Haroon-ur-Rashid’s advice to Imran Khan and Jamaat-e-Islami

Logic of an Imran Khan’s supporter (source: pkpol.)
rainbow22 said:
If Imran Khan can’t win (elections) then let army take over and PTI can work with them. Just like PPP and PML-N(always, exempt Musharaf) did work with army. Kiyani looks more honest then Musharaf, he stood against KLB.
In that periode they can change this dirty british system and punish criminals like Nawaz and Zardari(quick and speede justice).
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I totally agree with author.
Mera Watan
If our leaders were to place this quote across the wall in front of their celestial chair instead of Koranic verse.It would not only remind them,but their visitors also of the past.
“Your errors of the past makes your relationship
to others difficult.When the present shows that
you might repeat them.” Dag Hammarsjkold.
Our leaders are constantly repeating their follies without remorse.
Another Master Piece by janab haroon saab…must read