PTI Confusion – by Zainab Qureshi

Between the excitement of PTI’s massive rally in Lahore on 30 October and Imran Khan’s critics, I’m thoroughly confused. My facebook newsfeed is littered with Imran Khan support – it seems like almost everyone I know, young, old, rich, not-so-rich, friends, co-workers, all want to see him in power. I still have my reservations, and several questions, answers to which would certainly help somewhat.

When you vote, you vote in a party – an administration, a system – not an individual. In this case, what’s the party like, beyond the individual? Who is the senior leadership of PTI? Why haven’t we heard more about them? What kind of credentials, experience, potential do his senior members have? Why does the hype start and end at Imran Khan? Personally, I’m not a big fan of the man’s, so where does that leave me? I think he’s too much about the ‘I’ and his own legacy. I wonder, can he be a good team player? An effective leader?

When I vote, I vote for what I believe a party can achieve; not just the promises they make, but some kind of realistic game plan on how to achieve those goals. Although PTI’s manifesto seems fairly comprehensive (albeit highly ambitious), in Imran Khan’s speech, I saw larger-than-life, unrealistic promises. And more than what was there in the speech, I find what was missing worrisome. Where is his economic policy? How does he plan to tackle the most basic problems of this country – inflation, power-shortages, water-shortage, a complete collapse of industry, lack of jobs, general economic decline to the point of bankruptcy? Who is his team of economic advisors? Who will manage fiscal and monetary policy for him? What experience does he – or any member of his team, for that matter – have in this area?

Furthermore, for my own information, I’d like to know who is funding his campaign. Beyond the rumours, what exactly is his relationship with the military? What linkages does he have with the religious right – and to what extent will he cater to them and bend to their demands? Is he really a closet taaliban, or is that just something his critics say? How big a proponent/leader of the ‘ghairat brigade’ is he, really? Where is the evidence to back or refute any of these rumours?

Given the appalling state of our country at the moment, particularly with regard to the mindboggling levels of corruption and the dire economic situation, I’d be willing to temporarily overlook some of these issues; assuming that he is not excessively right-leaning. What I can’t overlook is complete lack of direction as to how the big issues will be tackled, and the lack of a solid team guiding a fairly inexperienced (though seemingly good-hearted) cricketer-turned-politician. Hopefully, between now and the elections, some of these questions will be answered. Comments?

Related posts: Some questions about Imran Khan’s PTI NA-USA LLC – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi

Imran Khan’s financial credibility? – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi



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