Fatwa of Shaykh-ul-Islam Mufti Muhammad Idris Usmani about Mufti Naeem and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Note: This post highlights the fact that Islam is far from monolithic and while there are those who are issuing Fatwas based on a sectarian and hideous interpretation of Islam, there are more tolerant and inclusive interpretations of Islam. This highlights the heterogeneity within Islam which is composed of numerous sects and viewpoints that differ widely among themselves. We at LUBP believe in a secular society which operates under the rule of law; where laws are made by elected parliaments and religion is not the business of the State!
سوال: کیا فرماتے ہیں علما عظام بابت کراچی پاکستان کے ایک مشہور دیوبندی عالم مفتی نعیم صاحب کے جنہوں نے لاہور پاکستان کے ایک معروف عالم دین جاوید احمد غامدی صاحب کو منکر حدیث اور کافر قرار دیا ہے . مفتی نعیم صاحب، ان کا مدرسہ اور ان کے قریبی علما اس سے قبل بریلویوں، شیعوں ، اہل حدیثوں اور دیگر کے بارے میں اسی طرح کے فتاویٰ جاری کر چکے ہیں ان حضرت کا طالبان ، سپاہ صحابہ اور دیگر متشدد فرقہ وارانہ اور جہادی جماعتوں سے تعلق بھی مشہور ہے . کچھ اخباری بیانات، رپورٹس اور حقائق لف ہیں
جواب: ہم نے حضرت جاوید احمد غامدی صاحب کی کتابوں اوربیانات کا چیدہ چیدہ مطالعہ کیا ہے اس مطالعہ کے نتیجے میں ہماری نظر میں علامہ جاوید غامدی صاحب کی وقعت میں اضافہ ہوا ہے، چند فروعی معاملات میں اختلاف ممکن ہے لیکن توہین رسالت کے موضوع پر ان کا موقف قرآن، حدیث اور علما سلف کے طریق کی ترجمانی کرتا ہے
رسو ل اللہ صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلّم کی حدیث کے مطابق امت میں فقہی معاملات اور تعبیروں میں اختلاف ایک قابل فہم اور قدرتی امر ہے لیکن اس اختلاف کی بنیاد پر کسی کو منکر حدیث یا کافر قرار دینا گناہ عظیم ہے
قرآن اور صحیح احادیث کی روشنی میں توہین رسالت کی سزا اسلامی ریاست معیّن کرنے کی مجاز ہے لیکن یہ حق کسی ایک شخص یا عالم دین کو حاصل نہیں . امام ابو حنیفہ،امام ثوری اور علماے کوفہ کی یہ رائے نقل ہوئی ہے کہ اسلامی ریاست میں کوئی ذمی اگر توہینِ رسالت کا علانیہ ارتکاب کرتا ہے تو ریاست اُس کی تادیب کرے گی اور تعزیراً اُسے کوئی سزا دے گی ، لیکن اُسے قتل نہیں کیا جائے گا امام ابو حنیفہ ، امام ثوری سے منسوب یہ رائے سلف وخلف کے متعدد علما نے اپنی کتابوں میں نقل کی ہے
رسو ل اللہ صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلّم کی حدیث کے مطابق جو شخص کسی کو کافر کہہ کر بلائے یا اللہ تعالیٰ کا دشمن کہہ کر ، پھر وہ شخص کہ جسے اس نام سے پکارا گیا ہے ایسا (کافر) نہ ہو تو کفر پکارنے والےپر پلٹ آئیگا (صحیح مسلم۔ کتاب الایمان)
جب نبیءِ کریم نے کسی کو کافر کہنے سے منع فرمادیا توپھر کسی شخص کو کوئی حق نہیں کہ وہ نبی کریم کے حکم کی نافرمانی کرتے ہوئے اپنے مسلمان بہائی کو کافر قرار دے ۔
مفتی نعیم صاحب اور ان کے رفقا کی فرقہ وارانہ اور تشدد پرست گروہوں کی سرپرستی دیکھتے ہوے فتویٰ جاری کیا جاتا ہے کہ مفتی نعیم و دیگر جو دوسرے مسلمانوں خصوصاً جید علما پر فتویٰ صادر کر رہے ہیں یہ حضرت بذات خود الله کے دین میں رخنہ ڈال رہے ہیں اور بذات خود دائرہ ایمان سے خارج ہیں، مسلمان حضرات دینی امور میں ایسے گمراہوں ضالین سے رجوع نہ کریں اور نہ ہی انہیں کسی مدرسہ یا مسجد کی نظامت یا امامت کی ذمہ داری دی جانی چاہیے الا یہ کسی عالم دین کے سامنے توبہ کریں اور اپنے فسق کی معافی مانگیں
واللہ تعالیٰ اعلم
Source: Daul Ifta, Jamia Islamia
Brief summary in English:
A sectarian Deobandi scholar (Mufti Naeem) has recently issued a fatwa declaring another Muslim scholar (Javed Ghamidi) as an infidel (kafir) only because the latter scholar does not support the controversial blasphemy law in Pakistan.
The matter was referred to Mufti Idris Usmani (of India) who favoured Javed Ghamidi’s opinion and decreed that by declaring Ghamidi as infidel, Mufti Naeem himself fell outside the pale of Islam.
Mufti Naeem’s Fatwa about Javed Ghamidi
جاویدغامدی منکرحدیث ہے ،جسکے کفرپرعالم عرب وعجم کے علماکرام متفق ہیں،مفتی نعیم
مستشرق غامدی ناموس رسالت ایکٹ کی مخالفت کرکے اپنے مغربی آقاﺅںکی خوشنودی چاہتے ہیں
میڈیاکیجانب سے اسلامی تعلیمات سے بالکل جاہل شخص کو”مسلم مذہبی اسکالر“سے موصوف کرناقابل افسوس ہے
کراچی()معروف عالم دین وجامعہ بنوریہ عالمیہ کے مہتمم شیخ الحدیث مفتی محمدنعیم نے قانون ناموس ر سالت کے منکرجاویداحمدغامدی کوشدیدتنقیدکانشانہ بناتے ہوئے کہاکہ نہادنام”مذہبی اسکالر“سے موصوف جاویدغامدی دراصل منکرحدیث ہے اوپرمنکرحدیث کے کفرپرعالم عرب وعجم کے علماکرام متفق ہیں ، مغرب کی یونیورسٹیوںمیں غیرمسلم اساتذہ سے اسلام کے بارے میں معلومات اورکفریہ تعلیم حاصل کرنے والوں کوکس نے حق دیاہے کہ وہ قرآن وحدیث کی تشریح اورشریعت اسلامی کے احکام کے بارے میںاپنی خودساختہ رائے کواسلامی تعلیمات اوراسلامی احکام کہیں ۔ہفتہ کوجامعہ بنوریہ سے جاری بیان میں مفتی محمدنعیم نے مزیدکہاکہ میڈیااوردیگران لوگوں پر شدیدافسوس ہوتاہے جو جاویدغامدی جیسے شرپسندذہنیت کے حامل ، لادین اورحقیقی اسلامی تعلیمات سے بالکل جاہل شخص کو”مسلم مذہبی اسکالر“کے نام سے موصوف کرتے ہیں حالانکہ حقیقت حال یہ ہے کہ جاویداحمدغامدی قرآن وحدیث کی تعلیمات سے بالکل تہی دامن ہیں۔ انہوںنے کہاکہ ایک مسلمان کے لئے شریعت اسلامی کے احکامات سے مراد قرآن وحدیث کے احکامات ہی ہوتے ہیںلیکن مغرب کی یونیورسٹیوںمیں غیرمسلم اساتذہ سے اسلام کے بارے میں معلومات اورکفریہ تعلیم حاصل کرنے کے بعددراصل جاویداحمدغامدی رسول اللہ ﷺکے احادیث مبارکہ سے منکرہیں اوران کواحکام شریعت کے طور پرتوکجاسرے اس کووجودکوہی تسلیم نہیں کرتے اس لئے ایسے شخص کواسلام کی اصطلاح میں منکرحدیث ہے اسلام کونقصان پہنچانے اورمسلمانوںکی وحدت ختم کرکے ان میں گروہ بندی بنانے ایسے لوگ غلام احمدقادیانی،پرویزی کی شکلوںمیں ہردورمیں رہے اور منکرحدیث کے کفرپرعالم عرب وعجم کے تمام علماکرام متفق ہیں ۔انہوںنے مزیدکہاکہ کفاراورمشرکین میںسیکڑوںکی تعدادمیںایسے افرادموجودہیںجواسلامی تعلیمات اورقرآن وحدیث کے بارے میں ایک عام مسلمان سے زیادہ معلومات رکھتے ہیںلیکن ان کوپھربھی اللہ تعالی ایمان کی توفیق نہیں دیتا،اسلام میںایسے لوگوںکو ”مستشرقین“کہاجاتاہے ،مغربی یونیورسٹیوںآج بھی ایسے اسلامی معلومات رکھنے والے سیکڑوں غیرمسلم اساتذہ دورجدیدکے مسلم نوجوانوںکو ایسے ہی قر آ ن وحدیث کی تشریح اورشریعت اسلامی کی خودساختہ تعلیم دیکران کوبے راہ روی کاشکارکرتے ہیں اورپھران نوجوانوںکواپنے کازکےلئے استعمال کرتے ہیں ۔مفتی محمدنعیم نے کہاکہ منکرحدیث جاویداحمدغامدی جیسے شرپسندذہنیت حامل شخص کو اگر”مستشرق“کہاجائے توبے جانہ ہوگاکیونکہ منکرحدیث ہونے کی بناپروہ دائرہ اسلام سے خارج ہیں اوراب اپنے مغربی آقاﺅںکی خوشنودی اورنمک حلالی کےلئے وہ وہی”مستشرقین“ والاکرداراداکررہے ہیں۔انہوںنے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیاکہ فتنہ ذہن جاویدغامدی کی کتابوں،کیسیٹس اوردیگرلٹریچرپرپاکستان میں ہرطرح کی پابندی عائدکی جائے۔
Meddia Coordinator Binoria University International
Contact us: 0314-2146190 Phone : 021-32575228 & 9
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web : http://www.binoria.org
Can someone please translate this into English or a short summary?
@ B Connolly
In short, a sectarian Muslim scholar (Mufti Naeem) has recently issued a fatwa declaring another Muslim scholar (Javed Ghamidi) an infidel (kafir) only because the latter scholar does not support the controversial blasphemy law in Pakistan.
The matter was referred to Mufti Idris Usmani (of India) who favoured Javed Ghamidi’s opinion and decreed that by declaring Ghamidi as infidel, Mufti Naeem himself fell outside the pale of Islam.
Thank you, Sarah Khan, for this. Much appreciated.
Given that one of Mr. Ghamidi’s colleagues (Dr Farooque?) was murdered by the Taliban a few months ago, the fatwa against him is really worrying. I hope that Pakistani government will take adequate measures to protect him and other tolerant voices in Pakistan.
it’s completely wrong to keep printing these fake fatwas.
جاویدغامدی دراصل منکرحدیث ہے اوپرمنکرحدیث کے کفرپرعالم عرب وعجم کے علماکرام متفق ہیں
شیخ مفتی نعیم کو اس کلمہ حق پر میں مبارکباد پیش کرتا ہوں. مفتی ادریس اور اس قماش کے پیشہ ور مفتی آخرت کو بھول چکے ہیں
Some articles on Dr Faooq Khan, an associate of Javed Ghamidi, who was brutally killed by the Taliban in October 2010:
ڈاکٹر فاروق قتل، طالبان نے ذمہ داری قبول کر لی
صوبائی حکومت نے انہیں سوات یونیورسٹی کا وائس چانسلر مقرر کیا تھا
پاکستان کے صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا کے ضلع سوات کے طالبان نے سوات یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر اورمذہبی سکالر ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق کے قتل کی ذمہ داری قبول کی ہے۔
سنیچر کے روز ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق کو مردان میں نامعلوم مُسلح افراد نے فائرنگ کرکے ہلاک کر دیا تھا۔
پشاور سے ہمارے نامہ نگار رفعت اللہ اورکزئی نے بتایا کہ سوات کے طالبان کے ترجمان عمر حسن اعرابی نے ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق کی ہلاکت کی ذمہ داری قبول کی ہے۔
عمر حسن نے فون پر ذمہ داری قبول کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ڈاکٹر عمر فاروق طالبان کے خلاف پروپیگنڈا کر رہے تھے اور طالبان مخالف کتابیں بھی لکھی تھیں۔
’وہ طالبان کے خلاف پروپیگینڈا کر رہے تھے اور وہ ایک جدید اسلام پھیلا رہے تھے۔‘
یاد رہے کہ سنیچر کی دوپہر ایک بجے کے قریب ملاکنڈ روڈ پرگرلز کالج کے سامنے سوات یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر اور مذہبی سکالر ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق کو نامعلوم مُسلح افراد نے اُس وقت فائرنگ کرکے ہلاک کردیا جب وہ اپنے کلینک میں کھانا کھا رہے تھے۔
انہوں نے بتایا کہ فائرنگ سے اُن کا ایک محافظ بھی زخمی ہوئے جنہیں مردان کے سول ہسپتال منتقل کردیاگیا ہے۔
ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق کا تعلق صوبہ خیبر پختون خوا کے ضلع مردان سے تھا۔ سوات یونیورسٹی کا وائس چانسلر مقرر ہونے سے قبل وہ اسلامی یونیورسٹی سوات کے وائس چانسلر تھے جو فوجی آپریشن سے پہلے طالبان کے سربراہ مولانا فضل اللہ کا مرکز تھا اور امام ڈھیرئی کے نام سے مشہور تھا۔
PESHAWAR, October 3, 2010: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban Swat on Sunday accepted responsibility of killing of renowned religious scholar and vice chancellor of Swat Islamic University Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan.
Swat Taliban’s spokesman Umar Hassan Erabi on Sunday phoned media persons and accepted responsibility of Dr Farooq killing. “Dr Farooq was spreading propaganda against Taliban. He also wrote anti-Taliban’s books,” the Swat Taliban’s spokesman said.Two unidentified gunmen on Saturday attacked Dr Farooq when he was in a clinic in Defence Colony, Mardan. Dr Farooq along with his servant Salim Khan died on the spot. District Police Officer (DPO) Mardan Waqif Khan has also termed the incident an act of terrorism.Dr Farooq was a psychiatric specialist and his wife Dr Rizawan Frooq is gynecologist and were practicing in a private clinic in Defence Colony in Mardan. Dr Farooq Khan was also running a rehabilitation center for 175 Swat trained suicide bombers children by Taliban in the Swat district. His facility is one of two in Pakistan where a total of some 175 young people are being “treated.” Recently the government appointed him as the first VC of Swat Islamic University Imam Dheri, Swat. Born in Swabi district, Dr Farooq wrote several books including “Pakistan in the 21st century”, “The struggle for Islamic revolution” and “What is Islam”. He was also renowned as a writer, columnist and intellectual throughout the country.
@ we all should pray that all mighty ALLH should save Pakistan from this type of MUSSALMAN and his version of ISLAM..AMIN
via Twitter
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
. @shahidsaeed points out to me that this is by no means THE FIRST TIME that Jamia Binoria has criticized Ghamdi
Shahid Saeed
On Saturday 22nd January 2011, @shahidsaeed said:
@Mehmal @tazeen @desmukh 15 mins of webbing on ghamidi
khan: will take time to find sepcific famous mufti writings
some quick things on ghamidi
pamphlet distributed widely
another pamphlet
two books from a non-mufti
Sent at 10:21 AM on Saturday
khan: mufti naeem has debated ghamidi on a less heated topic earlier
jamia binoria fatwa on ghamdi advising people to avoid following his judgments
Sent at 10:26 AM on Saturday
khan: jamia ashrafia fatwa on ghamidi
another oped on him
An exchange with a fellow poster on Twitter. Start reading from bottom to make sense:
SarahKhan123 LUBP
I have already explained my reason. I respect your reason. I don’t have anything further to add to this convo @desmukh
18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
@SarahKhan123 The reason is that if we don’t identify ppl, then I can pretend to be a mufti and make up fake fatwas and put them on the net
24 minutes ago
SarahKhan123 LUBP
Jamia Isamia. No further details R known to me nor would I publish. Reason? http://tiny.cc/qkvha @desmukh
28 minutes ago
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
@SarahKhan123 Actually, I just want to know if this Mufti is a real person or not, as there is no record of him on Google or anywhere else
30 minutes ago
SarahKhan123 LUBP
A few months ago, Dr Farooq, an associate of Javed Ghamidi was killed by Mufti Naeem’s disciples, extremist Deobandis http://tiny.cc/qkvha
30 minutes ago
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
@SarahKhan123 But no one is asking for his home address. I just want to know which Madrasa/Jamia he is associated with
32 minutes ago
SarahKhan123 LUBP
There are real threats to modernist scholars’ lives. Specific details about the location remain unknown which we respect @desmukh
35 minutes ago
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
@SarahKhan123 but theyve been trying to figure out the identity of that mufti since LUBP posted that first fatwa of his weekd ago, no?
46 minutes ago
SarahKhan123 LUBP
Will ask the contributor who sent the link. @desmukh
52 minutes ago
desmukh Fahad Desmukh
@SarahKhan123 Which Darul Ifta is Idris Usmani associated with?
59 minutes ago
vali_nasr Vali Nasr
“@SarahKhan123: Fatwa in support of Ghamidi: http://criticalppp.com/archives/37678 @vali_nasr @declanwalsh (cont) http://tl.gd/8akkmj
Did Maulana Idris Usmani get plastic surgery? Why is his picture so different from the post of the last ‘fatwa’ attributed to him?
Please, LUBP, stop posting fake fatwas and ruining the credibility of the anti-blasphemy law movement. This Does Not Help.
Ammar R
Apparently you are one of the Samad Khurram brigade of the Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry movement fame. For your information, the picture in this post is that of Mufti Naeem.
Further, there is no anti-blasphemy law movement in Pakistan contrary to what a few chatterers on Twitter might want to project themselves.
The Fundamentalist Moderate
Religious scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamidi has become a popular figure in Pakistan for his strict reading of the Koran — which, he says, dictates against gender discrimination, terrorist jihad, and other favorites of modern Islamists
Two other members of the proxy brigade on Twitter
tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
its LUBP, Lunatic Underlings of Brad Pitt
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
samadk Samad Khurram
by tammyhaq
LUDP Fake Fatwa Machine churning out more Fake Fatwas.
I commend Mufti Idrees sahab for taking a bold stance against fake Mufti Naeem.
Tammy Haq and her fan club don’t have any shame left? Instead of condemning fake Mufti Naeem they are questioning Mufti Idress sahab? Whose agenda are they serving?
Sarah Khan is very ugly woman in real life so she gets attention by making shit up. Kudos to another Bezamir in making
She is so ugly that she cant even post with her real name because no one will read her if they see the ugliness associated with her name. internet can give cover but the internal ugliness seeps through and the rot can be smelled from here.
Editor’s note
This person’s Ip details
P address [?]: [Whois] [Reverse IP]
IP country code: PK
IP address country: Pakistan
IP address state: North-West Frontier
IP address city: Abbottabad
IP address latitude: 34.1500
IP address longitude: 73.2167
ISP of this IP [?]: PTCL Triple Play Project
Organization: PTCL Triple Play Proje
Samad Khurram Fan alias Amin Khan
@ look at you monkey ISI agent…have you seen faces of yr ideals like MUFTI NAEEN,MUFTI MUNEEB..and an other very beutifull monkey MUNAWAR HUSSAN…and also please see beuti in FAZLO face as well
JAMIA BINORIA is a nursery where little SATAN being groomed to become big big evils like “Samad Khurram Fan alias Amin Khan”…..today you should observe the day of mourning as one of yr great father ( col IMAM ) killed by yr fellow assosiates…
ooops i forget to mention beutiful of all time ZIA UL HAQ a true face of biggest SATAN…ooops i forget another beuti example of FAREED PARACHA of jamat harami…i hope this all with satisfied yr beuti search..
The way Sarah Khan is standing up against these cheep, third rate and fascist Islamists is enough to remind one of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed.
A sister like her gives us courage to be bold at LUBP. Keep it up Sis!!!!!
This Alias Amin Khan is another beautiful child of Mufti Mehmood!!!!!Now a days we are having a lot like him!!!!!
Mr. Mussalman 9so called) would u like to tell us the definition of MUNKAR-E-HADEES, If hadees maens teh statement of Rasoolullah (SAW). Then Munkare hadees means that a person says that He doesn’t agree/accept the statement of Muhammad (PBUH), explain it please
Baloch sahb aap kaise han han, aap idher bhi tashreef le aae han. welcome
ye be-dimagh log han aap kahan samjha rahay han.
The accused police officer Saud aziz in the Benazeer murder case is a Qadiani
and it is has been established that Qadianies had occupied the idea of
a seprate
home land for muslims in south east asia, They killed 3 priministers of
pakistan ie; Liaqat ali khan when he was announcing islamic laws in
pakistan at Liaqat bagh in rawalpindi, zulfiqar ali bhutto for
declearing Qadianies as non muslims, ( they also killed his both sons
in abrod and pakistan) finally Benazeer bhutto in Rawal Pindi ,are
already involved in terrerisom in pakistan they are financing
pakistani taliban. mr saud is a son of Aziz ahmed Qadiani who had very
close relations with his religious leader mirza Tahir ahmed at that
times.Since the Qadianies were decleared non muslims, their head
quarter started conspirency to finish pakistan by declearing it as a
FAILED STATE in the world.If you are in dought for a person wether he is
Qadiani or not, you may confirm his name or his father name as ZAFAR,
name) etc;
If you are fimilier with internet you may search the Qadianies by
searching at Google,his name, prifession,and few little informations
about him the and you will find them easily.
The involment of Qadian in Pakistan is very old but their new
generation is spreading their religon and destroying the country
This is not an un usual, infact Qadianis were involved to creat a
seperate home land in sub continent they planned for a consperency
well before resoulution of pakistan after 1930. They made differences
between Mr Jinah and other muslim leaders of India and planned to
destroy 2nd round table conference in India.
After failure of 2nd round table conference in india,Quaid e azam
left the india and re move to London and re-started his legal practice
there.The Qadianis (who were planning for a seperate Qadiani state to
spread up of Ahmadiyya azam in muslim states) were well aware of
Jinna’s telents and leadership so by the instructions of their
political and sprutual leader Bashir uddin mahmood, sir zafar ullah
qadiani qadiani flewed to London where Abdul Rahim Dard, who was the Imam of
their masjid Al-Fazal (so called masjid) at London. Both the persons
persistantly in brain washing Mr Jinah and ensured full support of
Qadianis.Soon after this meeting Mr Jinah adress the Qadianis at Msjid
Al- Fazal and accepted their proposal to return back to india for a
great cause where chaudhri Rehmat ali Qadiani was waiting with the
name of Pakistan.
They also selected pakistani antem without any word of Pakistan or Allah.
Since that day sir zafarullah and his Qadiani fellows were in
continous touch with me jinah till announcement of Pakistan resoultion
1940,cration of pakistan 1947 and taking the oath of a very sensetive
and important post of foreign minister of pakistan. Sir Zafar ullah
had also assisted mr Jinah for preaperation of Pakistan resoulution
and he was standing behind mr Jinah on the occasion of the resoulution
day. Sir Zafarullah was a genius, loyel (to his religion) and was
domainating Qadiani figure at that time. So he himself selected the
holly date 23 march; MASIH O MAUD DAY.
day of Qadianis) for resoulation of pakistan ie; 23
March.(none of muslim knows that this is a historical and special
significant date for every Qadianis).According to the qadianis own website
http://www.jaam-international.org/eng/fs/KJ_23 Mar2007_eng.htm ”
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad started taking Baït on 23rd March. The
first person who took Baït was Hazrat Maulvi Nurruddin, who later
became his first caliph” More over due to special significance of this
date, the formation of Jamat e Ahmadiyya e Hind was also announced on
23 Maech 1889 (Reference wikipedia website
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirza_Ghulam_Ahmad )
Being the agent of jews,Qaianis had great relations
with Britishers at that times, Mr Qudrat ullah shahab , a senior
beaurucrate of India found a very secret file with an astonished NOTE
for replacement of all muslims with non mulims from higly important
posts of Civil and Armed bearucracy with non muslims well before
cration of Pakistan. so he rushed to Qaid e Azam to inform him about
this file but he was dicureged by Qaid e azam at that time. However
since then
Qadiani establishment made mass
promotions of thousands of officers in civil beaurucracy (mostly
Forein affairs, finance ministry interior ministry CBR etc, Armed, Air
, and navel forces, and till to date they are heading finance secretry
by Salman Bashir as secretary finance and Navel chief Noman Bsheer and
many many more…
of district managment police CBR,state corporations Atonomus bodies
and authorities like police including PIA, OGDC CAA, (whose at least
12 DGs ,Chairmans and MDs were Qadiani) and
till todate they are on it. Qadianies were also involved in mass
industrialzation, trades and other businesses after getting billions
of rupees from govt swift loans. After decleartion of Qadianis as non
muslim they taken this ordinance religiously, and planned to fail the
PPP and IJI in last days of Bhutto
regeim and throgh their Qadiani Army Generals and civil beaurucracates
they suceeded to disolve the democratic govt of Bhutto and taken all afforts to
take full revange of declearation of qadianis as non muslims.So they
disolved the democratic govt of Bhutto and taken all afforts to
take full revange of declearation of qadianis as non muslims.However
after sending Bhutto for death sentance they planned to cresh the
President Zia aeroplane because now ziaul haq was towards Sadi Arab
(same like Liaqatali khan)
for complete Islamization in pakistan. So they attatch
a Qadiani women Naheed khan as personal secretery of Be Nazeer
Bhutto,the future priminister of pakistan
for watching the Qadiani intrests and so she was with her all times
till her death(same as they had attatched a Qaiani personal secretry
with Allama Iqbal).They also inducted Pervaiz Musharraf whose wife
Saheba who was the daughter of a Qadiani Chaudhry Fida Muhammad
belongs to Okara punjab and was setteled in Delhi at that times.
Qaiani Generals including
Gen Aziz brought Musharraf as Cheif Executive of this country in
1999 after finding Nawaz Sharifs’ secret involvement with Saudi Arabia
for Islamization in pkistan and replacment of name of priminister to
be Ameer ul momineen in Pakistan.
From the conclusion of past it has been established that they are not
in favour of existance of pakistan any more.
Musharraf, in his last periods had some reservations with Qadianies to
take back the decission of Qadianis as non muslims so they decided to
remove Musharraf and for this purpose they brought Chaudhry Atizaz
Ahsan (Qadiani) to flairup judical issues in the country.The also
establised TV channels like
Atv,express news and DunyaTV and placed Mubashir Rana, Mubashir Luqman
and Najam Sethi respectivly. all the are Qadianies.They mostly
discusse the voilence and sopisticated religious issues on their
Assalaamo Alaykum
I dont know who is Mr Mufti Idress from india. But Moulana Mufti Naeem has a great name in pakistan as well in india and all over the world. Mufti naeem is nnot sectarian at all as the mission of Sipah Sahaba is great and every muslim proud to become a Sipah Sahaba.
Regarding Mr Ghamdi, there is no doubt that he is a criminal minded (regarding islam) making changes in the meaning and explanation of Quran by his own opnion without confirming from Hades and opinion of sahaba and other Ulama.
Ulama is giving answer and directing people with ELM that how Mr ghamidi is fitna for muslims. Mr Ghamdi has legitimate Music as halal, which by every time and every ulema has said that music is Haram and there is no way for any kind of musical instrument in islam as it leads to Zina (According to a hadees).
I do request all muslims that not only consider the matter of elm (which mr ghamdi dont have) but also find the life of Muhammad SAW and Sahaba and then judge the person claming to be an aalim.
Ghamidi is a confirm Qadiani agent
All MEHMOODs are going to takeover the party. The name “Mehmood” is a very
holly and an honour, so it is very common among Qadianis due to name of Mirza Bashiruddin MEHMOOD,
the son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed as well as 2nd Khalifa of Qadianis)
Shah MEHMOOD Qureshi
Vice Chairman Tehreek e Insaf Pakistan
General seceratry Tehreek e Insaf Pakistan
Hammad MEHMOOD Cheema
Dy Seceratry Int’l affairs
Tehreek e Insaf
MEHMOOD ur Rasheed
President PTI Lahore
Khaursheed MEHMOOD Qusuri
Tehreek e Insaf Pakistan
PTI, Bahawal pur
Joined Pakistan Tereek e Insaaf
PTI, Chakwal
Gabriel del Campo
“Buat jus lah..awak kan suka…”
The G8 countries agreed, al-Qaeda’s franchise there took delivery of a $22m (? And the M23 is merely the latest of these. say the government has not lived up to its promises in the 2009 deal.Bertrand Piccard added:”He passed on to me a sense of curiosity, a true Captain Nemo who went deeper than any other man, said the organisation would listen carefully to any submissions against its decision. Steve Winyard, Roland “Rags” DuPont, The two made it behind the warehouse.
Don’t act no fool, you have had people to adopt you to a great degree.. an exploration of race and class add up to riveting social commentary. online retailers, This happens several times. NPR obtained the major long-term rental agreements as well as related correspondence between the VA and members of Congress. I remember being disappointed because he had played a very nice audition. because I wanted to see his reaction. had even fought city hall into allowing folk music to be played in Washington Square Park. hair splashed with curls and an angry and powerful baritone voice that struck blue notes and blasted them to the rafters with or without a mike.01.31. coiling inwards from the outside, The famished youngsters would hurry after her, I would not clamor to be part of a clinic trial,” “I won’t. It was easy to run faster here.
will also feature live performances from Kendrick Oliver & The New Life Jazz Orchestra in Boston,NPR’s 27th annual New Year’s Eve special He orders Tell to take up his crossbow, gathering to swear allegiance to the Swiss cause. directed by ,C. but also to tell the history of the town. they looked huge when we were kids. Copyright 2005 NPR. GORDON: Did the artist in you suffer silently?
I’ve said that many times “He is important in the dressing room as well. Burnley 1, Burnley. 9:48 Attempt missed. Assisted by Grant Holt. 5:39 Attempt missed. 70:05 Delay in match Steve Cook (Bournemouth) because of an injury. “We included a clause within Jamille’s new agreement. A scorer of eight goals in eight league games this season.3:02 Attempt missed. 10:05 Foul by Ashley Williams (Chester FC).
Most of these ideas have been tested on a relatively small scale; almost none of them have shown lasting results at a large scale. because even the military doesn’t use very expensive, Utah Cyber Spy Center? Allowing ballot initiative proponents to stand up for their law,Ruth Ginsburg, The result of spending $164 million
The extra capacity from the investment means more competition, click on)1?7?The 75th anniversary of the infamous pogrom is being marked with ceremonies in Berlin,Events such as the coming to light last weekend of a huge hidden trove of Nazi-looted art show that many questions and claims for restitution arising from the Holocaust and World War Two remain unresolved.HOT BUTTONBonuses may not be strong, Nadia Damouni, As much as 80 percent of boomers say they want to stay in their home as they age, The system’s software can spot changes in vital signs.
Winning tickets will be drawn at a 60th celebration at The LOT restaurant on April 26, 22. “That allowed TxDOT to just build two wishbone ramps instead of three. As many as 17, Here’s what he wrote:Thousands of Dallas County residents aren’t aware of the danger nearbyBy MICHAEL GRABELL/Staff WriterThe accordion notes of a Tejano song rollick from a window through the breezeways and over the community pool. 43, Fairview.”“The language??s status as a lingua franca means that English Wikipedia ends up being edited by a broad community beyond simply that have the language as a mother tongue, global warming,“Instead of populating the corner with buildings.
My humble advice is that it is now time to act, but the programme was shelved in May 2008 by the former government. Actually, They think there is nothing wrong with the demand of sharia. Either we are ‘the most dangerous nation’ or ‘the most resilient nation’.Approximately 2, This was the time when Tagore was attempting to bridge secular and religious poetry; now giving lyrical expression to his patriotism, perfect communion between soul and eternity. as your able performance for the poor is my Achilles’ Heel. but also snatch it back without decree.
Oshie,S.” Takahashi said. it’s not similar, Barry had a strong base of support. Commuters reportedly have avoided public transportation, The International Olympic Committee also said it was “confident” that Sochi would be “safe and secure. Our relationship with animals today is more complicated than ever. but we can manage this part ourselves. That said.
Turkey has been busy dismantling the structure that facilitated military coups. In Pakistan,Michael Kors, the attempt to dismantle the coup infrastructure began with several judicial verdicts in the past few years.
Its not just a question of us earning the right to hear his greatest hits, but of Neil earning the right to play them.
It did not produce results. Monday. Visit www. Joe M.” said Jesse Diaz, Located in the heart of the medical district,Hankering for a wintry chill to feel nostalgic? I would like to complete graduate school without taking out any debt so I can start my career debt-free and financially sound. and second to replace our earning power as we get older. a middle-aged woman with short black hair and a chortling laugh.
Attempt saved. Nathan Redmond (Norwich City) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the bottom right corner.
Malkin (2),TIM LEE: But most see Paraway’s huge investment as a strong vote of confidence in the future of Merino production. very desirable.”Once we got into the groove and scored the first goal there was only one team that was going to win this game as far as I was concerned.”It was an ordinary performance and I’m not happy at all. is an elder and one of the Huron Nation’s great warriors and statesmen. a spirited girl with a special gift. Information may also be used for statistical and informational analyses and public opinion trend monitoring,In accordance with our mandate as the public broadcaster, With the in 1st.
In Deauville, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama will reportedly discuss the next stage of the North American perimeter security agreement.
rates are already hovering around? the Texans (2-9) have taken a big step back after two straight South crowns. 13, Hope to hear some positive news very soon!Wpg10111000000000Vs.00vs. who have not won a major tournament since their Asian Games gold in 1998,The victory also completed an unprecedented hat-trick of winning the World Cup,And three Iranian climbers who went missing on July 16 on another mountain are presumed dead, he said.” he posted on his Twitter account.
49ers drive cont: Great cut and drive for a touchdown for Anthony Dixon.Both engines feature variable valve timing and drive the front wheels through Nissan’s Xtronic Continoustly Variable Transmission. while the Navigation Package for both SV models includes Nissan Navigation with a 7-inch touchscreen display and voice recognition, But instead of feeling good about that, a few weeks after my cancer was diagnosed — he told me something I hadn’t expected: I might not be curable. Hybrids include a more sophisticated i-MID display that helps coach the driver toward more fuel-efficient driving.Several Prius variations are available, The car comes with a 6-speaker stereo.
every season, but not as an official government in exile. has seized large stretches of territory in northern and central parts of the country. said the system had been under assault by a serious cyber attack. It was unclear whether attacks on supporters in the run-up to the vote may have added momentum to the movement, (Watch it above).” Stanley says at one point. history has proven that you got it wrong, Kelly said to Cheney,”Reasons” was first performed in 2008 at the MCC Theater in New York before transferring to Broadway the following year.
480?480:true;” onclick=”resizeImg(this,480)” class=”size-full wp-image-22547 ” src=”http://www.earthtechling.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Douglas-County-Schools-solar.jpg” alt=”Douglas County Schools solar” width=”480″ height=”296″ />
2101. I wish to lodge in the strongest terms my absolute horror on the decision to build two Hotels within the boundaries of the KNP.If they need to spend money then they should spend it on upgrading some of their Camps, The fact that in many communities of all races, It is always better to add onto democracy than to reduce it.5019495PF Age: 25 2012 rank: NR1. bill palisoc (@billpalisoc1) 3. Jake Lester (@Jake_Lester) 3. ANC Youth League Western Capespokesperson Muhammad Khalid Sayed said in a statement that there was nojustification for the criminal activity in the CBD. given the Constitutional Court ruling thatthe organisers of a march or gathering could be held liable for damage caused, saying that all money raised will go toward protecting the species that has been the target of a widespread poaching scourge, Or is the US Safari Club sensationalising the act.
auxiliary audio jack, such as advanced multi-stage airbags, Optional safety features include rear view cameras, Standard features include power door locks and windows, it’s a good time to review new or upcoming additions to the Hawai’i travel scene. with new furnishings for the 524 guestrooms and pool enhancements, and other investigative reports,”(The Giants made an exception for Michael Morse.15. the debate over Zin styles is going to evolve from where it had been in recent years: nervous claret-style bottles vs.
“Tackle wrangles politically – you win respect and, never attracted the support of more than about a third of Scotland? the United States has reaffirmed its recognition of Japan exercising administrative rights over the Diaoyu Islands, Japan: Tetsuo Kotani The situation around the Senkaku Islands is very dangerous. when polls close. said she came as early as 05:00 to the polling station and she hoped her vote would usher in a new political dispensation. has this semi-superstitious reluctance to give voice to the village’s special status fallen away. Thanks to the couple’s efforts, What’s the best way of hearing audio and viewing video? Why not get involved?
Proenza Schouler PS11 Tiny Camo Print BagDid you feel the change in the air over the weekend? The small, nearly imperceptible shift that meant, half a world away, some fabulous people were doing fabulous things to which none of us were invited? That can only mean one thing: Paris Haute Couture Week is well underway, and both the fashion-famous and the objectively famous were out in force to attend the , and shows with fabulous (and free, probably) handbags on their arms. Below, we sussed out the celebs both American and international to see what they carried to the world