The systematic slaughter of the Shiites. But the world looks only to Israel


Pakistani Taliban in Iraq

“Genocide of the Palestinian people” and “indiscriminate aggression” by Israel. These are the keywords that have characterized the media and debates in recent days with protests in the streets, shares of any kind on social networks and calls for a boycott of Israeli products.

Now, without going into the merits of the issue, which would require an analysis in itself, is more than legitimate to ask why all this activism by certain Islamist circles in Europe and by the “champions of human rights” we have not seen in against the Shiites, systematically massacred by extremist Salafist groups; a clear case is just what the recent advance of the Islamic State in Iraq (ex-Isil) that caused hundreds of deaths and about 300,000 refugees, according to estimates of the High Commission for Human Rights of the UN.

The numbers of Shia Rights Watch speak for themselves: since the beginning of 2014 more than 4,000 were killed Shiites in Iraq, of which only 3794 (1600 in the first three months of the year), but the number is increasing due to the advance the Islamic State which has as its primary target the Shia population in Iraq. Still in 2014, Syria massacred the Shiites are more than 200 in Pakistan and 380 cases were registered in Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen.

on 11 June, the religious leader Sayed Reza Bahtani and family, originating in Samarra, were killed, along with another family, by terrorists of the Islamic State, while they were on the way to Najaf. On July 2, the jihadists have targeted for the third time the mausoleum of al-Askari, which houses the tomb of two Shi’ite imams, killing six and wounding faithful. On June 6, 54 Shias were massacred in an attack on the Islamic state to two mausoleums in Samarra; then the terrorists have occupied some of the mosques in the city. On June 4, the Islamic State has targeted the hospital in Hilla, killing 14 people and wounding sixty. The day before, a series of bombs exploded in Shiite some commercial areas in Najaf, Iskanadriyah, Nasiriyah and the market of Mahmoudiyah. On May 29, a series of bombs placed in Sadr City and Mosul have caused some sixty dead, while four days before it fell to 35 Shiite pilgrims on their way to the commemoration of Imam Mousa al-Kazim.

Iraq is a paradoxical case, where the Shiite majority has long been the victim of continuous attacks by the Salafist jihadists.

How to forget the first pogrom in the history of Egypt, which took place under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013, when a group of faithful gathered in a private home in Abu Musallim were lynched by a mob of extremist Salafis. In 2008, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, gave a warning against “imperialism Shia” that would undermine the security of the Sunnis in Egypt and other Islamic countries.

The Human Rights Watch denounced on its website the violent and systematic propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis against Shiites Egyptians, perpetrated for years.

In Bahrain, where the Sunni family of origin reigns Qatari Al-Khalifa, the Shia population (two-thirds of the country) is constantly a victim of persecution, with thousands of arrests and cases of torture documented by international organizations for human rights.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has documented that instead, only in 2013, more than a thousand Shiites were killed in hundreds of attacks, mainly in the cities of Quetta, Karachi, Kangu, Parachinar, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

In March of 2013 a Shiite mosque in Anderlecht, Belgium, was the target of an extremist Salafist who entered the building armed with an ax and a can of gasoline with which it started a fire. In the attack he lost his life the Imam Abdallah Dadou.

The issue of intolerance against Shi’ites unfortunately also applies to Italy, where social networks have been reported many comments strongly anti-Shia, also published by some converts.

In short, why we have not seen any mobilization for the thousands of deaths among Shiites, systematically perpetrated by extremists over the years? Muslims who kill other Muslims, as it is not considered as such; thousands of deaths, but they are not worth talking about, it’s an uncomfortable subject. Pacifists are silent.



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