#ShiaGenocide: Shia leaders present their demand as Quetta sit-in continues – by Kamil Hazara

Thousands of Shia Muslims including Hazara and non-Hazara Shias are currenlty staging a sit-in in Quetta against Shia Genocide by Deobandi militants in Pakistan. More than 80 dead bodies remain unburied.
Shia leaders present their demands as sit-in continues
After a day of tragedy (10 January 2013) in Quetta in which over 100 Shias and more than 10 Sunnis were killed by Deobandi militants (Sipah Sahaba aka ASWJ) and more than 200 wounded, Shias have staged a sit-in protest for indefinite period (Source: BBC). A big number of women and children are also participating in it. The protest was called after local Shia leaders decided not to bury the dead unless their demands are met.
Their demands are:
- Chief Minister of Balochistan must resign; Balochistan’s Provincial Government must be removed, the province must be put under Governor rule and army be made directly responsible and accountable for the law and order including safety of all people including Shias.
- Full enforcement of the legal ban on Sipah Sahaba which currently is allowed to operate freely under new name ASWJ. Arrest ASWJ leaders (namely Ahmed Ludhianvi, Malik Ishaq, Tahir Ashrafi, Aurangzeb Farooqi, Qazi Nisar) and punish them for inciting hate speech against Shia Muslims;
- Carry out targeted military operation in the notorious areas of the province known for being the training camps and hide outs of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Sipah Sahaba – ASWJ) terrorists, most importantly, Saryab Road in Quetta, Kanak and Mastung. All leaders and militants of Sipah Sahaba (currently operating as ASWJ-LeJ) must be arrested and awarded exemplary punishment after summary hearings;
- Urgently implement death sentence to ASWJ-LeJ militants already sentenced to death by the court;
- Stop allowing publication of threats to Shia community by LeJ-SSP in local newspapers and TV channels. Stop providing air time to Ahmed Ludhianvi, Tahir Ashrafi, Malik Ishaq and other ASWJ-LeJ leaders in the media;
- Financially compensate over 1000 Shia victims (Rs. 1 million per victim), and provide Rs.0.5 million plus free medical facilities to the wounded; all those injured in terrorist activities be treated on Government expenses in Agha Khan Hospital, Karachi and other reputable and trustworthy hospitals
- Provide jobs to every victim who lost their guardians or male members;
- Release innocent Shia Muslims arrested in false cases;
- Provide protection to the Shia businessmen, transporters, vendors, officers, school, college and university students;
- Set up security check posts of police in areas where Shias have been regularly targeted. In particular, set up permanent check posts in and around Alamdar Road and Hazara Town;
- Provision of free licensed weapons for self defence, X-Ray scanners, training to Shia volunteers to defend their life, property, family. Allow Shia scouts and volunteers to set up private security in Shia areas;
- End of apartheid in the Balochistan University and other institutions against the Shia Hazaras, and all Shias;
- Resettle the Shia Hazara families who were evicted from Khuzdar and Machh and protect and compnesate them;
- Full and accurate coverage of Shia genocide by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) in media; must not obfuscate as Hazara specific ethnic or Sunni-Shia sectarian violence. Pakistan government, in particular Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority PEMRA, must take action against those media channels and newspapers which misrepresent Shia genocide as Sunni vs Shia sectarian violence or present it as Hazara specific ethnic violence.
- Set up high-level judicial inquiry, also including members of the UN, HRW, Amnesty and HRCP, to investigate allegations of collusion between militant groups and military intelligence and paramilitary forces.
According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), “The Pakistani government’s persistent failure to protect the minority Shia Muslim community in Pakistan from sectarian attacks by Sunni [Deobandi] militant groups [Sipah Sahaba Taliban aka LeJ-ASWJ], is reprehensible and amounts to complicity in the barbaric slaughter of Pakistani citizens, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday. The government should immediately hold accountable those responsible for ordering and participating in deadly attacks targeting the Shia across Pakistan and particularly the Hazara Shia in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province.”
BBC covers the Quetta Sit-in
Pakistan blasts: Shia refuse to bury Quetta bomb dead
Pakistan’s minority Shia community has protested angrily over what it says is a lack of protection in the city of Quetta, a day after almost 100 people died there in a series of blasts.
Leaders of the community have refused to bury the dead until security is improved.
One Shia leader publicly criticised army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani.
Sunni [Deobandi] militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi said it carried out the deadliest attack in Quetta on Thursday.
Three days of mourning have been announced in Balochistan province after the blasts in its capital, on one of the deadliest days of bombings in Pakistan in recent years.
At least 119 people were killed in Quetta and in a separate attack in Mingora in the north-west.
‘Hell on Earth’
The worst attack targeted a snooker hall late on Thursday evening in Alamdar Road in Quetta. One suicide bomber detonated his device and a car bomb was detonated minutes later as police, rescuers and media arrived.
Continue reading the main story
Founded in the 1990s, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is a Sunni [Deobandi] Muslim militant group blamed for a string of sectarian and high profile terror attacks
Banned in Pakistan in 2001 and designated a terrorist group by the US in 2003
The group has ties to other militant networks such as the Pakistani Taliban
It regularly attacks Shia targets, but has also been linked to major attacks such as the 2007 assassination of former
Most of the dead were from Quetta’s 500,000-strong Hazara Shia.
Members of the community on Friday laid coffins in the street, refusing to bury them.
The president of the Shia Conference, Syed Dawood Agha, told the BBC that his community would not bury its dead till the army had given an assurance it would take administrative control of the city.
A relative of one of the victims, Fida Hussain, said: “We want safety for our all sects, and all security measures should be taken for our safety. We will not bury them until the government fulfils all our demands.”
One resident, Jan Ali, told Associated Press that Thursday’s blast at the snooker hall was “a scene like hell on Earth”.
“Rescue people were carrying out dead and injured, people bleeding and crying, and rushing them toward ambulances. I have never seen such a horrifying situation in my life.”
Among the dead was Quetta-based rights activist, Irfan Ali, who was reportedly helping those wounded in the first blast.
Another resident, Abbas Ali, told AP news agency: “This government has totally failed in protecting us. Somehow we will get compensation for our losses but those who have gone away will not come back.”
Shia leaders question Army chief over Quetta carnage
Reuters / Dawn
QUETTA: Shia leaders on Friday publicly questioned Pakistani army chief General Ashfaq Kayani over security in the country after the previous day’s bombings aimed at the minority sect killed at least 102 people in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province.
“I ask the army chief: What have you done with these extra three years you got (in office). What did you give us except more death,” Maulana Amin Shaheedi, a central leader of the Majlis-i-Wahdat-i-Muslimeen, told a news conference.
Most of Thursday’s deaths were caused by twin attacks aimed Hazara Shias in Quetta, where members of the sect have long accused the state of turning a blind eye to extremist militant death squads.
The leaders were so outraged at the latest bloodshed that they called for the military to take control of the city to shield them and said they would not allow the 82 victims of twin bomb attacks to be buried until their demands were met.
The burials had been scheduled to take place after Friday prayers but the leaders said the bodies would remain in place until Shias receive promises of protection.
Shaheedi said scores of bodies were still lying on a road.
“They will not be buried until the army comes into Quetta,” he said.
Violence against Pakistan’s Shia Muslims is rising and some communities are living in a state of siege, a human rights group said on Friday.
“Last year was the bloodiest year for Shias in living memory,” said Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch. “More than 400 were killed and if yesterday’s attack is any indication, it is just going to get worse.”
The banned extremist group Lashkar-e-Jangvi (LeJ) claimed responsibility for the attack in a predominantly Shia neighbourhood where the residents are ethnic Hazaras, a majority of whom are Shias who first migrated from Afghanistan in the nineteenth century.
The LeJ has stepped up attacks against Shias across the country but has zeroed in on members of the sect who live in resource-rich Balochistan province.
“The LeJ operates under one front or the other, and its activists go around openly shouting, ‘infidel, infidel, Shia infidel’ and ‘death to Shias’ in the streets of Quetta and outside our mosques,” said Syed Dawwod Agha, a top official with the Balochistan Shia Conference.
“We have become a community of grave diggers. We are so used to death now that we always have shrouds ready.”
Among the dead in Quetta was Khudi Ali, a young activist who often wore a T-shirt with fake bloodstains during protests against the rising violence against Shias.
Ali’s Twitter profile said: “I am born to fight for human rights and peace.”
The roughly 500,000-strong Hazara people in Quetta, who speak a Persian dialect, have distinct features and are an easy target, said Dayan.
“They live in a state of siege. Stepping out of the ghetto means risking death,” said Dayan. “Everyone has failed them – the security services, the government, the judiciary.”
“یہ دھرنا صرف شیعوں کا نہیں، یہ دھرنا پوری انسانیت کا دھرنا ہے۔ یہ دھرنا کل شہید ہونے والے ایدھی کے 4 کارکن، 11 پولیس اہلکار اور میڈیا کے 2 نمائندوں کا دھرنا بھی ہے۔ ہمارا دل بہت بڑا ہے۔ ہم صرف اپنے لئے آواز احتجاج بلند نہیں کرتے، ہماری تحریک میں ہر انسان دوست کو شرکت کی دعوت دی جاتی ہے۔”
کوئٹہ میں دھرنے سے ابراھیم ہزارہ کا خطاب۔۔۔۔۔
گریہ مکن مادر شہید ام من شہید ام!!!
ماتمی دستہ بیت الاحزان کی احتجاجی دھرنے میں آمد اور آتے ہی یہ تاریخی نوحہ سنانا شروع کر دیا جو کہ ہمارے ہر شہید کے دل کی آواز ہے۔ دھرنے میں زبردست ماتم داری شروع ہوگئی۔
اے عزادار حسینی یہ چلن زندہ رہے!
خدا بود محافظ ماتم حسین (ع)
ماتمی دستہ حسینی شاہ خراسان کی دھرنے میں آمد۔ جیسے جیسے بارش تیز ہوتی جارہی ہے ویسے ویسے ماتم داری میں شدت آتی جارہی ہے۔
تم پہ سلام سیدہ (س) اے ماتمی۔۔۔۔
نوحہ خواں عمران علی کےبعد اب واجد حسین پھر سےنوحہ خوانی کر رہے ہیں۔ اس جزبے کو کیا یزید ابن معاویہ کے پیروکار ختم کر سکتے ہیں ؟؟؟ بھول ہے ان کی۔ حسینییت کو تا ابد زندہ رکھنے کاوعدہ ہماری بی بی زینب (س) نے کیا تھا اور ہم اس وعدے کو پورا کرنے کیلئے اس دنیا میں آیے ہیں ۔
خدارا شکر حسین (ع) جانم تو ر دارم ۔۔۔۔
شہداء کے جنازوں کے درمیان کوئٹہ کے بابصیرت شیعہ مومنین کا یہ نعرہ اس وقت فضا میں گونج رہا ہے:
غلام ہیں غلام ہیں، ہم اپنے شہداء کے غلام ہیں۔۔۔۔
جو لوگ “رہبر” کے نہ ہونے کو بہانہ بنا کر ہمیشہ گھروں میں بیٹھ جاتے ہیں وہ یہ جان لیں کہ آج کے بعد ہمارے “رہبر” ہمارے شہداء ہیں۔ آج کے بعد کوئی بھی شخص “رہبر” کے فقدان کو بہانہ نہ بنائے۔
لبیک یا حسین (ع) کے فلک شگاف نعروں سے گذشتہ روز کے جائے وقوعہ پرل چوک علمدار روڈ پر احتجاجی دھرنا شروع ہو گیا۔ سخت سردی اور مسلسل بارش کے باوجود ہزاروں شیعہ مومنین کل کے شہداء کے جنازوں کو لے کر میدان میں نکل آئے ہیں۔
اے مظلوموں کو مددگار امام!!! اپنے اس لشکر کی حفاظت فرما۔۔۔۔
بارش تیز ہوتی جا رہی ہے اور سردی میں بھی اضافہ ہو رہا ہے لیکن ان حسینیوں کا جوش و جذبہ دم بہ دم بڑھتا جا رہا ہے۔ دھرنے میں اپنے نوجوان بھائیوں کا ساتھ دینے کے لئے ہماری مائیں اور بہنیں بھی جوق در جوق دھرنے میں شامل ہو رہی ہیں۔
خوش آمدید اے پیروان زینب!!!!
شفقنا (بین الاقوامی شیعہ خبر رساں ادارہ) – کوئٹہ: شیعہ رہنماؤں نے گزشتہ روز کوئٹہ میں ہونے والی فرقہ ورانہ دہشت گردی کی کارروائی جس میں 102 افراد شہید ہو گئے تھے، کے بعد آرمی چیف جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی سے ملک میں سیکیورٹی کی مجموعی صورتحال پر سوال کرتے ہوئے کوئٹہ میں فوج کی تعیناتی کا مطالبہ کر دیا۔ مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے مرکزی رہنما مولانا امین شہیدی نے پریس کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ میں آرمی چیف جنرل کیانی سے پوچھتا ہوں کہ انہوں نے اپنی ملازمت میں 3 سالہ توسیع کے باوجود اس ملک کے لیے کیا کیا؟۔ آپ نے ہمیں مزید لاشوں کے سوا کیا دیا؟۔ جمعرات کو ہونے والے دھماکے میں زیادہ تر اموات علمدار چوک پر ہونے والے دھماکے میں ہوئیں جس میں کوئٹہ میں رہائش پذیر ہزارہ برادری کو نشانہ بنایا گیا تھا۔
حال ہی میں ہونے والے حملوں پر غمگین رہنماؤں نے اپنے تحفظ کیلیے آرمی سے شہر کا کنٹرول سنبھالنے کا مطالبہ کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ جب تک ہمارے مطالبات پورے نہیں کیے جائیں گے، اس وقت تک علمدار چوک دھماکے میں ہلاک ہونے والوں کی تدفین نہیں کی جائے گی۔ ہلاک ہونے والوں کی تدفین جمعے کی نماز کے بعد کی جانی تھی تاہم رہنماؤں کا کہنا ہے کہ جب تک اہل تشیع کی حفاظت کا وعدہ نہیں کیا جاتا اس وقت تک یہ لاشیں وہیں پڑی رہیں گی۔ شہیدی نے کہا کہ جب تک فوج کوئٹہ کنٹرول نہیں سنبھالتی اس وقت تک لاشوں کی تدفین نہیں کی جائے گی۔ انسانی حقوق کی تنظیم نے جمعے کو کہا تھا کہ پاکستان میں شیعہ مسلمانوں کیخلاف پرتشدد واقعات میں دن بدن تیزی آتی جارہی ہے اور کچھ برادریاں قیدیوں کی طرح زندگی بسر کرنے پر مجبور ہیں۔
ڈان نیوز کے مطابق ہیومن رائٹس واچ کے نمائندے علی دیان حسن نے کہا کہ گزشتہ سال پاکستانی تاریخ میں اہل تشیع کیلیے بدترین ثابت ہوا تھا جب 400 سے زائد افراد کو موت کے گھاٹ اتار دیا گیا تھا۔ شیعہ اکثریتی رہائشی علاقے میں گزشتہ روز ہونے والے بم دھماکے کی ذمے داری کالعدم لشکر جھنگوی نے قبول کی تھی، اس علاقے کے رہائشی ہزارہ برادری سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں جن کی اکثریت شیعہ مسلمانوں پر مشتمل ہے جنہوں نے 19ویں صدی میں پہلی دفعہ افغانستان سے ہجرت کی تھی۔
شفقنا اردو
None of these demands are unfair. Government should offer immediate attention and redress.
دھرنا ختم نہیں ہوا، مطالبات کی منظوری تک دھرنا جاری رہے گا۔ ابھی دھرنے میں ماتم داری ہو رہی ہے۔ میڈیا بے بنیاد پروپگینڈا کر رہا ہے کہ دھرنا ختم ہو گیا ہے۔
اسی لئے کہتے ہیں کہ شیر کی ایک دن کی زندگی گیدڑ کی سو سالہ زندگی سے بہتر ہے۔ ابھی تو ایک رات بھی مکمل نہیں گزری اور طاغوت اتنی جلدی ڈر گیا؟؟؟ باطل کتنا کھوکھلا اور پست ہے
میڈیا کی غلط افواە کی وجہ سے پولیس اہلکاروں نے اپنی ڈیوٹی چھوڑ دی ہے۔ جوانوں سے گزارش ہے کہ سیکورٹی سخت کر دیں۔ اپنی حفاظت خود کریں۔
دھرنا اب تک جاری ہے
طاغوت پ لرزا طاری ہے
پاکستان کے صوبہ بلوچستان کے دارالحکومت کوئٹہ میں جمعرات کو پانچ گھنٹوں کے دوران ہونے والے ایک خودکش حملے اور دو بم دھماکوں میں ہلاک ہونے والوں کی تعداد پچانوے تک پہنچ گئی ہے جبکہ ایک سو ستّر افراد زخمی ہیں۔
بلوچستان کی حکومت اور شیعہ تنظیموں نے ان ہلاکتوں پر تین روزہ سوگ کا اعلان کیا ہے جبکہ کوئٹہ کی تاجر تنظیموں اور شیعہ برادری کی اپیل پر دھماکوں کے خلاف جمعہ کو شہر میں شٹر ڈاؤن بھی ہڑتال کی جا رہی ہے۔
پہلے دھماکے کا نشانہ فرنٹیئر کور کے جوان تھے جبکہ بقیہ دو دھماکے شیعہ مسلک سے تعلق رکھنے والے ہزارہ قبیلے کی گنجان آبادی والے علاقے میں ہوئے اور ہلاک شدگان میں بڑی تعداد اہلِ تشیع کی تھی۔
بلوچستان شیعہ کونسل نے ہلاک ہونے والے شیعہ افراد کی لاشیں علمدار روڈ رکھ کر احتجاجاً دھرنا دیا ہوا ہے۔
بلوچستان شیعہ کونسل کے چیئرمین داؤد آغا نے بی بی سی اردو سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا ’جب تک کوئٹہ میں سکیورٹی کی ذمہ داری پاکستانی فوج نہیں سنبھالتی تب تک وہ ان حملوں میں ہلاک ہونے والوں کی تدفین نہیں کریں گے۔‘
انہوں نہ کہا کہ چوراسی لاشیں علمدار روڈ پر پڑی ہیں اور ہزاروں افراد دھرنا دیے ہوئے ہیں۔ ان کا مزید کہنا تھا کہ ان کے مذاکرات صوبے کے چیف سیکریٹری، پولیس اور ایف سی سے جاری ہیں۔
ہڑتال کی وجہ سے کوئٹہ کے تمام اہم کاروباری مراکز بند ہیں جبکہ ہلاک شدگان کی تدفین کے تناظر میں شہر میں سکیورٹی انتظامات کو مزید سخت کر دیا گیا ہے
Angry Pakistani Shiites refuse to bury dead
Shiite families vow to continue sit-in protest until army restores security after latest Quetta bombings
AFP , Saturday 12 Jan 2013
Civilians in Islamabad gather to mourn Quetta bombing deaths (Photo: Reuters)
Bomb attack kills 11 in Pakistan’s Quetta: Police
Shiite families refusing to bury their dead after twin bombings in Pakistan’s troubled southwestern city of Quetta vowed to continue their sit-in protest Saturday until the army takes over security.
Hundreds of protesters have gathered on the main road near the snooker hall that was the scene of Thursday’s twin suicide attacks, alongside more than 60 coffins carrying the victims’ shrouded bodies, senior administration official Hashim Ghilzai said.
The refusal to bury the bodies is an extreme position in Islamic society where the dead are normally buried the same or next day, but families say they will not leave until authorities agree to put the security and administration of the city under army control.
“The government machinery has failed, there is no protection for people in Quetta,” local Shiite party official Hashim Mausawi said.
“We will not end our protest until we get an assurance that the Pakistan army will take over security and administrative control in Quetta.”
Sunni militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the bombings, which took place in an area dominated by Shiite Muslims from the Hazara ethnic minority and killed 92 people, with 121 wounded.
It was the worst ever sectarian attack on Shiites, who account for around 20 percent of Pakistan’s 180 million population.
“We are trying to convince them to end the protest. We cannot offer them something which is not in our control,” Ghilzai told AFP after the bodies had remained on the road for about 30 hours, saying it was up to the government to decide whether to call in troops.
In a separate protest, more than 500 workers and supporters of the Shiite Hazara Democratic Party gathered outside the office of the provincial police chief in the city as its leader Abdul Khaliq went on a three-day hunger strike against lack of security.
“We want an immediate takeover of Quetta by the army,” Khaliq said.
“The protest sit-in by hundreds of our supporters will continue for three days after which we will decide our future course of action.”
The government in Baluchistan province, where security forces are also fighting a separatist insurgency, announced three days of mourning after the bombings.
It was the deadliest attack in Pakistan since suicide bombers killed 98 people outside a police training centre in the northwest in 2011 — an assault claimed by the Pakistani Taliban.
Earlier Thursday, a bomb had been detonated under a security force vehicle in a crowded part of Quetta, killing 11 people and wounding dozens.
Another bomb at a religious gathering in the northwestern Swat valley killed 22 people and wounded more than 80, the deadliest incident in the district since the army in 2009 fought off a two-year Taliban insurgency.
In total 126 people were killed in bombings in what was one of Pakistan’s deadliest days for years, raising concerns about rising violence in the nuclear-armed country ahead of general elections.
The United States condemned the “senseless and inhumane attacks”, with State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland saying Friday: “We remain concerned about extremist violence of any kind in Pakistan and remain committed to working with the government of Pakistan to combat terror.”
The attacks, coupled with violence in the northwest, revived warnings from analysts that Islamist militancy could threaten national elections, expected some time in May.
Polls would mark the first time an elected civilian government in Pakistan, for decades ruled by the military, completes a term in office and is replaced by another democratically elected government.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan demanded that the government take immediate steps to clamp down on “murdering mayhem” ahead of the elections.
Ironically, there was hardly any media presence to cover the protest which reflected the apathy of the country’s mainstream media towards the cause of the oppressed Shia minority.
Good video report by BBC on Shia genocide in Pakistan.
BBC Urdu must learn something from this:
Pakistan Shia refuse to bury Quetta blasts deadPakistan Shia refuse to bury Quetta
12 January 2013 Last updated at 17:39 Help
Pakistan’s minority Shia community has protested angrily over what it says is a lack of protection in the city of Quetta, a day after almost 100 people died there in a series of blasts.
Leaders of the community have refused to bury the dead until security is improved.
Orla Guerin reports from Islamabad.
“Islamic” Republic of Pakistan has let loose its conventional (non-nuclear) “strategic assets” against Shias, Ahlul-Bait lover Braelvis, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus and other minorities. It has become a proxy-state of Saudi Arabia. This is the only model to explain the bitter realities there.
UK government condemns Shia genocide in Pakistan
Demonstrators entered onto roads in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad to express solidarity. On social media, hashtags like #ShiaGenocide have been trending here for the past few days.
The protests are also receiving support from beyond the elite who tweet and take up civil society causes. Populist politician Imran Khan also traveled to Quetta, addressed the families of the victims, and demanded action to be taken against Lashkar-e-Jhangvi – something that politicians in Pakistan are often scared of doing for fear of reprisal attacks or angering the military establishment that many say backs the group.
“Military dictator Zia [ul-Haq] created Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in the ’80s to counter the rising influence of Shiites in Pakistan and the group continues to enjoy that support,” says Ayesha Siddiqa, who has authored two books on the Pakistani military. “Now the military is backing them in Balochistan so that it can weaken the Baloch nationalist movement and create differences among local communities like the Hazaras and the Baloch to suppress the insurgency.”
these all demands should be completed
Shia Hazaras have done their bit. Now the onus is on PPP, MQM, ANP etc & civil society to force govt/army to take #ActionAgainstLeJ
No need to lament for #CMRaisani or democracy in #Balochistan. They were never there to protect or console citizens. #ShiaGenocide
the people voted for civilian govt in hope of protection. They sent trucks of tissue paper instead.
That’s primarily the responsibility of political parties, civil society, media and civilian government.
You wanted those 87 bodies to remain unburied till Shia Hazaras clear the dirt which PPP, ANP, MQM etc don’t want to clear?
Everyone has to play their role, more than anyone else, those in government.
Clarity of discourse: A protester in Toronto Canada condemns Saudi-backed Deobandi terrorists in Pakistan http://t.co/yCBfggum
It was their Dharna and it was their demand, e.g. If ANP organizes such sit-in on murder of its leaders, it can present its demands.
Thats the thing, we can protest all we want but the one who loses loved ones still suffers. May Allah give them strength.
Enough of bravo for Hamid Mir by the same quarters who defend and promote Tahir Ashrafi and Ejaz Haider. Thugs united. #ShiaGenocide
Blaming the victim brigade is blaming Shias instead of examining “the great services” offered by PPP,ANP,MQM to Pakistani Shias!
The agency-thug Hamid Mir is no friends of Shias, nor are those “libs” who are promoting him as a great champion of tolerance. #ShiaGenocide
The onus is on us and entire Pakistan to inject tolerance into Deobandi-Wahhabi nexus and support tolerant shades in all sects.
Two lies which are currently peddled in Pakistani media. First, The actual figure of Shias killed in 2012 is 1450 (not the reported 400).
Second, the death/ratio of non-Hazara Shias killed in Quetta/Balochistan is greater than Hazara Shias. This is not reported in media.
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa’s analysis of the Quetta situation, though good overall, has a number of weaknesses. #ShiaGenocide #WeAreAllHazaras
Dr. Siddiqa makes use of the false Saudi-Iran and Sunni-Shia binaries to construct her analysis which is both unfair and inaccurate.
Dr. Siddiqa also completely wipes off the disproportionately high number of non-Hazara Shias killed by LeJ-ASWJ in Quetta.
To PPP,ANP,civil society: Next time before burying your martyrs, do a sit-in for 80 hours demanding #ActionAgainstLeJ. Till then, be quiet.
We did not see any sit-in by PPP,ANP,MQM when they were burying Taseer, Bilour,Haider for #ActionAgainstLeJ. Did we? Lazy liberals!
You enjoy your ministries, planes, foreign trips and want to use Shia Hazaras to clear the mess in which you are complicit. Vultures!
To armchair liberals of media & NGOs: You promote Tahir Ashrafi & Ludhianvi on media and then have balls to blame Shia community. Shame!
Right in front of us, you promote Hamid Mir & Tahir Ashrafi and then in the same breath sympathize with Shias. Hypocrisy!
Yousuf Nazar @YousufNazar
@AbdulNishapuri They r afraid to upset US-Saudi axis, who cares about innocent countrymen.A columnist (NFP) still tweeting abt US-Iran, blah, blah
Yousuf Nazar @YousufNazar
@AbdulNishapuri here so many have died, bodies unburied and they more concerned if the movement wud be hijacked by whom?
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
@YousufNazar Vultures they are. Opportunists as well as very selective in their morality and activism.
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Do you know the story of 2 women both of whom claimed to be mother of one same child and brought their case to Imam Ali? The different reaction of Shia activists and “civil society” on the outcome of the Quetta Sit-in reminds us of that story.
Imran Jattala @ijattala
.@AbdulNishapuri The story of 2 women before Imam Ali claiming to be the mother the same child is a perfect example for the case you made.
Karbala-e-Quetta | کربلائے کوئٹہ
January 13
A Reminder of the demands of the indefinite Sit-in protest staged at Alamdar Road, Quetta, Pakistan which begin on January 11 at 1400 hrs:
1) Removal of Balochistan’s Provincial Government and putting the province under control of the Pakistan Army and Governor of Balochistan.
2) Initiate targetted operation in the notorious areas of the province known for being the training camps and hide outs of the terrorists, most importantly, Saryab Road in Quetta, Kanak and Mastung.
3) Immediate arrest and trial of the terrorists already nominated in cases on charges of terrorism, murder, killing and possession of illegal weapons.
4) Immediate release of 10 innocent Shia youngsters who were arrested on on unfair grounds and remain in detention based on false accusation of involvement in terrorist activities.
5) All those injured in terrorist activities be treated under Government expenses in Agha Khan Hospital, Karachi and other such reputable and trustworthy hospitals
Till ALL these demands are not met, the sit-in will continue along with the corpses of the 86 martyrs killed in the suicide car bomb blast on the evening of 10 january 2013 at Alamdar Road, Quetta.
The Document of our *First* VICTORY-Notification of the implementation of Governor Rule.
Please download and keep this document with you so that it can be used in time of need. Do make hard copies as well. —
Good read. You ok if i add this info to my blog ?