The Return of Lal Masjid Brigade?

Maulana Abdul Aziz AKA Burqa-posh Maulvi of Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) has got released under an agreement that he will not create any trouble for the government, however according to Dawn hate literature and militant propaganda pamphlets and CDs were openly sold outside Lal Masjid during Friday prayers today.
As Interior Ministry informed the National Assembly that publication and distribution of hate literature has been banned, militant videos and pamphlets professing jihad were being sold openly just a few kilometers from there out side the Lal Masjid.
However, just outside the mosque, Saeed, a video seller told DawnNews ‘Now that Maulana Aziz has been restored, all activities will return.’
The motivational militant videos being sold outside the Lal Masjid include scenes from battles of Iraq and Afghanistan showing the attacks on US led coalition forces.
The jihadi films being sold in the heart of the capital shows videos of suicide bombers, and incite others to join in the fight.
In one of the videos, young boys are shown being launched as suicide bombers covered in glory, aiming at motivating young impressionable minds to follow them.
Some of the videos being sold outside the Lal Mosque are brought in from other areas, including the tribal agencies while others are made in local markets.
With the release of Maulana Aziz on bail, it was hoped things will be different from the past. But, the very act of selling militant videos resonated with scenes before the military action against Lal Masjid clerics in July 2007 when militant literature was being sold openly in a similar manner.
As per Daily UMMAT Mullah Aziz Allow Suicide Attack:
But Daily Ummat news has problem:
Go the nearest Library and search for Jasarat, Jang, Dawn, Aman and The News International of 1998 and 1999 to learn about its Editor Rafiq Afghan.
Late. Syed Salahuddin [Former Leader of JI and Former Editor of Jasarat and Founder of Weekly Tabeer Karachi] was killed in 1994.
Salahuddin’s daughter Sadia wife of Rafiq Afghan editor daily Ummat [Declaration was obtained by Syed Sahab for her daughter] clearly said that her husband Raiq Afghan [not to be confused he is not Pashtun but Urdu Speaking and former IJT Leader of Karachi University] murdered her father to capture his business and she wants divorce from him.
Editor Ummat – Rafique Afghan (not a Pashtun but Urdu Speaking Jamat-e-Islami Worker) [Former Employee of Takbeer – should we discuss how he occupied Ummat newspaper and snatched it from his benefactor (Late Salahuddin – May Allah have mercy on his soul) and how Rafiq Afghan beaten
[Takbeer, Jasarat, Jang, Dawn, Aman and The News International of 1998 and 1999] his own wife d/o Salahuddin for the sake of just a Newspaper.
Daily Ummat – Karachi [a breakaway Newspaper of Weekly Islamic Fascist Magazine of Karachi Founded by a Jamat-e-Islami Leader Syed Salahuddin] I hope you know as who are in the editorial board of both the publications the one and only Anal Retentive Lt. General Hamid Gul and guess what another member of that Editorial Board was Maulana Wali Razi [Taqi Usmani and Company].
Suicide bomb threat rings out in Pakistan capital (Reuters)6 April 2007 [Khalij Times and Reuters]§ion=subcontinent
ISLAMABAD – The chief cleric of a radical mosque in Pakistan’s capital trumpeted plans on Friday to set up vigilante Islamic courts and exhorted followers to become suicide bombers if their Taleban-style movement was forcibly suppressed. “Our youths will shake their palaces with their suicide attacks,” Maulana Abdul Aziz warned the government in a fiery sermon delivered to thousands of followers at Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in central Islamabad.
Followers of the radical clerics in Lal Masjid have become increasingly audacious in recent months, raising fears that for all President Pervez Musharraf’s talk of “enlightened moderation” he cannot stop a trend toward the Talebanisation of Pakistan. “They should not take the law into their own hands; this will create lawlessness in the country. We will not allow them, I will not allow this,” Musharraf told a convention for women’s health being held barely a kilometre away. So far, the authorities have been wary of confronting the anti-Musharraf and anti-American radicals at Lal Masjid for fear of provoking a wider backlash from conservative forces.
There were no police around the mosque and militant literature was sold openly, while chants of jihad, or holy war, rang out from loudspeakers.
“The government has been saying that an operation against us is the last option, I want to tell the government that suicide attacks are our last option,” Aziz said. “Yes, Yes, Allah-o-Akbar,” the worshippers shouted when Aziz asked them if they were ready to sacrifice their lives. Aziz also set a one-month deadline for the government to close down video and music shops, and bordellos.
“If the government fails to do this by the deadline, then our students will take action themselves,” he said amid more shouts of “Allah-o-Akbar”, or “God is Greatest”, from the congregation. Outside the packed mosque, hundreds more worshippers offered prayers on the roads, protected by youths carrying batons and some covering their faces with scarfs, while burqa-clad women stood on the rooftops of an adjacent madrasa. A bonfire of thousands of video and audio cassettes and CDs was set alight by a contrite shopkeeper outside the mosque as onlookers chanted “our way is jihad, jihad”.
Aziz said shariat, or Islamic law, courts would be set up and presided over by 10 clerics to stamp out vice in the capital, a sedate, suburban city hardly known for its vice dens. “Allah’s system on Allah’s land” and “We will sacrifice our lives to bring about an Islamic system” read two of the banners strung on trees on the waste ground outside the mosque where Aziz said the vigilante courts would be set up.
Pakistan already operates a parallel Islamic legal system alongside its civil penal code. Female students from the adjoining Jamia Hafsa madrasa, or religious school, raided a brothel last month, and took the owner and two of her relatives into custody until they repented.
City authorities have for months been at odds with clerics and their followers at the mosque over government attempts to demolish mosques illegally built on public land. Women from the Jamia Hafsa madrasa have occupied a library next door since January and their compound is akin to a fortified camp with young men guarding the gate and walls.
First violation of Islam and Quran by Abdul Aziz Ghazi after his release from prison:
Shortly after reaching the mosque, Maulana Aziz led Isha prayers offered at about 10:45, instead of the scheduled time of 8pm. [1 Reference]
إِنَّ الصَّلاَةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا
Worship at fixed times hath been enjoined on the believers. [AN-NISA (WOMEN) Chapter 4 – Verse 103]
Lal Masjid cleric vows not to seek revenge By Syed Irfan Raza Friday, 17 Apr, 2009 | 04:43 AM PST [1]
Burqa Video of Mullah Aziz
Abdul Aziz ghazi 01 Interview after arrest post by Zagham
As per Daily UMMAT Mullah Aziz Allow Suicide Attack:
But Daily Ummat news has problem:
Go the nearest Library and search for Jasarat, Jang, Dawn, Aman and The News International of 1998 and 1999 to learn about its Editor Rafiq Afghan.
Late. Syed Salahuddin [Former Leader of JI and Former Editor of Jasarat and Founder of Weekly Tabeer Karachi] was killed in 1994.
Salahuddin’s daughter Sadia wife of Rafiq Afghan editor daily Ummat [Declaration was obtained by Syed Sahab for her daughter] clearly said that her husband Raiq Afghan [not to be confused he is not Pashtun but Urdu Speaking and former IJT Leader of Karachi University] murdered her father to capture his business and she wants divorce from him.
Editor Ummat – Rafique Afghan (not a Pashtun but Urdu Speaking Jamat-e-Islami Worker) [Former Employee of Takbeer – should we discuss how he occupied Ummat newspaper and snatched it from his benefactor (Late Salahuddin – May Allah have mercy on his soul) and how Rafiq Afghan beaten
[Takbeer, Jasarat, Jang, Dawn, Aman and The News International of 1998 and 1999] his own wife d/o Salahuddin for the sake of just a Newspaper.
Daily Ummat – Karachi [a breakaway Newspaper of Weekly Islamic Fascist Magazine of Karachi Founded by a Jamat-e-Islami Leader Syed Salahuddin] I hope you know as who are in the editorial board of both the publications the one and only Anal Retentive Lt. General Hamid Gul and guess what another member of that Editorial Board was Maulana Wali Razi [Taqi Usmani and Company].
How would one justify the bail of Mawlana Aziz from a Supreme Court where appeal has been declared ANTI-ISLAMIC by the Deviant Sufi Muhammad and I wonder where have gone Mr Ansar Abbasi and his love of Restoration of Free Judiciary [in view of Mullah Sufi – a kind of Kufr]. Mawlana Aziz of Lal Masjid Brigade should reject his own bail in view of Grear Fiqh Sufi Muhammad’s Declaration that SC of Pakistan is Anti Islamic. Which Islam should we follow? Ansar Abbasi’s, Sufi Muhammad’s, Iftikhar Chaudhry’s or the real Islam [please pick the interpretation]. Two news from the same newspaper
1 – SC grants bail to Maulana Aziz in library case By Sohail Khan Thursday, April 16, 2009
2 – ‘Qazis’ verdict can’t be challenged in SC’ Thursday, April 16, 2009 : Sufi says appeals ‘tantamount to betrayal of Islam’
مولانا عبدالعزیز برقعے میں فرار ہوتے ہوئے گرفتار
بیورو رپورٹ
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد
وقتِ اشاعت: Wednesday, 04 July, 2007, 16:54 GMT 21:54 PST
I am really shocked to see that this thug,criminal and supporter of ALQUIDA is free….Pakistanis needs to decide what they want for their future?Present regime needs to stop making deals with everyone and Pakistani ARMY needs to crush these thugs,although PAK ARMY training is based on JIHAD but I think no one wants to deal with CHICKS WITH STICKS on ISLAMABAD streets again…if ZARDARI can’t control this mullah then let U.S. HAVE A DRONE SHOT ON HIM.
I am really shocked to see Mulana Burqa(Abdul Aziz)Once again standing the same place and day dreaming and wishing that rest of the world will turn muslim one day,while his or many other idiots like him believe that Islam is to whip the asses of the girls and blow up the humanity with a waiste full of explosives,I don’t think that the rest of the world is so dum to accept this nonsense and barbaric acts and start wearing BURQA and proud to be a muslim…..