Fazail-e-martial law wa khabais-e-jamhooriat

Here is a column by the unofficial spokesperson of the Ziaist (military) establishment in Pakistan, Haroon-ur-Rasheed in defence of the military establishment and against democracy. Mr Haroon-ur-Rasheed has in the past written an official history of Islam, titled ‘Fateh’, a biography of General Akhtar Abdur Rehman.

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yellow journalism
HR must read the 2009 report by the Transparency International.
“TI Pakistan Chairman Syed Adil Gilani said TI Pakistan was of the view that terrorism was the direct result of poverty, which had resulted due to corruption, especially the illegal direct, or indirect, rule of armed forces in Pakistan since 1951 to 2007. The endorsements provided to military regimes by a corrupt judiciary were also to be blamed.”
However, people such as HR can only offer a selective and distorted version of history and facts. What a pity!
Abdul- this is fact that they only offer selective and disorted version of history and facts.. between i disagree with Agha Amin because its not a journalism so how cud it be yellow.. they are talibans having camera,mics and pens to write the visions of their Bigg Boss Taliban Leaders.. Why dont we are having a long march against these traitors? I wish there is a March against Hamid Mir, Sehbai, Haroon ur Rasheed, Shahid Masood, Javed Chaudhary, Kamran Khan and their BOSS Ansar Abbasi ( BAAP OF TRAITORS ), A march towards peacefull Pakistan !! Long Live Democracy, Long Live Pakistan !!
mr jarri- u forgot some names to mention like shireen mazari and talat hussain. i agree with jarri that this is not a jouralism its a clear cut version of anti state group who wants to destablize the system just because of their dad's to come and rule our homeland. you ppl are doing the best work for Pakistan and i am ready to be a part of that march which will make our country Peacefull. Pakistan Zindabad.
Yellow and Pro Martial Law Journalism of Ansar Abbasi in Daily Dawn during 1999. Not a single time Ansar adress Musharraf as CMLA but Ansar was very respectful towards “alleged Chief Executive” Musharraf. You may not find a single personal observation by Ansar Abbasi on Constitutional Tampering by Military Regime. Musharraf was given mandate by Ansar Abbasi's Hero CJ Iftikhar M Chaudhry to tamper with the Constitution, Iftikhar was in the bench which legalized Musharraf's First Martial Law.
Ansar Abbasi Praised Musharraf Martial Law, Article 6 & NAB Cases ???
During 1999 Ansar Abbasi was Praising General Musharraf Martial Law Regime's “Alleged Reforms” when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973Constitution of Pakistan. Read the news reports which Ansar Abbasi filed in the Daily Dawn in 1999.
HOW ANSAR ABBASI VIOLATED ARTICLE 6 OF 1973 CONSTITUTION BY ALMOST JUSTIFYING MUSHARRAF'S MARTIAL LAW'S DRACONIAN NATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY BUREAU [Ansar Abbasi was a correspondent of Daily Dawn]REFERENCE: MORE DETAILS ON DRACONIAN NATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY BUREAU: Human Rights Developments http://www.hrw. org/legacy/ wr2k1/asia/ pakistan. html REFERENCE: Special Corruption Courts in Asia http://www.u4.no/helpdesk/helpdesk/queries/query19.cfm Pakistan Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 2002 March 31, 2003 http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2002/18314.htm
Haroon ur Rasheed Exposed.
He is condemning Nawaz for being a creation of Martial Law whereas Harron himself is a creation of ISI-CIA Nexus famous Afghan Test through which Hamid Gul and co created many such journalists.
Haroon Rasheed Comes to Rescue his Nephew & Brother
Haroon Rasheed wrote a column in Jang today in support of Rauf Klasra calling him as his brother and his nephew Mohammad Malick in response to their exposed corruption by PKPolitics. Journalist Corruption Scandal – Mohammad Malick
The charge of the minus-one brigade Ayaz Amir
Islamabad diary Friday, November 20, 2009
A week is indeed a long time in politics. Just last week the get-Zardari campaign was in full swing. Media gladiators — now very much the media’s vanguard — and assorted weather prophets were convinced (they had certainly convinced themselves) that he had to go. Indeed, that his departure was inevitable. They only differed about the timing.
Their first self-imposed deadline was September. When that passed — President Zardari, spending most of that month on a never-ending series of foreign visits — the deadline shifted to October. Then it was November, then December, some optimists being so specific as to propose Dec 7 as D-Day. But just in a few days all this feverish speculation, some of it accompanied by near-foaming at the mouth, has suddenly died down, all because of two developments:
(1) The note of defiance struck by Zardari at a meeting of the PPP Central Executive at which he declared that no matter what his enemies said, the PPP would not succumb to pressure and would continue its “forward march”; and
(2) Nawaz Sharif’s clear affirmation, leaving nothing to doubt, that if there were any threats to the democratic system he would stand in the way.
demographics Day. composition (item I, sector 2.) taking part the 2010 census is truly compulsory, instead of non-reflex. is carrying counted its actual culture since April 1. often the son many used strike coyotes since an aircraft. that had been the fundamental job he may get. at this time large number of moments generally existing work opportunities to have guilty felons.the leukemia disease commonly is cared for first and serious radiation treatment into kill the cells of cancer. the person can take place to become a lot more bad at the time of method transformation aspect effects of cancer having difficulties medicine. after this initial level, the radiation and additional medications might managed.
Genius Who Seems To Be Afraid Of men.