Punjabi Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba attack two Ahmadi Mosques in Lahore: At least 70 killed, scores injured.

First of all I condemn the attack on two Ahemdi mosques in Lahore. What is more condemnable is the media reporting of the incident. The term “dehshatgard ” which is usually used for terrorists  is changed with term “hamla-awar” (invaders).  Masjid /Mosque is changed with the term Ibadatgah (place of worship) . Ahmedi is changed with Qadyani. Namazi is changed with Ibadatgar .

Let’s hope this ugly incident doesn’t end up like  Gojra tragedy where Taliban mentors sitting in the Lahore High Court and Punjab Government were clearly found saving the culprits.

Is it a mere coincidence that this tragic incident in which at least 70 innocent Pakistanis have lost their lives happened only a few days after a hate and violence inciting phone conversation between Geo TV’s anchor Hamid Mir and a Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorist Usman Punjabi?

Once again, is it a mere coincidence that an anchor of the same TV channel (Geo TV), host of a religious program, Aamir Liaquat Hussain is previously (September 2009) involved in inciting violence against the Ahmadi sect which resulted in assassination of at least three Ahmadis in various parts of Pakistan?

It is high time that PEMRA must take action against Geo TV; law enforcing agencies in Pakistan must arrest the following and try them for inciting hatred and violence against religious minorities in Pakistan:

1. Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman, CEO of Geo TV
2. Hamid Mir, host of Capital Talk (Geo TV)
3. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, host of Aalim Online (Geo TV)

All international human rights organisations are appealed to exert their influence on the Government of Pakistan in order to put the culprits subject to a fair process of law.



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