“The dogs of war” unleashsed against democracy in Pakistan

In English, the dogs of war is a phrase from line 270, scene 1, Act III of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war” referring to releasing the “dog”, i.e. the restraining mechanism. In the context of Pakistani politics, it would appear that certain pro-establishment (read anti-democracy and/or pro-Taliban) dogs of war have been unleashed by the civil and military establishment in order to retrain or derail democracy. The current target of the dogs of war (namely Shaheen Sehbai, Shahid Masood, Shireen Mazari, Javed Chaudhry, Talat Hussain, Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi and other agents of anti-democracy forces) is indeed the elected president Asif Ali Zardari. Here is an apt analysis by Asadullah Ghalib.

Intellectual Dishonest Shaheen Sehbai!
Please keep one thing in mind while going through the article below that Mr Shaheen Sehbai had complained about the Falling Standards of The News International in 2002 [the standards fell when Mr Shaheen Sehbai resigned during Musharraf's Tenure in 2002] now standard of The News International is again risen since Mr Shaheen Sehbai has agin joined and now it can be compared with The New Yorker/ The Washington Post and The New York Times. Mr Shaheen's Magazine's story above on Dr. Maleeha Lodhi declares that her work is plagiarized and now note that the same Shaheen Sehbai tolerating her 'plagiarized' columns in The News International. What a shame.
Shaheen Sehbai VS Dr. Maleeha Lodhi & Jang Group of Newspapers.
Intellectual Dishonesty of Jang Group [Umar Cheema]
Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz.
An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra — Updated SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 . 51 COMMENTS in Featured Articles
UPDATE #1: An excellent expose by Shaheen Sehbai about the men behind Brig Billa: The Return of the Daylight Jackals. I would suggest that Mr Sehbai also look closer to home and get some answers from his employee Mr Rauf Klasra.
Seven lucky NRO club members By Umar Cheema Saturday, November 14, 2009
Brig Imtiaz had some interesting things to say to The News. First he said that he did not benefit from the NRO and was opposed to this law and he had not made any request for termination of cases and that “his lawyer did this on his own”. But despite repeated requests, he however refused to disclose the name of his lawyer. Then, after his quotes were read out to him on his request, he sought a change in his statement. “My cases were pending with the court by the time NRO was promulgated under which the cases were withdrawn,” his amended version claimed. Asked if he has consulted a lawyer for seeking pre-arrest bail, Imtiaz said: “I read newspapers and have heard different lawyers interpreting the status differently therefore I have yet to contact any lawyer for my bail.” He, however, castigated Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto for the NRO.
Shaheen Sehbai VS Jewish Community & Musharraf.
Mr Shaheen Sehbai is hellbent to give importance to Musharraf's comment [in Seymour Hersh's Story DEFENDING THE ARSENAL – In an unstable Pakistan, can nuclear warheads be kept safe? by Seymour M. Hersh NOVEMBER 16, 2009] on Zardari [I wonder where has gone the wish of Journalists of Jang Group of Newspaper for Musharraf's Trial for violating article 6 of 1973 Constitution]. It is further mentioned here that Seymour M Hersh belong to the American Jewsih Community. Please go through Mr Shaheen Sehbai's article which was published in his web based magazine South Asia Tribune [he founded SAT in USA when he escaped from Pakistan in 2002 and adopted self imposed exile in USA].
Shaheen Sehbai VS Wajid Shamsul Hasan & Jang Group of Newspapers.
Mr Wajid Shamsul Hasan is condemned by Mr Shaheen Sehbai for lacking intellectual, moral and professional integrity and Mr Shaheen Sehbai alos alleged that many journalists [that includes Mr Wajid Shamsul Hasan] sought or accepted political, diplomatic or government jobs, or joined political parties as activists, should be asked to explain why they did not quit journalism to do so and why they continued to use the profession to get, keep or regain lucrative jobs or positions of power.
Intellectual Dishonesty of Shaheen Sehbai
Please keep one thing in mind while going through the article below that Mr Shaheen Sehbai had complained about the Falling Standards of The News International in 2002 [the standards fell when Mr Shaheen Sehbai resigned during Musharraf's Tenure in 2002] now standard of The News International has again risen since Mr Shaheen Sehbai again joined and now it can be compared with The New Yorker/ The Washington Post and The New York Times.
Mr Shaheen should review his statement that “journalists lacking intellectual, moral and professional integrity and Mr Shaheen Sehbai also alleged that many journalists [that includes Mr Ayaz Amir] sought or accepted political, diplomatic or government jobs, or joined political parties as activists, should be asked to explain why they did not quit journalism to do so and why they continued to use the profession to get, keep or regain lucrative jobs or positions of power. Mr Ayaz Amir [MNA -PML-N] often contribute as a columnist for The News International and that too when Mr Shaheen Sehbai is Group Editor of The News International]
Shaheen Sehbai VS Ayaz Amir & Jang Group of Newspapers.
Shaheen Sehbai Exposed – Jang Group VS Jang Group! Only A Rat Asks Who Will Bell The Cat!
Nayyar Zaidi January 27, 2000 http://www.chowk.com/articles/4699
This article is in response to Mr Shaheen Sehbai's Who will bell the bad, fat cats?. The author would like to clarify that it is not a personal attack, but an attempt to question the ideas and personal allegations expressed in the above article. In the words of the author,
What proof did Mr Sehbai offer
that the 12 people mentioned in the article had become millionaire(s) overnight and that the wealth they allegedly earned was unlawful?
The Pakistani “journalists” living or stationed here (in the West)have no right to judge their distant peers who live and practice journalism in a totally different environment. The only exception would be those who come out in
public moaning and groaning about being victimized. We do not need an Altaf Hussain of journalism in United States! If you wish to hold peers accountable, a proper way is to evaluate
their work and products. This can be done by taking specific stories and columns and measuring them with the “yardstick”of journalistic and linguistic principles. This may be done in a “media watch” type of column.
Using your own approach, of suspecting the motives (the hidden agendas), please consider this (and correct me, if I am wrong): The DAWN-USA.com is a business for profit web-site owned by you and/or your immediate family. You have advertisers who sponsor on the basis of “traffic” to the web-site. Your advertising rate also depends on the number of people who visit.
Please answer these questions, if you have any respect whatsoever for your own “credibility”, if any, and “integrity”, if any:
1) Are you losing your main source of income (DAWN Correspondent) in near future and, therefore, need to boost your income from other sources (like your web-site business)?
2) Have your web-site revenues fallen to a point where advertisers may withdraw unless you boost the traffic?
3) Or, you already have or plan to ask the advertisers to increase their rates because of the purported or anticipated increased traffic to your web site (as a result of this reckless attack on the professional integrity of your peers and others)?
It is this last possibility that disturbed me enough to oppose your approach. You may continue this disconcerting approach simply to maintain
traffic to your web-site. By wilfully using a “popular slant” (see para three) you may be trying to increase your income at the expense of other peoples' reputations. This sort of attack is not protected by First Amendment, to the best of my belief.
Please consult your lawyers (if it is Maggio & Kattar, please show it to them for your own sake, please). I give unsolicited advice only when I believe that irreparable harm could be caused to someone, if I (temporarily or forever) held both my peace and piece! The added controversy that may follow my response, may help you in the short-run, increasing “traffic” to your web-site. Perhaps, you used the term yardstick only as a figure of speech. It is
one nasty instrument in real life. It is 36 inches long, it is very stiff and, if applied ruthlessly, it causes unbearable pain.
This is why the prudent amongst us do not ask for it!Nayyar Zaidi is a Washington-based writer and commentator on South Asian and Islamic affairs. He has been a subject matter expert for CNN since 1986 and has also appeared on major networks like CBS, ABC, PBS.
There's a movement to radically change California government, by getting rid of career politicians and chopping their salaries in half. A group known as Citizens for California Reform wants to make the California legislature a part time time job, just like it was until 1966.