PPP emerging in Information Technology (IT)

Pakistan Peoples’ Party is known to date to be a party of the masses and indeed the peoples’. Though it is a cumbersome task to be in constant contact with all of the 18 crore Pakistanis but the supporters and leaders of the Party are keen in developing this by using a certain medium of technology.

Many of PPP’s ministers today have tried to link themselves, on their personal and official Twitter accounts, to the opinions of the people who use the internet. Those ‘following’ them are open to contact, question, interact with them and make them familiar with their suggestions and criticisms.

It’s the first time in Pakistan that sitting ministers and the Governor Punjab are establishing direct contacts with the Pakistanis using the internet. They are trying to stay updated with the developments in technology, utilising them to communicate with Pakistanis who live abroad and in the country.

With the founding of ‘Let Us Build Pakistan’ (LUBP) blog, which offers an insight into the ‘critical reflections on Pakistan’s politics, society and arts’ by both PPP supporters and independent writers, and is a widely-read blog,  the liberal and democratic views are also being represented online.

LUBP is a host to a diverse range of articles written by people holding diverse opinions about the situations, events and even cancers that plague Pakistan. The writers and contributors keep an eye on both international and national affairs, penning their thoughts on important issues and freely shedding light on the PPP and its members itself in a critical manner. Providing space for a healthy exchange of views and constructive arguments and enlightening discussions. Thus refuting the allegations by some journalists that LUBP is being operated from the Presidency.

Apart from projects like LUBP, tools such as Twitter and Facebook are another medium where youths working and supporting PPP have made groups and pages such as the official ‘PAKISTAN PEOPLES PARTY’ page made and managed by PPP Supporters to keep people updated of the latest news of both their Party and national issues, writing about their respective opinions about them and engaging in edifying confabulations.

And also a page on ‘President Asif Ali Zardari ;[Twitter] [Facebook], highlighting his achievements, his future plans, articles on him, confuting or rebutting news items that in any manner wrongfully malign him and current news about him.

All such pages are adroitly-managed by their administrators and everyone has the freedom to comment, argue or express their views and sentiments on surfacing events and actions of both the Government and Opposition.

Accounts on Twitter by those who manage these pages or contribute to LUBP as authors also help to facilitate this aim.

One of the most important aspects of these projects is the fact that they are not just a display of pro-PPP write-ups but they are an entwined nest breeding a community of Pakistanis tolerant of others possessing divergent thinking and imbuing in them the quality of rightfully and fair-minded accepting, appreciating and judging the favourable actions of the Government. They are also infusing the confidence in youths from dissimilar backgrounds to voice their thoughts by providing them a platform of these projects to use. Not only this, but they are home to broadening the minds of the readers and helping to shape their analysis of the events and their evaluation to be objective on a spate of subjects and sensitive issues that are written about on LUBP and other pages such as ‘PPP’ and ‘President Asif Ali Zardari’.

One must praise the PPP supporters who are from different areas of Pakistan in their efforts behind these projects for they are vital for the success of these projects as they are not only working to promote the genuine image of their party but presenting an unprejudiced picture of what is happening in Pakistan (such as that many have said that their articles and news are higher in credibility than much of the media of Pakistan) because these projects are vital for developing a progressive Pakistani society which eventually will contribute to a better and prosperous Pakistan.



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