Sparking Terrorism – by Syed M. Raza

Since 2004 Pakistan has faced the largest number of Suicide bombings in almost all major cities of Pakistan. Yesterday I was reading an article on daily metro published from London, in which there was some news about Inter faith dialogue and religious harmony. There were Christians, Hindu, Muslims and Jews scholars present at that dialogue.

At that time suddenly my mind clicks that beside there were many conferences, dialogues and forums have been held in Pakistan’s five stars hotels about the interfaith harmony among the Islamic sects, but no outcome.

Still we are facing the suicide bombings in our Madaris, Shrines of Sufis and saints, Mosques and Imambargahs. I searched the books, Internet and tried to solve this issue that despite of showing Interfaith among sects why still a Muslims from jafari sect avoids to offer namaz in a deoband sect mosque, and why bralvi green turban guy hesitate to go offer namaz in a Ahlehadees mosque. Sudenly i come across some fatwa from some of the salafi leaders who are sending there videos from Riyadh, they clearly saying that those who go to Shrine of a Sufi, who offer fatiha, they are all Kaafir( infidels ) and Mushrik(monotheist). I was shoked after seeing this all, the fatwas from salafis who are working by under the Umbrellas of Ahle hadees in Pakistan specially in major cities.They are working by the name of Quran o Sunnah in England, and Anjem Choudhry is leading them. I again searched more videos, more literature and my searcing was going deep and deep and i am sorting out that who is behind all this, i thought Taliban is promoting their own version, they are extremist. But after i searched all out i got the result that talibans are backed by the Saudia and Jordan salafi Shaikhs.The have different working names in almost all regions of the world. They are promoting their literature in which they clearly states that any One who ask for Help except from God is Infidel and considered as a Kaffir. Even some of these videos can be searched on Internet and Google as well.Praising the character of Yazeed on the occasion of Ashura procession by Pakistani community in Luton(England) in the year 2009, trying to impose Salafi shariah Law, free distribution of their literature in Pakistan.

Involvement of Saudi Arabia in Raymond davis case, proving that Islam is a religion of peace(fees).The Suicide bombers who have been trapped by the Pakistan security force when put to remand they clearly told that we are Salafis and all the shia and sunnis are kaafir.Going to shrines, asking for Help except Allah, offering Fatiha, showering flowers on graves of beloved ones, celebrating the meelad(birth occasion of prophet and his Holy household) these are all act of shirk.Formation of Pakistan was a combine effort from all sects of Islam whether he is a Shia, Ahle sunnat, Deobands, Every sect is allowed to practice their religion with out any hesitation,if some says that going to shrines or celebrating meelad is not permitted than we have to repect their belif. But if any one preparing the minds of others and convincing them to attack on those who do all this terrorist act , is not permitted. Even some of these videos can be searched on Internet and Google as well.Praising of Yazeed on the occasion of Ashura procession in Luton in the year 2009, the incidents of Gojra, Faislabad and Karachi are the act of translataion of their believes.

Trying to impose Salafi shariah Law, free distribution of their literature in Pakistan. Involvement of Saduia Arabia in Raymond davis case, proving that Islam is a religion of peace(fees). Silence of salafis in after the death money paid, putting the posters on the streets of Pakistan about Shirk, prohibiting others not to offer namaz behind the sunni aur a shia muslim scholar. The religious scholars who belive in religious harmony should come out and expose these terrorist who are trying to invade Pakistan on the name of ‘Saudi ISLAM’.



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