Hero for Pakistan’s Honda Civic Society – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji



This is the Hero for Pakistan’s Honda Civic Society, it’s Pinko-Commie-NGO Surkhas and Lashkar e Jhangvi. We love him for being a PPP hunter and LeJ liberator. We love him for ignoring Faisal Raza Abidi and for protecting Qaum Ka Prodigal Beta, Dr. Arsalan. I recommend that he be awarded the Tumgha-e-Yazeed by comrades Shareefa Al Jalib Wal Faiz for his services to Punjab oops, Pakistan Muslim League N. Master of Ceremonies should be ISPR Marxist, Najam Sethi. Abu Arsalan is the Hero That LeJ-Taliban need. he is their Protector – he is their Fair and lovely Knight

