Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and the flock of sycophants – by R.A. Toori

Politics in Pakistan is a murky business. It is historical fact, evidences substantiate it and proves strengthen it. The question is where does the fault lie? Which are the factors that are making politics a dirty game? What is the root cause that Pakistani politics is yet dubbed with mud and loath? Definitely there is no single factor behind this smoke screen, yet one factor remains under-explored.

The very factor is sycophancy. The flatters and adulators are root cause of all the ills and evils that are hindering the politics of principles and politics for the people. Not only in the history of Pakistan but the world’s history reveals that how these sycophants played vital role in destroying image of popular and wise leaders, however compared to world history, this factor always dominated and dominating the Pakistan politics.

Today’s our most of the political parties are pampered by this factor. Among all these PML-N is championing the race. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan is leading the flock of sycophants. I could not yet understand the agenda of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, even I am sure no one could? His role was always dubious and yet the same role goes on. During the Musharraf Regime when his masters were thrown out for a long period of exile, he was enjoying all the perks and privileges under the umbrella of Musharraf. His role as blue eyed child went on changing like chameleon. On one hand he went on patting his masters who were in exile and on the other hand he tacitly went on endorsing Musharraf.

When we peep into past, He was the same person whose brain factory created a Saif Ur Rehman, who on the behest of this very person engineered number of fake cases against PPP leadership. Even he did not stop, He went on opposing policy of reconciliation that brought all the political factions on one stand. It is true that he never wished PPP and PML-N’s unification. At least his conspiracies proved fruitful and Leadership of PML-N that is totally devoid of political insight, decided to part ways. In fact Chaudhry Nisar wants politics of 90’s and he is very cunningly moving to achieve this goal. I am sure lot of water will have gone under the bridges when Mian brothers will realize this fact, but there will be no cry over split milk.

The only sad factor in this entire story is that people like Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan that are a stigma for our country are leading a mainstream political party. His madness and PPP phobia could be catastrophic. It is indeed mandatory to discourage such chaotic people, who are casting thorns in the way of progressive and democratic Pakistan.



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