Salman Taseer’s murder: An assault on the integrity of Islamic faith – By Taha Kehar
Salman Taseer’s murder highlights nothing but the small-mindedness of a microscopic faction of extremists who do not value justice. It is, in all earnest, an assault on the integrity of the Islamic faith.
As I write this post, I am constantly distracted by the footage on my television screen. I suspect that a crippling sense of mortification has impeded my thoughts from finding utterance. But I am convinced that if I surrender to this feeling of embarrassment, I will ultimately be admitting my defeat to those rabid elements that are brainwashing innocent minds into believing that Islam is under threat from Western secularists and their followers. It is important to immediately challenge this misapprehension in case these elements grow stronger.
It has been reported that Salman Taseer’s disapproval of the Blasphemy Law enraged the ‘anti-secularists’ and possibly led them to orchestrate this murder. But it is important to note that the conflicts of interest that provided the impetus for this political murder are nothing more than a discrepancy. The Blasphemy Law is a contentious legislation that has been misinterpreted and oftentimes misused just to secure parochial interests. Its implementation is equally questionable as there no feasible mechanism to determine the veracity of any allegation of heresy.
One can easily distinguish this from the popular legal adage that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. The ‘anti-secularists’ may argue that other legislations – perhaps those that account for criminal offences such as murder or rape – are also subject to misuse. But it is essential for them to realize how ineffectual a line of reasoning this is. After all, accusations of committing blasphemy are technically an assault on having the courage the voice an opinion. They are, in essence, a threat to democratic principles.
Intriguingly, the Prophet of Islam understood this point of view at a time when the philosophical connotations of democracy were not as thoroughly enforced as they are today. He did not condemn skeptics and naysayer or take their criticism as umbrage. Instead, it spread the message of God in a way that appealed to them and progressively brought them into the fold of Islam. Then why is it that these fanatics feel obliged to abrasively defend any attacks on Islam when their Prophet exercised nothing but forbearance in the face of criticism?
Salman Taseer alluded to the Blasphemy Law as a “kaala Qanoon” (black law). This term of reference appears only logical and justified. Firstly, it reflects on how the law defeats the purpose of defending Islam against vile attacks by perpetuating injustice and intolerance. The statement thus implies that Islam is steadily losing its intrinsic character of peacefulness. Secondly, it indicates how the Muslim World has veered further away from its secularist tendencies. (A historical overview of governments in the Islamic World in the 10th century will verify this approach)
Therefore, it can be concluded that Salman Taseer’s assassination is a major turning point for the Islamic world and the fact that many elements within it are possibly pleased by his death is shameful.
You are absolutely right brother, I am ashamed at this disgrace of humanity.
Salman Taseer’s murder highlights nothing but the small-mindedness of a microscopic faction of extremists who do not value justice. It is, in all earnest, an assault on the integrity of the Islamic faith.
Are we living in the society of bigots and extremists?
Is this our religion Islam ?
Is this act in itself blasphemous?
I am literally ashamed.
Islam = Peace
DADA Ger Punjab govt Irresponsible Media are creation this Situation Then result is murder of Salmaan Tassr !
Keep deluding yourself that this is a microscopic fraction. They are certainly enough in number and power to change the actions of the government – whether they got elected or not is irrelevant, if any government elected will follow their domination anyway. The protests against the amendment of the inhuman law were attended by far, far more people than attended the funeral of the governor. The Facebook pages praising the assassin had far more likes than anything criticizing them.
It is one thing to look at the twenty people you know who are shocked and it is another to claim that the majority is like that.
If you want change to happen, it MUST begin with accepting how widespread the rot is. Or, you’ll only keep comforting yourself that things are not as bad as they appear and keep sliding into horror one inch at a time.
Wake up out of this pathological self-delusion and be the change. Just claiming that things are different from what we see doesn’t help anyone and ends up supporting the extremists simply by allowing them to go on unchallenged.
There is no doubt that the people praising the killer are a minority, but indeed, a vocal and violent minortiy. I do not want to condemn any muslim over here, but the truth is that the barelvi sect which is most vocal in its support of the killer, i.e. Mumtaz Qadri, hardly listens to any kind of logic or reasoning in any of its beliefs. So, the best thing to do for the rest of us in Pakistan is to think through this thing and reflect on what went wrong.
Islam is a religion of Pakistan. There is no extremism in Pakistan a land of Peace full people.