Inqilab March: Ayaz Amir appreciates Sunni Sufi, Barelvi and Shia alliance against Takfiri Deobandis – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji
posted by Taj | August 13, 2014 | In Humour & Satire, Original ArticlesAyaz Amir has deserted the Good Liberal Club of Pakistan. In this club, membership privileges are based on one’s ability to suck up to other liberals. Being a Good Liberal means never having to develop your own thinking but lapping up the “chirpings” of other Good Liberals like Najam Sethi.
Being a Good Liberal means taking False Neutral positions and equating Anti Taliban Tahir ul Qadri with the same Taliban whom he has denounced at various levels. Being a Good Liberal means aligning with and sucking up to Anti Ahmadi Anti Shia Deobandi clerics like Tahir Ashrafi while cursing, abusing and mocking anti Taliban Sunni clerics like Tahir ul Qadri.
“Another under-appreciated point about PAT and its allies in the Sunni Ittehad Council and the Majlis Wahdat-ul-Muslimeen (the leading Shiite political party) is that together they represent the moderate, liberal Islam of the overwhelming majority of the Pakistani people. This Islam, the Islam of Bulleh Shah, Shah Hussain, Ghulam Farid and the great Ali Hajveri, patron saint of Lahore, is anti-Taliban Islam, anti-Takfiri Islam. For too long this Islam was relegated to the political sidelines because it lacked a political voice. The Sheikh-ul-Islam, after a lifetime of preparation, has given it that voice.
The fight against the Taliban is not just a military struggle. It is also an ideological struggle between moderate and Takfiri Islam. The army can use its tanks and guns but for all-out victory, for success on the ideological front, for Pakistan to return to its moorings, there has to be a meeting of minds between the army and moderate Islam. And if there is such an understanding, conscious or otherwise, Pakistan will never go the way of Iraq or Syria. No Salafi brand of fitna (discord) can arise on its soil.”
About The Author
Ali Abbas Taj is the Editor of Let Us Build Pakistan. @aliabbastaj on Twitter
Thats the need of the day. We must return 50 year back religios harmoney. To achieve this end , it is necessary to dump all these. Mullas in the indian ocean where they may rest in ppeace and the people do the same on land
I endorse the article. We need to go back pre-Zia Ul Haq time. When lots of people were planning to go back to Pakistan after retirement.
Abdul Qadir said:
آزادی مارچ اور انقلاب مارچ ایک سنگین بدعت ہے، صحابہ کرام سے منسوب روایات میں ان کی کوئی مثال نہیں ملتی، لہذا جو کوئی بھی آزادی/انقلاب مارچ میں شرکت کرے گا وہ بدعتی ہو گا، اسلام سے خارج ہو گا اور اس کا ٹھکانا جہنم ہے اور وہ بہت ہی بری جگہ ہے۔
مفتی نعیم کی جید دیوبندی علماء کے ہمراہ جامعہ بنوری ٹاؤن کراچی میں فتوی ء رہنمائی
12:58: But what’s this? A ticker saying that police are pulling back from the Minhaj Secretariat. Is the siege being lifted? Here’s Qadri addressing the media, announcing the start of his Inquilabi march. Mustafa Khar standing just behind him. Qadri explaining the meaning of his revolution: emancipation of the poor. Switches to English for the benefit of the foreign media. Catch the words egalitarianism and the Quaid-e-Azam…eradicating poverty, basic necessities, etc. Although a great speaker always comes prepared…even now has a sheaf of papers before him. “Every homeless person will be given a house…” and more on the same lines. Atta, daal, cheeni, ghee…will be provided at half price. Electricity and gas at half price for the poor. Free healthcare, free education.
Leader of the Majlis Wahdat-ul-Muslimeen, Muhammad Amin Shaheedi, I also see in the picture. I’ve heard him speak…what a powerful orator. Qadri still in English…basic political reforms to ensure fair elections and accountability. Big point about our revolution: we will oppose martial law. We are for democracy and only democracy. Eradication of terrorism…end of Takfiriat (killing in the name of Islam). Zero tolerance for extremism. Kisi ko Khuda nahi banene den ge ke kon Musalman hai aur kon nahi. And devolution of power…strengthening district governments.
Agrees with Wahdat-ul-Muslimeen – he repeats the point – that there will be an end to Takfiriat. Assef Ahmed Ali whispers into his ear: Qadri speaks about full protection to the minorities. Last point: emancipation of women…equality of sex. Our revolution will be totally peaceful. We want a Pakistan like the Republic of Medina of the Prophet (pbuh).
Sahibzada Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council says something in his ear. Questions pour out but Qadri says no questions. Prays for the success of their endeavours. Prays for the success of the armed forces. He sure knows how to play the media.
Inqilab March: Ayaz Amir appreciates Sufi Sunni Brelvi and Shia alliance against Takfiri Deobandis – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji
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