At last, New York Times accepts LUBP stand on false Shia-Sunni binary
Editorial note: Since its inception in 2008, Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) has been consistently claiming that the violence against the Shias, Sunni Sufis and other Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Pakistan and other Islamic countries has nothing to do with the Sunnis. The media all over the world, New York Times included, has been casting the violence in terms of Shia-Sunni binary, presenting Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi terrorists in generic, obfuscating terms such as Sunni, Islamists, jihadists etc.
We have always maintained that the violence in Muslim countries and even beyond is not a Sunni-sponsored phenomenon, but a Wahabi-Deobandi Takfiri assault on Muslims who do not subscribe to the Saudi-sponsored bloodthirsty ideology.
LUBP has consistently claimed that it is not the Shias only who have been fighting against the Takfiri assault, but non-Takfiri Sunnis too. The Wahhabi-Deobandi Takfiris are not even one percent of the entire Muslim world, but given petrodollars at the disposal of the House of Saud, they have been able to carry out one bloodbath after another in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Pakistan. It is sad to note that newspapers like the New York Times have failed to speak the truth and in doing so have been instrumental in obfuscating, say, the Shia genocide in Pakistan.
At last, the New York Times has accepted our claim. It is hoped that it will not promote the false Shia-Sunni binary. We also hope that other publications will follow suit. (End note).

Sunni Tribesmen Say ISIS Exacts Brutal Revenge
“People are of course horrified at what happened,” Mr. Jaboori said. “But the easiest thing is to blame the government.”
More than 40 members of the Albu Nimr were lined up and executed with gunshots to the head in Hit on Wednesday alone, according to Naem al-Gaood, a tribal sheikh related to Jalal al-Gaood.In a photo circulated online by Islamic State supporters and said to show the aftermath, dead bodies with deep head wounds lie in line, slumped on a curb.
Reports emerged on Thursday of mass graves near Hit and elsewhere in Anbar Province that held the bodies of dozens of other members of the tribe, but photos of the bodies were not released and the reports could not be independently confirmed.
Across the border in Syria, Islamic State fighters bragged of executing hundreds of members of the Shueitat tribe this year after it had tried to fight them.
And Human Rights Watch said in a report Thursday that the Islamic State had systematically executed about 600 captives after taking over a prison near Mosul in June.
The jihadists divided the prisoners by sect and gunned down the mostly Shiite prisoners as they knelt alongside a ravine, the New York-based organization said in the report, which was based on survivor testimonies.
Also in June, the Islamic State carried out a similar mass killing of captured soldiers at a palace complex in Tikrit where Saddam Hussein once lived.
The barbarity, size and multinational composition of the Islamic State and affiliated groups have increasingly alarmed counterterrorism officials around the world and have become a growing concern at the United Nations. On Thursday, a special Security Council committee that monitors sanctions on designated terrorist groups said in a report that roughly 15,000 fighters from more than 80 countries, including the United States and European Union members, had entered Syria and Iraq in recent months, echoing numbers reported by American intelligence officials last month.
The threat is amplified, the report said, by “the very substantial resources now available” to the Islamic State and its “arsenal of modern military hardware.”
The report reinforced fears that many of these fighters could return home and create havoc.
“Even discounting those who have been killed and those who have returned,” the report said, “this is a problem on an unprecedented scale.