The Triple S Brigade’s ill-wish and Zardari’s grave

“The Triple S Brigade” (i.e. Shaheen Sehbai, Shahid Masood, Shireen Mazari) are persistent in their anti-democracy and pro-Taliban agenda.

Lady Taliban, Dr Shireen Mazari, the Resident Editor of The Nation, has released the following report on President Zardari, through her reporter Maqbool Malik (a close associate of Ansar Abbasi), about the possible location of Zardari’s grave.

The triple S brigade, and other Friends of Taliban in Pakistan, it would appear, are now resorting to ill-wishes in order to get rid of the democratic government. Here is the news item which appeared in The Nation on 11 November 2009, which is followed by a satirical analysis by Nazir Naji:

Zardari chooses Ghari Khudabakhsh as last abode
By: Maqbool Malik | Published in The Nation: November 11, 2009

ISLAMABAD – Struggling head-on to surmount a plethora of challenges, President Asif Ali Zardari has been contemplating about his future to the extent of even choosing his last abode, The Nation has reliably learnt on Tuesday.

According to sources close to the President, Asif Zardari has been brainstorming for some time whether it should be Ghari Khudabakhsh or Madina (Saudi Arabia) for his last resting place.

The sources were of the view that President Zardari has actually chosen Ghari Khudabakhsh as his last abode, which he reportedly believed, had more to do with the cause of democracy in the country.

“President Zardari is prepared to die for the cause of democracy rather than succumbing to any pressure to compromise”, the sources said.

According to the sources, the President has been making up his mind about his personal decisions for quite some time now. They also denounced the impression that he made up his mind after surviving three attempts aiming at unseating him from the power corridors. Rather, the sources added, the President was determined to do or die for his ambition of changing status quo with a governance system based on democracy and accountability.

Another source well acquainted with President Zardari shared with the TheNation the secret of Zardari’s self-assured grin saying, “It was always to give out a contrary impression.”

“Trust deficit has been haunting the President ever since he stepped into his political career”, the sources informed.

Ghari Khudabukhsh is the ancestral graveyard of President Zardari’s in-laws where apart from his assassinated wife and two times Prime Minister late Benazir Bhutto, his father in law late Z.A. Bhutto and brothers-in-law are buried.



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