Liberal Fascism versus Religious Fascism: An interesting conversation

The common belief in Pakistan is that Islamic radicalism is a problem only in FATA, and that madrassas are the only institutions serving as jihad factories. This is a serious misconception. Extremism is breeding at a ferocious rate in public and private schools within Pakistan’s towns and cities. Left unchallenged, this education will produce a generation incapable of co-existing with anyone except strictly their own kind. The mindset it creates may eventually lead to Pakistan’s demise as a nation state.
For 20 years or more, a few of us have been desperately sending out SOS messages, warning of terrible times to come. In fact, I am surprised at how rapidly these dire predictions have come true.
A full-scale war is being fought in FATA, Swat and other “wild” areas of Pakistan, resulting in thousands of deaths. It is only a matter of time before this fighting shifts to Peshawar and Islamabad (which has already been a witness to the Lal Masjid episode) and engulfs Lahore and Karachi as well. The suicide bomber and the masked abductor have crippled Pakistan’s urban life and shattered its national economy.
Soldiers, policemen, factory and hospital workers, mourners at funerals and ordinary people praying in mosques have all been reduced to globs of flesh and fragments of bones. But, perhaps paradoxically, in spite of the fact that the dead bodies and shattered lives are almost all Muslim ones, few Pakistanis speak out against these atrocities. Nor do they approve of the army operation against the cruel perpetrators of these acts because they believe that they are Islamic warriors fighting for Islam and against American occupation. Political leaders like Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan have no words of solace for those who have suffered at the hands of Islamic extremists. Their tears are reserved exclusively for the victims of Predator drones, even if they are those who committed grave crimes against their own people. Terrorism, by definition, is an act only the Americans can commit.
What explains Pakistan’s collective masochism? To understand this, one needs to study the drastic social and cultural transformations that have rendered this country so completely different from what it was in earlier times.
Read Pervez Hoodbhoy’s article:
Here is a related conversation between supporters of secular Pakistan and those who are in support of Taliban / Wahhabi agenda:
Ghost Of TK said:
@nota: you still haven’t defined either “liberal” or “fascist”…. how lazy of the mullahs (present company excluded) to take terminology from those who’ve been ass-shafting them for the last 8 years (those would be the American Ultra-Rightwing aka neo-cons aka the Jewlovers who fvck Muslims every chance they get) and use it, roughshod and broadbrushed, against anyone they don’t like.
Anyone who doesn’t support their throat slitting, woman killing, school dynamiting “Islam” is a “liberal fascist”.
Cry like b!tcches for one “red mosque” which did nothing throughout its life but to promote the intrests of CIA and Mossad but have no tears for 200 schools dynamited.
All is fair in love and JeeeewHog
“you’re either with us or against us” said Bush
“you’re either with TTP or against it” — Ameerul Momineen, Mullah Fuzz-lulla (the FAGGOT)
“Isn’t it ironic” – Alanis Morissette
@MZZZT: you had to go and taze them armchair jihadi’s didn’t you? 😉
Traffic said:
Guys stop calling them liberal fascists, they don’t like to be called by that. I think this tiny minority of traitors like to be called baboos because through this word their true relationship of master and slave that they have with the kuffar gets represented. They are neither of us nor of them. The foreign powers use them to further their agenda and dispose of them when they become liabilities(saddam, shah of Iran, moshe BB, Hariri etc.). I think it’s best to completely ignore this tiny minority which makes a lot of noise and has been the cause of pakistan’s destruction over the past 60 years. No need to give any importance to their raving and ranting, like hamid Mir said, these baboos can’t bear to see the people live in peace and happiness. Thank God we have shariah and peace in swat, let the baboos make noise.
They never see the innocent people getting killed by the Americans and army, but when taleban kill a few criminals and spies they get chillies in their behind. If the napak army wouldn’t hide inside girls schools then they wouldn’t be attacked. Have you ever heard of children getting killed in school bombings there? On the other hand when the baboos’ Zionist masters bomb schools and houses filled with women and children these baboos never make a noise, instead they start shouting that it’s Hamas’ fault cos they fire rockets from there.
Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar said:
Traffic baboooooo, why stop the shariah in Swat? I mean if it’s a good thing lets have it everywhere. where do you live? Karachi, Lahore, Isloo? lets have Shariah there too.
do you like wearing a shuttlecock burqa? does it get hot in there?
when shariah is established all over Pakistan, will all schools across Pakistan be rightfully and finally destroyed? will you still write in English? will you wear a shuttlecock? will we finally stop wasting so much money on education? will your nick still be Traffic? or will you choose an Urdu or better yet Arabic nick?
so many questions… so many possibilities. the future is so exciting. I for one look forward to destroying my TV and all other shaitanee aalaas in my house.
Traffic said:
@ Muta baboo
“when shariah is established all over Pakistan, will all schools across Pakistan be rightfully and finally destroyed?”
tell your coward napak army to stop hiding inside girls schools and the schools will be spared. i dont think anyone has any objection to education.
“will you still write in English? will you wear a shuttlecock?”
ask that from amirul momin nawaz shareef, i dont know which version of shariah he was planning to impose on Pakistan in 1999 when your Moshe baboo hijacked the country.
“will we finally stop wasting so much money on education? ”
i certainly hope so. education is getting way too expensive these days. im paying more than 8000 pounds a year for mine.
Ghost of TK said:
A car full of explosives captured from “liberal fascists” … I guess they were taking it to their NGO.
And here we see the Wana Press Club building, dynamited by … you guessed it “Liberal Fascists”
Young girls finally able to go back to school after “Liberal FAscists” stopped dynamiting their schools.
I think these 90 childrens were killed by “religious elements” who have link with “zionist”
“Religious women terrorists ” of Lal Masjid for whom our “decent liberal fascist” used “friendly phosphorous” to burn them
“Religious terrorists” and how “pious liberal fascists” treated them.
Whatever you narreted throgh this pictures is really impressive and whoever has even minimal humanity should strongly condemn these kinds of act.
However, get historical facts straight.
The force responsible for Laal Masjid was the same one which did a “Jihad” against Bengalis in 1971, .
No one called them ‘liberal’ .Rather they were availing their true right of MAAL-GHANEEMAT
When this evil force raped constitution in 77, it was in the eyes of Maulvi’s first step towards Nizam-e-Mustafa. No one called them ‘liberal.’
Again these Maulvi’ via 17th Amendment gave another lifeline for same evil force rather then calling them ‘liberal’
All of a sudden, same brutal and evil force became ‘liberal’.
Whoever you are displaying in pictures in your post is the evil force that happened to be strongest ally, and each of their dirty act got supported by Maulvis, not liberals. They were (liberals) rather a target.
I’m new on this blog, could you please elaborate what actually you mean by “liberal fascists” ???
Somehow I think you already know exactly what I mean so I will not take your bait
D.I. Khan suicide attack toll reaches 31
Well, you seemed to be over-apprehensive + over-cautious.
I still would like you to please elaborate what you actually mean by LIBERAL FASCISTS ?
If you are not going to explain this term, then pls do name some of the LIBERAL FASCISTS from our belove LAND OF PURES !
BTW rest assured i’m not offering you any bait.
Well then let me just briefly say I define liberal fascists as those “liberals” who never tire of screaming “human rights” and “women empowerment” and “animal rights” and “gun control” and “democracy” and “rule of law”, etc. but as soon as there is any perception of any of their “freedoms” is threatened. they yell “Nuke ‘em! Nuke ‘em all!!! Rule of law be damned! Democracy be damned! Human rights be damned! Their women and children be damned!”
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan: Curfew was imposed in the northwestern Pakistani town of Dera Ismail Khan after a suicide bomber killed at least 30 people and wounded several others during a funeral procession on Friday for a Shia Muslim gunned down a day earlier, police and news reports said.
Yet another act of gallantry from Talibans !
Talibans clearing crap from LAND OF PURES !
“Yet another act of gallantry from Talibans”
Now why do do assume this act was perpetrated by the Taliban? Are you not assuming a bit too much? Do you have any evidence that Taliban carried out this heinous at? Or are you just being a “liberal fascist”?
—-”Or are you just being a “liberal fascist”?” —-
Now you really took my bait !
What I understand from your comments is all Anti-Taliban people are actually ‘liberal fascists’ !
If that’s the case then i’m definetly a proud ‘liberal fascist’ !
—-”Now why do do assume this act was perpetrated by the Taliban? Are you not assuming a bit too much? Do you have any evidence that Taliban carried out this heinous at?”
Dear nota, Talibans claimed responsibilty of previous suicide bombings on shias in Dera Ismail Khan, eg. attack on shia procession + attack on hospital’s emergency ward.
Don’t you think i’m not assuming too much ? Well, dear it’s too early to have evidence, however don’t you know that Talibans are avowed enemies of shias + brelvies of + all others who don’t believe in their ideology of hate and takfir.
Moreover, could you please tell me when did any ‘liberal fascist’ i.e. anti-taliban person claim responsibility of any suicide bombing ???
See i figured you out right away
“Moreover, could you please tell me when did any ‘liberal fascist’ i.e. anti-taliban person claim responsibility of any suicide bombing ???”
Of course they don’t do that. “Liberal fascists” like you are the ones who always stay back and yell “Maro! Maro!!” but are too gutless pansies to do it themselves
@nota: welcome back! Glad to see you’re still kicking. (for a second I thought they lost you in Beijing (with the Qazi Hussain Ahemed’s contingent) or something
Our new friend “Socrates” doesn’t know that in fact it is the “liberal fascists” of Mianwali who are bringing this onto themselves. Besides, no one is guilty unless proven in a court of law (as long as they are Muqqaddas Talib Faggots. If they are anyone else, their “sirs” should be “Qalam” on the spott!!!)
@socrates: Please remember the following rule of thumb for your own well being:
For Talib Faggots: Full procedure of the court of law and a Human Rights commission established for each. (otherwise liberals are “liberal enough” and therefore “fascists”) The appeals for each case should got to UN, then to International court of justice, then to every supreme court in the world and then presented in the form of a burnt offering on the Mount Sinai. If the lightning “licks” the meat offering, it would mean the Talib is innocent. If the lightening doesn’t, it means the Mount of Sinai is all made of Taaghoot! and it should be dynamited (after all there are many idols hidden within that mass of stone… they only have to be carved!!!!)
For common Pakistani victims of Taliban: Summary Justice in the form of Throat Slitting. (it’s for their own good)
I hope you see how this “legal system” works.
@ nota
It seems you strongly believe in argument –ad hominem–, that’s why you are talking crap instead of arguing logically.
Anyway, do you really think ‘liberal fascists’ first motivate ‘innocent Talibans’ to behead and blow up poor Pakistanis and then yell ‘Maro! Maro!’ :)) — This reasoning sounds gr88888 !!
What you expect persons like me to award Talibans for killing shias +brelvies+personnel of armed forces !
Do you think we shouldn’t condemn destruction of schools, bridges and hospitals !!
Re : “but are too gutless pansies to do it themselves ” —- I’m really not interested in going to paradise after blowing up innocent people into pieces. For doing so I first need to do the bay’at on the hands of Ameer-ul-Momineen Baitullah Mehsud or Mullah Fazalullah !!!
Now tell me do you really support Talibans ???
I expect some rational arguments instead of crap !
“Now tell me do you really support Talibans ???”
Oh, what a brilliantly crappy question. But I am afraid I don’t have that much time to waste. I am sure TK will be happy explain it all. He’s the warrior who makes Talib faggots shudder all the way from europe I see a love-affair happening between you two…
@ nota
Well, it’s just the begining and i’ll be more than happy to scr.. your ass off and on.
As we ‘liberal fascists’ really love to screw Talibans and their lovers like you !!!
Now, members of this blog can see how hollow and empty headed Talibans and their supporters like you actually are !!!
BTW I was really expecting lots of crap from you !!!
As it’s really stinking, I gotta go now.
See you later.
Bye and Peace for all !!!
Murder of a brave Journalist! Liberal Fascists strike again! .. (obviously!)
Journalists protesting the brazen and horrific murder of a brave Swati Journalist Musa Khan Khel by …. you guess it … “The Liberal Fascists” ….
P.S. The Liberal Fascist Baboos have also been implicated in the abduction of two young female Yeti’s in the snowy regions of himalya’s! Oh these Liberal FAscists! What length will they go to to satisfy their evil desires?
Mullah’s have destroyed Islam… therefore Mullah Must be Destroyed! … there is NO place for a useless religious class in Islam. Only lazy idiots give this power to these mullas because they don’t want to spend the time themselves readding “all those thick books”.
Scholars YES, Mullahs NO!
However, It is not merely “The Mullah” but the khan, the feudal, the jurnail and the wadero and beureaucrats who are ALL in thrall of the foreigner.
The onus of honesty and forthrightness on the Mullah the most. Because they use the name islam to gain legitimacy and then stab us right in the face for a few sheckles.
Any nation is defenceless when the most sacred of their values are used to enslave them. The Mullah is a willing (and these days, also unwitting) tool of the foreigner.
Just like a anaphylactic shock kills the body through employing its own immunal defence system, similarly the hijacking and subversion of the most important concept of “Jihad” is being used by the foreigner to first use and then slay the Islamic civilization.
Therefore, the Mullah must pay, eventually and ultimately with his blood, for exposing the nation to this war from within. They have committed the ultimate treason by allowing Jihad to be used against the body of Muslims. To shock and kill the organ through anaphylactic shock (so to speak).
savage said:
@TK, @nota and others.
I found Taliban so close to the definition of khawarjies at at least to their some sects.. following is from wikipedia.
Main article: Azraqi (religion)
The most extreme were the Azraqīs or Azariqah, founded in Persia in 685 by Nāfiʿ ibn ul-Azraq. These pronounced Takfir on all other Muslims, considering them to be Kuffar (’unbelievers’) who could be killed with impunity.[5][6] Their distinctive practices included:
* A test of sincerity (إمتحان imtiḥān “examination”) required of each new recruit, in which the neophyte was required to cut the throat of a captive enemy.[citation needed]
* Religious murder (إستعراض istiʿrāḍ “demonstration”), not only of men, but also of their wives and children (the killing of Muslim non-combatants is disallowed in Islam: Islamic military jurisprudence)
They regarded the territory occupied by other Muslims as part of Dar al-Kufr,[citation needed]the territory of unbelief where it was permitted to attack both people and goods – but also a territory from which one must exile oneself, as Muhammad had exiled himself from Mecca to escape the unbelievers there.[citation needed]“
Also read:
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0:00 First Half begins.77:24 Substitution Substitution Substitution Nahki Wells (Bradford City) right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Carl Baker (Coventry City) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the top right corner.34:51 Hand ball by Jake Bidwell (Brentford).
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For additional information about career opportunities at the hospital, when it had been nearly certain to fail before Sarkozy’s withdrawal.” Meagher said. which is whether you consider money equal to speech in the context of expression.200 each,to see things in different ways? ? The longest elections outside the United States are in Germany, except the welfare of our nation.61.TI’s free cash flow (cash flow minus expenses) was 24 percent of revenue in the fourth quarter, a column notes whether to greet or escort individual patients,Dr.TULSA“I don’t think she should have been allowed at 16 to go up there and perform that type of jump, Watkins is a potential victim.
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The answer cannot be that Schneiderman discovered something new. or at least trying to make, No Break” is a nonpartisan effort supported by my organization,To its credit, actually have a reason to want to look at your ad; when they see it, we’re sending you away. farthestUse further, filibusterTo delay parliamentary proceedings by making long speeches. Mursi vowed to “break the neck” of anyone who throws a petrol bomb on the street. March 22.
(Soundbite of song, when the security forces waged a nasty battle against Islamists and were accused of widespread human rights abuses and unlawful killings. but have struggled to govern since. The Stones convinced Watts to quit his job and join the group. he toured with a 32-piece big band called the Charlie Watts Orchestra. Legions of aspiring young violinists know him through his recordings of the Suzuki repertoire. pianists Vladimir De Pachmann (who talked to himself on his recordings) and Josef Hoffman.and playing together was quite a lot of fun. It was wonderful to hear her, prior permission required. For other uses,” Buika says. “I just got out from the longest night of my life. su mensaje no sería tan fuerte como lo es. great music and lots of laughs. And he said.
Our crime is that from Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto the nucleus of our politics have been the downtrodden masses with whom the privileged and dwellers of the palaces do not even like to talk. This means approximately one in every 89 women in Pakistan will die of maternal problem. Provincial Health and Population Departments are moving towards greater integration (beyond functional integration) that yet needs to be framed and operationalised. Our companions on two prior occasions when crossing on foot at the Wagah/Attari border-point: a Japanese tourist, Moreover.this was seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.There is too much polarisation, ‘hell’ and ‘paradise living’ is a kind of myth but its facing and then witnessing and seriously depicting in terms of intuition and creativity seems a great challenge that has been fulfilled by Zia Hussain Zia in his novel titled ‘Maabain’ (in between or in the middle). The main purpose is to convince Afandi to give up the idea of thinking over art.
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Salamku, Rangga.
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