Zardari responsible for corruption in Pakistan?

In the following op-ed, Nazir Najis argues that it is not politicians but the civil and military establishment which is the biggest thief in Pakistan.

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In the following op-ed, Nazir Najis argues that it is not politicians but the civil and military establishment which is the biggest thief in Pakistan.
Kamran Khan, Rigged Military Contracts & Partial NAB.
NAB has evidence of mass corruption in past defence deals NAB still to take up cases against corrupt officers; documents with NAB suggest many deals made by military men involved kickbacks News Intelligence Unit by Kamran Khan ‘The News’ dated August 29, 2000
Corruption rooted in Pak army: PPP Shyam Bhatia in London | September 17, 2003 03:18 IST
The Lahore high court in Pakistan is being overwhelmed by complaints of military corruption involving the highest ranking generals, officials of the Pakistan Peoples Party have revealed.
The PPP, which says military corruption has reached unbelievable levels, lists some of the alleged kickbacks received by generals, air marshals and admirals contained in a petition submitted to the court.
The petition includes claims that:
Air Chief Marshal Abbas Khattak (retired) received Rs180 million as kickbacks in the purchase of 40 old Mirage fighters.
Air Chief Marshal Farooq Feroz Khan was suspected of receiving a 5 per cent commission in the purchase of 40 F-7 planes worth $271 million.
In 1996, the Pakistan Army bought 1,047 GS-90 Jeeps at a cost of $20,889 per unit. The market value of the vehicle then was only $13,000. According to the National Accountability Bureau, some senior army officers made Rs 510 million in the deal.
One hundred and eleven army men got 400 plots in Bahawalpur and Rahimyar Khan districts at throwaway prices –Rs 47.50 per kanal (1/8th of an acre) as against the market rate of Rs15,000-20,000. Six respondents got 400 kanals in Punjab, while former NAB chairman Lt Gen Mohammad Amjad was allotted a two-kanal plot on Sarwar Road in Lahore for just Rs 8,00,000, payable in instalments over 20 years. The market value of this plot was Rs 2 crore.
Gen Pervez Musharraf acquired a commercial plot worth Rs 2 crore at the Defence Housing Authority in Lahore for just Rs 1,00,000, payable in 20 years. “As mentioned in the report of defence services director-general, a loss of Rs 5 billion was incurred due to such allotments,” the petition says.
The army awarded a contract for the purchase of 1,000 Hino trucks at $40,000 a unit when the local Gandhara Industries had offered trucks of the same specification for $25,000 a piece.
In the purchase of 3,000 Land Rovers in 1995, army officials allegedly received around Rs20,00,000 as kickbacks.
The army management at the Water and Power Development Authority purchased electric meters at Rs 1,050 a piece against the market price of Rs 456, causing a loss of Rs 165 crore to the national exchequer.
A former military regime sold the Pak-Saudi Fertilizers for Rs 700 crore and earned a Rs 200 crore commission on the deal.
In 1996, the Pakistan Navy spent Rs 1.3 crore on installing air-conditioners at the Islamabad Golf Club without any justification.
Apart from this petition, some other major scams involving serving or retired members of the military junta detailed by the PPP are as follows:
Former army chief General Jahangir Karamat took kickbacks of more than US $20 million from a Ukrainian tank company selling tanks to Pakistan through a middleman named Colonel Mahmood, a brother tank corps officer of Karamat. Former prime minister Nawaz Sharief sent the present chief of WAPDA, Major General Zulfiqar, then serving in the Inter-Services Intelligence, to the Ukraine and Azerbaijan to investigate the scandal.
A Gory Tale of Lies, Greed and Deception
Nighat Yasmeen November 10, 2003
I really cannot recall if I ever missed March 23 live armed forces parade on TV until my late teens. Oh, what an ardent fan, devoted admirer I was of the military. Used to get thrilled by the majestic corteges and palatial of generals. Incomprehensible difference between gratis luxurious sections at CMHs for kith and kin of military officers and stinking surgical wards for general public of government hospitals never struck me. Nor did I ever think of the extreme ridiculousness of city centres infested with hoses depicting Shaheens and Ghauris, old tanks, artillery pieces and military aircrafts.
Like all (West) Pakistanis I had always believed, as taught in the school, that erstwhile East Pakistanis were traitors, deserved to be dealt with iron fist. Never were we told about the grisly part our uniformed messiahs played in that tragedy. In short, the fairy tales of the grandiose accomplishments and utter infallibility of our armed forces hypnotized me, like most of the fellow compatriots. Reasons behind why Pakistani youth are more interested in killing and dying than in living never bothered me.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss. After high school, and to some extent with the advent of the Internet, and consequently an easy access to information beyond military-sponsored misinformation, a bit of objective analysis and euphoria evaporated. I realized how miserably hoodwinked we had been. Right from school textbooks to TV-serials we are popped with half-baked truths, historic distortions and mendacious hyperboles. What I discover was shoddier than my worst imaginations. What I found was altogether hollow aura meticulously created through systematic spin.
'NAB forgot ex-HBFC chief after dumping him somewhere' – Bureau Report – ISLAMABAD, May 18: The prosecutor-general of National Accountability Bureau, Farooq Adam, on Thursday told the Supreme Court that they had forgotten Siddiqul Farooq, former chairman of the House Building Finance Corporation, after having dumped him somewhere.
Ansar Abbasi, Draconian NAB & Siddiqul Farooq (PML – N)
Ansar Abbasi & Extremely Prejudiced National Accountability Bureau.
One can recall the statement of Farooq Adam in the apex court that NAB had ‘dumped and forgotten’ former chairman of the HBFC, Siddiqul Farooq. Can that organization be termed professional whose PG (seniormost prosecuting officer) issues such a feckless statement in front of Supreme Court judges?