The true heir – by Amjad Rashid

Asian nations always keep some of their traditions alive. One (evidently patriarchal) tradition is that the true heir is the “son” of the father. There is no heir of mother in Asian societies. Also, a daughter does not have the right to be the heirs of her father. Whatever a daughter does for her parents and family, it is only the son who is considered to be a true heir of the family.

But in the same Asia, great daughters refute the patriarchal traditions and prove themselves to be a true heir of their parents, their family and their country.

In Pakistan, we see that BENAZIR BHUTTO proved to be the true heir of ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO ultimately. She proved to be the true heir not only of ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO, but also of Pakistan People’s Party, the Bhutto Family and the millions of Pakistani public.

She fought bravely against every trouble and crossed every hurdle in her way till her death. Now, after her death, her children were the heirs but they were very young in age so it was the vacuum for the “true heir” of Bhutto family and Pakistan People’s Party. It was the heritage of ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO. So there should be the “son” of him according to our traditions.

In the life of Benazir Bhutto, there was no need for the “son” of Bhutto. But when she was died, then it was the desperate need for the “true son” of Benazir Bhutto. The 2 sons of Bhutto were dead already.

The reader will be amazed to know about the word “Islamic tradition”. But yes, it is the Islamic tradition. It is the tradition of the son in law of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W). It is the tradition of Hazrat Ali (A.S).

There were questions in the life of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) about the heir of the prophet and the prophet was facing these questions every day. Allah helped the prophet by making Hazrat Ali (A.S) the son in law of the prophet and history is witness that he proved himself to be the true heir of the prophet. He proved himself to be more than the son of the prophet. It was never realized in the “HOME OF THE PROPHET” that the prophet has not any son because Hazrat Ali (A.S) was the “real son” of the prophet.

Same is done by Asif Ali Zardari that in his presence, now it is realized that Bhutto has a “son”. The “son” of Bhutto is leading PPP like Bhutto did himself. If “Murtaza Bhutto or Shahnawaz Bhutto would have been alive till today, it might be that they themselves can’t lead and pick the heritage of Bhutto like Asif Ali Zardari is doing. He has given new spirit to PPP. He has faced many crises during these 2 years of the PPP government and successfully he has recovered the party from these crises.

He has devoted his future life for the heritage of Bhutto and has dedicated his all efforts to Pakistan and PPP. He never claimed to be the “true son” of Bhutto but the Jialas now idealize him and think him as the “son of Bhutto”.

Asif Ali Zardari although has ruined the Asian traditions about the “son as heir” but has made new tradition of the “true heir”



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