Pashtun Genocide: Taliban’s relentless terrorism against ANP

Political Parties in KPWhile pro-Taliban parties like PTI, PML N and JUI F campaign freely, Pakistan’s oldest secular party, ANP is the daily victim of terrorist attacks. Two ANP leaders, dozens of its activists have been killed and scores wounded in the last week alone.

Just yesterday PPP and ANP candidates from KP survived terrorist attacks that have left scores of ANP workers martyred. Meanwhile, the rival candidate from the same constituency, Mr. Imran Khan was uttering his typical Taliban apology gibberish in the platform provided by another civil society favourite and Taliban apologist, Hamid Mir of GEO.

When Imran Khan blames drones attacks for terrorism, does he ever consider the intellectual dishonesty of his arguments?

What about the victims of Taliban’s boastful bomb attacks like this heart rending video here

Does this boy not deserve the nation’s sympathy?

Do we still need to talk to Taliban monsters like Hakeemullah who proudly own up to these attacks? The “Talking to the Taliban” tactic has been Imran Khan’s prescription to tackling terrorism and extremism.

A pliant media has so far not exposed what could possibly be significant financial corruption (of his assets and fund raising) but there is no doubt that Imran Khan’s disgustingly apologetic and cowardly views about the Taliban highlight a mental corruption.  They remind one of Neville Chamberlain’s spinelessness against the Nazis – the Taliban of their day.

The ANP and PPP have been left at the mercy of the Taliban.  These parties represent the secular mandate of the Pashtuns.  In relatively fair elections, they have always secured the majority of the Pashtun vote bank.  However, the military establishment and its pliant proxies like Najam Sethi and Tariq Ali misrepresent the Pashtuns and grotesquely portray the Taliban as an “expression of Pashtun nationalism”.

Najam Sethi repeatedly blames the PPP and ANP for failing to create a “consensus” for a military operation against the Taliban – instead of blaming the army that actually calls the shots for any policy related to the Taliban or for that matter any policy relating to security.  By his morally bankrupt and warped logic, Najam Sethi should also blame the ANP and PPP for failing to create a consensus to provide security to their own lives!

The paper tigers of PML N like Shahbaaz Sharif beg the Taliban to spare them in Punjab by arguing that the are one. Imran Khan publically cowers away from condemning them. At the same time, Shaheed Bilour’s (ANP) speech to the parliament, along with the stance of Iftikhar Hussain (ANP), Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (PPP), Nadeem Afzal Chan (PPP), Shaheed Taseer (PPP), Shaheed Bhatti (PPP), Farahnaz Isphani (PPP), Bushra Gohar (ANP), Faisal Raza Abidi (PPP) and dare we say it, President Zardari (, provide the alternative.

There is an ongoing genocide of the Pashtuns to make them bend to the will of the Punjab-dominated military establishment. The security establishment has been striving for decades to misrepresent the Pashtuns as a monolithic group that is naturally inclined towards the barbaric Taliban.  Yet, the reality is that the same security establishment has tag teamed with its Taliban assets to facilitate the massacre of hundreds of anti-Taliban tribal leaders and thousands of innocent Pashtuns. Over 800 ANP workers and activists have been killed along with scores of their MPAs and MNAs. Yet the establishment has failed.

Even if they manage to knock out the PPP and ANP by using a pro-Taliban Judiciary-Media team or the Taliban itself, in the long run, the security establishment will fail, as it has in each of its created wars.



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