Balochistan ki dardnak soorat-e-haal – by Dr. Tauseef Ahmed Khan
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Baloch grievances
Rizwan Asghar
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The insurgency in Balochistan shows no signs of dying down. The upsurge of violence so far this year has involved blowing up of gas pipelines on a much larger scale. Bullet-riddled bodies of missing persons are often found in various parts of the province. The assassination attempts on the governor and the chief minister of the province reflect the state’s collective failure in the maintenance of law and order.
Now people openly talk of secession. In many districts of Balochistan the subject of “Pakistan studies” is not being taught in schools any more, and Pakistan’s national flag is publicly desecrated. Some moderate Baloch who talk of finding a solution within the federation of Pakistan are also being targeted.
For its part, the PPP-led government in Balochistan has failed to take any positive steps for removal of the sense of deprivation amongst the Baloch people. Its performance on developmental work in the remote areas of Balochistan has been poor from the start. There are no signs of any sincere effort for the resolution of the conflict by the provincial or federal governments.
The initiatives taken so far have fallen short of encouraging a coherent approach to the problem. The military operations launched from time to time have only resulted in loss of life, property and displacement of Baloch people. Resultantly, the Baloch people have gradually lost hope that Pakistan’s discriminatory political system will provide them with justice.
We cannot leave the situation to the intelligence agencies and paramilitary forces. Recently, Salahuddin Mengal, the advocate general of the province, alleged that the Frontier Constabulary is persecuting innocent people. According to human rights groups, as many as 13,000 people are missing in the province. The issue of missing people is very sensitive for the Baloch people and cannot be ignored.
The government should hold a political dialogue with all the stakeholders. At the same time, it should engage with the common people of Balochistan by wooing them through trust-building measures.
The people of Balochistan have the primary right over the minerals and other natural resources of the province. This right has always been denied to them. The major part of the income from these resources should be spent on the welfare of the people of Balochistan.
First priority should be accorded to addressing Baloch politico-economic grievances and resolving the issue of missing persons. The intelligence agencies’ meddling in Balochistan’s political affairs should also stop immediately.
Meanwhile, the Baloch people have to realise that despite the fact that their province has been neglected by the federal government, some Baloch sardars are equally to blame for the sad plight of the people of Balochistan. For instance, Balochistan’s first elected assembly was dissolved by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in collusion with Baloch sardars.
Similarly, during the Musharraf government Nawab Akbar Bugti had demanded an abnormal rise in land rent, but when the federal government refused to concede his demand he started clamouring for Baloch rights. Many Baloch sardars have always opposed the establishment of schools in their constituencies. During this persistent friction between the federal government and Baloch sardars, it is the common Baloch who have to bear the brunt.
Email: rizwanasghar7@yahoo. com
When we say “Lets Built Pakistan” It encompasses all five provinces including GilgitBaltistan and all its ppl irrespective of cast, colour and creed on equality, justice, brotherhood and equity.If one is prioritized within the province and others who equally participated, sacrificed and defended the country in all the wars befor /after 1947 / raise the name of their province in all the fields, are neglected would be a biased approached and surely not in the interest of the state and particular province itself.
NO doubt, Balochistan has been neglected for the last 63 years, but one should understand what were the causes of neglect/over sight.1. Was it the attitude/conduct of its own ppl which let down them till to date. 2.was it the weakness of their ldrs who could not presented their ppl living in the province collectively /logically in the central govt without biased approach/hypocrisy towards any one/tribe.3. was it the educational aspects in the ppl and ldrs.4. was it the tribal custom / traditions which becomes a block to their development / progress.
Well, I say no one can subdue the ppl of the other Province until and unless the ldrs and ppl of the particularly province become lethargic / are involve in hate and hypocrisy against themselves and forget to treat each other equally invariably they become oversight/neglected by others and remain backward.
Even today if carefully analyses and asses the sit in Balochistan, the same element of hate/hypocrisy exists among the actual ppl of Balochistan who are called Local’s, whether the Baloch, the Puktoon, the Hazara and the Brohi’s. than the second important aspect is the tribal custom and tradition which impede their modernization which may lead them to development & progress.
Further more, in many aspect when narrating history of Balochistan and languages spoken, they tend to forget / neglect the smaller tribe and their language and profess individual hegemony/history/sacrifice/work and so on.If they don’t recognizes each other existence/history for the province, how they aspects other to do justice with them and grant them immunities of life. Instead of collective efforts for the province they individually putin the efforts showing individual ownership, hue& cry throughout the world. Is it justified.All goes waste.
The solution to developement /progress of Balochistan may be collective efforts/ education and recognizing each other based on Equality,Justice, Equity and brotherhood,if it happens no one can subdue/suppress or natch their right, freedom and progress.
May Allah grant them wisdom to understand / recognize each other and fortitude to shoulder their responsibilities with honour and pride.