Hizb ut-Tahrir and terrorism in Pakistan – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad
Unable to understand — Gulmina Bilal Ahmad
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an organisation that believes in the implementation of the caliphate all over the world. It is banned in most countries including Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia. It was, for a short stint, banned in Pakistan
Newspapers are awash with reports about leaflets being distributed in North Waziristan by militants warning against any military action. The leaflets proclaim that if the Pakistan Army is allegedly bending over backwards for $ 2 billion in aid from the US, the militants will collect this amount from North Waziristan. It is amazing that this collection drive can be organised to ward off a military operation but not to address the poverty and development issues of the agency.
While these leaflets have been covered in the media and analysts are rightly raising alarm about them, there are other leaflets, websites, rallies, blogs and press releases that are lethal in the venom they produce but are below the radar screen. Or perhaps, one should correct oneself. Not below the radar screen but in a sense even ‘allowed’ by at least the judicial authorities. One such poster that adorns the locality right next to Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL) ground in Islamabad declares, “Cut off NATO supply lines. Let the US die its own death.”
About five years back, an honourable judge of the Multan bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC) ruled about the activities of such an organisation as, “…has shown dissatisfaction on the policies of the [Pakistan] government that is the right of each and every citizen…I am unable to understand as to how distribution of these pamphlets in the general public was termed as terrorism or sectarianism.”
The organisation in question is the Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) and what the honourable judge was ‘unable to understand’ was HT’s stance on democracy, Islamism and Pakistan’s foreign policy. Since space is limited to really present the HT in its imagined saviour avatar, I will attempt to only focus on its stance on democracy, Islamism and our relationship with our allies.
On democracy, HT declares that “democracy as a system is the rule of people, for the people, by the people. The basis of the democratic system is that people possess the right of sovereignty, choice and implementation. It is a kufr [disbelief] system because it is laid down by man and it is not from the shariah laws.”
HT is an organisation that believes in the implementation of the caliphate all over the world. About its interest in working in Pakistan, HT declares on its website, “We do not plan on establishing the khilafat [caliphate] in a weak or small country. We believe the starting point should be in a country that should have certain prerequisites and that includes the ability to sustain itself militarily, based on Ghalaba-tuz-Zan (most probably). One should also understand that for any country to exist, it is not necessary that it should be stronger than all the countries; rather it should be sufficiently strong so that the superpower cannot immediately annihilate it. Pakistan, with its missile capability and strong professional army, is not a soft target. The US knows that Pakistan is capable of retaliating and hurting it more than it is willing to sacrifice. CENTCOM in Doha is within the reach of Pakistani missiles and the Pakistan Air Force. Similarly, the US Army in Afghanistan is virtually surviving on the supplies of petrol and food coming from Pakistan. One should also remember that it took the US a full year of military build up before they could go into Iraq. The Pakistani army is capable of sending more body bags to the US than they could ever imagine. Also, currently, the US army is stretched thin and they cannot recruit people to fight insurgencies let alone a full-fledged war with a nuclear state.”
HT is banned in most countries including Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia. It was, for a short stint, banned in Pakistan but since the honourable judge of the Multan bench of the LHC was unable to understand the reasons for the ban, it was lifted. The HT is now free to spread its venom against non-Muslim Pakistanis and states. It has also not spared the Pakistani state and government and is openly challenging the writ of the state. It publicly declares that, “unjust taxes like income tax will be abolished”.
We immediately get defensive when we, as a nation, state and government, are urged to “do more”. Our indignation might hold some water if we were able to understand the consequences of allowing such organisations to spread their venom. By way of an example, on November 5, 2010, the HT will be organising rallies that “will inform people that the real change is only possible through the establishment of khilafat. Khilafat will sever NATO supply lines within hours of its establishment. It will suffocate the US by joining hands with the people of the tribal areas and Balochistan.”
Why the HT has been allowed in the past, and undoubtedly will be allowed in the future, to spread such venom is because their modus operandi involves recruiting extremely well connected and influential people through the opium of Islamism. In such a scenario, one is unable to understand why we continue to be surprised when places of worship, state agencies, government personnel and innocent civilians are continuously targeted in senseless terrorist attacks. If the judiciary is so fond of activism, how about ‘understanding’ the consequences of this dangerous game and banning such outfits, making it at least at least difficult for them to operate.
The writer is an Islamabad-based consultant. She can be reached at [email protected]
Source: Daily Times, 29 October 2010
Looks like the author is a half-baked self-proclaimed intellectual. She should have done some research before wasting her time and the precious space of the newspaper.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is currently banned in Pakistan and its members are routinely imprisoned just because of this ban. Hizb’s writ petition challenging the ban is still pending before the Lahore High Court Pindi bench.
Hizb has no links with Siba-e-Sehaba (as proclaimed by the title picture above). Hizb dosen’t believe in sectarianism. Hizb has members from all schools of thoughts including Jafri and Zaidi.
As per the allegation that it has links with ISI this is absurd. Had that been the case Hizb wouldn’t have been banned in the first place. Hizb was formed in the Arab world long before (1953) ISI came into being… Hizb today is the largest Islamic political party in the world working in more than 40 countries. It has published books detailing the system of Khilafah which can be downloaded from the following websites.
The article is a perfect example how the proponents of free speech actually propagate censorship when it comes to Islam and Muslims. This shows how much they actually believe in the ideals of Freedom and tolerance…. But let me tell all my secular friends… Khilafah is coming whether you like it or not….
You said Shias are a part of the HT. But Shias do not consider the caliphate of the first three caliphs as legitimate. How do they agree on your concept of khilafah? As far as I know, Shias believe in imamah not khilafah.
For those Shias who believe in imamah not khilafah, do you consider them good Muslims or Rafidi?
Do U know what is meant by banned outfits?
U provided the links to the sites and then claimed HT is banned…What a logic
Read this
Banned or Not Banned: Pakistan’s War on Terror
By Sheeryx
This was distributed in homes of southern punjab few days back. According to noted journalist Seymour Hersh this organization has infiltrated the Army as well. A spokesman for the Army has denied it but we know that fundamentalist sections exist in Army and have tried to overthrow government and kill Musharraf as well.
The website which calls for establishment of Caliphate is freely accessible in Pakistan
Many secular, so called anti islam websites and many websites of Baloch nationalists cant be accessed in Pakistan due to censorship by govt. What kind of war on terror is this?
Some Comments on the post
1.Tazeen Says:
November 15, 2009 at 8:53 pm
half of them would be lining outside the embassy for visa.
2.sherryx Says:
November 15, 2009 at 9:00 pm
you are very right Tazeen! Most of em are actually from UK and USA. many born and raised there and here too, its made up of professionals of background
this tendency i mean the hizb
3.khawerkhan Says:
November 16, 2009 at 12:21 am
HT is an absurd Islamist appropriation of Leninism. Its really a strange kind of farce.
4.Abdul Nishapuri Says:
November 16, 2009 at 4:55 pm
@taz: half of them would be lining outside the embassy for visa.
moreover, some of them would be busy in stamping (or rejecting) visas inside the embassy building.
The remaining would be busy in contemplating innovative ways of blowing themselves up in streets and markets in Pakistan.
Great post, sherry!
5.Abdul Nishapuri Says:
November 24, 2009 at 2:24 pm
sherry, did you happen to read Ansar Abbasi’s column in defence of the Hizboos’ arrest in Islamabad the other day?
Received my weekly HT pamphlet after Juma prayer with headline “khilafat kay 86 saal badh quom ki beti ko 86 saal ki qaid”.
What a stupidity done by this author ,, i think she must be banned on writting !!!!! HT in wazirisatn , ht open in Pakistan , Crticizing a judge verdict by a reporter that judge didnt knew the ciscumstances … Miss gulmina u should have done some research before writing something ,,,, you are one of the biggest liar have ever read
by Zalaan:
Today a banned religious group Hizbul Tehrir managed protest by 15-20 activist in Islamabad ,Karachi ,Lahore and Peshawar .They were holding banners and it was written
(‘”The real Change is Khilafah by Nussrah through Pakistan Army “‘)
and in Urdu
(‘”Tabdili Sirf Khilafat say -Pak Faouj ki Nusrat say “‘)
See the pictures taken from Hizbul Tehrir facebook page
Pic 1
Pic 2
The question is why extremist group asking or looking help through P{akistan army ?
Is Huzbul Tehrir supporting Pakistan army ?
Or some element of Pakistan Army is supporting them ?
Here is Hizbul Tehrir leader Naveed Butt facebook page
@ Sarah Khan
Members of Hizb who are shia or even from other sub divisions of fiqh like that of Barelvi support the fact that there must be a global caliphate with only one Caliph (Ameer)……… there are many Shias who don’t have such a belief what do you have to say for them………………… When there is an Islamic State, by this we are talking about a State that Gives Islam First Priority, so if any faction says some obsurd things about sahaba or is disrespectful to any of them then the state action will take place against them and a Scholarly discussion will be facilitated with great importance until the issue is not cleatr to the public. The meaningless
fights between different fiqhs are just because of the absence of a state that gives Islam first priority and does maximum to facilitate its concepts.