Honouring a Pakistani Student: Ali Nawazish Sets A-Levels World Record

Ali gets 23 A-levels in 1 year

Top student ... Ali Moeen Nawazish

BRAINBOX Ali Moeen Nawazish has stunned school chiefs by scooping TWENTY-THREE A-levels in 12 months.

The 18-year-old passed 22 exams, plus two AS-levels — equal to one more A-level — to win a place at Cambridge University.

Ali, who has a “thirst for knowledge”, studied for up to ten hours a day. Yet amazingly he still found time to PLAY the guitar, CHAIR his music club, EDIT the school newspaper and ATTEND a leadership conference at US university Harvard.

Pakistani Ali scored A grades in subjects including three mathematics exams, physics, biology, psychology, computing, and English language.

He said: “I didn’t find it stressful — I enjoyed it. Some subjects were trickier than others, such as psychology.

“I began studying three days before the exam so there was a lot to get in.”

He also got a B in chemistry and a C in general further maths. Ali, who speaks English, Punjabi and Urdu, sat the UK accredited exams at Roots International College in Rawalpindi.

He now studies computer science at Trinity Hall. Ali, whose parents and sister are medics, added: “I’m doing my current degree as I love it. But I want to be a doctor so I hope to study medicine.”

Dr Nick Bampos — who interviewed Ali — said: “We’ve not heard of any applicant with anywhere near as many A-levels.”

The Sun

A rare achievement goes unnoticed in Pakistan
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
By Myra Imran

Though the recently approved National Youth Policy promises to boost sense of pride among youth by projecting its national heroes, the government has almost missed its first chance in this regard by not acknowledging Ali Moeen Nawazish, a young high-achiever.

Ali, a student of Roots School System, Rawalpindi, blazed his way into the Guinness Book of World Records, clearing 23 A-Level subjects and securing A Grade in 21 of them. He also became the first student in the world to secure 21 A Grades, the previous record being 13.

In the run-up to his examinations, the boy studied for up to 12 hours a day and in many papers he was the only one in the examination hall as he decided to appear in subjects rarely chosen by any Pakistani student.

In England, he was an instant celebrity at Cambridge where he sought admission following his remarkable success in A levels. He drew the attention of major international newspapers with CNN and BBC also airing his interviews. Ali has also been invited in many talk shows in the United Kingdom.

According to his teachers, the international media were keen on knowing his study schedule that enabled him to attempt four consecutive papers in one day. They were also amazed at how a student from a country where militants were constantly blowing up schools could top an international examination.

After reading the story of his hard work, thirst for knowledge and vision to compete at the international level, his school managers received many calls from the general public who felt proud to have such a star but unfortunately no relevant government official or department bothered to acknowledge Ali’s stunning achievement.

“Had there been any other country, Ali would have been recognised as a national hero,” said one of his teachers. “By not recognising his achievement, the government has actually lost an opportunity to boost the morale of youth, already frustrated with the prevailing uncertain situation,” she said.

The negligence of the relevant government departments is also against the thrust of National Youth Policy that aims to reinforce a sense of pride among youth and motivate them for achieving excellence. The official neglect also leaves a question mark over official claims of its policy’s implementation in letter and spirit.

To reinforce the sense of pride, awareness and motivation and to lift the morale of youth, the document mentions in its plan of action that the government will project national heroes in various walks of life by using various means of communication and media. It took the authorities 20 years to prepare and have this youth policy approved but it appears that it might take another two decades to actually start implementing it. (The News)


Appreciation by Dr. Safdar Mehmood (Jang)



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