Deobandis in Pakistan divided on ISIL terrorist Abu Bakar’s Caliphate – ABNA Report


On the other side Tahir Ashrafi, a Deobandi cleric, has said that Mulla Omar was already chosen as commander hence he will decide whether to accept Baghdadi as Caliph or not.

Eminent figures of Deobandi sect of Pakistan divided on the self-proclaimed Caliph Abu Bakar Baghdadi of notorious terrorist outfit ISIL. Pro-Bakar graffiti was daubed in Bannu and a Deobandi cleric thinks Taliban ringleader Mulla Omar will decide whether to accept new Caliph or not.

Banned Deobandi terrorist group Sipah-e-Sahaba has already expressed its support to their new Caliph infamous Abu Bakar al Baghdadi. Now, they have daubed graffiti on walls in Bannu, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa province. The graffiti praised him and condemned founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

On the other side Tahir Ashrafi, a Deobandi cleric, has said that Mulla Omar was already chosen as commander hence he will decide whether to accept Baghdadi as Caliph or not.

Yazidi takfiri nasbi terrorists have already formed an underground outfit namely Ansar ud Daulat ul Islamia in Pakistan to express the notorious takfiri terrorist outfit ISIL’s agenda in Pakistan. Notorious takfiris launched a propaganda campaign in Urdu language. They are misusing social media. Their tweet account shows them ally of the ISIL. It is said that their propaganda material is to shows that they want to incite anger and hatred and want Muslims fight against one another.

Banned pro-Taliban terrorists group Ahl-e- Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) also known as Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP) also recognized Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi as Caliph. It is believed that Ansar ud Daulat ul Islami in Pakistan is a shadowy cover for their terrorist activities.

The members of banned group have also distributed sweets and gave congratulations to each other after the announcement of so-called Islamic Caliphate. Many of takfiri terrorists of belonging to ASWJ have already joined terrorists in Iraq and Syria.


