US Congressional bipartisan letter to Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif for urgent action on Shia genocide
Editor’s note: LUBP is publishing this very significant letter signed by a bi-partisan group of members of United States Congress addressed to the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. The letter condemns Shia Genocide in Pakistan by Takfir Deobandi terrorists (operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ-Deobandi and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi). The letter quotes human rights groups documenting incidents of anti-Shia violence in Pakistan. At the end, it makes it clear that it is not rocket science to stop this murderous spree and a government with a will should be able to do just that. It remains to be seen whether PM Nawaz Sharif has the will to take on the Takfiri Deobandi ASWJ-LeJ Sipah Sahaba Taliban. What is, however, clear is that the Prime Minister or any prominent member of his ruling party PML-N have refrained from even naming the organized killer groups that operate with impunity.
The Takfiri Deobandies and their Wahabi- Salafis protagonists of Saudi Arabia are responsible for the genocide of Shias , receiving funding from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. All attacks from Bali, Indonesia to India , Pakistan, Madrid, London and USA are the work of this single obscurantist radical group whose savage methods of killing indiscriminately have destroyed innumerable lives.
From demolishing girls schools to killing girls on the way to school or college, from stoning women on alleged adultery, bombarding barber shops to video and CD outlets, to killing anyone representing democratic Govt they are a law unto themselves. Drawing inspiration from medieval Islam as the only righteous way of any Society they have chosen savagery as the means to achieve it.
Their hatred is particularly directed at the Shia sect of Islam, which is essentially non political and liberal in its nature. Not a single Shia has ever been arrested for attacking any congregation or group or place of worship. This hatred goes back 1400 years to the time after the Prophets death, where the Shias did not accept Abu Bakr as the new Caliph nor the two others who followed ie, Umar bin Khattab and Usman bin Affan.
The Shias hold Ali bin Abu Talib as the divinely appointed Caliph, whom the Prophet had nominated prominently after the last pilgrimage and on several occasions before that, on account of Ali’s knowledge, bravery and conduct.
After the Prophets demise the first three caliphs tried to take allegiance from Ali and his progeny but to no avail. Till today the Shias ( followers of Ali and his progeny ) reject the dubious election of Abu Bakr, the surreptitious appointment of Umar by Abu Bakr and the convoluted Shura formed by Umar to elect Usman bin Affan.
This then is the heart of the problem. The followers of Abu Bakr etc calling themselves as Sunnies insisting that the Shias also bear allegiance to their Caliphs while the Shias rejecting them outright. These differences remained dormant for centuries, raising their head every time a Sunni radical ruler or king decided to kill some Shias to achieve heaven ie, The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
The problem became acute after the Iranian revolution when Ayatollah Khomeini announced the Shia Canons as the official law in the country. The neighbouring Sunni Wahabi Govt of Saudi Arabia became alarmed at this transformation of a westernised liberal society into an Islamic one and sought to impose its own radical one on the whole Muslim world. Out came the petro-dollars in the billions and into the hands of radical individuals and groups who were beholden to their Wahabi masters.
The massive inflow of cash to Wahabi groups across the globe from Indonesia to Philippines , Burma, S. Asia to Europe and the USA had one aim. Declare all forms of Islam except Wahabi and its kin the Deobandi-Salafi, as the only legitimate Islam. All others are heretics or at least deviants. Attendant to this belief and its natural corollary is the belief that all other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Buddhist and all forms of Communism, atheism, agnostics etc are infidels and their killing or “qitaal” legitimate and rightful.
What remained was the method to propagate this Wahabi belief. It was felt that human beings are set in their religious beliefs, that it is not easy to change a persons belief by preaching or ” tableegh”. Most of the Prophets of God tried the peaceful preaching method and failed or were partially successful. Now is the time to use force and fear. Kill. Change belief through terror. Accordingly armed groups like Taliban, Al Qaeda, various ‘movements’, ‘lashkars ( band of armed men ), Jundullah ( army of God etc richly funded by Saudi petro-dollars, armed with freely available Soviet era weapons and the promise of political power , the smell of plunder and wealth cropped up. Young illiterate and jobless men joined up for the food and the power which comes from holding a gun.
The Saudi money founded several thousand seminaries across the world where half educated mullahs brain washed the very young , reciting the Quran and building on the hate for other religions and sects. An army of these ‘jehadist’ ( warriors in the way of God ) has now mushroomed, particularly in soft states like Pakistan, Burma, Indonesia.
The genocide of Shia is the beginning of the Wahabi-Deobadi-Salafi unholy and evil war. No religion or sect is safe nor are the mosques, shrines, churches, temples or schools. A new cancer has afflicted mankind. It can only be removed surgically.
Highly appreciated; honorable members of the US Congress for your support to the persecuted minorities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan!
Down with the Takfiri Wahabi-Salafi-Deobandi terrorism! All of them are hypocrites (Munafiqeen) of first degree.
Ali Taj
There are 15 cosigners to the Congressional letter and there are three pages to the letter also.
Please correct your version, you may google this letter and the Press release of Souls March Coordinating Committee.
Here are a few links that had the press release and access to the letter for your perusal:
Thank you
Wizarat Rizvi
for Souls March Coordinating Committee