Fazail-e-martial law wa khabais-e-jamhooriat

Here is a column by the unofficial spokesperson of the Ziaist (military) establishment in Pakistan, Haroon-ur-Rasheed in defence of the military establishment and against democracy. Mr Haroon-ur-Rasheed has in the past written an official history of Islam, titled ‘Fateh’, a biography of General Akhtar Abdur Rehman.



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  1. Agha H Amin
  2. Abdul Nishapuri
  3. Jarri Mirza
  4. Irum Khan
  5. Aamir Mughal
  6. Aamir Mughal
  7. Aamir Mughal
  8. ヴィトン 財布 メンズ 小銭入れなし
  9. レースチュールワンピース