Internet Crime Alert – Watch this man “Dr. Shahid Qureshi” (from UK). He is dangerous. Involved in hate speech and pro-terrorism propaganda.
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I think this Shahid Qureshi is nothing. It is Abid Ullah Jan who is an active supporter of Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Guys , what is the matter with you? On the one hand we had the most corupt regime in the world lead by Mr Zaradri? Those who love Bhutto cant stand him and questiong why he hasnt registred a single FIR of the murder case. why Khalid Shenshah Hussain was killed in his government. He was his close ally that is why BB trusted him.
Watch this video of Abid Ullah Jan’s Abbu Jan:
In this video, Abid Ullah Jan, International Professor Earthman and Shahid Qureshi, Wahhabis are offering prayer together. Must watch.
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