Attention Talibanic media-wallahs: Musharraf, and not Zardari, gave US insight into Pak nuclear command and control structure
US seeking to secure Pak nukes in case of ‘crisis’
WASHINGTON: The US has been negotiating highly sensitive understandings with the Pakistani military about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in the latest issue of The New Yorker magazine.
The journalist wrote that during meetings with current and former officials in Washington and Pakistan, he was told that the agreements would allow specially trained American units to provide added security for the Pakistani arsenal in case of a crisis. At the same time, the Pakistani military would be given money to equip and train Pakistani soldiers and improve their housing and facilities, says the report.
The principal fear was that “extremists inside the military might stage a coup, take control of some nuclear assets, or even divert a warhead”, notes Hersh.
The report says that the arrangement serves as a safeguard in case of a quickly escalating confrontation with India, but also makes the weapons vulnerable during shipment and reassembly.
Meanwhile, former president Pervez Musharraf acknowledged that his government had given US State Department non-proliferation experts insight into the command-and-control of the Pakistani arsenal and its on-site safety and security procedures, says the report.
US Embassy spokesman Larry Schwartz did not confirm or deny the report, but noted Hillary Clinton had recently said the US had confidence in Pakistan’s ability to protect its nuclear programmes and material. afp
From The Sunday Times September 20, 2009
Investigation: Nuclear scandal – Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan
The Pakistani scientist who passed nuclear secrets to the world’s rogue states has been muzzled by his government. In a smuggled letter, AQ Khan reveals his side of the story
The daughter, Kausar Khan, was taken to the local police station, although, contrary to usual practice, she was neither signed in nor signed out. The Dutch agents wanted to know why she had not opened the letter and whether she knew what was in it. She didn’t; she had merely been asked to look after it. Inside the envelope was a copy of a letter that Pakistan did not want to reach the West. The feared Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) had found the letter when they searched Dr AQ Khan’s home in Islamabad. He had also passed a copy on to his daughter Dina to take to her home in London, as rumours of Khan’s “proliferation” — jargon for the dissemination of nuclear secrets — swept the world. The Pakistani ISI were furious. “Now you have got your daughter involved,” they reportedly said. “So far we have left your family alone, but don’t expect any leniency now.”
South Asia – Pakistan lays down the agenda for the US By Seema Sirohi Dec 25, 2004
Meanwhile, what surprised some was Karamat’s dismissive tone about the A Q Khan affair, which he labeled a “proliferation episode” while denying any government complicity in it. “There was no government sanction, approval, or any kind of government connection with what went on,” he said flatly. But Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, in his 11-page confession reported in the US press in February, named Karamat, former chief of army staff General (retired) Mirza Aslam Beg and President General Pervez Musharraf as the men on top who were aware of what was going on. As the chief of army staff from 1996-98, Karamat was directly responsible for the safety and security of the nuclear program.
UNDER MUSHARRAF MILITARY RULE: In 2005 “Dr. Abdul Qadeer gave some centrifuges to Iran,” the minister, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “
Pakistan: Khan Gave Nuke Material to Iran Thursday, March 10, 2005,2933,149995,00.html
Biased & Anti Pakistan Journalist on GEO TV/Jang Group
GEO TV particularly Dr Shahid Masood and Saleh Zaafir have no shame while giving introduction of American Journalist Seymour M Hersh of The New Yorker magazine USA , they praised him [Daily Jang Internet Edition ]. Not only that Saleh Zaafir also praised Dr Shahid Masood as a Noted Intellectual of Pakistan who has invited a Journalist for a live TV Show who as per Foreign Office ” American journalist Seymour Hersh, had quoted “anonymous and unverifiable sources” for his assertions and article, ‘Defending the arsenal – In an unstable Pakistan can nuclear warheads be kept safe’, amounted to “nothing more than a concoction to tarnish the image of Pakistan and create misgivings among its people”. He said Seymour Hersh was known for his anti-Pakistan bias and for writing “sensational stories premised in far-fetched and imaginary scenarios. His latest article is no exception and is, therefore, strongly rejected.” No deal with US on security of N-arsenal: FO Dawn Report Monday, 09 Nov, 2009 | 07:53 AM PST