Roots of intollerance: Deobandi and Wahhabi ideologies – by Aṣḥama AlNajashi Ibn Abjar
Few of our friends would realize that all violent versions of the so called Islamic Movements, Talibaans in Pakistan, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Salafi Wahabi terrorists in Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan etc and all others have ideological and religious roots in the Hadith.
The violent killings, taking of slaves and slave girls, their selling and trade, their distribution and use as Sex-objects by the soldiers, coitus interrupts (to keep slave girls from getting pregnant and maintain their prices high), marriage and sexual relations with minor girls of any age, providing “Sexual Services in Jihaad” (Nikah al Jihaad), forceful conversions to Islam, stoning to death, beheading and the killings of “apostates” and “Zindeeqs” anti- polio, anti-feminine, anti-scientific teachings.anti-democratic
ALL THESE EVILS have roots in the tales and stories believed by these fools to be “AHADITHS” and Sayings attributed to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and very much recorded in the “Authentic” books!!! This happened when the Holy Quran was thrown behind the back and started following STORIES.
Few of our friends would realize that all violent versions of the so called Islamic Movements, Talibans in Pakistan, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Salafi Wahabi terrorists in Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan etc… and all others have ideological and religious source in the Ahle Hadith. The violent killings, taking of slaves and slave girls, their selling and trade, their distribution and use as Sex-objects by the soldiers, coitus interruptus (to keep slave girls from getting pregnant and maintain their prices high), marriage and sexual relations with minor girls of any age, providing “Sexual Services in Jihaad” (Nikah al Jihaad), forceful conversions to Islam, stoning to death, beheading and the killings of “apostates” and “Zindeeqs”…. anti- polio, anti-feminine, anti-scientific teachings….anti-democratic