We seek justice for Model town massacre – by A Z
posted by Shahram Ali | August 28, 2014 | In Original ArticlesWhat happened in Model Town in the night of 17th June was the single most barbaric act of police in an urban area in the history of current Pakistan. It was a shameless act of brutality sanctioned at very high levels of government where the police fired straight at unarmed and peaceful citizens with well above a hundred people shot, many fatally. The police appeared as heartless killing machines capable of exterminating other human beings on command and the government ordered to kill the law abiding citizens it is trusted with protecting.
This act must not be allowed to be concluded by mere expressions of regret and sympathy. Justice must be sought and secured. Footages show every bit of this cruelty was done with intent and preplanning.
Indeed, cruelty is a gross spectacle. The act of the government of Pakistan, in utter disdain and impunity that resulted in these pictures was gross. The reality of an act of injustice must stick out till justice is served. In civilized countries it is not needed because law takes its course.
No sane person can relish posting such images, but when such acts are performed by a government then this is a way to counter a barbaric regime’s designs to cover up its act of brutality.
Throughout history, images have been instrumental in social reform. People working against slavery, child labour, discrimination against Africans, and during and in the aftermath of the Holocaust used pictures of the injustices to raise public awareness. Most modern civilizations are familiar with disturbing images shown to the general public: one example is the widespread use of pictures showing the effects of smoking on the lungs. Images are powerful and legitimate tools for awakening people and arousing them to action. Photographs and films of human beings stacked like cordwood outside Nazi concentration camps exposed the murderous truth of Nazi genocide.
The mothers of these young men cannot deny the truth of what the unprovoked brutality of the government has done to their peaceful and unarmed boys. Disturbing as these images are, we all must recognize the value of squarely facing the truth of the barbarism of a democratically elected government in Pakistan. The truth hurts, but the concealment hurts so much more because it abets denial of justice. Once people have faced the truth, they are less likely to ignore the acts of barbarism.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV)
And cover not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth when ye know. (Sura Baqara – 42)
That Allah may reward the Men of Truth for their truth and punish the Hypocrites …. (Sura Ahzab – 24)
And he who brings the truth and he who confirms (and supports) it – such are the men who do right. (Sura Zumar – 33)
Model Town tragedy: Dissenting note in JIT report pins blame on Shahbaz
By Asad KharalPublished: August 25, 2014
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A file photo of clashes between PAT supporters and police. PHOTO: MEHMOOD QURESHI/EXPRESS
LAHORE: In what is bound to provide fodder for protest rallies already calling for heads to roll, a number of members of a joint investigation team (JIT) investigating the Model Town shootings held the Shahbaz Sharif-led government responsible for the tragic incident, The Express Tribune has learnt.
According to sources, a few members of the JIT – which comprises representatives of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Military Intelligence (MI), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Police, Special Branch (SB) and Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) – have included an ‘Ikhtilafi’ (dissenting) note in the report, which pins the blame on the lower cadres of the police force.
The note states that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, then Punjab law minister Rana Sanaullah, then principal secretary to the chief minister Dr Tauqeer Shah and other senior police officers were directly or indirectly responsible for the killing of over a dozen PAT workers.
At least 14 PAT workers were killed and over 100 people were injured when police clashed with PAT workers on June 17 in front of Tahirul Qadri’s residence in Model Town, Lahore.
According to sources, Punjab police, the Special Branch, CTD and civilian spy agency, IB, tried to indict low-ranking police officials by convincing the Superintendent of Police (SP) Model Town to admit that he had only ordered policemen to open aerial fire after PAT workers opened fire on the police. The SP’s statement, however, could not be supported by any evidence because no weapons were recovered from PAT workers.
Further, in the dissenting note, the officials said that the FIR registered by the police on the Model Town incident should be discharged because PAT had not accepted it, no witnesses of the aggrieved party had appeared and the police had hidden key facts pertaining to the case.
Despite the JIT’s recommendations, Faisal Town police station has refused to register a case according to the PAT application in which 21 persons, including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, have been named.
The 32-page JIT report has been submitted to the Punjab home secretary, Punjab inspector general of police and other concerned officials, sources familiar with the matter told The Express Tribune.
On Thursday, due to the completion of the investigation and submission of a charge sheet, an Anti-Terrorism Court sent four policemen, including Station House Officer (SHO) Sheikh Amir Saleem, Elite Force Inspector Hafiz Athar and two other low-ranking officials, on a 14-day judicial remand for their alleged involvement in the Model Town tragedy. The police said that the investigation process had been completed and there was no need to remand any other officials.