Chief Jahil of Pakistani Journalism- Ansar Abbasi – calls federal budget “unIslamic”

Self righteous and holier than the pope journalist, Ansar Abbasi joined Twitter around two months back, hoping that he would bring the Islamic inqalab in the Twitterverse. While one can understand that he joined Twitter in order to support the noise of Jang Group to counter allegations against the head honcho, Mir Shakil and Geo News by Mubasher Lucman, Ansar Abbasi has taken a liking to Twitter and comes up with his standard, mindless rants and points, which not many care about and most laugh at.

Since the announcement of Federal Budget 2014-15 last week, Ansar Abbasi is waging his Jihad that the Federal Budget is unislamic. The reason being, that the country has to repay loans and in that there are interest payments as well. According to him “OutofTotal Rs3.9 trillion, Rs 1325 b is allocated 4 interest/riba, which according 2 Islam is like waging war against Allah and Prophet SAW” (

Ansar Abassi Ribba war He has also tweeted “In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1/3rd of the total budget is allocated for riba/interest. What a shame?” (

Ansar Abassi one third interest

He further said “I did not find any channel, any anchorperson pointing out the un-Islamic allocation of Rs 1325 b for interest in budget.” And to top it all, his final effort to bring revolution in the country by tweeting “Will see if any member of theruling PML-N vote against this unIslamic budget i.e 1/3rd of budget will go 4 riba pymnt …

I had thought he was a cunning man, but reading this, I pity him to be an ignorant fool. Firstly, the total outlay for the budget is Rs. 4.3 trillion, secondly, it’s not just mark up, rather inclusive of mark up and principal payments.

The point is, that what the state has already borrowed, it should not repay? Means as per Ansar Abbasi, as interest is haram and like waging war against the Almighty Allah and the Prophet PBUH, we should stop repaying the loans. Imagine, if all start doing that. Those industrialists who have gobbled up billions and do not repay and default wilfully, they can say the same and not repay.

The Jihad which Ansar Abbasi wants to wage is not to protect the word of Almighty but to bring the whole system down. Possibly, it’s the desperation that one doesn’t have his master, Ifitkhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who would have cited his article his mindless rants from courtroom number 1.

The root of Ansar Abbasi and Lal Masjid doctrine lies the literal interpretation and mindless abuse of holy texts to hijack Islam for political purposes and make a business out of it.

People like Ansar Abbasi have no place in journalism. They are capable of selling chanas outside Lal Masjid.



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