-establishment, but it is interesting to note that ever since late 2011, Islamist outfits of all shades have decided to prove themselves to be the most committed opponents of the American drone attacks and of the resumption of Nato supplies from Pakistan. It is interesting because nearly all of these outfits have serious sub-sectarian differences amongst them. They may now be organising to get themselves voted into parliament, but their programmes lack what is required to get the voters to vote for them.
That is why PTI, JUI-F and PST have now wisely decided to pad their anti-Americanism with calls for an ‘Islamic welfare state’ (in varying degrees) but JI and DePC seem to be content mouthing a ubiquitous and empty anti-American/pro-establishment idiom that can hardly garner any serious voter interest. The most interesting is the emergence of the Shia platform, the Majlis-i-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWeM). Constantly harassed and targeted by their Salafi counterparts, Shias finally managed to hold a large religious gathering in Karachi to protest against what many of the MWeM’s leaders assert are the unrelenting murders of Pakistan’s Shias at the hands of the ‘establishment-backed Salafi/Deobandi jihadist outfits.’
The odd thing about this rally was that even during this gathering aimed at Salafi groups and the establishment, many Shia leaders did not miss the opportunity to attack the United States and Nato! This further confirms the fact that anti-Americanism, at least as a political ploy, is now squarely a narrow ruse of Islamic parties and groups of varying sects and sub-sects in Pakistan.
The mainstream political parties are now concentrating more on economic and social issues, rightly conscious of the fact that these are what get the most attention from the voters.
Shifting attentions
Nadeem F. Paracha
“The most interesting is the emergence of the Shia platform, the Majlis-i-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWeM). Constantly harassed and targeted by their Salafi counterparts, Shias finally managed to hold a large religious gathering in Karachi to protest against what many of the MWeM’s leaders assert are the unrelenting murders of Pakistan’s Shias at the hands of the ‘establishment-backed Salafi/Deobandi jihadist outfits.’ The odd thing about this rally was that even during this gathering aimed at Salafi groups and the establishment, many Shia leaders did not miss the opportunity to attack the United States and Nato! This further confirms the fact that anti-Americanism, at least as a political ploy, is now squarely a narrow ruse of Islamic parties and groups of varying sects and sub-sects in Pakistan.”
Well written, Nadeem.
Shame on cheap Xenophobic tactics of Iran-infected and ISI-infected Shia Molvis
Nadeem F. Paracha @NadeemfParacha
Iran is to Shia religious leaders what Saudi Arab is to Sunni Salafi religious leaders. Kill one another but then blame it all on the US.
Nadeem F. Paracha @NadeemfParacha
Pakistani Shia logic: A kills B so B’s friends plan to attack C whom A is also attacking:
MWM’s leader’s vague clarification
Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen has rejected the negative propaganda and incorrect report about the MWM’s talks and press conference with Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan.
“Some newspapers have carried news that are not based on facts,” said Maulana Amin Shaheedi, deputy secretary general of the MWM.
As a matter of fact, meeting and talks with the PTI chairman was held in view of the challenges that Pakistan is faced with nowadays.
He further said that we found principled agreement on some points. MWM can talk and cooperate with all patriot parties of Pakistan on the basis of this principled position.
He said Pakistan was established in the name of Islam and majority is Muslims in Pakistan.
“The Constitution of Pakistan too is clear that there must be no law against Quran and Sunnah,” he said.
Mr. Shaheedi said that Pakistan needs establishment of a system based on Quran and Sunnah in which all sections of people enjoy their fundamental/basic rights. He said majority of people wants so.
He said that the system they have proposed and agreed with PTI is the system, that is sovereign and independent and that never get dictation from foreign masters such as U.S. and Britain.
He said that Pakistan needs a durable system in which Islamic laws, culture and civilization be promoted. He said Islamic civilization should not be harmed.
“For such a durable system, changes in political, economic, social and other fields are much needed” he asserted.
He said that for a lasting change and independence US intervention and NATO supply line should be closed at once and for all.
He said foreign financial institutions should not make policy for Pakistan. Pakistan should stand on his own foot.
He said Pakistan needs an independent foreign policy. The policy that breeds terrorism and extremism should be abandoned.
He said that terrorism should be condemned and discouraged at all level.
America, Israel involved in killing innocent
By: Our Staff Reporter | April 05, 2012
KARACHI – Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslameen (MWM) on Wednesday termed that the US, Israel and terrorists of banned outfits were involved in conspiracy to destabilise the country by killing innocent people.
Addressing a demonstration outside Karachi Press Club to condemn the target killings of Shia Muslims across Pakistan including Karachi, Quetta and Gilgit-Baltistan, MWM leaders said that the US and Israel and terrorists toeing their agenda were involved in said genocide.
A large number of women and children were raising slogans against the US and Israel for murders of Asghar Jafri, Naseem Abbas, Sajid Hussain in Karachi, 11 innocent passengers in Chilas (Gilgit-Baltistan) and another two in Quetta during last 24 hours.
Maulana Mukhtar Hussain, Ali Ausat, Allama Aftab Haider Jafri, Maulana Imran Naqvi, Muhammad Mehdi and Maulana Ali Anwar of the MWM spoke to the protestors.
The demonstrators were holding placards and banners inscribed with slogans “Down with incompetent government”, “Down with incompetent security agencies”, and “Dismiss SSP Central Captain Asim.” They also burnt the US flags to vent anger at the US involvement in Shia genocide.
The MWM’s office-bearers demanded the government to arrest and punish the terrorists and ban the renamed banned outfits. They warned that if demands were not met, they would stage sit-in outside the Chief Minister House and the US Consulate.
Dear readers, it is very early to judge MWM as ISI-Influenced and I am going to elaborate why this is so.
1) MWM/ISO is not supported by all of the Shias in the country. There are many many divisions among Shias in term of political alliance. Some of the other options are JSO, TNFJ, Jaferiya Alliance and also MQM.
2) I have attended a rally of MWM and they were blaming USA, Israel, KSA, Pakistan Government, Media and Agencies (may be it meant ISI). But this thing is not new, I am a shia and from childhood to the current age of 21, I have always heard from the scholars that USA and Israel are our biggest enemies. And at that time MWM was not a political party, and in view of that, to me they have not changed their agenda and are just re-iterating their stance.
3) The nation (including Shias) has a deep emotional support for Pakistan Army and ISI. So if they start blaming ISI or Pakistan Army (even if they are involved in the killings) then it would further divide the Shias. And as far as I think, they are just warming up and are starting to build a platform for themselves, so that they have enough support before blaming ISI/Pak-Army.
4) Shia killing is not new and neither is it limited to Pakistan. There have been several massacres of shia muslims recorded in history (but hidden from public). If we take the killings of shias in Afghanistan, or the killings of shias in Bahrain or the killings of shias in Iraq or the killings of shias in Lebanon or the killings of shias in Palestine and so on. And if we consider the fact that who is threatening Iran, we would find one similarity in all of them, and that is either USA or Israel.
5) Recent surge in killings of shias in Pakistan may have political or tactical benefits to ISI/Pak-Army, but it is very early to say that. And even if they start blaming ISI, who will support them. Media, Social workers, NGOs and even UNO will not even put an ear to the protests against ISI/Pak-Army. So to me, they are doing it fine by creating awareness that at some part of Pakistan Shias are brutally being killed.
6) Shias are deep supporters of stability in Pakistan, and hence MWM would go against agencies right from the word ‘GO’, as then it may loose much of its support.
7) Shia Scholars all round the world blame USA and Israel for funding the sectarian killings in Pakistan, so this is not a different call from MWM/ISO.
and there are many possible reasons which hint that it is very early to pronounce MWM as pro-ISI. And about the talk that they are promoting the Iranian agenda, then the answer to that is yes, and this is due to the religious affiliation of Shia Islam to Iran. MWM/ISO spiritually follows the tracks of Ayatollah Khomenei and ,for the current date, Ayatullah Khamenei. So the agenda is likely to be pro-Iranian, anti-American.
And lastly, the thing is that the reason that has put media black-out, silence to judiciary and social-workers, and out-of-reach to UNO, is the same reason that MWM may not want to talk against ISI immediately.
So lets wait for sometime.
Meri tmam Shia news cell se aur Khas taor py MWM se guzarish hai k Wahadat news paper ki tarha jald se jald Wahdat Tv ka bhi baqaida vagaz kren jesy baki news channel hain Jio, Ary , Samma, wagaira
ye hamari milat k liy boht zrori hai aur Faiada mand bhi hoga.
MWM k qaideen se guzarish hai k MWM k Lahore k jalsy k liy mwm k Flages ka wafir intazam kren qk jalsy ka pata Flages ki gathering se chalta hai ye jalsy ki shan ko Dobaala krty hain lets see vthe example of PTI jalsa At Minar-e-pakistan.
MWM leaders threaten to surround US Consulate to put an end to Shia genocide
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