جماعت اسلامی بنگلہ دیش کے رہنما عبدالقادرملا کی پھانسی: اصل کہانی کیا ہے؟ – از زالان
آج سے بتیس سال پہلے مشرقی پاکستان میں عبد القادر ملا نے جماعت اسلامی اور دیوبندی مولویوں کے ساتھ مل کر ہزاروں بے گناہ بنگالیوں کا قتل عام کیا تھا – بتایا جاتا ہے کہ قادر ملا، جسے بنگلہ دیشی میر پور کا ملا قصائی کے نام سے بلاتے ہیں، نے بذات خود میر پور میں ایک حاملہ عورت کا پیٹ چاک کر کے اسے شہید کر دیا اور اس کے علاوہ دو سال کے ایک معصوم بچے کوفرش پر مار مار کر شہید کر دیا اور اس کی ماں اور دو بہنوں کو ریپ کرنے کے بعد ذبح کر دیا
ملا عبدالقادر کے خلاف پروفیسر کی بیٹی نے گواہی دی جسکے ماں باپ اور بہن بھائیوں کو ملا عبد القادر نے قتل کیا اور اسکی بہنوں کا ریپ کیا تھا
یہ بات واضح ہے کہ آج طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ لشکر جھنگوی کے جو تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد پاکستانی معصوم عوام اور فوجیوں کو ذبح کر رہے ہیں انہوں نے تربیت جماعت اسلامی سے حاصل کی ہے
ملا عبد القادر قصائی نے عوامی لیگ کے پروفیسر حضرت علی لشکر کے پورے گھر والوں کو قتل کیا اور انکی بیٹیوں کا ریپ کیا تھا
One survived to see justice http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/one-survived-to-see-justice/
بنگلہ دیش میں سنہ 1971 کی جنگ میں جنگی جرائم میں ملوث پائے جانے والے جماعت اسلامی کے رہنما عبدالقادر ملّا کو پھانسی دے دی گئی ہے۔ جنگی جرائم کے ٹربیونل نے رواں سال فروری میں عبد القادر ملا کو انسانیت کے خلاف جرائم کا مرتکب قرار دیتے ہوئے انھیں عمر قید کی سزا سنائی تھی جسے بنگلہ دیش کی سپریم کورٹ نےسزائے موت میں تبدیل کر دیا تھا۔
عبدالقادر ملّا پر الزام تھا کہ وہ جماعت اسلامی کے تحت قائم کی گئی البدر نامی عسکری تنظیم کے رکن تھے۔ ان پر یہ الزام بھی ہے کہ جنگ کے آخری ایام میں وہ 200 سے زیادہ بنگلہ دیشی دانشوروں کے اغوا اور قتل میں ملوث تھے۔
بنگلہ دیشی حکومت نے یہ خصوصی ٹربیونل 2010 میں قائم کیا تھا جس کا مقصد ان ملزمان پر مقدمہ چلانا تھا جنھوں پاکستانی سکیورٹی فورسز کے ساتھ مل کر اس وقت کے مشرقی پاکستان کا بنگلہ دیش بننے کی مخالفت کی تھی۔
بنگلہ دیش کی حکومت کا دعویٰ ہے کہ 1971 میں جنگ کے دوران 30 لاکھ افراد ہلاک ہو گئے تھے، جب کہ بعض محققین کے مطابق اس جنگ میں تین سے پانچ لاکھ کے درمیان لوگ ہلاک ہوئے تھے۔
پاکستانی میڈیا ملا قادر قصائی پر لگنے والے الزام اور پیش کئے جانے والے ثبوت کی تفصیل کیوں نہیں بتا رہا ہے؟
بنگلہ دیش کے مظالم کا ذکر کرتے ہیں تو جماعتی کہتے ہیں کہ کیا آپ وہاں موجود تھے؟ ،اس طرح تو کیا قرآن اترتے بھی آپ نے خود دیکھا؟
پاکستان میں دیوبند مدارس ،سپاہ صحابہ اور جہادی تنظیمیں فوج کی البدر اور الشمس کا کام انجام دینے کے لئے بنائی گئی ہیں
مکتی باہنی اور جماعت اسلامی اور پاکستانی فوج نے بنگلہ دیش میں قتل عام کیا، مگر پہل جماعتیوں اور پاکستانی فوج نے کی تھی
حکیم الله، اسامہ بن لادن یا عبد قادر ملا قصائی جیسے دہشتگرد ایک ایک کرکے کتے کی موت مر رہے ہیں
مظلوم بنگالی پروفیسرز ،ڈاکٹرز اور دانشوروں کا خون رنگ لے آیا اور جماعتی کو عبرت ناک سزا ملی ، قانون کی جیت ہوئی
بنگلہ دیش کی عدالت نے جماعت اسلامی کے جنگی جرائم پر سزا دی ہے ،آج قانون کی جیت اور جماعتیوں کی ہار ہوئی ہے
جماعت اسلامی کہتی ہے کہ ہم دہشتگرد نہیں اسکے ثبوت لاؤ ،بنگلہ دیش کی عدالت نےثبوت دیکھ کر سزا دی تو بھی جماعتی نہیں مانتے، اب کیا کریں
بنگلہ دیش قانون کے مطابق سزا دے ، تب بھی مسلہ، امریکا ڈرون مارے تب بھی مسلہ – بندا پوچھے ان دہشت گردوں کا اچار ڈالنا ہے
جماعت اسلامی نےغیر مسلح عام بنگالیوں کو قتل صرف اس لئے کیا تھا کہ وہ آزادی کی بات کرتے تھے جو جماعتی اسلام کے نزدیک کفر تھا
جماعت اسلامی پاکستان میں دہشتگردی کرتی رہی ہے، القاعدہ اور طالبان کی پشت پناہ رہی مگر ان پر ایک مقدمہ بھی نہیں
جماعتی ملّا کی پھانسی: ہم دیکھتے رہ گئے اور بنگلادیش بازی لے گیا
پاکستان میں جماعت اسلامی، طالبان، سپاہ صحابہ اور ان کے ہمنوا شیخ رشید وغیرہ جماعتی ملّا کی پھانسی پر احتجاج کررہے ہیں وہ بنگلادیش ہے پاکستان نہیں جو دو دھمکیوں میں آ کر لشکر جھنگوی والوں کی پھانسی روک دے
عبدالقادرملا نے جنگی جرائم کیے اور اسے سزا ملی یہ قانون اور انصاف کی جیت ہے
Latest Comments
فروری میں جب عبد القادر ملّا کو جنگی جرائم کا مجرم قرار دیا گیا تھا تو جماعت اسلامی بنگلہ دیش نے پورے ملک میں ہنگامے کیے تھے۔ جماعت اسلامی بنگلہ دیش کا موقف تھا کہ عبدالقادر ملّا کو سزا سنائے جانے کے پیچھے سیاسی عوامل کار فرما ہیں۔ جماعت اسلامی نے دھمکی دی تھی کہ اگر ان کے رہنما کو پھانسی دی گئی تو اس کے بھیانک نتائج نکلیں گے۔
بنگلہ دیش میں 1971 میں جنگی جرائم میں ملوث پائے جانے والے جماعت اسلامی کے رہنما عبدالقادر ملا کو پھانسی دینے کے خلاف مظاہرین نے پر تشدد احتجاج کا آغاز کرتے ہوئے گھروں اور کاروباری مراکز کو نقصان پہنچایا ہے۔
خبر رساں ادارے اے پی کے مطابق جمعے کی صبح مقامی ٹی چینل پر مظاہرین کو گھروں اور دیگر املاک پر حملے کرتے ہوئے دکھایا گیا ہے۔ ان میں سے زیادہ تر گھر ہندوؤں کے تھے
عبدالقادر ملّا کو جمعرات کے روز مقامی وقت کے مطابق رات 11 بجے پھانسی دی گئی تھی۔
خبر رساں ادارے اے ایف پی نے مقامی پولیس کے حوالے سے بتایا ہے کہ ملک کے جنوبی قصبے کل راؤ میں حکمران جماعت عوامی لیگ کے دو کارکنوں کو ہلاک کر دیا گیا۔ اس واقعے کی دیگر ذرائع سے تصدیق نہیں ہو سکی ہے۔
اے ایف کے مطابق کل راؤ میں جماعتِ اسلامی کے کارکنوں نے جمعے کی صبح ریلوے سٹیشنوں پر آتش گیر بموں سے حملے کیے، حکومت کے حامی افراد کے کاروباری مراکز کو آگ لگائی اور سڑکیں مسدود کر دیں۔
پیجا مستری
ملا قصای جس نے دو سال کے معصوم بچے کو فرش پر مار مار کر شھید کیا ، جس نے ایک حاملہ عورت کے پیٹ سے بچہ نکال دیا ، اور بچے کی ماں اور دو بہنوں کا ریپ کیا ۔۔۔
نھیں یہ شام کے تکفیریوں کی کہانی نھیں ھے ، نہ ھی یہ سوات کے ملا فضل اللہ کی داستان ھے۔۔۔۔ یہ ھے ملا عبدالقادر اور کہانی ھے اج سے بیالیس سال پہلے کی۔
چالیس سال پہلے جماعت اسلامی خود دھشت گردی کرتی اور اسکے کارکنان کھلم کھلا ظلم کرتے تھا ، اج جماعت اسلامی اپنوں کتوں کو اگے رکھ کر وھی کام کرتی ھے۔
ملا عبدالقادر ھو یا ملا فضل اللہ سب کا تعلق جماعت سے ھے۔۔۔
via facebook
Naeem Shamim:
The jubilation on the facebooks and twitters of Pakistani liberals on the hanging of a jamati butcher of the bengalis is evident but Tika Khan, the main culprit was given a state burial with full military honors and is loved by the khakis and the ppp-iyas alike !
via facebook
kute ka bachy jsny ya website pa upload kia ha …gande nasl ka bacho tm pakistan ka andar bahty gadar ho bangali kute ka bachy gadar hain usny buhat acha kia tha ka bangaliun ko chn chn ka mara tha hame b muqa mla to yahe hal krengy salo india ka aj tk talway chat rahy ho tm log or bat krty ho pakistan sa wafadari ke tm logon ke uqat kuty jtne ha ,,, MULA jo b tha usny buhat acha kia usny pakistani sa wfadari ke or us wafadari ka badly hm usy salam pesh krty hain or jsny ya story likhe ha mulla ka bary us gashte ka bachy pa lanat
Only one sided story, if you decide that India was right , so why you live here in Pakistan , go and live in India , just go a talk banglaies , how Indians treat them, your one sided story will not work . . . same thing happend here in Blochistan , same happening in all over Pakistan . . .. becuase your type of propganda peoples are here , we dont need enimies from outside , we are “khud kafeel” in peoples like you
Dear fellows we are pakistan now bangladesh is not our part bangladedh main 1971 main jo hua us main india ka main role tha aur geoghraphicaly bhi un ko ham alag hona hi tha now think for pakistan becz if u r wafadar to pakistan main khud kush karny walo rokna ho ga hsmary mulk sy investment karny waly dehshatgardi ky kauf sy chaly gaiy bussines na hony ki waja sy jobs khatam ho gai han log bhook say mar rahy han ghurbat sub sy bri waja ha jurm ki aur 1971 main to ham chasham deed nai thy magar ab to in Ssp jihadio ko fasad phalaty huy hsm khud dhaik rahy han in ko to rok lo ham gan agar pakistan ha to
مکا فا ت عمل کا قد ر تی قا نو ن ہمیشہ سے
جا ری ہے اور ہمیشہ جا ر ی ر ہیگا ظلم آ خر
ظلم ہے بڑ ھے گا تو مٹ جا یئگا ، ہما ر ے لیۓ
و قت کی نصیحت ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ا عتدا ل اور ا نصا ف
ز یا د تی چا ہے کتنے ہی نیک مقصد کے لیۓ کی
جا ۓ الله کے یہا ں مقبو ل نہیں ہو سکتی
#Admin this is Busybody class opinion that not respect their Obliging persons. This post is all the anti pakistan propaganda..
I question you If today same condition create in any part of present Pakistan & some patriots struggling & flop than you behave this same. ??? What you understand that this is only Bangla Govt. decision, no dear through this decision India Intimidate to Patriot Pakistanis that if any Insurgency create in any part of country you will neutral and don’t struggle against this, other wise remember Mulla Abdul Qadir.
Actually its our national attitude that we blinds in opposition, and all this type posting is 100% Malignancy to Jamaat-e-Islami.
Momena seals Molla’s fate
Sumon Mahbub, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-09-19 01:19:53.0 BdST
Updated: 2013-09-19 01:51:22.0 BdST
They banged her two-year-old brother against the floor until he died, her two sisters were slaughtered, another was raped, and her pregnant mother was shot dead.
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Mirpur butcher Molla must die, says SC
2013-09-17 09:44:46.0
She lay hidden beneath a cot, transfixed, numb with fear, watching these ghastly scenes being enacted before her eyes. She struggled in vain to not shout but gave in to the horrific incident and let her pain come out loud. Then, it was her turn, to be brutally raped.
In the evening of Mar 26, 1971, Jamaat-e Islami leader Abdul Quader Molla and several other Biharis forced into the residence of Hajrat Ali Laskar in Mirpur. Ali was shot at, his pregnant wife and her two daughters aged 7 and 9 years were slaughtered.
Molla and his associates pulled Momena out from under the cot. All of them raped her as she fell unconscious. They took her for dead, but she survived to tell the tale.
It would have been abnormal for Momena Begum to live as if nothing had happened after those hours of horror. Having lost her mental balance, she gradually recovered, apparently to survive as the lone witness to crimes that would have the man, the perpetrator of this boundless brutality, land in the death row 42 years later.
Momena never got to know what had happened to her father, Hazrat Ali Lashkar, who was not killed before her eyes but was dragged away by the criminals.
When she stood in the dock, deposing before the International Crimes Tribunal, she said, “I want to ask him: where is my father?”
Apparently, these atrocities against Momena’s parents and siblings had turned Molla’s life term into a death sentence on Tuesday.
Momena gave her deposition about the crime at the ICT-2 on July 17. bdnews24.com got a copy of the Appellate Division’s verdict containing her statements.
The SC enhanced Quader’s life term, given by the ICT, to a death sentence following the prosecution’s appeal against the ICT sentence. The murder of the family of Ali was the sixth charge the prosecution had pressed against Quader Molla, who had earned the appellation ‘Butcher Quader’, and “Butcher of Mirpur.
Abdul Quader Molla (File Photo)
“He was young at that time, he was at his tender age,” Momena had said as she identified Quader standing in the dock at the ICT. Momena could still recall the attire Quader had on that day – a Panjabi.
A tailor by profession, Hajrat Ali was a regular participant in Awami League processions during those days of protests against Pakistani exploitation of Bengalees. He was an activist who would walk through the city streets, pasting posters for the Awami League candidate contesting the 1970s national election from his area, Mirpur.
Hajrat Ali lived in House No.21 in Lane No.5 of Kalapani, at Mirpur-12, in Dhaka. All hell broke loose on the night of March 25, when the Pakistani army began its Bengali-cleansing operation to subdue the people’s struggle for independence.
According to Momena, it was a pre-twilight attack on her family, and Molla was the man who had led the raid.
“Father ran to and fro saying,‘Quader would kill us.’ Akter gunda, those Biharis and Pak (Pakistan) military had come running. Father locked the door from inside after entering the house.”
Ali asked his children to hide under the cot. Momena and her sister Amena Begum did exactly what their father had said.
It was at that time that they heard the voice of Biharis and Quader Molla. “You, son of a swine, open the door; otherwise, we will charge bombs.”
A bomb exploded in front of the house, as they took time to open the door. Hajrat Ali’s wife took out a kitchen knife and opened the door. She was shot dead at once.
“Father ran to get hold of mother. Quader pulled him back by the collar of his shirt from behind and said, ‘You, son of a swine, will you not act like an Awami League activist now? Will you not go (out) with Bangbandhu? Will you not join the procession? Will you not say Joy Bangla?’”
“Father brought his hands together to beg and said, ‘Brother Quader, spare me.’ (Father) told Akter Gunda, ‘Brother Akter, spare me.’”
But Biharis were not moved. They dragged Hajrat Ali out of the house.
Then a barbaric cruelty was unleashed on the rest members of the family.
Momena wept as she stood in the dock, four decades after that horrific day, recalling everything for justice that she has been long denied.
“They slaughtered my mother using a Da (a sort of machete). (They) slaughtered Khodeza (sister) with a machete. (They) slaughtered Taslima too.”
“I had a brother (called) Babu, two years old, he was smashed (against the floor) to death.”
“Babu was screaming, crying out for ‘mother’.”
Amena could not take it anymore and screamed from beneath the cot. The attackers had more victims to prey on.
“They pulled Amena out (from under the cot), tore all (her) cloths. Then they kept torturing her. Amena was screaming a lot, but the screaming faded at one point,” said Momena.
Momena almost fainted in the dock as she narrated the incident. But her own story was yet to come.
She had been hiding under the cot until then. It was dark by then and the attackers were searching every corner of the house to see if anyone had been left alive.
As the searched frantically, the sharp tip of an attacker’s weapon hit Momena in her leg. She tried hard to hold back the cry of pain, but failed.
They dragged her out, and tortured till she lost her senses.
Momena regained consciousness later in the night and took shelter in a neighbour’s house. The neighbours informed her in-laws, who came to take Momena away with them.
After independence, Momena spent days looking for the bodies of her parents and siblings. But she never found them. She did not find her father, whom she had not seen being killed.
“There was a man named Kamal Khan, who made tea for freedom fighters. He used to tell me, ‘Quader Molla has killed your father and mother.’ Akkas Molla was my in-law who used to say the same thing.”
Momena, traumatised, lost her mental balance for the next three years, when she had to be kept chained in the house. But she managed to recover, get back her mental bearings slowly, through gradual treatment.
“I still cannot forget the way they were murdered. That’s why I went almost insane. I am a living dead. (I) only demand justice.”
Muslim Unity
اگر بنگالی مسلمانوں کو فوج اور جماعت اسلامی نے نہیں مارا تھا تو کیا وہ خلیج بنگال کی ٹھنڈی ہوا سے مر گیے تھے؟ مٹھی بھر مجرم طالبان کے خلاف فوجی آپریشن کے خلاف آواز اٹھانے والوں نے پاکستان کا الیکشن جیتنے والی پارٹی کے خلاف آپریشن کی حمایت کی تھی_
پاکستان فوج
جماعت اسلامی
مکتی باہنی
سب نے اپنے مخالفوں کو قتل کیا،
سب سے بڑے مجرم پاکستان فوج اور جماعت اسلامی ہیں جنہوں نے بنگالی عوام کا جائز منڈیٹ تسلیم نہیں کیا اور اکثریت راۓ رکھنے کے باوجود شیخ مجیب کے وزیر اعظم بننے میں اسلحہ لے کر رکاوٹ بن گئے_
کونسا اسلام آپ کو یہ اجازت دیتا ہے کہ اگر ایک علاقے کے مسلمان آپ کی تھانیداری قبول کرنے کے بجاۓ علیحدہ ملک بنانا چاہتے ہیں تو آپ انکی نسل کشی کرو؟؟
شرم تم کو مگر نہیں آتی!
koi dhaka gia tau tangain tore doon ga kis ney kaha. udher tum idher hum ka nara kis ney lagaya
saeen ji:
ایک طرف جماعتیوں نے عورتوں کا ریپ کر کے قتل عام کیا۔ جب سپریم کورٹ نے سزائے موت دی تو دھمکیاں دیتے ہیں۔
تیرہ سالہ لڑکی کے آنکھوں کے سامنے ان کی بہنوں کا ریپ کے بعد گلا کاٹ کر قتل کیا گیا، ماں باپ کو ذبح کیا گیا، پھر خود ان کا ریپ ہوا۔ وہ تیرہ سالہ شدید چوٹوں کے باوجود بچ گئی۔ آج ان کی عمر 55 سال ہے۔ ان کی گواہی پر پھانسی کی سزا ہوئی۔
ملا قصای جس نے دو سال کے معصوم بچے کو فرش پر مار مار کر شھید کیا ، جس نے ایک حاملہ عورت کے پیٹ سے بچہ نکال دیا ، اور بچے کی ماں اور دو بہنوں کا ریپ کیا ۔۔۔
نھیں یہ شام کے تکفیریوں کی کہانی نھیں ھے ، نہ ھی یہ سوات کے ملا فضل اللہ کی داستان ھے۔۔۔۔ یہ ھے ملا عبدالقادر اور کہانی ھے اج سے بیالیس سال پہلے کی۔
چالیس سال پہلے جماعت اسلامی خود دھشت گردی کرتی اور اسکے کارکنان کھلم کھلا ظلم کرتے تھا ، اج جماعت اسلامی اپنوں کتوں کو اگے رکھ کر وھی کام کرتی ھے۔
ملا عبدالقادر ھو یا ملا فضل اللہ سب کا تعلق جماعت سے ھے۔۔۔
drone bhi jamaati marte hain.
Regardless of the fact, either he had committed these crimes or not. One thing is fact that Bangladeshi Government took a very bold step to hang him. It is not Pakistan, where killers of innocent muslims are getting cozy with N-League.
in 197o Pakistan Army was fighting against mukti bahni and mullah Abdul Qadir was with Pakistan Army. so he should be hanged . Now in 2o13 Pakistan Army is fighting against taliban and BLA. should now we treat somebody heling army as abdulqadir mullah and hang them. and taliban and BLA as a hero and freedom fighter.
wel bangal wel
Stop this none sense, don’t abuse pakistan, the great 3 problems of pakistan, MQM, SUnni Barelvi and SHEIAA,
Kill them like mad dogs where they found,
Saale kutte haraami, Ghaaddaar,
Pakistan zindabad,
Deobandi (Deobambdi) and Jamaat-e-Ghair Islami are enemies of humanity. Well done, Bangladesh. Well done, Sheikh Hasina.
December 13, 2013
Butcher of Mirpur hanged
Mollah first to walk gallows for war crimes 42 years back, to be buried at Faridpur village home under police protection
Wasim Bin Habib and Tuhin Shubhra Adhikary
Koshai Quader hanged
Quader Mollah gets LIFE TERM
Mollah’s journey with Jamaat
Quader Mollah to be executed as per laws
Reply to V sign
The crime that gets him death
Stay stops Mollah execution
Fate hangs in the balance
Death sentence for Quader Mollah sought from SC
SC verdict on Quader Mollah
Halt Quader Mollah’s execution: HRW
Verdict on Quader Mollah appeals any day
Quader Mollah directly involved
Quader Mollah denied division in jail
Quader Mollah deserves death penalty
Govt to execute Quader Mollah as soon as possible
Family members meet Quader Mollah
mollaThe digital display showed 10:01pm at the Dhaka Central Jail gate. The entire nation had waited long for this moment.
It was the moment when Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah walked the gallows, barely four days before the nation celebrates Victory Day.
Around 42 years back, Mollah didn’t wince even once and neither did his heart skip a beat when he led his men to thrash a two-year-old child to death and slit the throats of a pregnant woman and two minor girls.
In the first-ever execution in a war crimes case last night, the 65-year-old Jamaat man finally paid for these acts of cold-blooded savagery.
The hanging of Mollah, who earned the nickname Mirpurer Koshai (butcher of Mirpur) for his sinister role during the Liberation War, represents a watershed in the nation’s pursuit of a closure on the wounds inflicted in 1971.
The Jamaat leader was taken to the gallows around 5 to 6 minutes before his execution by Chief Hangman Shahjahan Bhuiyan, said jail sources.
“He [Mollah] was hanged at 10:01pm. His body was kept dangling for 20 minutes to confirm his death,” Dhaka District Magistrate Sheikh Yusuf Harun told The Daily Star.
An ambulance carrying Mollah’s body went out of the prison under police protection at 11:15pm and headed for his village home at Sadarpur upazila in Faridpur.
Arrangements were made to bury Mollah in his village home, Abu Hena Morshed Zaman, deputy commissioner of Faridpur, told The Daily Star at 10:15pm.
The Jamaat leader was executed hours after the Supreme Court rejected his petition to review the death sentence, bringing an end to the drama that had played out for two days since Tuesday evening.
Mollah’s counsels took out an order from the SC chamber judge on Tuesday night to stay his execution only one and a half hours before he was to hang at 12:01am.
The apex court yesterday rejected Mollah’s plea for reviewing his death sentence, clearing the way for the execution of the condemned war criminal.
In an instant reaction after the execution, Shafiuddin Mollah, who testified against the Jamaat leader, told The Daily Star, “We are very happy. Much of the grief and agony that have weighed on us for the last 42 years will go now.”
Shafiuddin, who lost his paternal uncle in a massacre at Alubdi village in Mirpur, said they would feel happier when all 1971 war criminals get their due punishment.
He thanked the prime minister and all pro-Liberation War forces for their continuous efforts to bring the war criminals to justice.
Mozaffar Ahmad Khan, the first prosecution witness in the war crimes case, said, “Our efforts to bring the war criminals to book have finally seen some success. As a freedom fighter, I am very happy today.”
Mollah, then leader of Islami Chhatra Sangha, later renamed Islami Chhatra Shibir, never expressed remorse over the war crimes he committed 42 years ago. His party also never regretted its role during the Liberation War.
Driven by deep political conviction that Pakistan should remain united even at the cost of one of the worst genocides in the world, he had targeted freedom-loving Bangalees and led his gang in at least two mass killings in Keraniganj near Dhaka and Mirpur, taking the lives of around 400 unarmed Bangalees.
Mollah, assistant general secretary of the Jamaat-e-Islami, was finally shown arrested in a war crimes case on August 2, 2010, after enjoying impunity under the auspices of the Jamaat and the BNP.
He was then put on trial and awarded life term by the International Crimes Tribunal-2 on February 5 this year.
But the lenient sentencing gave birth to the never-seen-before Shahbagh movement that demanded maximum punishment for war criminals.
The movement prompted the government to amend the relevant act to ensure the state’s right to appeal on behalf of the victims of the 1971 war crimes.
As the government appealed against the verdict, the Supreme Court on September 17 sentenced Mollah to death, overruling the ICT-2 judgment.
The countdown to Mollah’s execution started after ICT-2 sent the death warrant to the Dhaka Central Jail authorities on December 8. But confusion arose over the date of execution as the defence lawyers claimed that their client had the right to seek review of the SC verdict.
Three ambulances, one of them carrying the body of executed war criminal Quader Mollah, leave Dhaka Central Jail at 11:15pm yesterday for Faridpur where he would be buried. Photo: Star
Three ambulances, one of them carrying the body of executed war criminal Quader Mollah, leave Dhaka Central Jail at 11:15pm yesterday for Faridpur where he would be buried. Photo: Star
On Tuesday, State Minister for Law Qamrul Islam said the constitution left no scope for Mollah to file any review petition, since he had been convicted and sentenced to death under the International Crimes (Tribunals) Act, 1973.
Things started to change fast on Tuesday evening when the jail authorities asked Mollah’s family members to meet him at 8:00pm, giving rise to speculations that the Jamaat leader would be hanged that night.
Mollah’s counsels then rushed to the residence of Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain, chamber judge of the SC, and obtained a stay of execution.
On completion of a hearing yesterday, a five-member SC bench headed by Chief Justice Md Muzammel Hossain dismissed Mollah’s review petition.
Mollah’s wife Sanowara Jahan and his other family members met him inside the jail for one last time around 6:25pm yesterday on the prison authorities’ permission.
The authorities had taken tight security measures ahead of the execution, deploying several hundred law enforcers in and around Dhaka Central Jail.
People from all walks of life and family members of the martyrs have expressed satisfaction at the hanging of the convicted war criminal. Hundreds of people, mostly youths, burst into cheers as the news of Mollah’s execution reached the Gonojagoron Mancha at Shahbagh.
The Jamaat leader, who was president of Islami Chhatra Sangha’s Shahidullah Hall unit at Dhaka University in 1971, organised the formation of the infamous Al-Badr, an auxiliary force of the Pakistan occupation army.
He joined the Jamaat in 1979. In the early 80s, he served as executive editor of the party’s mouthpiece daily Sangram and also as personal secretary to ex-Jamaat ameer Ghulam Azam.
Freedom fighters and families of the martyrs had to witness Mollah and other anti-liberation forces consolidate their positions, as they were patronised and rehabilitated politically over the years in independent Bangladesh.
On December 17, 2007, freedom fighter Mozaffar Ahmad Khan of Keraniganj filed a case against nine Jamaat leaders, including Mollah, on the charge of killing two freedom fighters in 1971.
But the justice seeker had to wait until the Awami League-led government formed the ICT on March 25, 2010, as part of its electoral pledges.
On May 28 last year, the tribunal framed six charges that include: the killing of Mirpur Bangla College student Pallab; the killing of poet Meherunnesa, her mother and two brothers; the killing of journalist Khandker Abu Taleb; a mass killing in Ghatarchar of Keraniganj; the killing of 344 people in Alubdi village in Mirpur; and the killing of Hazrat Ali Laskar, his wife, three daughters and two-year-old son.
ICT-2 found Mollah guilty on five charges and acquitted him on one charge related to the Ghatarchar killing, and sentenced him to life imprisonment. But the Supreme Court found him guilty on all charges and awarded him the death sentence for killing Hazrat Laskar and his family members.
[Shaheen Mollah, Rafiul Islam and M Rahman also contributed to this report.]
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