Another fake-liberal muck-raking of the PPP, so what’s new? A rebuttal to Ashan Butt of Five Rupees – by Qudsia Siddiqui

As for the future electoral prospects of the PPP, I would be inclined to respect the wishes of the masses and not the psycho babble of civil society idlers, pseudo-liberal speculators, and pro-establishment journalists.
Second part of this article:
The pseudo-liberals strike back – by Qudsia Siddiqui
On reading Five Rupees’ “Some Idle speculation on the future of the PPP” (written by Ahsan Butt), the first thought that came to my mind was the insult to the term “idle speculation”. The term implies a mindset that is still idle and not heavily biased. The arguments made in the article have been dredged and repeated ad infinitum and have been proven wrong, time and time again.
After the loss of both Zufliqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto, arguably Pakistan’s most popular and charismatic leaders to date, the PPP has still managed to survive. On the late BB’s return in 2007, over a million people turned up to welcome her. This shattered the illusions of our elitist and venal chattering, pseudo-liberal classes who have always lined up to kiss the boots of military dictators and urban fascists.
The very idea of the PPP sends our chattering classes into a psychotic breakdown and out pour the urban myths that have been carefully crafted in air-conditioned drawing rooms and under the guidance of the establishment on whose scraps our business elites build their corporate houses.
Most of these myths are past their sell by dates. Nonetheless, there are two I would like to address.
The PPP has often been portrayed as a party representing feudal interests. In fact, most of the big feudal landlords of Sindh (Jatois, Mehrs and Pagaras) have always been anti-PPP and pro-establishment. Since the time of ZAB, more feudals have left the PPP (Khar, Jatoi) than joined it. Today, the new face of the PPP is Jamshed Dasti and Faisal Raza Abidi; two charismatic young men who represent more of the urban than the rural and who are not from the feudal class. (Do the pseudo-liberal revolutionaries of the internet know these facts?)
The feudal tag is a favourite baiting tactic of the urban bourgeoisie hypocrites who even use it to apologise for the Taliban. For instance, my friends from Swat who are now based in Karachi are labelled as the “feudal elite” against whom the Taliban are engaging in a “class struggle”.
Yes, the same “feudals” who earn $80 per month from the outsourced growing of grape fruits and oranges on their quarter acre lot are posited as the feudal elites while the Taliban who are funded, protected and financed to the tune of billions of dollars are the modern day “Marxist rebels”! This is the thinking of the morally bankrupt intelligensia that flips out at the very mention of the PPP!
Similarly, the Sarders of Balochistan are presented as the true representatives of the oppressed Baloch. In the 1970 federal elections, the most fair elections in the history of Pakistan, Baloch nationalists like Bizenjo and Abdul Hayee Baloch won 2 out of the 4 seats and trounced the pro-establishment Khan of Kalat! A leftist Urdu speaker, the late Professor Karrar Hussain was the Vice Chancellor of the state university and a Karachiite from Kerala, B.M. Kutty was the advisor to governor Bizenjo! The elected woman MP was an Irish woman, Jennifer. These were the actual representatives chosen by a progressive and secular nationalist Baloch and the rubbish about Balochis being ruled by Sardars is another carefully crafted myth of the urban chattering elites of Pakistan.
This serves the purposes of their intellectual masters of the establishment and ensures that few if any of these urban elites sympathize with the oppression against their own people. What sympathy will they ever have for the PPP which has taken on the establishment and suffered greatly as a result!
Bhutto’s land reforms of 1972 and 1977 which taxed agricultural income and limited land holdings were overturned by the Islamist dictator Zia ul Haq. Yet, today, it is the MQM that uses the feudal tag to beat down the PPP! Like Nawaz Sharif, Altaf Hussain, the unchallenged leader of the MQM was also a product of Zia. The MQM was and is an establishment party that enjoys support amongst some sections of Karachi’s diverse population.
However, for them to trot out the feudal tag is laden with irony given their own record in amassing prize real estate all over Karachi, especially North Nazimabad where Mustafa Kamal, Ishrat ul Ibad, Babar Ghori and Farooq Satter have made billions in using the political clout of the MQM to carve out a real estate development scheme. This initiative must have made their mentors, the largest real estate group in Pakistan, proud. Ofcourse, none of the analysts, pseudo intellectuals and lifafa (sellout) journalists dare reiterate that statistically, the largest feudal entity of Pakistan is not the PPP but the army.
The MQM drives its electoral engine on a contrived sense of victimhood in which they want to drag down all of us Urdu speaking migrants. They are the salariat class that is being referred to by Hamza Alvi; the urban elites of India who felt they could not compete for government jobs with the better educated Hindus in India and thus needed to carve out their own “personal caliphate” where they could rise to the top in the bake sale of national conscience! General Musharfaf’s father represents the epitome of this class.
This is the class that comprises the bulk of the urban chattering elites whose sense of entitlement makes them more feudal in their thinking and more contemptuous of their servants than the rural feudals are of their serfs!
Another tag that is often thrown about is that of “dynastic politics” and the resulting contempt for those of the Bhuttos who did not side with the establishment.
Aside from the fact that legacy plays a crucial rule in electoral politics the world over, if the PPP was actually dynastic, its leaders after ZAB would have been Mumtaz Bhutto, Murtaza Bhutto and Zulfiqar Junior. Instead, the “unwashed” masses voted for Benazir and Zardari as they would not accept the dictates of the establishment.
One should credit the masses for having far more integrity than the anti-democracy urban chattering elites. The latter are hypocritical and twist the positive aspects of both ZAB’s and BB’s legacy and are clearly being disingenuous by labelling the PPP as a dynastic party.
Given this backdrop, the current blogger’s venom against Bilawal is not surprising.
Both Sherry Rehman and Aitzaz Ahsan do not have their own political constituencies; and Aitzaz has actually hurt the party’s interest. Similar to other back-stabbers and traitors like Faisal Saleh Hayat and Iqbal Haider, his hopeful departure from the PPP to the right-wing Islamist bloc whose interests he has been representing since 2007 would be addition by subtraction as far as the PPP leadership is concerned.
As for the future electoral prospects of the PPP, I would be inclined to respect the wishes of the masses and not the psycho babble of civil society idlers, pseudo-liberal speculators, and pro-establishment journalists, whose contempt for the PPP is directly proportional to their cheering of the Taliban. They have written many epithets for the PPP but the latter has prevailed due to the will of the masses. May they prevail again…..
A worth reading article in response to”Five Rupee”.Hopefully this response would also be suffice for those pseudo-liberal & intellectuals who are constantly / adament to spilt the party of the ppl of Pakistan(PPP) just into their mind only, not practicle happening possible, they know well.However; compelled by their stinct & narrow minded thinking they predict un-neccessary to satisfy themselves n their lust of writing against their own will.Knowingly, such writing expose their mental morbidity,and wishfully doing so to relief themselves because they are under mental depression as well.
Excellent post, which is factually and historically accurate as well as ideologically crystal clear.
Will the pseudo-liberals care to clarify their position?
Excellent post, revealing the intellectual bankruptcy of the pseudo liberals, who are safeguarding the state narrative and interests.
Simply Superb article and perfect response to our pseudo intellectuals and so called political philosophers[Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle]on the internet….
The Pakistan People’s Party government would complete its five-year constitutional term, and come into power for another five years through the power of the ballot, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has said.
PM further said if ballot and implementation of manifestos were yardsticks to measure the success of a political party, then the PPP had implemented 80 per cent of the Charter of Democracy (CoD) as well as 70 per cent of the party’s manifesto.
PM Gilani urged the PPP workers to prepare for the Local Government elections, saying that 2011 should be the year of LG elections, as they would be an opportunity to reach out to the masses.
Paying tribute to Benazir, he said the former premier, through her political insight and wisdom, had made the transition from military rule to democracy possible, by forcing then President Pervez Musharraf to announce general elections in the country in 2008, and doff his uniform.
Prime Minister made these remarks during a meeting of the PPP Punjab’s parliamentary party at the Governor’s House, the Daily Times reported.
this is a brilliant point about MQM:
“They are the salariat class that is being referred to by Hamza Alvi; the urban elites of India who felt they could not compete for government jobs with the better educated Hindus in India and thus needed to carve out their own “personal caliphate””
I guess you’re saying that MQM can be considered the heirs of the Muslim League in the muslim minority provinces? I hope you write more on this subject… it’s really interesting.
Factually untrue in many ways. Lets start one by one:
The author writes….. ‘pseudo-liberal classes who have always lined up to kiss the boots of military dictators’…….. can it be clarified, then who was licking the boots in Dubai, who was begging for NRO and who gave the guard of honour send off to Musharraf? Finally why was not He tried under article 6?
great to see 8 people indulge in self congratulation. what exactly is a pseudo intellectual to you guys? nothing in the five rupee blog is incorrect factually. the ppp does indulge in dynastic politics. it’s a fact. just because ZAB and BB were talented doesnt mean that Bilawal is talented as well. Does the PPP have elections for the chairperson of the party? it doesnt. saying that neither does the PMLN is just childish. since when did two wrongs make a right? is the PPP not mainly comprised of feudals? it absolutely is. how much tax do they pay? not much if you look at their tax returns. Aitizaz would and has in the past won his seat from Lahore. hard cold political analysis also tells us that the ppp’s vote bank is going to shrink with the demographic change in the country. look at the average age of the ppp leadership. name 10 prominent ppp members under the age of 50. you can’t. also by taking pot shots at folks writing on the internet is silly. you’re doing the same thing.
have to agree with anas butt. i thought critical ppp would be about having a critical opinion on the ppp – good and bad. not criticizing anyone critical of the ppp.
this pseudo-liberal tripe has been used repeatedly on this blog, without being anything more than a lazy slur…
@anas butt
If you cannot correct your reason, at least correct your counting. Which 8 persons are you talking about?
@ karachikhatmal
The best thing about “the pseudo-liberal slur” is the fact that those who ARE pseudo-liberals immediately know they are being addressed.
I think the author (Qudsia Siddiqi) has raised some important points in her response to the the Five Rupees’ criticism of the PPP, deconstructing the oft-repeated allegations about feudal and dynastic character of the party.
However, the LUBP will be, indeed, very pleased to post any original article critical of the PPP’s ideology and policies.
@Anas, you make a great arguement by ignoring much of what was in the article by Qudsia. The issue of taxation on irrigation income is addressed in the article and guess what, it was not the PPP that overturned it! Similarly, can you name the young leaders of other political parties, Imran Khan’s rouged cheeks and hair transplants not withstanding… Sulaiman and Issa are under 50 but are they over 18?
Wasn’t it Aitzaz who did not accept the PPP ticket in the last elections. And where is this great leader of the bar hiding when the current elections were taking place. Oh yah, he was lecturing in Spain. As Najam Sethi put it so aptly, this glib Judas (my addition) is not really a part of the PPP, not really accepted by the JI/PML N/PTI right-wing bloc, not a part of the lawyers and not a part of the judges. My criticism with the PPP is that they should expel such losers and backstabbers from the party.
However, the PPP and its supporters ever retaliating is not easy to stomach for those who prefer a one-way street of PPP bashing by those who claim to be objective but whose use of the word “shit” in describing the young son of the late BB is in very poor taste and clearly shows a bias!
Test Post
A’right that worked.
Now first off, Five Rupees is an academic dude so he puts out ideas to see what works and what doesn’t. And the demographic point stands. The country is going through demographic changes and it depends whether people will vote for the party on more stringent criteria, if their family’s condition has improved or not. As for Bilawal, he has to prove himself like his mother had to. Periods of dictatorship are good for being a martyr for democracy. However, in periods of democracy you have to prove yourself an able negotiator and administrator. Come back with Bilawal in 10 years then we’ll talk. For now, how about doing some really simple administrative stuff like the census?
you are welcome to write a reply to this article and it will be posted on LUBP most likely as a featured post. However, the general pattern seems to be criticism of PPP and its supporters and an unwillingness to engage with any replies to this criticism. It’s quite sad since it would be nice for there to be some sort of dialogue between supporters of various parties and/or apolitical analysts.
I am waiting for the answers to my question. Can any PPP intellectual answer my simple questions? I submit my post again:
Factually untrue in many ways. Lets start one by one:
The author writes….. ‘pseudo-liberal classes who have always lined up to kiss the boots of military dictators’…….. can it be clarified, then who was licking the boots in Dubai, who was begging for NRO and who gave the guard of honour send off to Musharraf? Finally why was not He tried under article 6?
Rabia, first off, is it safe to assume that you are different from the Rabia that posts at Grand Trunk Road? Concerning this blog entry, I have to say that it was a gratuitous attack by some random girl against a blog post that clearly signposted its speculation as speculation. The point is very pertinent as the long term demographic trend may be against the PPP’s passive base. Men like Jamshed Dasti, with a semi-criminal past and an ultra patriarchial mindset (his attacks on Mukhtaran Mai), who was brave enough to come forward from a semi-urban (not fully urban) area, is a nice example to point forward to; but suicidal bravery is not a renewable resource without some positive results to point to for the families of those who lose their family members for the sake of the PPP. As education rates slowly increase, and as the urban space becomes more competitive, the PPP will have to show more results to what will be a more demanding urban electorate.
@Tahir Khan
Whose boots are you talking about? The one who was booted out and is now living in exile in the UK?
In fact your leader Imran Khan licked his boots in a vain hope to be a prime minister.
Better refrain from distorting the facts.
@Postity Post Post
For better transparency, would you like to express your political affiliation and ideals, so that your message could be better understood and contextualised. That will help towards a meaningful dialogue if you wish.
First off, I posted as “Postity Post Post” because for some reason Critical PPP was not accepting the few paragraphs I used yesterday, (were you guys blocking me or my TLW name?), so now I’m back to TLW.
Sarah, I have three questions for you in reponse:
1) Which city are you writing this from?
2) I would like to wonder where you get off waging cyber jihad against the likes of Tazeen and Cafe Pyala? Cafe Pyala especially tries to be as neutral as possible because they have to pass some judgement on an out of control right wing media.
3) Especially on a post that clearly states that its just a trial balloon, what kind of defamation are you running here when you allow this child of a girl, to abuse an academic for critically analysing the future prospects of the PPP?
He noticed here:
Bloody hell, how many times was I called a pseudo-something in this post?
And guess who responds? Ambassador Haqqani 😉
HaHa. Hope you’re beginning to appreciate how those in public life have to deal with labels/abuse/innuendo/suspicion
Just as you are asking for my political affiliation to try and reach the heart of the debate, I would like to reach the heart of this post this little girl wrote in a pique of reaction, where she goes ballistic against idle academic speculation, conflating it with far more insidious historical attacks that have killed, wounded or physically/mentally paralysed PPP supporters.
The inability to differentiate between enemies, supporters or neutrals is a sign of political immaturity and guilelessness.
As for my political affiliations, I am basically looking for a good reason to give my vote to the PPP in a constituency that the MQM won by 10,000 votes against the PPP. That is the embattled nature of those in Karachi looking for a progressive way forward.
We at LUBP don’t block or censor anyone. Am sorry to learn about the difficulty you faced yesterday.
1. I will give your first question a pass.
2. I have nothing against cafe pyala or Tazeen. Your assumptions are a bit exaggerated.
3. You write: “what kind of defamation are you running here when you allow this child of a girl, to abuse an academic for critically analysing the future prospects of the PPP?”
Qudsia Siddiqi is a valued member of the LUBP team. While you may disagree with her opinion, be generous to show respect to her.
Now, does an ‘academic’ (a PhD student?) have a right to abuse the chairman of Pakistan’s largest political party? Is that what you call critical analysis and political maturity?
TLW, you are not an enemy to us. Get out of assumptions and get into real life.
All we are asking for is a bit of political transparency and respect for people’s will. Choice is yours.
have a right to abuse the chairman of Pakistan’s largest political party
Then don’t abuse a friend of mine by calling him pseudo-liberal five times in a blog without having the guts to take his name.
Ph-D Student
I think he’s a teaching assistant as well; so what can you do?
Is that what you call critical analysis
No it’s idle speculation, because its titled “idle speculation”
Get out of assumptions
Qudsia Siddiqui is not the one defending herself here, you are, and neither is Ahsan Butt here, I am. We have to then assume which side writes for whom. We both support our respective side and are speaking out for it.
How about this policy; tell your colleague not to randomly attack the Pakistani blogosphere by calling it pseudo liberal, every time it writes something even mildly critical of the PPP or Bilawal Bhutto. Most of the people in it are the same age as him, and at times have more life experience than him, having lived and studied in Pakistan for the last fourteen years (as I can assume you have) whilst he was in exile for the same period. We also have to verbally beat down attacks against President Zardari by people we know, random commentors on our blogs, and people who have a serious, serious hard-on for the Pakistan military. We verbally defend the present, defend the idea of democracy and electoral transfer of power (as opposed to backstage bullying) and have to put up with random reactionaries who spew abuse at the President.
And please observe that I calmly referred to Mr Asif Ali Zardari as the President. The people we encounter say his name while spewing a line of abuse. We counter that.
This part of the Pakistani blogosphere and LUBP are on the same side. The side that gets abused by the hypernationalists, the anti-democracy and anti-people establishment drones.
Indeed we consider you on our side but not those people who lack transparency in their political affiliation, who disrespect people’s choice and people’s right to choose, those who are apparently liberal but in fact abet and reinforce anti-people establishment (read journail-judge-journalist), those who hesitate to expose and criticize the Teen Jeem alliance against the people, who condemn acts of terrorism in Pakistan but hesitate to pinpoint the groups responsible. We call them pseudo-liberals.
Would you like me to provide some examples of pseudo-liberals? Here are a few amongst so many around:
Sarah, c’mon, you shouldn’t pre-judge people just because you don’t know their party affiliation, that’s a very paranoid way to deal in people to people relations.
As for this supposed “King” of pesudo liberals, Syed Iqbal Haider, I have no idea who he is or where he comes from. As for Abdul Nishapuri was right, Adil Najam probably is actively p-o’ed at you.
But thats jokes and laughs, there’s more serious business.
Is there any way we can publicise the strange deal the khakis are trying to broker (force) between the Turi’s and Jalaludin Haqqani, under the threat of an invasion from Orakzai by Mullah Noor Jamal? Not only is it blackmail, a deal by the Turis with Haqqani would weaken them and lay them ready for further killings. The Taliban and the Army are blocking the Turi’s access to Peshawar from Parachinar, forcing them to go through Afghanistan.
How to get the army to lift the barricade they’ve put on the Turis? This is what Marvi Sirmed, a journalist said on twitter:
Once again, my appeal to a hyper active media/civil society pair. Pl raise voice for the Turi tribe and opening Kurram’s bloackade by Army.
The Turi-Taliban (Haqqani Netork) talks resumed after PakArmy’s siege can prove dangerous if Turis surrender some of their powers to Taliban.
I don’t have any serious contacts inside the Pakistani media. However Critical PPP must have some contacts inside the party hierarchy who can talk to some reliable television people who can publicise this deal and put pressure on the Pak Army to cut ties with the Haqqanis, or go after the Maulvi Noor Jamals. Or at the minimum, transfer military protection to the Turis and act as a buffer between them and the Bangashes.
This “deal” would put the Turis at serious risk. The PPP (I am sure you must know somebody inside it) must act.
Thanks for highlighting the Kurram episode. We have now done a quick post with due credits to you, Marvi and others.
let’s try and get an argument here which doesn’t start with, “PML-N did this” “oh tell me if the PTI has…”. if the PPP wants to be a political force over the next 5 years it has a lot of growing up to do. talking about the Bhutto’s sacrifices’ (which they made) does not run governments, shape policy, or provide jobs, revenue, or provide for good governance. the demographics of pakistan have changed and the ppp hasn’t kept up with them. keep going on the same trajectory and people will read about the party which was once the ppp. loyalty is a good thing but if it makes you blind it’s absolutely useless.
Am visiting the esteemed blog/site for the last few month, as a silent spectator as well as a commentator, it has covered almost every aspect of Pakistani society, state security doctrines, political scenario, media criticism, oppressed nationalities, terrorism etc.
It has PPP flag, showing its political leaning, indeed a step appreciated, who does not hide it.
Here I have seen many posts criticizing PPP for their appeasement of the military establishment, though they realize, we have many elephants in the room.
If someone expect criticism on Shahid Masood/Hamid Mir lines.. They really will be disappointed here, as they finally are supporters not backstabbers like Aitezaz, FS Hayat etc…
@Sheen Alif
Thanks for the suppport
@Anas Butt
We usually avoid wasting our time in engaging with apolitical pseudo-liberals. Their arguments are as shallow as is their influence on the Pakistani society.
Thanks for your concern for the Peoples Party but no thanks. The people of Pakistan and their party don’t need your benevolent concern. So please keep your few dozen votes reserved for Imran Khan, MQM and the Musharraf League.
I also note that the P-Ls (pseudo-liberals) are currently experiencing violent trauma in the aftermath of Qudsia Siddiqui’s rebuttal. However, during this violent trauma they also conveniently ignored to respond to Ms Siddiqui’s very valid arguments.
@ Sarah Khan…Please answer all my questions. I am listening to you. We are not discussing Imran Khan but Benazir Bhutto and Musharraf in Dubai. The backdrop of NRO and finally why a person who was involved in Benazir’s death is left off the hook and not tried under article 6? He is indeed not booted out but respectfully send away with guard of honour. He is now enjoying in UK.
@Tahir Khan
Your comment has been answered in detail in this post:
the peoples whos coments the ppp politices they can not pertespet for the stregelfor restorestion the democrese
FiveRupees Five Rupees (via Twitter)
Here’s the open thread on Bhutto, would love to hear people’s thoughts All except LUBP types welcome.
11 Mar
It is the typical mean spirited and one-sided introduction. And his discomfort with LUBP stems from the following critiques where LUBP deconstructed Ahsan Butt’s rubbish:
There is a strong element of pettiness, viciousness and hypocrisy about such useless posts like the current one at 5 paisas. These people portray themselves as false neutral, yet never have the integrity to utter a word of criticism for urban fascist parties.
My advice is that LUBP should ignore such debates. By attending his silly website, one may contribute to unnecessary web attendance.
We must not add to their traffic and must not waste our time by participating in intentionally dishonest analyses.
Let’s remain focused on the big fish; their shoe-lickers are only there to distract us.
Also, the following link offers a rare, honest insight into the mindset of the civil society sympathizers of the ppp:
this shows that all the arguements about “dynastic rule” are really dishonest deflections, nothing else.
I get fits of laughter when I see urban businessmen and corporate employees criticizing dynastic politics, however, corporatization of businesses is very limited. Wherever it is corporate, they choose to remain limited. The reason why keep it private is to ensure family control over businesses and to possibly evade taxes.
A Chaudhry apologist
Why Is Iftikhar Chaudhary Backing Off?
By Ahsan Butt Jul 31, 2009 7:10AM UTC
5 Comments and 0 Reactions
Close observers of Pakistani politics will have no doubt noted this story, in which it is claimed that the judiciary is backing off from charging former president Pervez Musharraf with treason.
ISLAMABAD: Chief justice turned down a request on Thursday to launch a treason case against former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, saying the Supreme Court lacked the authority.
Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s remarks could reassure both the fragile civilian government and military establishment, as they can ill-afford any fresh crisis at a time when the country is fighting a Taliban insurgency.
‘This is not the proper forum to initiate such case. We are not authorised to do so,’ Chaudhry told the court.
The question I’m wondering about is: why? It’s not as if the Chief Justice and the apex court have in the past shown any reluctance to overstep their bounds and tread where they are not authorized to do so. There are a few explanations I can think of.
First, the judiciary (and by that I mean Chaudhary) thinks Musharraf is irrelevant now that he is no longer in power. Therefore it makes little sense to waste time, energy, and political capital, and risk considerable political turmoil, for someone who doesn’t matter anymore. Chaudhary might reason that his time is better spent getting in Zardari’s way than punishing Musharraf, because the former is still central to Pakistani politics.
Second, Chaudhary and the court might have been chastened from the recent hullabaloo over the carbon tax and its rescinding. For the first time since March 2007, his actions were actually questioned and debated, rather than simply thought of as the delivery of divine justice. Most people — and this is just a hunch; I have no data to back it up — probably still supported his stance, but at least there was a discussion. When Ayaz friggin’ Amir (of all people) takes issue with Iftikhar Chaudhary and the judiciary, you know something’s up. The point is, if Chaudhary and his activist court was being debated in the public sphere for the mere reason of a carbon tax, he might have thought that trying Musharraf for treason for crimes that were no more egregious than those of every Pakistani ruler that has ever lived (including his closest political ally, Nawaz Sharif) might be a bit much.
Third, it would strike many (including perhaps Chaudhary himself, who by all accounts is a good man, if a misguided one) as hypocritical for the court to try Musharraf for subverting the constitution when, um, Chaudhary was the one who not only rubber-stamped his coup in 1999, but also in 2000 gave him the right to amend the constitution. Tricky business this, when people actually have long memories, don’t fawn over you and actually examine the historical record, no?
Fourth, Chaudhary (like Musharraf) is a patriot, and might have reasoned that there is enough political turmoil in the country as it stands. He might also have been politely told by stakeholders as varied as Kayani and Gillani that this might not be an especially bright idea. Not in so many words.
My best bet is that it is a combination of numbers one and four, with two and three playing background roles. Or maybe this is much-ado-about-nothing; maybe Chaudhary is just delaying the moment at which Musharraf is tried, and not actually forswearing the possibility that he will be. Who knows?
Where is Ahsan Butt of Five Paisas hiding?
He had written:
Anyway, the PPP government is obviously in a bit of a pickle over this. There are basically no good options and only bad options. Just look at the way they treated two senior members of their own party and cabinet recently: Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Davis doesn’t have full diplomatic immunity, and then he got fired. Fauzia Wahab said Davis does have immunity, and then she got fired. Call me crazy, but those two positions seem to exhaust the universe of possibilities here. And it seems the PPP is opposed to both of them, poor guys.
Dare you not oppose the sharia law in Raymond Davis case! – by Fawad Manzoor
Shame on Five Rupees, Ahsan Butt, for using a sectarian tone, Ahmadi identity of Mansoor Ijaz, to prove (a weak) point:
Memogate: How can Mansoor Ijaz be trusted if he’s Ahmedi?
By Ahsan Butt Nov 19, 2011 11:48PM UTC
3 Comments and 0 Reactions
I have a whole lot to say about Memogate but I will wait until more facts are in and/or Husain Haqqani is actually relieved of his duties. There’s just so much murkiness on this issue right now that I simply don’t feel comfortable commenting.
There is one thing I think should mention though: Mansoor Ijaz is an Ahmedi. As such, he is not only not a Muslim, but he barely qualifies as a human being. Therefore, he cannot be trusted.
Mansoor Ijaz, untrustworthy Ahmedi
I have only learned about the lack of trustworthiness and lack of humanity of Ahmedis from the same exact people who are making the loudest noises over Memogate, i.e. the ghairat brigade on TV. For these lessons, I am grateful to them.
But I am slightly confused about their strident stance on Memogate — going so far as calling for Haqqani to be tried for treason — a stance which seems entirely predicated on believing the word of an Ahmedi. How can this be? Can someone please clarify?
Pakistanfirst1947 18 minutes ago
wt nonsenace is this, if he is ahmadi then wt, bugger ahmadis have long historty of pakistan service, only pakistani and muslim to get nobel prize is Dr Abdus salam, Gen iftikar janjua, Gen Iftikar malik, hero of chawinda war gen Abdul ali and thoused more in army and civil, only pakistani and muslim to be appointed as chief justice of internationl court of justices Sir zafar ullah khan, trusted friend of quaid and 1st forigen minister of pakistan
zaheerana zaheerana
Please no sectarian rift. RT @FiveRupees: My latest post questions credibility of Mansoor Ijaz, an Ahmedi Check it out.
karachikhatmal karachikhatmal
It had always been a dream of mine that my shaadi would be attended by a member of the Rabta Committee.
FiveRupees Five Rupees
@karachikhatmal Though I should emphasize the notes were crispy, fresh, and stapled, straight from a bank.
34 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
FiveRupees Five Rupees
@karachikhatmal No Rabita Committee member, but we did have an MQM MNA at our wedding. The MNA gifted us 1000 rupees in 20 rupee notes.
cpyala Cafe Pyala
@FiveRupees You do realize who’s going to pounce on this as your admission of being on MQM payroll, right? @karachikhatmal
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@cpyala Haha. I went to Foundation Public School with said MNA’s son in the mid 90s. But yes LUBP might not see it that way @karachikhatmal
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