A poem inspired by Mohammed Al Nimr’s speech at the IFUT/ University of Washington conference – by Tahir Hussain
Alnamer’s Blood Will Culminate
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
This reign of terror will be over
A hurricane of reaction will emerge.
And will strike the castles of the rulers.
Every palace of pleasure will be destroyed .
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
The slogan of truth was bitter
Was there any fault of Alnamer?
When truth was emerging from his mouth
The foundation of government was shaking
The truth will definitely manifest its force
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
You the rulers are peeping in different countries
And begging help for your defense
You know How bold you are
You are beating about the bush.
You will get nothing
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
What type of servant of Harem are you?
Every one knows you are desecraters
You are very bad administrator
You are cruel towards Hajis
This veil of false honor will be removed
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
This all ( Kaba/madina) is the legacy of the progenies of the prophet
This green dome also belongs to them you are afraid of legitimate owners
This is now an open secret
That the usurpers must go one day
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
Every drop of Alnamer’s blood
Is the indication of grandeur of martyrdom
You are really afraid of this bloood
Of course the tyrants will be wiped off
And these vultures will fly away
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
The area which produces oil
That area gets nothing
Every usurper is thriving on it
And their government is running on it
The reign of justice will come
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction
There is every likelihood that sword will be out of scabbard
And strike at the neck of every king
And penetrate through their bodies
And their turbans fly in the air
Then every despot will be perished
Alnamer’s blood will culminate in serve reaction